Always a good time when RJ drops an update. The Lisa scene was great, felt quite cinematic. Hope the next one has a big one with Gertrude, maybe in her own house (would be nice to chat with her on the phone as well).
As someone who's restarted the game a couple of times (ran into a bug with McGee where her path wouldn't trigger), I have a few suggestions to make the game a little smoother:
- Have a 'quick sleep' button in the map screen if it's nighttime. There are quite a few situations where you're focused on one path, and have to wait a number of days for the next event to trigger, and the extra clicks to get inside the house, then your bedroom, and then sleep start to add up and become a chore.
- Have a check before those chat menus whether all the topics have been exhausted and skip the choice menu if they have. A lot of unnecessary extra clicks happen there, too. Might be a little tricky if you're planning on adding more topics with subsequent updates, but I don't think it should require too much extra coding.
- The thumbnails for sex and scenes can sometimes feel like spoilers if you're checking for hints in the early game. Would be nice to have them grayed out till you actually trigger those scenes. Or, if extra work sounds like a great time, you can have it initially grayed out and then update the thumbnail with each new act that's unlocked. Would be a pain with the number of characters involved, but would be a nice touch.
Now the long wait for the next drop. Sigh...