VN Ren'Py Corporate Culture [v0.6] [sqwl]

4.30 star(s) 153 Votes


Active Member
Mar 19, 2021

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Target is OK.
Month. This week is end of the 'month', 4 weeks since last monthly report. Monthly goals is reached, around 15% above the target. Production-wise, it was best month so far in this cycle.
Week. Completed two scenes this week: the night one and the smaller one.
Night one went rather well, I'm more or less satisfied with how it looks. A bit more light than I'd like to, but now you wouldn't have to bring you visual enhancers to see something. Big W.
The smaller one was even better, because I didn't even have to set it up. Environment and lighting was ready, and all I have to do to is poising.
These two scenes have finished second day. It was big, and I'm glad that it's been completed, and I can put it aside.
Next Week. New week will be unconventional.
First, there's one character. You've already seen them in the game. It's poorly done skin, shape, everything. Somehow, it didn't appear to me when I was working on it. Now it has to be resigned before going forward, and I might need your input on that character to avoid making the mistake again.
After that, I need to run a few test renders and finalize some assets before going in day 3. Kinda start struggling with finding the right outfits for some character, they only have so much B&W clothes in store.
All in all, it would take me around 2-3 days. Then for the rest of the week I'll be working on 3rd day. I want to keep corporate part compact to give myself a bit more space to work with other parts. Time to cut some visual corners in favor of story progression.
Paid Post will be on March 30, next Saturday. Still a week to go, but to avoid short notice, keep in mind.

That's it for today.
Thanks for you time.
See you
Did he ever mentioned in his previous dev logs on how much renders has he planned for the next update?


Mar 27, 2022
Did he ever mentioned in his previous dev logs on how much renders has he planned for the next update?
The only thing is what he said last week, the progress bar is equivalent to a thousand images. But I can't tell you much more, the dev doesn't give any data and doesn't clarify how far he wants to go in this update. Nor really how much has been done, he only talks about weekly and monthly goals. It is difficult to follow the progress.


Mar 27, 2022


Target depends.

Paid post tomorrow.

I remade the character I was talking a week ago. It turned out well; it requires a few final adjustments, but that will be done while working with it in a scene. There are some details and quirks that are hard to catch in tests. I decided not to post the results of the remake because I'm fairly sure in it and don't want to spoil it for you. But if it could bring you any amusement, let me know.
After that, I spent some time deciding on assets, wrote a small scene. Then rewrote the small scene.
For the rest of the week, I returned to working on scenes. In particular, I've started working on Day 3, an opening scene of it. It features MC and Vicky and talks about their small agreement or disagreement. It's not finished yet. I was *this close*, but I need one more day.
Weekly target. If adjusted for those 3 days I spent away from rendering, the target is met. If not adjusted, then below the target by ~ 20% compared to ordinary week. Almost caught the usual schedule by the end, but ultimately fall short cause spend too much time setting that scene up. But renders look good thanks to that.
State of Progress. To clarify the progress:
Where the update will end? There are two possible exit points for the upcoming update: End of Day 3 or End of Day 4. I've read your comments on that matter; thanks for sharing them. I have some concerns, and I'm reluctant to directly commit to the extended version so far.
At the moment, I don't know. I'll let you know when I have a decision.
Current things. I'm working on Day 3. There are 9 planned scenes in Day 3. The number of scenes isn't set in stone and may change in the process of development. Right now, I'm finishing 1st scene of Day 3. It will be done within the next day.
I don't think Day 3 will be troublesome for production. Except last scene. That will hurt.
Day 3 progress: 0.95 out of 9 (may change) scenes .
Rendering. GPU unit took the L this week. Between tests and me trying to catch up the schedule, it had little time to do any rendering.

So... that was my week. How was yours?
If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them.
Thanks for you support.
See you.


Jan 6, 2024
Can someone explain what I'm missing? I've heard great things about this game and I've made it to the point where Edward gets a big office. But I'm not seeing why I should continue aside from "it's got good reviews." Admittedly, it just might not be a game for me. But what do people like about the game?
  • Edward has no redeeming qualities. And he goes downhill from there. As I said, I'm at the point where he gets a promotion. And I don't care because he really didn't earn it. Elsa engineered it.
  • Elsa is going to fuck him over in the end. She's told him many times he can't trust anyone. I'm sure her motivation will be a stunning reveal, if I make it that far. Elsa is apparently a 22 year old woman playing 3D chess against seasoned corporate bigwigs playing checkers and she happens to know the owner of an American Oil Company? WTF? Why am I supposed to accept this before "getting to the good part." At least she's named after an ice queen.
  • Annie is pretty. If she ever does fall for Edward, I can't see it making any sense at all. And I'm not sure why I should care. She's snobby and unaware of how real life works for real people, like the daughter of Lord "should" be.
  • Tommy is almost the most normal person in the story. Tommy.
  • Lucy shouldn't just stop talking to Edward. She should move away when Edward starts "downsizing" his furniture. Because obviously he's just a step or two away from a serial killer at that point.
  • I expected Zoe (and her friend) to not disappear after a little ways into the story.
  • Emma is a caricature. Maybe there's more interesting stuff to come from her. But again, why am I going to keep going to find out?

  • People talk about the story telling but... There's a lot of info dumps that are long sequences of hitting space bar for twenty minutes. Some of the silent story telling is interesting, but even those sequences last too long.
  • There aren't a lot of decisions to be make and too many of them seem like they don't do anything (you scroll back and there a few pieces of dialog that differ before it converges again). Maybe they do stuff under they hood, but that's not visible to the player and if there are under the hood matters, they have no visibility to the player.
So what am I missing?
Oh, and who's the woman on the right in the game's splash page? The Browns are on the left. Edward and Elsa are in the middle. No idea who the one on the right is supposed to be.


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
  • Edward has no redeeming qualities.
If you say so. Let me disagree.

  • Elsa is going to fuck him over in the end. She's told him many times he can't trust anyone. I'm sure her motivation will be a stunning reveal, if I make it that far. Elsa is apparently a 22 year old woman playing 3D chess against seasoned corporate bigwigs playing checkers and she happens to know the owner of an American Oil Company? WTF? Why am I supposed to accept this before "getting to the good part." At least she's named after an ice queen.
I think she cares about him. In her own way, of course.

  • Annie is pretty. If she ever does fall for Edward, I can't see it making any sense at all. And I'm not sure why I should care. She's snobby and unaware of how real life works for real people, like the daughter of Lord "should" be.
Her name is Alice. I don't think she's unaware of anything.

  • I expected Zoe (and her friend) to not disappear after a little ways into the story.
They don't. Pay attention to the mute and background scenes.

Oh, and who's the woman on the right in the game's splash page?
Elsa's friend. You meet her at the café when Edward runs into the entrance door.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2022
Can someone explain what I'm missing?

Admittedly, it just might not be a game for me.
I mean, you kinda answered your own question there... as for why I like it personally? Good writing... compelling narrative with interesting adult characters and dialogues... very good visual storytelling... I mean, what else is there to like in an AVN? I mean, sure I guess it could use a few more sex scenes, but eh, they're not absolutely necessary... there's plenty of dumb fuckfests out there.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Can someone explain what I'm missing? I've heard great things about this game and I've made it to the point where Edward gets a big office. But I'm not seeing why I should continue aside from "it's got good reviews." Admittedly, it just might not be a game for me. But what do people like about the game?
  • Edward has no redeeming qualities. And he goes downhill from there. As I said, I'm at the point where he gets a promotion. And I don't care because he really didn't earn it. Elsa engineered it.
  • Elsa is going to fuck him over in the end. She's told him many times he can't trust anyone. I'm sure her motivation will be a stunning reveal, if I make it that far. Elsa is apparently a 22 year old woman playing 3D chess against seasoned corporate bigwigs playing checkers and she happens to know the owner of an American Oil Company? WTF? Why am I supposed to accept this before "getting to the good part." At least she's named after an ice queen.
  • Annie is pretty. If she ever does fall for Edward, I can't see it making any sense at all. And I'm not sure why I should care. She's snobby and unaware of how real life works for real people, like the daughter of Lord "should" be.
  • Tommy is almost the most normal person in the story. Tommy.
  • Lucy shouldn't just stop talking to Edward. She should move away when Edward starts "downsizing" his furniture. Because obviously he's just a step or two away from a serial killer at that point.
  • I expected Zoe (and her friend) to not disappear after a little ways into the story.
  • Emma is a caricature. Maybe there's more interesting stuff to come from her. But again, why am I going to keep going to find out?

  • People talk about the story telling but... There's a lot of info dumps that are long sequences of hitting space bar for twenty minutes. Some of the silent story telling is interesting, but even those sequences last too long.
  • There aren't a lot of decisions to be make and too many of them seem like they don't do anything (you scroll back and there a few pieces of dialog that differ before it converges again). Maybe they do stuff under they hood, but that's not visible to the player and if there are under the hood matters, they have no visibility to the player.
So what am I missing?
Oh, and who's the woman on the right in the game's splash page? The Browns are on the left. Edward and Elsa are in the middle. No idea who the one on the right is supposed to be.
There is no use of me telling you why I like this game, and it would be pointless to argue with your conclusions. Such arguments are useless when one's mind is already made up.

This game is definitely not for you. Bye.


Jan 6, 2024
If you say so. Let me disagree.
Please name one redeeming quality he has. Loyalty, perhaps. But it's often misplaced and misapplied.

Do his redeeming qualities rise above the fact that he's basically a stalker?

I think she cares about him. In her own way, of course.
And she will not let "caring" interfere with stabbing him in the back if stabbing him in the back is "necessary".

They don't. Pay attention to the mute and background scenes.
Yes, I've seen that. What does that have to do with Edward's story? They are background characters. I thought they would be foreground characters. It was an expectation of mine that didn't turn out exist.

Elsa's friend. You meet her at the café when Edward runs into the entrance door.
The woman he never talks to? I suppose that means she shows up again later? I thought she was just there to prove Elsa has at least 2 friends that aren't Edward.

Thanks for your response.

I mean, you kinda answered your own question there... as for why I like it personally? Good writing... compelling narrative with interesting adult characters and dialogues... very good visual storytelling... I mean, what else is there to like in an AVN? I mean, sure I guess it could use a few more sex scenes, but eh, they're not absolutely necessary... there's plenty of dumb fuckfests out there.
I purposefully didn't mention sex scenes. I'm perfectly happy playing a VN with no sex scenes. And I knew I was answering my own question. I just wanted to know what other see in this VN. It's entirely possible I'll continue playing the game at some point. It is well-written and beautifully rendered. But those qualities don't feel like enough given the characters and their choices in the game. I was hoping there was something I was missing.

Thanks for your response.

There is no use of me telling you why I like this game, and it would be pointless to argue with your conclusions. Such arguments are useless when one's mind is already made up.

This game is definitely not for you. Bye.
Why do you assume I'm here to argue? The use in telling me why you like this game is add to my perspective. If my mind were made up I wouldn't hunt down somewhere to talk about a game that seems to avoid advertising and make a wall-of-text post about the game. I would just delete it from my computer and find another game to play.

El Pene Del Diablo

Active Member
Oct 16, 2022
Can someone explain what I'm missing? I've heard great things about this game and I've made it to the point where Edward gets a big office. But I'm not seeing why I should continue aside from "it's got good reviews." Admittedly, it just might not be a game for me. But what do people like about the game?
  • Edward has no redeeming qualities. And he goes downhill from there. As I said, I'm at the point where he gets a promotion. And I don't care because he really didn't earn it. Elsa engineered it.
  • Elsa is going to fuck him over in the end. She's told him many times he can't trust anyone. I'm sure her motivation will be a stunning reveal, if I make it that far. Elsa is apparently a 22 year old woman playing 3D chess against seasoned corporate bigwigs playing checkers and she happens to know the owner of an American Oil Company? WTF? Why am I supposed to accept this before "getting to the good part." At least she's named after an ice queen.
  • Annie is pretty. If she ever does fall for Edward, I can't see it making any sense at all. And I'm not sure why I should care. She's snobby and unaware of how real life works for real people, like the daughter of Lord "should" be.
  • Tommy is almost the most normal person in the story. Tommy.
  • Lucy shouldn't just stop talking to Edward. She should move away when Edward starts "downsizing" his furniture. Because obviously he's just a step or two away from a serial killer at that point.
  • I expected Zoe (and her friend) to not disappear after a little ways into the story.
  • Emma is a caricature. Maybe there's more interesting stuff to come from her. But again, why am I going to keep going to find out?

  • People talk about the story telling but... There's a lot of info dumps that are long sequences of hitting space bar for twenty minutes. Some of the silent story telling is interesting, but even those sequences last too long.
  • There aren't a lot of decisions to be make and too many of them seem like they don't do anything (you scroll back and there a few pieces of dialog that differ before it converges again). Maybe they do stuff under they hood, but that's not visible to the player and if there are under the hood matters, they have no visibility to the player.
So what am I missing?
Oh, and who's the woman on the right in the game's splash page? The Browns are on the left. Edward and Elsa are in the middle. No idea who the one on the right is supposed to be.
I think your evaluation is pretty valid.
In short: I think the author has just never told a story before. He had an idea and just ran with it to try and make some money.

yes, MC is a loser. you tried to be nice about it but lets be real.
Elsa: spot on, she's just using you.
I cant stand the neighbor. she's the girl your friends were talking about when they told you not to stick your dick in crazy.
the obsession with Alice is really creepy.

I enjoyed most of the story so far, but that doesnt mean I thought it was 'good'.

to answer your question: my interest now is just wanting to see if he manages to salvage it, I get the feeling he's out of ideas and just going to churn until it gets the DOA tag. I could be wrong, but we'll see.


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
yes, MC is a loser. you tried to be nice about it but lets be real.

Edward a loser?!?!?

A LOSER ?!?!?

He's got a degree and he starts the game as a data analyst for the most important British oil company - therefore: one of most important companies in the world - and Zoe and Lucy are clearly interested in him... and he is a L O O O S E R ?!?!?!?!?!?

WTF dude.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020

Edward a loser?!?!?

A LOSER ?!?!?

He's got a degree and he starts the game as a data analyst for the most important British oil company - therefore: one of most important companies in the world - and Zoe and Lucy are clearly interested in him... and he is a L O O O S E R ?!?!?!?!?!?

WTF dude.
How long is his schlong?
How long will it take him to pick up and lay down a stranger chick?
How many chicks has he bonked?
How many dudes has he cucked?
How dirty the sex scenes are?
His body count compared to Fuckface on DIK route?

You see, a total looser :Kappa:



Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
Can someone explain what I'm missing? I've heard great things about this game and I've made it to the point where Edward gets a big office. But I'm not seeing why I should continue aside from "it's got good reviews." Admittedly, it just might not be a game for me. But what do people like about the game?
  • Edward has no redeeming qualities. And he goes downhill from there. As I said, I'm at the point where he gets a promotion. And I don't care because he really didn't earn it. Elsa engineered it.
  • Elsa is going to fuck him over in the end. She's told him many times he can't trust anyone. I'm sure her motivation will be a stunning reveal, if I make it that far. Elsa is apparently a 22 year old woman playing 3D chess against seasoned corporate bigwigs playing checkers and she happens to know the owner of an American Oil Company? WTF? Why am I supposed to accept this before "getting to the good part." At least she's named after an ice queen.
  • Annie is pretty. If she ever does fall for Edward, I can't see it making any sense at all. And I'm not sure why I should care. She's snobby and unaware of how real life works for real people, like the daughter of Lord "should" be.
  • Tommy is almost the most normal person in the story. Tommy.
  • Lucy shouldn't just stop talking to Edward. She should move away when Edward starts "downsizing" his furniture. Because obviously he's just a step or two away from a serial killer at that point.
  • I expected Zoe (and her friend) to not disappear after a little ways into the story.
  • Emma is a caricature. Maybe there's more interesting stuff to come from her. But again, why am I going to keep going to find out?

  • People talk about the story telling but... There's a lot of info dumps that are long sequences of hitting space bar for twenty minutes. Some of the silent story telling is interesting, but even those sequences last too long.
  • There aren't a lot of decisions to be make and too many of them seem like they don't do anything (you scroll back and there a few pieces of dialog that differ before it converges again). Maybe they do stuff under they hood, but that's not visible to the player and if there are under the hood matters, they have no visibility to the player.
So what am I missing?
Oh, and who's the woman on the right in the game's splash page? The Browns are on the left. Edward and Elsa are in the middle. No idea who the one on the right is supposed to be.
Sounds like the game isnt for you. Honestly this game is barley for me as well but I am sticking around for the journey, as im curious how everything is going to play out more than anything in this game. As up to now as far as I can recall there hasn't been any real relationship building with anyone. Maybe a few times with Alice but not much and any attempts at that from Elsa has been shot down by her since she has no interest. Tho I am still hoping for a Elsa ending over Alice cause at the end of the day even if some dont trust her, she's been there for the MC and well I do think they make a good couple if Elsa would open up and try.


Jan 6, 2024
Elsa: spot on, she's just using you.
One high point is when "Ego" says this. But Edward doesn't listen to his Ego much.

to answer your question: my interest now is just wanting to see if he manages to salvage it, I get the feeling he's out of ideas and just going to churn until it gets the DOA tag. I could be wrong, but we'll see.
So, kind of a traffic rubbernecking delay kind of thing? Valid.

Thanks for posting.

This novel speaks to me to a personal level. Apparently that's not the case for you. It's ok, not everyone is moved by the same things
Great to hear. Thanks for posting.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2022
Please name one redeeming quality he has. Loyalty, perhaps. But it's often misplaced and misapplied.

Do his redeeming qualities rise above the fact that he's basically a stalker?
Also, and btw, even IF the MC was as bad as you (or others) said, honestly that shouldn't matter at all unless you're one of those weirdos who self-insert.

In the end, the MC can be good or bad but it doesn't matter as long as they're interesting and the rest of the characters and story are interesting... Gonna be honest with you, I don't personally like most MCs, but I'm not really trying to self-insert, so I don't care as long as the game is good.
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Engaged Member
Mar 17, 2021
Also, and btw, even IF the MC was as bad as you (or others) said, honestly that shouldn't matter at all unless you're one of those weirdos who self-insert.

In the end, the MC can be good or bad but it doesn't matter as long as they're interesting and the rest of the characters and story are interesting... Gonna be honest with you, I don't personally like most MCs, but I'm not really trying to self-insert, so I don't care as long as the game is good.
That's the main problem. When you start a game, MC is as him developer has imagined... His traits or values are as developer imagined it... point...
And then everything you choose is your decision... In predefined borders. Devs will try to have as few endings as possible.
If you don't like MC and/or the game, stop playing, delete the game. Search next game. It's wrong to think than developer will change MC/game. Devs game is written around his MC...
Last edited:

El Pene Del Diablo

Active Member
Oct 16, 2022
That's the main problem. When you start a game, MC is as him developer has imagined... His treads or value are as developer imagined it... point...
And then everything you choose is your decision... In predefined borders. Devs will try to have as few endings as possible.
If you don't like MC and/or the game, stop playing, delete the game. Search next game. It's wrong to think than developer will change MC/game. Devs game is written around his MC...
I didnt say I disliked, nor did I ask for changes.
a lot of my critique was opinion. as for the MCs nature that was not, he's just as beta as it gets.

as I said, I want to see how he tries to turn it around, I just dont have much hope it will work:
I could be wrong, but we'll see.
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4.30 star(s) 153 Votes