Yeah as I said the only way for Brad and Kevin getting away with it if Alex remain silent ( why would she ) and the Cop erasing DNA evidence hence why also whole possible Blackmail angle doesn't make sense for me cause it's technically Kevin and Brad admitting to it but at the same time they're not the sharpest tools in the shed.Yeah i do hope Alex stop being too trusting with people who already showed beforehand they don't deserve her trust.
That being said i also do hope things start to get better after this. Those two criminal assholes left evidence of what they did everywhere: Alex meet Brad in a public place and her mother knew where and the fucker took pictures with is own cellphone and Kevin left his fucking DNA on her hair.
I think Zoey can still try to make amends since she seemed genuinely sorry about what happened, however Ellie after what she did i am not really sure Alex would accept it.
Besides their mother Emma was already pissed enough with Ellie to suggest she leave the house so i really don't see what she can do besides getting kicked out of house because of what she did or go straight to jail.
I'm just personally invested in whole Ellie and Alex cause of personal bias about neglected and siblings falling apart but hence why I can also say that if even if someone at last to approach Ellie it may be too little too late the time to help her was years ago and it was in mothers hands.
Kicking Ellie out of the house is a solution but imo it would make Ellie just more aggresive but who knows maybe she will kick her and we will have Ellie written off from the game
I would much prefer for mother to finally start fixing some of her past mistakes instead of kicking them out ( or at least try ) Talk with Ellie and explain whole Daddy thing and what he done was wrong and get her Therapy that you should take her years ago.
We will see what will happen btw I want to see Dad to get what he deserves as well cause he's one of the main reason behind family suffering.
Note - Before I get jumped I'm not excusing Ellie's actions they're despicable and Alex deserves to get even with her at some point just saying that it would be nice for someone to even try reach / help her << Mother