Unity - Completed - Colony City 27λ [v1.1.0] [Bunny Eats Tiger]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    From the screenshots and the description this game seemed to have promise, but it turned out to be a major disappointment.

    Non-H gameplay - 5/10
    A competent but boring turn-based combat. You could try to squeeze some enjoyment out of it, but it is nowhere near actually good roguelike games.

    H gameplay - 2/10
    There is no strategy or variety to getting H-content, you either turtle up and wait a long time for the enemy to fuck you, or you lose to see the defeat H-scene with the antagonist. Corruption points seem do absolutely nothing gameplay-wise, affecting only the endings\antagonist progression, you cant actively do anything H-related even if you farm corruption point early on. I heard you DO get to do something active later on, but after 2-3 hours of mindless grinding, I just downloaded a save. And even then, it seem like the only thing you can do is raise the excitement bar a bit faster. Costume durability is just a turn timer before H, no dialog ever changes based on your state of undress. And don't get me started on how excruciating it is to farm corruption points. About 80% of my playtime was spent on waiting for the enemy to finally do something.

    Art and animation - 7/10
    Quite pleasing to the eye, animations are somewhat janky but still enjoyable. There are a lot of scenes, but most are just human\tentacle\machine vaginal sex in missionary\doggy position.

    Preg content - 3/10
    Is technically there, but only in some of the endings. Enough said.

    H-story - 5/10
    Decently sexy at sometimes. Meh at otherwise. Corruption only happens in defeat scenes, so it is barely touched upon. Basically no fetishes besides NTR. Characters are forgettable and generic. At least the voice acting of the FL is not bad.

    Overall enjoyment - 5/10
    I was quite excited at the start, expecting at least a decent integration of gameplay and H. What I got is a boring game, whose only redeeming quality is the art. You will get 90% of what this game has to offer by just downloading the save and viewing the gallery. Tho at least the attempt was made, which is more than I can say about alot of games out there.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Colony City is set in a crapshoot dystopian world. Our heroine is a low-level interstellar cop sent back to her homeworld on a work assignment; outside of the frame story this cashes out as beating up horny punks, robots and tentacle monsters. When she is defeated, she'll rely on her old pimp/loan shark to come save her - woe to her who becomes too enmeshed with him.

    This scratches the same itch as Malise and the Machine, but without a lot of the cruft and with the satisfaction of an actually finished game. The art is solid, and unusually generous - each of the ~20 enemies has its own unique animated CG set.

    The game is very well-designed and -balanced, with the caveat that a simple strategy (committing to alternating color strings) solves all the battles of the game. The enemy encounters are insufficiently differentiated compared to what I've come to expect from e.g. Slay The Spire.

    I'll buy this on Steam. Give it a try.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    System of fighting is interesting, but poorly implemented, would have honestly been better without the sex due to how tacked on it felt. Lots of CGs, not much variety in enemies though. Overall just needs more time at the drawing board.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite a fun little game. Its not very long but I personally really dig the art, even if the sex scenes go a little slow. I haven't tried losing a fight yet, but I do love how you can defeat enemies through sex by tanking their damage until they run out of ejaculations. I wish more games would make sex part of the combat, even if you have to build your deck around it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good battle system. I'm impressed at how many build you can make. The writing is rather clunky in english and the lack of an instant text option makes it drag even more, but never the less it is a solid game worth your time and cash.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Short but enjoyable. The card fighting is kinda confusing in the beginning , enjoyable once understood but repetetive during the end.
    Biggest critic is that its too short and only has one 'villain' route.
    Could ve been great - is still enjoyable, but only for a short while and then you move on
    Likes: DuniX
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    My only complaints are the battle loss and ending scenes could use more variation (mostly missionary or doggy-style scenes) compared to the battle scenes, and there should be a way to speed-skip text without skipping over an entire cutscene. Other than that, it's a fun game.
    Likes: DuniX
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game isn't copy pasted, and the art is pleasant. That's the only compelling compliment I have for this game. Other than that, it's not that fun to play and very shoddily put together with some eye candy attached.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    To keep it short: The game is worth doing one playthrough on easy mode. I recommend a red/yellow/brown build (attack/draw/heal) and just cheese the stackable healing buff and damage on draw abilities. After doing so, download a full save and enjoy the porn as well as watch the endings and story-content you missed.

    - The story is ass. Straight up, nothing feels important and it seems like you're just "going through the motions." It completely lacks any soul or depth. The characters, motives, and goals are bad and the overall writing quality is terrible as well. Genuinely, this is the only major issue. What makes it worse is that there are 6 endings, all of which are morally bad endings and all but two are difficult grinds to obtain. Please, just follow my advice and download a full save after your first playthrough. The endings are NOT worth obtaining yourself.
    - The corruption isn't good. The way the corruption was set up could've led to something interesting, but the execution is terrible due to the horrible writing. This all links with the previous point.
    - The deckbuilding system is OK, it functions well enough but is a bit clunky. It's what you'd expect from an H-game, don't expect Slay the Spire levels of deckbuilding. It's honestly boring at first, but around the mid-point it feels a lot better.
    - The clothing damage system is bad in the sense that once she's stripped there's no reasonable way to get her re-clothed. She either needs to lose a fight and get fucked by the antagonist or you need the ability to give her one article of clothing back after a battle (which you will immediately lose upon the next fight).
    - The battle-fuck system is OK. The only issue with it is that the enemies will take a LONG time to get to the sex. You can go 20+ turns without the girl getting railed.
    - The story porn is not great. For one it's static, which is ordinarily fine but it's a bit odd that the battle-fuck porn is animated while the "important story sex" is not. The real issue I have with it is that it's boring and not all that alluring.
    - The battle-fuck porn is pretty good. It's animated well and well drawn. A few scenes are repeated with minimal changes, but repeated scenes are not overused. There are a lot of missed anal opportunities, a shame. Lots of tentacles if you're into that though. This content is what carries the entire game.

    I think it's a very generous 3/5 teetering on 2/5 just based off the battle-fuck porn. The game isn't terrible but it's certainly not good. A deckbuilding roguelike that you genuinely do not want to play through more that once? Not a good sign. I believe the creator had good intentions and laid a foundation that could've been built off of in a decent way, but we rate things on how they are, not what they could've been.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good deckbuilder that is actually challenging if you play on Hard.
    Good variety of builds and enemies have their own mechanics in the form of buffs and debuffs that shake things around so that you need to adapt your strategy.

    The trick to understanding the Combat System is to understand that you have Pattern Skills that work whenever you build that pattern and Consumable Skills that you can Charge and Activate, there is also Passives which are like pattern skills but global.

    Pattern Skills are all about finding good patterns between multiple skills to get more multipliers. Your queue will also increase over the game so you can stack more patterns.
    But the likely case is that skills won't be that compatible with their patterns, this is where Consumable Skills come in, they can "save" abilities over turns so that you can activate them when you need them as well as being part of your Action Economy as they give you Energy, you get 1 Energy when you Charge or Activate in that current turn and another Energy next turn with a lightning bolt, so 2 Energy over 2 turns, and you can have multiple skills "saved". Yellow Cards later will also have Energy and Card Draw mechanics.
    The "Cost" to that is the cards that make up the skill that is Charged are in limbo until it's activated, this may be something you want or not depending on what patterns you are building.
    Another trick is Consumable Skills is they can clean your patterns that you can shift in another direction.

    I am not entirely sure about other builds but based on how hard the enemies hit it is pretty much a requirement to get Shields with Fortify and Healing.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    No player agency paired with slow gameplay makes the art, sound and the actual decent combat ideas a nunfortunate waste.

    Slow boring story,
    • explains the entire universe,
    • NPCs you don't really meet,
    • objectives that aren't clear (other than go encounter stuff by clicking what's clickable on the only expploration screen available)
    • gives you a backstory that doesn't really affect you.

    Slow limited interaction gameplay,
    • clothes ripping, grabs, assault are all unavoidable, so the card game rule of "setting up" goes out the window;
    • tutorial is a cutscene that you must let play out in full and doesn't explain past the basics (if there's anything at all past the basics);
    • there's a combo/qeue system that also occupies your cards and limits your deck with limited/inefficient ways to control it (must get filled to replace slots)

    Sounds are good, art is mostly (concerning the heroine) fantastic and the idea of combo earned stats is interesting, making the experience quite dissapointing after getting your hopes up.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting game, but not interesting enough for me to play it twice.

    Credit where credit is due, 27λ does have an unusual card-based battlefuck. It took me a couple of battles to get the hang of it, maybe because the tutorial botches its job, or maybe because the so-called Queue is not a queue, but is a one-dimensional board instead. You place the basic cards into position of your choosing on this board to create beneficial patterns. The perk and skill system, which allows you to pick the types of beneficial patterns available for activation is your character build. It allows —in theory— several emergent playstyles. In practice, it seems any build that doesn't go heavily on defense or healing will have a rough time.

    But the system does allow a playstyle around the pink (lewd, corrupt) card type, so it is a proper battlefuck. Battle animations are fairly well-done, although the enemies are represented only as floating grabby hands and floating tentacles/dicks/dildos.

    But everything else... The story just falls flat. I just don't care about any of the dialogue with these randos that I'm about to beat up. It's not well-written in my opinion. The two supporting characters aren't faring better, the "boyfriend" is never present, and the fat bastard is... well, a bastard. A cardboard cutout prop, not a character. And the sex writing is of similar level, with gems like "he inserted his genitals into your vagina." Yay, quality.

    The biggest issue is how the game handles corruption. You get corruption, naturally, by being fucked in battle. But the maximum corruption is gated by you losing fights, so you need to lose twice to progress the NTR plot and to unlock corruption past 33, and then again at 66. This is SO FUCKING LAME.

    I was having some doubts whether this game deserved four stars in spite of all the drawbacks, but then it dawned on me: I'm overly generous here, because I have a strong bias for unique battle systems. Even if the end result falls short, which here, it does. It's a card roguelite that I had zero desire to play after less than one full playthrough. So, 2.5 stars at most, generously rounded up to 3.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I couldn't care less than I already do about the main story, it's standard NTR. I did enjoy the gameplay, pre-combat dialogue, and animated battle h-scenes. If you like cards and battle h-scenes, give it a shot.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I love Roguelites, this one is very fun gamewise.
    The battle H is awesome, some of the best I've seen, animation, sound,... the character, as you see, looks great.
    Only problem, I wish the scenes outside of battle were of the same quality and more varied. No animation, no sound, the ideas are great for ntr and the h-dialogue is good.
    For h-battle people, this is a must, for ntr degenerates, it's okay.
    It could be better but an 8,5/10 is great.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    • The gameplay is fun. You can create your build that will work, reminded me of slay the spire. Personally I only had 1 playthrough, but if anyone has problems with the difficulty I would advise you to play the armor build. I found it quite strong and had about 2 or 3 losses to mobs for the all time (hard mode), just don't skip your power spikes.
    • Battlefuck system that is well integrated into the gameplay. You don't have to lose to see the scenes (good game design) and you get a freeplay mode / gallery after beating the game. You can also avoid scenes if you wish.
    • Multiple endings.
    • Nice visuals and many scenes.
    • I didn't get many scenes from the game by playing naturally, most of them are from the battlefuck system and don't have a fun setup for them. Also, it takes a while for the mobs to grab the girl, so the battlefuck often doesn't even get started. So as a pure H-game it is underwhelming.
    • Boring story.
    I'm giving this game 5 stars mostly because it's 5-star compared to the most games I've played.
    With more focus on the adult aspect this game could be much better. With a working corruption system and more scene variety this game could be fantastic.

    So the main con here is that this game just isn't big enough to shine at its full potential, and any possible cons are just consequences.
  16. 4.00 star(s)



    First off, unless you really, really like battle fuck systems, or you only play these games for gameplay, take two stars off this review for poor hentai content. The art is nice for that system, but there are NO animated scenes besides the BF system, and very few static hentai images.

    So why am I giving this four stars otherwise? Well as mentioned the art is nice, but the main positive is the work invested in creating a good gameplay system. Its not perfect, but as some other reviews mentioned, you can have different playstyles and make it work. The issue here, like with the scenes, is the author fell just short of making a great system.

    This is not so much a gameplay issue, as it is a time wasting issue. The battles take a long time, with a lot of little animations that play that drag the process out. If there was a turbo mode, we could have had a fun system, but instead after spending so much time fighting so many battles you are just ready to quit.

    This is not a bad game, but it falls short on hentai AND in the enjoyment department in the long run. I've given it four stars mainly because the talented author clearly tried to make a good game, and it has great potential. I hope a sequel gets made, but as is the game is just disappointing at how close it comes to being really good.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game. The fights conditions are preset, but the sheer build diversity allows for different playstyles. My first time through I did a heavy strength build and the synergies were power gained through healing passive, the 2 red 75% damage that procs 3 healing cards, the 1red2orange gain power with each red card used, and a bunch of gain extra energy after doing x passives. This build is very straightforward. Rarely charge, just activate, keep getting new cards and beat the shit out of the opponent.

    I got to mid chapter 3 and I decided I wanted to do a low corruption run. This time I did a heavy shield build, with shield slam as my initial damage, swapping over to the skill that causes damage every time you get more shield. My first build was like 15 red, 5 orange, 3 blue, my second build was like a handful of red, a bunch of blue and orange and some yellow draw. Much more deliberate. Set up the defense, then take them down.

    The game really shines after you first clear it and decide to do random skills. And that's what the game decided to give me, a whole bunch of random stuff. My first attack skill was unbalancing strike. It does 15 damage and it turns one of the cards in your hand grey. It sucks. Midway though chapter 1 I got the electrify skill that does damage to the opponent each turn when you're bound, and stacks can be increased. So I combined that skill with the one that gives fortitude for each card you discard, and the one that heals when you're being fucked, and it's a totally different playstyle. A lot of draw and multi colored cards. I think next time I'll try and make that null colored skill deck type work. There's a passive that gives you 1 stack of evasion when you play a null card., and there's undoubtedly other stuff in there that'll make it work, too.

    My only complaint is how annoying getting endings 1, 2 and 3 is. If rng is with you and you get the purple card on that one specific turn you need it, you're good. If not? Well, you get to load and try again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    had fun, haven't beaten the game yet. Nice strategy and decent animations that play in the background. Player character gets stripped then fucked by tentacles and people. I'm not sure yet but the game might get repetative/
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The game wows you immediately with very, very decent art, and what initially appears to be a complex battle system. But neither develops and as you play more becomes less and less fun instead of more.

    The h interactions remain mundane despite teasing fetish content. The character(s) are pretty run of the mill and boring. The game feels like it lacks soul and personality the most, which is really my biggest problem with it.

    It's ok for a 1-2 hour time-kill, but I wouldn't really bother if you're looking for depth in any department at all.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    A card battler game where you dont see any card variations, theres only 4 types: attack, shield, heal and H but the H cards are mostly useless in every sense you could imagine. The game is absurdly unbalanced against the player, completely linear, the only thing you can change is which enemy you fight first and which second and 4 endings which i didnt even try to unlock all of em.

    Story looked like a huge and boring wall of text so i just skippd through it, transitions between turns and actions can feel a bit slow > you attack > black screen - huge message calling enemy turn, repeat, you cant skip this. Overall as a game feels quite mediocre and very overrated, animation quality is.... fine? but still it gets boring pretty fast since H with enemies dont vary at all, you need to pick another fight for another 3 frames animation to enjoy a new scene, game autosaves so if you only start finding enemies you dont like well bad luck, better to watch a video or gif than playing this, art is decent, in my case i hate robots and mechs yet theres still a ton in this game, point for you if it suits you. About pregnancy tag, maybe in one of the three endings i didnt bother to get.