Hello, and thank you for your donations.
You know, I agree with you on some points. Completely revamping the game's main fetishes and even the graphics might not be the best idea. I'll go further and say that I also prefer real porn over 3D. However, I just want to remind you that the problem wasn't that I lacked an audience; it's that I got banned from the platform and lost a pretty decent side income as for my country. I don't really want to step on the same rakes again and finally want to secure at least some more or less stable income without being afraid that I might be banned again if not today then tomorrow. So, first and foremost, I'm taking this step purely from an economic perspective. And secondly, that doesnt mean at all that I'm going to create some shitty renders where the models are in T-poses on every other image or something like that. After all, would you rellay be supporting me again in theory if I remake this game into some piece of garbage?
Of course, if someone has better suggestions, I'm willing to listen, but personally, I don't see any better options as for now and with my current knowledges.