Alice doesn't feel like the reader/player's girlfriend, there's no chemistry or time spent with her to establish it, nor any choices that impact anything.
Cheating is kino, but I just don't feel a connection at all so it falls flat. The writing jumps straight into "this girl you've just be introduced to is a total slut" like man, I don't care, I barely know this character.
The writing is bad. Characters don't make much sense or say anything worthwhile. It's like bad RP instead of anything with a narrative. The facial expressions often don't fit the dialog either. It feels like you just found random porn off the net and tried (badly) to make captions for it, which really defeats the point of generating it with AI. Is AI generation so bad that you can't match an image to what you're writing?
The game says she is a virgin, but her expression and the complete lack of any impact says otherwise, plus there's no tag for it, so I'm guessing she just lied. The video is I guess all roleplay in-character just for Anon's sake. Still not well-written though, even if they're supposed to be acting.
If this is ever going to be good, then everything you have so far would need to be scrapped. Complete retry. Good luck though