- Jul 23, 2021
- 180
- 468
What are Alex's hobbies? She doesn't work out as a hobby. The entire reason she's working out is because of body image issues related to being trans, and a hope that if she meets that standard, others will see her as a woman for it. She also doesn't get into the self defense classes for a love of martial arts or desire to be able to fight... its so that she can physically defend herself if necesary. The time she spends with Zoe is all about this improvement and her trans experience. The time she spends with Chris is almost all about Chris making her feel better, consoling her, etc. The time she spends with Sam is actually just the one scene, which she approaches her to talk about the Ellie situation. It wasn't like Alex was sitting there watching Arcane, and Sam came in and they started talking. Alex sought Sam out, and ended up staying, then it fades to black.Regarding Alex, I have never seen her only as an avatar of trans pain, we have some nice bits about her "everyday" life, not all of her scenes are about drama and disgrace. She goes to the gym, she likes hanging out with the family members that she has a good relationship, she's in short just a regular person trying to life peacefully. In any case, the situation will gradually improve, as if I recall correctly AVNSax said that the situation would improve in the second half of the game. So I expect that we'll see her in more "everyday" situations and interactions, and less dramatic/extreme situations that give us a better idea of what she's like outside of all the drama.
Being in the queer community yourself I'm sure you can relate to the issue of media often focusing on our struggles and our pain most of all. We don't get the romcom, we don't get the action hero. We don't get to be ourselves. we get to struggle.
That's not to say that it's wrong to tell a story about the struggles we face, especailly if it can help to increase empathy in people who otherwise have no concept of what we go through, as many in this thread have exposed. However, they also need to see us in that struggle, as real people. I'm not just a trans person, I'm also a writer, and a gamer, and a bit of a weeb, and a huge fucking vampire nerd. I've had way more conversations this week about vampires than I have about being trans. I've had way more conversations this week about anime than I have about being trans. Hell, two of the 5 conversations about being trans I've had, were actually about how fucking cool the Yakuza franchise is about trans folk, and one of them has been this one about this adult game.
So when I say we only get to see Alex as an avatar of trans pain, it's because we haven't been able to see Alex as Alex.
I really wish we had been able to see some of those scenes in the montage instead of having them just been a montage. Alex actually getting really into the self defense class would have been a way to change that into something no longer just about her pain, especially if she got to be seen having fun with members of the class. It could have then led to maybe an opportunity for her and Sam to bond better later, as she gets Sam into it, or Sam had already been into it, or something.
We could have her really excited to go to the library, or a game store, or about some film coming out, but we haven't had any of that yet. And if this is a halfway point, then I'm actually more worried about it than I was, because if it was only the first quarter or third, it would be a bit worrisome, but there's a whole second act where that could be addressed, right? So yeah... I want to see Alex get to be Alex, without it having to be entirely related to the fact that Alex is victimized over being trans.