That's cause you're not a king you're an employee. What you're building is the corp, and those other people who you're giving girls to are also assets of the corporation. You're building them up for the good of the corporation overall. Us players who self insert into the MC of this game doesn't like it, but the game dev probably self inserts into the owner of the corporation and he thinks it's awesome.
On a fetish level it's as I said earlier, it doesn't seem to be about a power fantasy but more of a bringing down white feminists. Giving away white feminists to black owners seem to be a punishment in the eyes of the game dev that's even worse than being your own sex slaves.
I sometimes wonder if people even play their games, and play the game from start, fine Indian Women offlimit, no issue cause programmer is indian. Chinese women in Zenith can be F over, a Japanese Woman can be put in a Doll House.
A black woman can be made a slave in Singapore and then get killed off.
Here pimping if you are so interested in that sent all the women you fire into the ALLEY infact if it was just pimping, then we didn't even need to leave Zenith. and keep them, just fire into the ALLEY. great game NOT.
Selectacorp nonesense, again only time you interact with them is in .... London LMAO, the rest of the time you do your own thing, Maxwell isn't part of Selectacorp, a free lance hacker. oh yeah it is a selectacorp thing based on LONDON alone.
When they hardly provide you any resources or guidance you own them so much, that you are willing to bend over and PAY (yes pay in resources and time unless you edit the save) to get them WOMEN, that isn't even pimping, that isn't even a fetish anymore.
See people like this POST changed the game from great dominate all women. to dominate only white women. cause it fits their somehow crazy fantasy and fork out money for it on patreon, then make up all kind of rubbish explaination about it is this kind of game.