Currently, I assume I am about 50%-75% through game (v1.3), no cheats. Done Gina sleepover, Celia (3), Mr. Yellow (2), Nurse (4), Carrot at Strip Club, etc.
Some observations:
Superb graphics, very good plot line, gameplay has (IMHO) issues. Hit it out of the park on some of my personal foibles.
Far fewer spelling errors in later stages, but more frequent occurrences of "<speaker> [dialogue}" or "[dialogue](122)" or "[dialogue - repeat of same dialogue sentence]". Assume that will be polished out eventually.
Pacing (aside from necessary grind - see below) has improved in later stages.
Wrong graphic / dialogue: in attached save file #30, May is pantieless. She is at manhole outside convenience store to buy webcam. Verify pantielessness using manhole near bus stop. Previously, clerk was so enraptured by naked pussy, would not sell webcam. Now sells webcam to a pantied May with sexy panty dialogue.
Bug: in attached save file #32, was attempting to discover if Jack would steal panties after May masturbates, falls asleep naked. With Mia's gifted dildo, works fine, though Jack does not appear. If choose not to use dildo, and masturbate with fingers only, script goes into endless loop, before May falls asleep, after tasting herself. (BTW, in testing this, advanced TV time (once) with Blake to night from evening, using menu choice, NOT Dayswitcher cheat. Worked correctly, but got message from dev that switches screwed up - forgot to take out note to self?) Besides bug report, query: will Jack appear to find May naked, or that variant not scripted? He did appear 4 days later on a Thursday night.
Gripe: Previously, choosing not to masturbate after exposure on balcony would not increment "Exhibition" stat. Now fixed. However, only consistent way to elevate "Exhibition" stat is now alley by clothing store. If you choose not to masturbate, there is no increment, and as I have not tried to determine whether you can masturbate if "Lust" < 100, you must seriously grind to elevate "Lust" to get "Exhibition" stat increment (BTW, masturbation in bed needs "Lust" = 100, on balcony, "Lust" > 60, in College stall, "Lust" > 70. Needs a consistent value.) Also, can't expose in new outfit (white top, denim skirt). Must go home & change clothes.
Vexing, frustrating, toss the game in the Recycle Bin gripe:
I assume I am not the only player who tries to strategize the game, trying to forecast what my moves will be over the next few days. So -
I need stat A to be X, so I will do L today, M tomorrow, N the following day. On day N, do event. Msg: "This stat will no longer change." X = +/- 1 is what other games would do. Me: "Alright, I will change my future strategy." This game, Msg: "This stat will no longer change." X = X, NO change. Implied message: "Sorry, but you've wasted a time block on graphics & dialogue you've seen half a dozen times before. Oh, well." Me: "M-----F-----!!!" Seems a little ... inconsiderate towards the player. Once or twice, not cool, but I'll live. Consistently???
Some suggestions:
Needs some re-balancing of interaction of stats. Repeatable "Lust" events have generally small increments, while one-time events are much larger. Not true for any other stats. With one or two exceptions, all increment / decrement by one. "Corruption" events in early game are very limited. Some exposure events should have as much or more impact (psychologically) on "Exhibition" stats as on "Lust" stat. One point of "Exhibition" stat for taking off bra behind Mia on enclosed balcony, but no "Exhibition" stat (or "Lust" stat) change for full monty on webcam. Just starts a shopping quest. One "Exhibition" point for total fullfillment of any stage of Photo Contest. Seems a little off.
Perhaps some way could be found for May to intentionally (by player) or unintentionally, "entice" Jack into stealing panties more often. Or if there is an intent by dev to have May choose to be pantieless at some point, bring it on earlier in game.
My personal faves: Celia (3), Mr. Yellow (2), walking back through city after Modeling Shoot (5) (wish it had been night, and longer, with more sub-events available).
Nevertheless, it IS a great game.
Didn't report it in above, as no longer had the savefile for first occurrence, and couldn't repeat it, so assumed it a glitch, my end, but with v1.42, going to breakfast in new transparent lingerie is treated as the first occurrence. Blake sees bra, Mom sees bra, Jack sees white cleavage top. Also, in settings, trying to escape using either menu choice, or "Esc" key just sent me to "Family Relationship". Had to set stepfamily to stepfamily to escape.