Recommending Complete Netorase & Sharing Games Master List

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote
Sep 5, 2021
Okay guys, I played and I gave my thoughts on anime-sharing's NTR thread so I'll just copy and paste what I typed over there and make a few changes for this audience. Firstly, I'm just going to say that this is not a happy netorase game, and not in the way that isn't happy netorase. In that game, the MC's just a dumbass who never really finds out the netorase is fucked. In Dangerous Change Kaede, the characters aren't dumb but they all have their own problems that lead them to a depressing ending as a result of seemingly dumb decisions. As a netorase game its pretty good. The MC gets exactly what he wants and even when the heroine is seemingly crossing lines that she shouldn't, its all because of the MC's willful actions or his lack of actions. This is one of the few netorase games where I feel like it did the netorase properly for the most part, but it escalated so far into NTR territory while still remaining willful consensual netorase that by the end, I'm not really sure what to believe of MC and heroine's relationship anymore. A lot of people on this forum hate when netorase turns into netorare and funnily enough, this game is fully netorase however I would never recommend it to that audience. All I can really say is give it a shot and hope it manages to appeal to what you enjoy most in netorase.

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Well the wait is over since I just finished and I got my thoughts together.

So, as said before, Dangerous change Kaede is a netorase game which is the sequel to the netorare game, . After playing through the game, I don't think that playing the first game is really required to enjoy this one but it does enhance the experience, especially in the latter half of the game. In fact, the hot spring from the dev's first game makes a reappearance and it even has somewhat similar vibes. It was pretty neat.
Moving on to the actual plot synopsis of the game. The game takes place a couple of years after the first game which ended off on a pretty depressing, but hopeful note for the MC since he got fully NTR'd. Now, the MC is married to Kaede, his ex-wife's little sister who helped him to recover from his traumatic experiences. By now they've pretty much settled down into a stable life however after his first time with Kaede, it seems like its impossible for the MC to get an erection due to his divorce. Kaede doesn't mind though and their marriage (or relationship in general, never actually knew if they were married but I'll just call it marriage since I'm more sure of that) is a pretty happy one. Things change one day when the MC's neighbor reveals to him that he has a NTR fetish and wants the MC to fuck his wife, however the MC refuses as he wants to remain faithful to Kaede and his past experiences with anything cuck related has him confused as to why anyone would willingly subject themselves to such an experience. All goes back to normal until a someone visits the village. This dude is a past acquaintance of Kaede and basically loves to fuck around. Kaede can't stand his guts and he's a shameless pervert. In fact, the reason he's in the village is because he's on the run from some gangsters because he fucked the boss' woman. Long story short, The gangsters catch up to him however the MC and Kaede (mostly just Kaede) mediates between the two parties and manages to get the dude off scott free. In order to thank the MC and Kaede, he throws a BBQ beach party for the entire village, however while playing around he accidentally trips and gropes Kaede in front of the MC. The MC doesn't mind much however he realizes that his dick's reacting for the first time in a long while, much to his dismay. He consults the internet and finds out that he may have a NTR fetish just like his neighbor so he goes out in the middle of the night only to catch his neighbour watching his wife get banged by the visitor. MC consults the neighbor and comes to the conclusion that netorase play might be the way to restore his sex life with Kaede. The MC consults Kaede and though she is quite reluctant, she goes along with it, less because she cares about their sex life and more because she wants to see the MC happy. After that, they both start doing netorase with the visitor.
All of that is basically the introduction for the game and what sets things into motion. Now to actually discuss my thoughts on the game, I'm going to have to get into spoiler territory by spoiling the entire plot and I mean the ENTIRE plot so if you want to go in blind, now's the chance:

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And that's it for the entire plot now here's my thoughts on it:
First I gotta start with Kaede. She's a straight upgrade to all of the dev's previous heroines. She's strong, truly loves the MC and helps him through some of his hardest times and she doesn't immediately give in when fucked by a good cock. Ironically, its her love for the MC that gets the plot rolling in both good and bad ways and its honestly my favorite part about her, even more than her obvious strength. The MC on the other hand, I have a pretty low opinion on. Even though he's somewhat recovered from his divorce, its clear that his trauma is still there. His ED is one, but his focus on netorase is actually pretty interesting. What sets this plot apart from normal netorase plots where the MC uses the netorase to cure his erectile dysfunction is that is was never really necessary. When that trope usually plays out, its because the heroine is clearly needing more in bed and the MC knowing this, resorts to more extreme means in order to satisfy her. In this game, Kaede is already satisfied. She's legit already happy with their life and the MC could go on for the rest of his life unable to use his dick and she wouldn't care. The MC on the other hand is led by his netorase desires purely for himself and not for Kaede. Even when Kaede is having the best fucking of her life, its clear that she'd go back to their former relationship in a heartbeat if he wanted it but he didn't. Most of my gripes with the story comes from the MC's decision making which is bafflingly stupid, but actually makes sense. This is where I think that playing the first game adds to the experience. The MC is already a broken dude by the beginning of this game. The time he spent with Kaede only took his mind off of the pain but the moment he got reminded about it he relapsed hard. He's making dumb decisions not because he's dumb, but instead because he's so fucked in the head its probably the only thing that truly makes him feel alive, possibly even more than his relationship with Kaede. Kaede on the other hand makes dumb decisions as well but all of it is for the MC and she never truly loses that love. Ending spoiler:
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Only other gripes are with the visitor in the early game along with the neighbor and his wife. They both felt like they had a lot more potential. I was hoping that the visitor would at least stick around to the point where he could fuck Kaede but nope, he bails too fast. I was also hoping to see more of the neighbor's wife getting fucked since I actually liked her design. The number one scene I was hoping for was the MC and the neighbor both sitting back and watching one dude dominate them both but I guess it wasn't meant to be. My opinion of the neighbor also plummeted around the mid game and that never recovered. Legit felt betrayed by that one. That hit harder than any NTR.

Anyways, that's it. Pretty sure there's a lot I glossed over and more that I wanted to say but I'm not really sure how to integrate that into whatever monster I've just typed up. The game was pretty good for netorase but don't expect a happy ending. My favorite of this dev's games so far and I hope it gets an update since I want to see more of Kaede. Also forgive my character analysis. I might be reaching with some if not most of my statements and all the characters could just be fucking idiots but that's what I got from my time playing the game.
Lastly, I realize that I typed up a jumbled mess so if you have any questions on the game that I wasn't able to clarify, didn't make any sense or straight up missed then feel free to ask.
Thanks for always making these reviews man, it's very helpful(y)


Apr 3, 2020
Look for Normal Trade Relations. Dev said monday that he not decides yet what route will follow: netoraSe (probably cuckolding) or netoraRe
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
Look for Normal Trade Relations. Dev said monday that he not decides yet what route will follow: netoraSe (probably cuckolding) or netoraRe
I've seen that in the past, didn't play it though because based on the description it smelled a lot like your typical ntr game masquerading as sharing.

I'd be delighted if I was wrong.
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Feb 7, 2019
You guys should try such a master piece of netorase writing its just so good. Basically a full cuck(consensual) fest with what I think is a really strong netorase vibes :

-The couple are in good term and love each other
-both mc and Fmc are rational human being(quite defining in ntr realm)
-different kind of cucking with different bull
-Fmc is a lovely lady but doesn't shy away to enjoy sex when she sees that mc enjoys it too(not to mention the teasing )
-Quick cuck (not slow burn)

There's some intro for the build up but what I love about it is the game doesn't try to justify the whole story through some dramatised past backstory or other bullshit like that everything is about present time and the overall stream of story for each route is just make sense


Jul 3, 2019
You guys should try such a master piece of netorase writing its just so good. Basically a full cuck(consensual) fest with what I think is a really strong netorase vibes :

-The couple are in good term and love each other
-both mc and Fmc are rational human being(quite defining in ntr realm)
-different kind of cucking with different bull
-Fmc is a lovely lady but doesn't shy away to enjoy sex when she sees that mc enjoys it too(not to mention the teasing )
-Quick cuck (not slow burn)

There's some intro for the build up but what I love about it is the game doesn't try to justify the whole story through some dramatised past backstory or other bullshit like that everything is about present time and the overall stream of story for each route is just make sense
Seems like from what I read in the thread there's an unavoidable NTR/cheating scene in the start.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
Seems like from what I read in the thread there's an unavoidable NTR/cheating scene in the start.
That's true, but overall I still very much recommend the game because the tone is great after that.

And that's coming from a guy who often rants and bitches about hard ntr games masquerading as sharing games.

The intro cheating scene imo is more there as a plot device to get the story going. If you play the honesty route with wife, shes repentant about it and the game doesnt dwell on it.

Just finished every path in this game, easily one of the best sharing/swinger games I've played in the past 6 months. Everyone here should try this at least once, no questions asked.


Jan 29, 2023
Hello guys, i'm new in here. I'm looking for games similar/like to Minazuki Natsuki, where the MILF is humiliated, lustful, and also has a plot like the game. it's very difficult to find games with these criteria, maybe only Perfect Housewife which in my opinion is quite similar. If there is a game that is similar to the one I mentioned above, please let me know, mention the game. thanks
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Reactions: autixta0


Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
This game is more NTR ? Or sharing/netorase ?
I tried playing it for a bit but quit after an hour or so, very much like a Power Vacuum copycat , so if you like that style you'll probably like it. So to answer your question, definitely straight ntr.

Me I despise incest and creepy old neighbors, so I went hunting for different games.
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New Member
Aug 15, 2022
I posted this once here (last year lol) and I want to ask again..
I hope this is the correct thread :
Does anyone have any netorase + Impregnation recommendation?
I've played quite a lot of them, and now it's so scarce. Mostly japanese games though, since I rarely found translated one (in fact i learned japanese just to play those games a long time ago).
Preferably one where the girl slowly fell for the NTR-guy (something like netorase to netorare, but the MC still "enjoy" it)
However at this point any recommendation would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Bruh its Dry af , no new NTRS games or no new NTRS path added in games its really not good time to be NTRS fan in these times , hope more dev start adding some ntrs path as optional and i wouldn't even ruin the games
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
A new great game which may suits the taste to many people here...
Its straight forward and really great made so far...version 1.5 is already on patreon but changes were made mostly to iron dialogues to bring more logic in the story...
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Jul 7, 2017
Just finish Kaede. It's good but a little bit disappointing that the end just full NTR not NTRS.
If the game have a choice to have comeback to NTRS, this game will be perfect.

Have any game suggest the NTRS or swinger that not full NTR? I'm not played NTRS game in quite a while.
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Reactions: Ai Aihara
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote