VN - Ren'Py - Companion of Darkness [S2 Ch.10] [Berkili4]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite enjoyable experience. Very good writing and even with the budget of a VN the developer does a really good job with the action scenes. Love interests are all great.

    My biggest regret with the story is I wish they didn't drag out the relationship with his childhood friend. She's too sweet and pure to be lead on while he's banging everyone else. They were stuck hiding out for too much time for them to not have had sex much sooner in the story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is spectacular. Genuinely the relationship between the MC and Noel has grabbed me a way no other game has. Maybe it's just because I've feeling a little raw recently and Noel's personality is very much my "type", but all the story beats regarding their relationship hit me as hard as possible. The character work is really well done. Great stuff, can't wait to get my hands on chapter 7.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    Incredible game. Love the lore, the number of characters that the game has and how smooth and enjoyable the playthrough is.

    Probably something like 50 bonus points for Misty cameo btw.

    Best of luck in the development! can't wait for another episode.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I got really into the story! I like the world building, I like the characters, I like the humor and plot too--it's all great.

    I think the art is good, I like all of the character designs. I enjoy all the scenes too. If I was to critique the game is I think its light on player choice and the setting/tone is a bit over the top.

    I'm excited to play more of this! Its a game that certainly appeals to my particular tastes, but I'd also find it easy to recommend to just about anyone who enjoys adult VNs.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really don't like the whole superpower genre. It usually is just an excuse for poor story telling, but this is really well done. So much so, that it left me impressed and eager for the next chapter. It is a great read.

    It's not without flaws, the way it courts Deus Ex Machina is annoying at times and there's too many characters that often don't get to do anything meaningful and the story takes a bit to long to get anywhere sometimes.

    BUT all that is nitpicking a great story with interesting characters and an actual sense of consequence. There's loss and betrayal and plot twists that I did not foresee. It's really REALLY well written in that sense, especially compared to all the Disney Theme Park Harem Trash that you usually find here.

    Give it a try!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I was skeptical going into this game. I was expecting a banal and cliche chosen one story. While there are aspects of the story that do follow that trope the experience is quite special. The story does not shy away from the "darkness" but embraces it. However there is a wonderful balance between dark grittiness and meaningful connections. The contrast gives those moments more impact. The highest praise I can give a game is that when I have reached the end of the current content (Chapter 6 at time of review) I was left with that empty feeling you have after finishing a great show or book and a profound longing for more.

    I only have 2 real criticisms. There are some minor grammar and spelling mistakes. Also there are some continuity issues that seem to ignore previous decisions. This is a major pet peeve of mine and often ends my interest in a game however I enjoyed the characters and story enough it was only a minor annoyance.

    Fantastic job dev(s), I cannot wait to experience more of this story.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I played through Chapter 6 in a few evenings, and found this VN quite enjoyable. On the positive side it features an entertaining urban-fantasy story, a MC that is moderately relatable, and numerous love-interests. Graphics and animations are low to mid-tier Honey Select, improving over the course of the story.

    On the con side: the text badly needs proofreading to fix frequent grammar and spelling issues; and there were a couple of minor fem-dom scenes that didn’t seem to offer the player a chance to flip the script.

    I look forward to seeing where the story goes from here.

    Edit: as of Ch. 8 I have upgraded my rating from four to five stars for excellence in storytelling.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The Good
    The Story

    The story Is the reason for playing this game. It's one of the better games out there when it comes to story. Honestly this might even be the best out of the 54 games ive played. This game's story could easily be something I would see on tv. The story does have a few issues.

    Part of the story gives a reason for lewd scenes. While It's a nice to see having a reasons for lewds that make sense. At the same time it does feel like a cop out to find a way to include lewds because of this being a AVN and AVN's are automatically considered porn games by many.

    Another issue I have with the story is early on there is a few characters that are introduced. They had a good introduction enough so I wanted to get to know them better. But they seem or at least feel like they are just forgotten about .We finally got reintroduced to one of them in the last chapter. Tho I will say there is a story reason that makes sense why they are forgotten about. Which goes to show this game really cares about telling a story first if characters can feel forgotten about but it making sense as to why they are in the narrative.

    Character developments / Relationships Building

    For the most part this was done well especially with the dark ones. But with a few select characters like Clara it left me wanting to get to know her character a bit better. Because part way through the story she has a bit of a character change because of story reasons. When that happens it feels like alot of the character developments for her either stopped or slowed down. But is a shame because her being my favorite character which left me wanting more to get to know her better / character developments.

    The other issue I mentioned earlier about characters that had a good introduction but then feels like they are forgotten about for awhile. Only reason this isnt completely a negative because the game at least gives a story reason and it makes sense why they would be forgotten about.
    The BAD
    The lewds

    Like I mentioned Earlier how alot of the lewds are introduced being baked into the story does feel like a cop out to me but it does work for the genre and it's refreshing. Just personally I didn't like how that executed. But it isnt a big deal to me.

    What I thought was bad about the lewds was the animations. They feel fine and okay at a slow even medium pace. But when the animations speed they feel really bad and weird to the point I didnn't care for any the lewds would almost make the game better for me to not have any lewds because I could not enjoy them when the animations were going at a fast pace.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Giggling Raven

    The text really needs a proofreader. I usually tolerate small mistakes here and there but they are way too frequent here and keep constantly bothering me.

    The music isn't good. There's the smooth music that plays constantly but then there's at the same time something almost like a siren blaring over it that's really just terrible.

    There aren't many choices, at least not where I stopped playing and they aren't really good either. Some moments that one would usually think there'd be one, the game just moves on without giving much player input.

    I also didn't get very far but the only character that I actually liked was Clara but even her original character gets destroyed. MC gets thrown around a lot and even refuses to fight back at some points. Maybe it gets better later on and I'll try it again but for a first time playing, I really wasn't impressed.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    i really like the plot it's amazingly intriguing and I'm enjoying the unconventional harem route of the story(if there ever is a harem ending). The only drawback is the careless amount of grammatical errors like using the word "then" instead of "than", spelling errors, repeated words, incomplete sentences, etc. If this doesn't bother you as much as a reader and can just read through it then this game is highly recommended.

    Also, don't listen too much to people trying to control the plot, this story is yours to tell and i wanna finish reading the story as such. (y)(y)

    Edit: please make the dialogue box more transparent, it covers almost half the screen and the transparency settings adjustment is a little modest for my liking if you know what i mean.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game legit has a movie level plot. Unlike most games here that try to do a big plot, it is actually good and manages to make you care about it without detracting fromt he H content.
    Characters are top tier, each girl has its own personality and is cool to interact with.
    H content is pretty good.
    Plot is not to slow.
    Overall 4,5 / 5. Only thing I'd like is for the story to be a bit less on rails and for choices to have more impact.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    As for the story, as far as where I left off.
    I heard a fight in the bathroom between the rich guy at school and the little whore at school, for a trivial reason (they didn't want to be seen) I was hunted excessively by the school, suffering bullying, the MC is scared and doesn't want to use the power of hot darkness that follows him, he agreed to never fall in love with her, he passed out in the locker room because he didn't want to use her powers, so he chose to change the classroom where he was with the only girl in the school who respects him, because pity gets a handjob... out of pity... for still being a virgin and a way for the author to compensate for the toxic school environment, so that's it... from then on, I started to feel bad about the story that was supposed to be something pleasurable,
    the game can still be good... if you enjoy a heavy and toxic story... but I already prefer things where I feel valued with an MC who makes the most intelligent choices since there is a lack of choice for the player in an almost kinetic game .
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Well I just finished chapter 6 of this fine game and I have to say I am really enjoying this game, the plot/story line is fairly new to me when it comes to story/plot ideas, the renders/artwork is top notch and I can say I noticed any spelling or grammar errors, all in all this is one of the better adult games I have played.

    I would highly recommend this game to my friends and I will be following this fine game for the foreseeable future.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    [Review as of Ch6]

    The English isn't perfect and the plot can be a bit scattered at times. Characters sometimes drop out of focus for a while. The sex scenes are nothing special. Power levels are out of whack and it makes things feel a bit deus ex machina at times. MC always has a guardian angel of sorts hovering over their shoulder which removes some of the tension and could've been handled more gracefully.

    But overall, despite all of that, I like CoD a fair bit. It's sadly common for VNs on this site to kind of wander aimlessly, introduce tons of characters they don't know what to do with, and never really go anywhere plot-wise. CoD's plot moves forwards at a brisk pace, characters have their parts to play overall, and I've been left consistently intrigued about what's going to happen next. The author isn't afraid to take some risks with the story which may annoy some people but I think make it more interesting overall.

    It isn't perfect, and tons could be improved with a second draft, but overall this is a VN I look forward to seeing more updates on!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    11/14/2023 Ch. 5

    So far this game has been amazing. The characters are well written and the story is great. I love how the story explores aspects of forbidden love and not in the typical incest sense. Unlike other games, this one has a big focus on story which is a massive plus for me. Aside from that, the characters have development and are not static. Overall a great game and can't wait to see what comes next.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First time I have felt the need to write a review on this site.
    For whatever reason I really connected with the writing in this game and can't wait to see where the story goes from here and even played through most of it again after finishing it.

    Judgeing by some of the other reviews it is not for everybody but for me it is my favorite VN on this site and I've been playing them for years now.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Story started out great, but to much started to make no sense, text could use a proofreader as well, alot of small errors and worng words, its still readable but it just takes a bit away from the experince when it happens to often.

    The LIs names are very annoying atleast to me, when you name one Clara another Claire or Noel and another Nael it can just be hard to remember whos who at times.

    You might also get the feeling MC is an evil person, forcing hes friends into the world of darkness without concent, he couldent really care less about the danger it will put them in.
    He could even ask them risk free if its something they want but he never does, he just force it on them, and personaly i am not a fan of that since the story is about him being good so it dosent really make much sense when hes in fact not anywhere near good.

    It will contain some spoilers befow so read on at your own risk.

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    It made the game boring and unplayable after that since the one LI i cared about wasent there anymore, still played through the 5 chapters but the fun was just not there after that, and no real point going on with a AVN if you dont care about a single LI.
    So for me game ended in Chapter 4 with the new life ending, since Clara was the only one that mattered at any point.

    Virgin scene is a bit of a joke, MC slams it in, girl feels no pain just pure pleasure, i get it that virgin dosent mean deflower scene but even so they just feel like any other sex scene and nothing like a virgin scene.

    Girls in general looks nice and good builds, personalties are meh, like i said i only really cared about the Shy Clara, and the rest wasent really in my taste, some felt and act like whores and i am not into that, another has 0 emotions, so couldent really feel anything for any of them.

    Animations are very good for this style of characters.

    Music is about average.

    Choices are very nice, they only effect who to have sex with but that is a very importen thing in my eyes, i do wish you would have a bit more controle over MC and hes thoughts, like when MC is asked if you want to save the blond girl, i would like to have been able to say no since i couldent care less about her and learning about her selling drugs and act like a whore dident change those feelings, but game will try to push you towards LIs so you cant really do anything but say no once they ask about sex or not.

    Its not a bad game or story, it just wasent for me and when a game becomes unplayable or have to many issues like the stuff i said above, i cant rate it more then 2 stars it just wouldent be right, i did try to play all 5 chapters to see if the story alone would be enough to be fun, but it lost it charm to me and only became more boring and alot made no sense or just not explained, making the story a big mess.

    Its worth trying out though and see if its for you.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Arisato Minato

    Man, I like the mysterious tons and the power struggle but this game's story is a freaking mess.

    The power levels are out of wack. The whole plot against Matt was utterly pointless. The fight was boring, the build-up to that fight was meaningless. Tons of important characters and plots were introduced but had no time to flesh them out and ended abruptly as they were introduced. Choices that have absolutely no value like joining the Brotherhood. Characters that absolutely have no value suddenly elevated to important to the plot like Emma whose only impression was resting bitch face who got slapped with a lesbian redhead and they do stuff, then suddenly, bam she is now one of the most important characters in the current arc.

    But worst of all was Nael and Gabriel. Ms. Mary Sue and Mr. Gary Stu. A perfect couple of double plot devices that did nothing but tear the already paper-thin plot into nothingness. And now the author has to bench them like Gege benched Goro in case they need to bring them back to handle another fight like Matt because fucking hell that was the only thing they were created to do.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Ch. 5R

    Playing this felt like watching a D tier anime you've never heard of. I played for maybe 40 minutes before I couldn't really stomach it anymore and closed the game. It's just not very good.

    I liked the premise of having ancient horror girls as companions who sort of merge with you and give you power, but then it throws us into an uninspired high school plot with the lamest MC imaginable. The dialogue/general writing is subpar and makes me cringe at points, and none of the characters made an impression on me in the time I played. There just isn't a single thing here making me want to play this game. It failed to hook me.

    I held the skip button a bit to jump around and see if anything got better. It did not. You get beat up by a bully because you decide not to use your new powers for some dumb reason and then a girl you barely know offers you a random hand job. Decided it wasn't even worth holding the skip button after that. Maybe this game gets better the more you play? Either way the start wasn't nearly good enough for me to want to find out.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the game so far!
    The MC is not some kind of 'god' or 'badass' character and sometimes there are things for which he has no answer or simply cannot do anything about.
    The decisions don't seem to have a heavy impact and there does not appear to be defined 'routes' at least so far.
    About the renders. It has original renders and I have not seen repeated characters from any other game, they are unique. The animations and the intimacy scenes are fun to watch and read.
    The argument and the story is pretty solid and if you like fantasy and superpower things, ignore the haters and give the game a try, is a breath of fresh air.
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