Attached is Prinplup's varmod updated with v360 content.
edit: 2023-04-07—minor bugfix, update link in miscstudents passage
There are two files in the archive:
-- this has the botnet script changes already applied
To use:
rename the varmod html file you wish to use to
College Daze.html
1. This is not my original work, all credit goes to Prinplup for work on varmod. I've only updated with the new content and added variables introduced since it went un-maintained.
2. If you experience errors, let me know preferably via DM as to not clutter this thread and take G28's attention for something he doesn't give support for.
3. I updated this mod for my own enjoyment and have shared it here for others to use at their own risk.
latest release: 2023-04-07: bugfix v360d_build-35cd322