Thanks for the reply! I restarted after getting stuck in the loop, but will try to recreate it.
Anyone know what the exact stats needed for confessing your love to your Mom on the Saturday walk are? I have tested maximizing love (I think I hit 139) and some other things, but nothing seems consistent. I think it might be related to Disgust, which I am testing now.
Edit - it worked when I got her Disgust to -1 (-29). Love 3 (88), Submission 136, Exhibition 3, Slave 7 (wtf), Possession 0, Cum Addiction 1.
The key appears to be starting with enough attractiveness to feel her up at the first dinner, then jacking off with her in the car after dropping Monica off after the movie. Those 2 events remove a fuckton of her disgust, while still letting you drink at the bar.