RPGM - Completed - Confession Game [v1.0.1] [Hall of Corruption]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Short nice VN. As someone who doesn't really into VN this one is really nice 1-2 hoursplay. You play as MC that will confess to her senpai but beware you will face temptation before the day confession.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone who doesn't usually play VN games, this one is the perfect length (1-2hours). The different personalities and design of the characters are pretty good too.

    MTL is pretty good for this game, just a few small mistakes that I could overlook. I encourage anyone to try this game out.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A super fun concept. A group of scheming anime waifus hatch a plan to steal the MC from his crush before he can confess to her. Don't let the MTL tag scare you away! The translation is surpisingly on point aside from a few instances of pronouns being mixed up. I really enjoyed the characters, and the MC isn't a total wimp (unless you want him to be).

    The game is fairly short and I have no idea why it was made with the dreaded RPGMaker instead of Renpy, since it is a straight-forward VN. But, either way, check this fun little game out. Oh, and downloading the Epilogue is a must as the main LI doesn't have an H-scene without it, oddly enough.

    Still 5*
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this one! The voice acting suited the characters very well, and they had full lines rather than just a few different moans swapped around LOL. Obviously, the translation is a bit rough, with pronouns being the biggest issue, but still better than most MTL games. Each character's arc wraps up nicely in the prologue too which is amazing.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it,

    Good game and also translation was not that bad as I was expecting. I do recommend to translate buttons and suggestions since it was hard to translate manually.

    Very touching even if I truly hope for harem ahahah

    Save Attached with all endings even saves for epilogue.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I played through this game twice. The first time I avoided all the lewd events as much as I could to get the pathetic male lead together with the bookworm girl. It was okay I guess. Shiori is cute but there aren't that many romance scenes with her. And most options to avoid the lewds were quite obvious. Then I played through it while allowing the gyarus to lewd the dude. And it was pretty boring. I guess there is some good art but...meh.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game. Story is wholesome. Scenes are hot. Premise is hot. The only factor that holds this game from 5/5 is lack of gameplay. Why would someone make such game in rpgm instead of Renpy. It's pretty much VN with 1 more extra step. Also epilogue scene with main girl could be hotter. To top it off we don't unlock all scenes after getting the good ending which is kinda anoying.

    Art 4/5
    Story 4.5/5
    Gameplay VN+/5
    Fapability 4/5
    Originality 4.5/5
  8. 5.00 star(s)



    Actually really compelling characters despite most of them being terrible people, their flaws are portrayed in a way that is oddly arousing, at least for people like me who enjoy the possessive types.

    Also tall big booby girl is in my opinion the best waifu I've seen in an adult game in a while, tomboyish, (im)pure virgin despite being aggressive and lustful, and also falcon punches the main bully gyaru bitch girl in the gut before whisking you off to deflower her.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pleasantly surprised. Probably the best reverse netorare game I've seen on this site. It's not terribly long but it's concentrated with enough content to make up for it. The UI is better than most RPGM games, but in practice the game is a visual novel. That being said in my opinion most games made in RPGM would be better off with more of a VN format like this game. I don't know much about machine translation but whoever did it for this game did an above average job. That being said it's not perfect and the characters are frequently assigned the wrong pronoun in text options.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone who is a sucker for Reverse NTR and Femdom, this really is my cup of tea. Knowing how very decent this game actually is, it made me start to write my first review in this site.

    It might be one of the Reverse NTR's that are handled pretty well. Most typical genres like this one, tends to make the MC falls too quickly and makes little to no resistance that they hardly care about the FMC. But in here its different, MC has a backbone fr despite being an introvert. His thoughts are well represented and you understand why he cares about the FMC and why what its happens its a struggle. Also he actually has the will to stand up for himself (if you allow it), that combined with well pacing, creates a well done degradation and corruption. He even manages to constantly stand up to a girl that's actually physcially stronger than him, even the one who rejected him and looks intimidating cus gyaru.
    Shiori is also best FMC as well, mainly because of her personality which matches well with the MC makes you think they're a great couple and she's cute so that's a plus.

    As for the three girls, both the art and VA are really well done. All three have distinct personalities and motives. (Yes we can all agree that Aoi really is the best ngl.)

    Other reviews covered it pretty well and their opinion matches mine as well. Surprisingly, for an MTL its not very atrocious, its actually really good which is a miracle, but not perfect. Only nitpick that I can give is that its really short. You can finish it in one sitting and the lack of voice for the 4 girls like half of the playthrough. Overall great game, Otawa-san really did a good job and looking forward for more.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The other reviews cover it well enough, and I don't really have anything new to add to the discussion over what has already been said. Its a good game.

    Though I do love seeing people echo the sentiment that Aoi's "bad" end is the most superior ending. (y)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, loved it all. A bit short but still great.
    Reverse ntr is hardly done and Im glad to see that this game has done it really well.
    The voice acting in it is really nice (in Japanese ofc)
    A few mtl errors but honestly about 98% of it was easily understandable and shouldn't give anyone any problems or reasons to complain.
    Also Aoi is best girl.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A short but very good game. Don't let the NTR tag put you off, 'cheating' would be more applicable here. Essentially, the MC decides he'll confess to his crush at the end of the week but three other girls decide they're going to fuck with him and try to lead him astray. Whether or not the MC cheats or remains faithful is up to you. Two of those three semen demons just want to fuck with the MC but one of them actually likes him, so her endings are weirdly wholesome (and I prefer her final one to the 'true' end).

    The game is MTL but surprisingly it's actually quite good. If I hadn't known beforehand that it was machine translated I would've figured it was a rough translation done by an amatuer. A lot of the flaws (e.g. sometimes using male prounouns for female characters) could be easily recitifed with a good script edit.

    Quick rundown:
    + The concept is great. There sadly isn't enough Reverse-NTR games and very few that are translated, let alone decent ones.
    + All the girls are very attractive and the art-style is great.
    + The MC's crush is cute and their relationship is nice. Too often in NTR or cheating games the significant other is a non-entity or is dull. With this game, though, you might actually find yourself wanting to remain faithful.
    + The lewd scenes are well written and very erotic. They also usually have some interaction to them, allowing you to choose from a list of actions.

    = There's no animations. This isn't something that bothers me but I know that these days a lot of people expect every game to have every scene animated.

    - The game's short length was a bit of a letdown. Each girl only really has four scenes each. Depending on your reading speed you'll probably finish the game in about 60 minutes.
    - The MC's crush has no sexual scenes.
    - I wasn't a fan of the "ejaculation = game over" mechanic. Apparently the MC can't cum unless he's confessing his eternal love to a girl. Maybe just have each ejaculation decrease his maximum love stat cap.
    - The endings are somewhat underwritten. This makes sense for the early endings but the final ending for each girl should've been lengthier and have its own epilogue CG.

    Overall it's a good game but is disappointingly light on content.

    EDIT: An update adds an epilogue which contains sex scenes for the MC's crush.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Reverse NTR is very little explored and this game did it amazingly.

    The art is very good and the girls had very interesting personality. Aoi was, however, by far the best girl IMO.

    There is no animation in the sex, but the story was very entertaining, so you should read it, not only skip.

    I think it lacked a bit of romance with the other two girls. In the end, they just throwed the MC away and he could only develop his feelings with Aoi or the senpai.

    Other than that, it is a very good experience.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    ignoring the couple MTL errors, this is easily 10/10. I don't want to spoil anything, and even if I wanted to, I couldnt as there is nothing quite like it. Just take a dive. Short but powerful.I'll gladly take more from this dev
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1838467

    Need Aoi to turn me into mommy's special toy.

    On a more serious note this was a surprisingly fun short little adult game. The gameplay is pretty simple with you just picking the right choice to not fall for the girls temptations. Unless its Aoi of course, then you are legally obligated to succumb no matter what. The art in this game is very very good and its a bit unfair for them to make a game about not succumbing to temptation and then proceed to make a character that is my kryptonite.

    The music in the game is fine. Nothing bad, but nothing too stand out although that's not a negative from me. The tunes can be relaxing at times which is think is good for the vibe this game is going for.

    In conclusion this game was really good. I had a good bit of fun making sure my boi Yoshiyuki doesn't fall for them hoes except Aoi who is the totally canon character to go with. I think this game did something to me lmao.

    Edit: Forgot to mention Aoi is the only one of those three girls who has feeling for the main character and is supportive of him in the true ending ergo she is the best.
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    Been waiting for this game to pop up on here. It's actually fucking amazing. You know all those NTR tropes like being corrupted from pleasure and having a feeling of betrayal just to satisfy lust?

    Yeah, basically you take the woman's role in those as a guy. The girls keep trying to corrupt you into saying you like them more than your crush by doing lewd things to you. The things they do get more and more bold as the days go by and the MC even finds out about their plan but can get swept up by them anyway.

    Girls are: Stereotypical bitchy gyaru with a big ego, innocent seeming but actually huge slut, and childhood friend tomboy. The best girl should be extremely obvious. She's even better than the main love interest :LUL:.

    Even if you don't like NTR, I highly recommend checking this out if you can deal with MC acting like the women in NTR plots. The girls will basically always be in the lead, she just wants you for selfish reasons, and the MC can be a bit of a dummy(not as bad as most NTR works tho). If you're fine with that, then this game will be right up your alley. Reverse NTR and the prospect of the guy getting corrupted are seriously underrated. It's not even very long so you won't lose much time if you dislike it.

    The only real downsides are the few MTL fuck-ups(the game is very readable otherwise), the short length, very simple gameplay(which is essentially just a visual novel), and very little actual sex. Normally I'd bring it down to 4 because of that, but I love the premise too much to do that. Biased? A bit yeah, but it's essentially the only game of its type currently out there so I can forgive its faults.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I played it for one hour and finished it (with half the gallery complete). If you're bored, it's a nice game to have your hands on, which doesn't cost too much time.

    The story was interesting, and made sense all along (which usually doesn't in these kind of games, because creators focus in H more than the story..).

    The CG are well drawn and fappable. there's several kinks, but the main one is femdom. You decide whenever your character fall into corruption, so NTR avoidable (in fact, you're not really dating the girl, but it feels like betrayal.)

    The translation is decent. You can't compare it to a real translation from a person. But tchat gpt translation is better than most of the others MTL so far, from a personnal point of view, I will stop avoiding MTL games as long as there's tchat gpt written.

    TL DR
    This game is worth a try, even with MTL tag.


    • Premise
    • Length
    • CG art
    • Translation decent for MTL
    • Some MTL mistakes, but understandable and doesn't make your eyes bleed.
    • Small save problem in the toilet minigame (doesnt rly affect your gameplay)
    • No animation (Cg slightly changes depending of what happens)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty good one. I played the original so I didnt have any look into this translation but the game itself has a nice premise and story. Art is also good quality, original and is with good amount.

    Premise basically is that three girls make a bet on ntr'ing you out of your gf and you try to resist them. One of them is a tomboy and another one is a narcissist popular girl. I enjoyed it back then, definitely give it a try if the story is for you.