I normally don't interject into outside conversations, but claims like this this are a particular sore point for me, so please forgive me for dropping in.
However, for the sake of posterity:
1) Veronica never had a scene with Ian. He had one with Lucy.
2) Ian does have a scene one-on-one with Rosalind in exhibition 2, so this is false. As well as the bukkake scene for the loser in exhibition 1. Not exactly a feast if that's your sole interest, but I mention it because it is otherwise misinformation.
In addition, next update (Ch4Up4) will contain the culmination of the Ian x Edwin x Rosalind path.
With that said, MM(M)(M)(M)F is like my favorite porn combo, So that won't be the first or the last, but it's a matter of due time, escalating events, and the pieces falling into place. However, simply put, it probably won't be worth anyone's time to read / skip through if what they are looking for exclusively is sharing content. At the end of the day, it's all about nutting, so I get where the sentiment stems from.