After playing the online version for some time now I have a few issues/bugs (cheats have not been used at all):
- The net worth is calculating wrong. It does not take money deposited in the bank account into the equation. It only adds cash and stock value to each other.
- At some time Aoi's values for sex got reset all the sudden ( I noticed it right after Remu becoming girlfriend)
- Net worth displays as zero when visiting some locations (noticed first time when I rented the Studio apartment). Fixes itself after visiting a few other locations though
- Rejected Karen after sex but she never disappeared as mentioned in the character profile.
- Renting or buying a new apartment/house should be made more clear in terms of what becomes a real new home and what not. Like the Studio apartment has basically no text explaining that it only functions as a regular location except for a few special cases.
- Many actions advance time - travel does not though. This makes no sense really especially in terms of cars vs public transport. If cars are only a status symbol why go through all the hustle to implement pictures and garages? Those are unnecessary clicks that serve no real purpose
- Change how stocks work. Stocks cannot be bought with cash usually. It requires an account. So deduct the stock investment from the bank debit account and give that part actual meaning
Ups - forgot another important one: meals. Having a meal at home refills energy a lot more than what I get for paying for some fancy stuff at the restaurant. This should get fixed because with travel not taking up time it makes more sense to make a trip home and eat in the kitchen than eating out.
The entire 'cost structure' of things requires some work-over imho. Things are either far too expensive for what they offer in return or they lack feedback in terms of what they offer otherwise. In the current stage of the game it is impossible to have a meaningful play-through without constantly looking up things in character profiles. This is simply wrong. The game action itself should give me feedback. Same goes for stocks. Them going constantly up in worth is as wrong as the account part mentioned earlier. With the deep emphasis on many special things related to banking this is really badly implemented. Either I get a fixed rate on my bank account and thus it constantly raises in value or I have stocks that might both go up and down.