Nice game I have discovered recently.
- Just, you need to reduce the redundacy of the dialogs and also the clics ! (Why not two sentences by picture)
- Fisrt question : Do you expect to introduce other fetish practices ?
- Second question : When the following state at the strip club will be available ?
I appreciate your suggestions/Feedback.
Point one feels like a personally preference.
The length of text varies each time.
There isn't really a fixed number of lines that I use. Some might feel as rambling, since I make it up as I go.
I would like to point out that the way you've written it down it sounds more like a demand then a suggestion.
This could be just because like me your not a native speaker. I'm assuming is was not intended as such.
I'm not entirety sure what you mean by number of clicks, if it bores you feel free to press the skip text button.
First question:
Maybe some (light) BSDM. And some optional bestiality at some point perhaps.
As for you second question:
I really can't tell. I'd like to add one small event for the 2nd outfit and then allow May to become a stripper.
I've got some generic idea's for that, but I need still need to work out the details, but I'm still kinda lacking inspiration at the moment.
This would of course involve May stripping on the stage, but I still need to work out how to add some progress to that.
This might involve different outfits for example or simple more darling shows. Maybe a option to give private lap dances at some point. First hurdle would be deciding which outfit(s) to use for that.
Besides that I'll also need to decide If I want to use animations for any of these events. This would be cool, but possible more time consuming.