Jun 23, 2017
I'm happy your enjoying the game. Thank you for your feedback.
I guess I'm pretty good at faking it, so that It's looks like I know what I'm doing ;)

As for stats. I've plans for a feature to display more extensive stats of May.
Mostly about her sexual adventures. Amount of hand jobs given etc..
I'm already tracking these stats, but there not accurate yet.

For the upcoming release there will be a very simple option to display relationship levels. I also have plans to notify the player when they increase.

As for the gym clothes. If you have both the membership card and the gym clothes you should be able to enter the gym and change into the gym clothes there. Just walk thru the right door to the dresser.
There's no need to talk to the guy behind the counter to enter the gym.

If the problem persist please attach a save game so I can have a look at it.
running through this game again for the first time in a long time. gotta say i love it, but one thing i remember felt missing. shower events! a couple, a few, several, however many you want. xD would be fun. could be anything. spying, random walk ins, toilet usage, full out mom or sister conversations from the sink, chains, whatever you want really. and later if you give her an option to lock the door, maybe she chooses to leave the door unlocked, any walk in events could lead to exhib points. or corruption. just an idea
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
Thank you! Just going to right door resolved this.

Actually, I am struggling with unfortunate condition: game is too slow. I immediately suspected graphics, went to files and found what looks like tweaked RGSS301.dll and then original one in "Backup" sub-dir nearly. So, I renamed tweaked one and placed original one instead. This helps, game became fast as it should. But… all those CG pictures partially went off screen. I see now only about quarter of them. Enjoying in quarto, so to speak. May be this is software rendering at work here? But why it becomes so slow for new RGSS301.dll escapes my understanding.

I did some thinking about MC. That Gym visit got my gears turning. May could practice various physical activities with plot consequences. She could practice running. This could give her confidence in her ability to escape from any unneeded situation. Which in turn will help her feel more relaxed and ready for daring adventures. She could practice yoga or gymnastics, for flexibility and crazy poses. She could practice dancing. For, you know, culture of movement. There are many different kinds of dancing.

All this can help her to gather courage for serious stunts. Like, climb the house and peek in window from outside. Her family's, or that camera-happy neighbor. Or get away from shocked passerby when strolling streets in the nude.
The other dll is necessary to allow higher resolution so it runs at 1024x768 instead off 640x480.
That also the reason why the pictures are off screen when you remove/replace it.

It's seems the modified dll is might be causing issue's/conflicts on your pc that makes it run slow.
It might also be that it uses more resources when that dll is used.
I've never had any issue's with it on my almost 4 year old pc. I-3570@3.4 Ghz.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to fix it.

Yeah I'll probably want to add some more activities at some point.
I've some vague plans for another stage of gym events with some more revealing clothes.

At the same time I'm working on the new side gym as gym instructor, but haven't worked that out 100%
I do still have some idea's laying around for a couple of small sexy events in the dressing room and shower.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
running through this game again for the first time in a long time. gotta say i love it, but one thing i remember felt missing. shower events! a couple, a few, several, however many you want. XD would be fun. could be anything. spying, random walk ins, toilet usage, full out mom or sister conversations from the sink, chains, whatever you want really. and later if you give her an option to lock the door, maybe she chooses to leave the door unlocked, any walk in events could lead to exhib points. or corruption. just an idea
Ah true. Since I stopped making the shower event mandatory I've not spend much time on that part.
But yeah there might be room for some optional small events at some point.
Mar 3, 2018
Oddly enough, I was just going to throw in 2 or so ideas for future content.
The second idea was furthering the neighbor story some. Basically, the neighbor has a minor incident (mild heart attack, fell and injured his back, something that makes him have to take it easy). The family visits him in the hospital (there is one that is unused on the map I think) and May ends up being the person that will go over and help straighten out his home. On the first or second visit, she finds the photos of her on the balcony without the neighbor knowing and is embarrassed to go back. Once she is corrupt enough, May confides to Sis what May found, sis takes her out to the balcony where they put on a show for the neighbor (without the neighbor knowing why) and May feels confident enough to go back and help. Soon, she is flashing her panties at the neighbor like she does in the store. Plus, there could be a French Maid outfit to add (buy at the store or get during a photo shoot) to the tease or have May help during bath time or wherever the story moves you. The neighbor being a voyeur is not driving this too much other than maybe asking her to clean places that make her bend over or show her panties and of she isn't corrupt enough, she refuses to do so then.
I propose softer entering sequence. No real accident, that's too harsh. Just our good pal neighbor plays some trick on May: he musters up all his acting skills and stages a show of sudden bad health. Then he immediately makes it seem like May is somehow guilty and responsible. For example, he could lure her in confrontational talk, provoke her to say something what might be the cause. This should be lighthearted, without any hard feelings, just like all other game events.

Anyway, May agrees to helps old man. She helps him to stand up, then helps him to get into his house, then to sit in wheelchair. And then begins her helping session. Which basically stems up to Submission training. Old voyeur is master of Domination! Hehehe. He orders her and pressures her to submit and do what he said. All this camouflaged in form of old man struck by sickness asking help from young lass, but he gets to her through it.

He orders her to bring him water, to bring him medicines, to help him apply them, to help him with measuring temperature/blood pressure/whatever… Any other med-related actions. While doing this, he plays dom/sub with her, gradually training her. Of course he remembers to embarrass her, to peek on her, to make his favorite photos… and he remembers to arouse her. After all, he knows her true nature: he have seen it himself on that balcony.

He can order her to wear nurse cosplay outfit when nursing him. And after that, he says that housekeeping was already hard for him, but now it is impossible without help. So he orders her to wear maid fetish outfit and do some maid work. He even can say from very start, that he is angry with her, and for his frail health he must vent this feelings by punishing her. She agrees to receive punishment and he spanks her. After that it becomes sort of custom between them, she receives many more spankings.

After one demanded session (or two, or three), old man proposes to May make it her regular job. He even can pay her a little, but main hook for her in it is her guilty conscience and wish to fell herself good and moral. And arousal from submission, embarrassment and all ecchi stuff he made her endure, but that she won't admit. So, she agrees to that. And this is how she starts new complex relationship, which will give us many fun scenes.

Further development here can lead to anything, sky is the limit. When I ask my imagination about where this can lead, it shows me scene in park or whatever public place. May dressed as maid brought old man in wheelchair here. She does not wear panties by old man's orders. He tricks her into arousal then provokes her to jump to angry sex with some passerby. Old voyeur could even lure some passerby for this. By flipping her skirt, for example.

In short, I believe in that old neighbor. He has great potential, I am sure.
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Sep 1, 2017
Version 0.8.3

I hope I've done everything right, it's my first upload.
Actually, I am struggling with unfortunate condition: game is too slow. I immediately suspected graphics, went to files and found what looks like tweaked RGSS301.dll and then original one in "Backup" sub-dir nearly. So, I renamed tweaked one and placed original one instead. This helps, game became fast as it should.
If you're using notebook, try enabling max performance power scheme. It helped me solve exactly same problem. Maybe it can work with PCs too.


Mar 12, 2018
Great game, I think I'm caught up with everything in this version. Will future versions be compatible with previous saves? And if not, would it be possible for you to provide saves that start basically just before the new content of each version?

I'm just wondering because I honestly doubt I or many others can be assed to grind through all the previous events.

Anywho good luck with continuing this project! I look forward to future updates!.


Jun 2, 2017
I propose softer entering sequence. No real accident, that's too harsh. Just our good pal neighbor plays some trick on May: he musters up all his acting skills and stages a show of sudden bad health. Then he immediately makes it seem like May is somehow guilty and responsible. For example, he could lure her in confrontational talk, provoke her to say something what might be the cause. This should be lighthearted, without any hard feelings, just like all other game events.

Anyway, May agrees to helps old man. She helps him to stand up, then helps him to get into his house, then to sit in wheelchair. And then begins her helping session. Which basically stems up to Submission training. Old voyeur is master of Domination! Hehehe. He orders her and pressures her to submit and do what he said. All this camouflaged in form of old man struck by sickness asking help from young lass, but he gets to her through it.

He orders her to bring him water, to bring him medicines, to help him apply them, to help him with measuring temperature/blood pressure/whatever… Any other med-related actions. While doing this, he plays dom/sub with her, gradually training her. Of course he remembers to embarrass her, to peek on her, to make his favorite photos… and he remembers to arouse her. After all, he knows her true nature: he have seen it himself on that balcony.

He can order her to wear nurse cosplay outfit when nursing him. And after that, he says that housekeeping was already hard for him, but now it is impossible without help. So he orders her to wear maid fetish outfit and do some maid work. He even can say from very start, that he is angry with her, and for his frail health he must vent this feelings by punishing her. She agrees to receive punishment and he spanks her. After that it becomes sort of custom between them, she receives many more spankings.

After one demanded session (or two, or three), old man proposes to May make it her regular job. He even can pay her a little, but main hook for her in it is her guilty conscience and wish to fell herself good and moral. And arousal from submission, embarrassment and all ecchi stuff he made her endure, but that she won't admit. So, she agrees to that. And this is how she starts new complex relationship, which will give us many fun scenes.

Further development here can lead to anything, sky is the limit. When I ask my imagination about where this can lead, it shows me scene in park or whatever public place. May dressed as maid brought old man in wheelchair here. She does not wear panties by old man's orders. He tricks her into arousal then provokes her to jump to angry sex with some passerby. Old voyeur could even lure some passerby for this. By flipping her skirt, for example.

In short, I believe in that old neighbor. He has great potential, I am sure.
I like what this guy is bringing to the table. This should definitely be a path in the game.


Mar 13, 2018
Hi CrazyBat,

Just wondering whether there is a future development coming up for the subway ? Cause I spotted a subway and it will be interesting if there is a future plans for it. This could give possible ideas of May being groped by stranger in the subway ? Just a suggestion btw


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
Great game, I think I'm caught up with everything in this version. Will future versions be compatible with previous saves? And if not, would it be possible for you to provide saves that start basically just before the new content of each version?

I'm just wondering because I honestly doubt I or many others can be assed to grind through all the previous events.

Anywho good luck with continuing this project! I look forward to future updates!.
Mostly they will work unless I add a new script at some point. You may experience some minor bugs or not correctly working questlog. I'd always recommend use a bit earlier save to be save.

I always provide a save game with each release from where the new content starts. This sometimes might involve a bit replaying a couple of older events. Since I do not always insert the content in a linear fashion.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
Hi CrazyBat,

Just wondering whether there is a future development coming up for the subway ? Cause I spotted a subway and it will be interesting if there is a future plans for it. This could give possible ideas of May being groped by stranger in the subway ? Just a suggestion btw
I've had some idea early in the development, but I haven't worked on any of them
I wanted to do something else then the overly used groped by a stranger. I had some idea's where May and (Possible with a friend) would ride the subway and expose part of there body's to strangers which could possible lead to other events.

For this to make sense May would need to have a decent amount of corruption and/or exhibition level.
So they might be something involving the subway at some point. No promises tho :)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
While I'm at it. Let me update you guys on the progress for the next update due to at the end of march.

I've finished another event with the sister.
I've added another exhibitionist event that will unlock after a certain level.
This even can be replayed and unlock further depending on may exhibitionist level.
I hope I'll be able to finish this one before the next update.

I have also added another small event that will trigger at night and will lead to other events so to speak.
I'll keep it vague since I don't want to spoiler everything.

I've also rework the first webcam event. Corrected spelling , replaced every CG with fresh ones and even expanded it with a few CG. This event was made in a hurry in the last release and thus was a bit messy.

I've also be working on the new job at the bar. I still in very early stages. So don't expect to much from it in the next release. I've completed some test runs and it looks functional so far. I've tried to make this less tedious to repeat by removing step, like talking before and after the job so it involves less walking over all.

I've also worked on a couple of minor optimizations.
When going to sleep May now automatically changes into the proper sleeping attire, without the player having to manual change clothes first.

I had noticed that in a lot of the CG May's skin was particular shiny. I had already been playing with the lighting a lot to educes it a much a possible but still couldn't get it exactly the way I wanted it to look. I now have finally found the cause for it.

The models have a skin slider that regulates how shiny it is. Needless to say they were set fairly high in the models I used.
I knew the slider was there I just never linked it to the problem. Anyway after "fixing" it the skin looked much more natural make the images less "shiny" and less distorted overall. In my opinion this makes the CG look better and more natural. In the next releases I'll be attempting replacing part of the existing CG which in my opinion are looking "bad".
Since a picture can something say more then a thousand words I've added two pictures to show the difference.

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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Judge for yourself which one you think looks better.
Mar 3, 2018
Wow pics!

May could develop a habit of using body oils! By applying them she switches look to that in the first picture. She can even do this in pair with sister: oil each other. This habit stimulates sleeping in the nude, by the way.

What I wanted to cover here is most steep steps in my May's evolution. All game content fells like great ride, but some events felt like wow, that was too much. I mean, May, what the hell you are suddenly doing?

1. First lesson/training with sister. May never told us of any experience with men, we were made to think of her like shy type. She took big jump there. We are tempted to imagine some preparation events. Would it be possibly without any need for us to watch nude men? Anyway, I am sure May needs some kind of boot camp before she approaches actual dick.

2. Second photo shoot. I mean, first photo shoot was complete all right believable. Yes, May would behave exactly like that. And that sly wizard photographer would finally get exactly that — some secret panty shots. Now, second session was too much progress. I felt like photographer got too much success with May.

3. Second outfit looks too big improvement after first one. How did she make it? Now she can easily flash her panties. But she does not have any room to raise her skirt a little and show more hip! Her skirt is already too short. This way she skips bunch of possibilities for teasing.

General thought is, I hope it would be possible to divide big leaps in May's progress into several less outrageous and more realistic steps. This could be obvious way of further improvement of the game.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
Wow pics!

May could develop a habit of using body oils! By applying them she switches look to that in the first picture. She can even do this in pair with sister: oil each other. This habit stimulates sleeping in the nude, by the way.

What I wanted to cover here is most steep steps in my May's evolution. All game content fells like great ride, but some events felt like wow, that was too much. I mean, May, what the hell you are suddenly doing?

1. First lesson/training with sister. May never told us of any experience with men, we made to think of her like shy type. She took big jump there. We are tempted to imagine some preparation events. Would it be possibly without any need for us to watch nude men? Anyway, I am sure May needs some kind of boot camp before she approaches actual dick.

2. Second photo shoot. I mean, first photo shoot was complete all right believable. Yes, May would behave exactly like that. And that sly wizard photographer would finally get exactly that — some secret panty shots. Now, second session was too much progress. I felt like photographer got too much success with May.

3. Second outfit looks too big improvement after first one. How did she make it? Now she can easily flash her panties. But she does not have any room to raise her skirt a little and show more hip! Her skirt is already too short. This way she skips bunch of possibilities for teasing.

General thought is, I hope it would be possible to divide big leaps in May's progress into several less outrageous and more realistic steps. This could be obvious way of further improvement of the game.
Thank you for your feedback. That's actually a good analysis. The steps are indeed a bit steep at some points.

This is one of the things I 'm struggling with constantly. Too fast , too slow.
It's also depend per person. My own inpatients may also be partly to blame for this.
I'll be the first to admit it's far from perfect.

I still have options to tinker with it in the future . Unfortunately I just don't have that much time to spend on that aspect at the moment. I also don't want to end up changing stuff all the time and not have time to actually add new content.
There's definitely room for improvement.

About the outfits. The number of outfits may can wear freely will be limited due to technical reasons and the amount of work involved keeping everything consistent.

I wanted something to show some progression since I knew I would need to be sticking with it for a while.
I really would like to add much more outfits, but the amount of work involved is the limiting factor at the moment.
I can't rule out I'll add something in between at some point. But not anytime soon.

Also due to engine limitations I can't always get the effects I would like. The skirt for example has only 3 states . Down up or off. Nothing in between that could be used to tease for example. I would like to have had some nipple slip but that's just impossible since there is no such state for the clothes.


Mar 13, 2018
Hi CrazyBat,

Thanks for answering the question about the subway.

Just wondering whether there will be future plans on the lifeguard and clothing job shop? Because i can see the potential good scenes that happen in this two jobs.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
Hi CrazyBat,

Thanks for answering the question about the subway.

Just wondering whether there will be future plans on the lifeguard and clothing job shop? Because i can see the potential good scenes that happen in this two jobs.
For now I consider them "completed" and I'm going to focus on the next jobs. Still that doesn't mean there won't be a chance something might be added later. I still had a few idea myself for some one time events related to jobs.

For example I've had some idea's that May could help out with a fashion show at the clothing shop.
So if you have some idea's feel free to express them either by replying here or dropping me a pm. I can always use idea's
I won't make any promises they will make it in the game of course, but who know I might get inspired.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
I really appreciate the good amount of lesbian content in this game. Such content tends to be very minor and almost ignored in many other female protag games. Please keep it up Crazybat :3

Can't wait for some juicy incest scenes with the sister:FeelsGoodMan:
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