I'd like to add some more bother/sister stuff at some point if I can, But it's just not on my radar atm.Wishes/requests:
Could we get some more "sister" and "brother" contents? Some suggestions might be that Mia joins in the new meal-time dress code; shower sharing; watching TV together; sleeping (just sleeping ); full on sex?
And maybe more college class mate events? Reintroducing the shower after phys.ed; going to the beach together; working together (café, clothing store, lifeguard, library, flyers, gym); visiting each other.
Related: new bikini? Maybe topless?
Otherwise, great game, always brings me joy when there's a new update.
Simply too much other stuff going on atm.
As for the 2nd. Interesting idea's, but I simply don't see me having any time working on events like those.
As for the beach. I have idea to expand that a bit more with a few more events at some point. More outfit maybe some interaction with npc a people around the beach. May going to the beach bar in a very revealing swimsuit driving the customer nuts. That kind of idea's are floating around in my head.