rjrhodes I Found this adventure yesterday on the Latest Updates and though I'd give it a view as there's a lot of tags I like (
and a couple of avoidable one I'm not into)
My initial thoughts: the models are quite unique
(and no spacehopper sized tits
) unlike some dev's who make minimal changes to a standard Daz character and different hair, the renders are all quite good,
However the First animation with Lisa was a bit cringeworthy

I soldiered on past it (
but it can't be unseen 
) Compared to the Hotel scene with MC.
The animations improved obviously you've learned and continue to practise I can't find anywhere that says you had help so Kudos for sticking with it.
Damn I was hoping for some 'Ultimate surrender' type action

Now I'm on day 56
with only a few hours sleep and totally lovin' it defiantly up there in my favourites and looking forward to many more hours of fun.
I've dabbled with Daz so I know how Tricky/complicated/Difficult it can be
no there's no NTR nor will there be

Anyway as a great lady once said: