we don't know where each content ends.
This is a common challenge for WIP sandbox games that I usually take in stride, but I did strongly get the sense that I am missing content after where I stopped. Not too bothered, as mining out each bit tends to unbalance future updates, so I've gotten used to taking a pause as soon as I start feeling content run out. But the dev might consider something like a progress meter on characters? Maybe a bullet list of convos/events on the character sheets with "??????" until you unlock them?
In terms of my own feedback: I'm keeping an eye on about 40 games, and this is on my shortlist of around five I especially hope don't get discontinued. Keep it up! I wish there were more ways for the community to help. Patreon is the obvious one, but honestly, doesn't seem to get many games over the hump. Crowdsourcing graphics, code, or copy?
In terms of specifics: I haven't played a lot of brothel management games, as many feel a little creepy to me personally, but a few things made this one draw my interest: I like that, storywise, the brothel wasn't the MC's idea. So that gets the MC over the biggest narrative hurdle without locking them into being full-on evil, while leaving the door cracked for all sorts of potential playstyles, from full-creep to platonic buddy. In the spirit of this flexibility, it might even be easy/fun to add another option to the intro story in which the MC was *falsely* accused (e.g., by a rich student), providing even more resentment, and thus fueling whatever dark path they go down in the actual game, or letting them stay truly "good teacher" the whole way through.
There are loads of stats, hard to know which will actually influence the game. But honestly, I vastly prefer more stats even if it isn't clear that they'll all add up to something, as it at least makes the choices feel more impactful and the game feel deeper. The fact that the point loss/gain was so visible did make me to a lot of rolling back/forth to see which choice did what, which helps keep a character going the way I want, but also breaks up the storytelling a little. An option might be to allow the player to designate a preferred path at the start and have those options be highlighted by default (or simply coach the player that "you might want to pick mostly Corruption choices to get that result" during the intro).
All the characters look pretty good -- lots of diversity, something for everyone -- except Mina is a flippin smokeshow who makes the rest of the characters look a little paler by comparison. I guess I've missed that model before. Yikes. Impressive.