VN - Ren'Py - Corporate Culture [v0.6] [sqwl]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written. I mean, written better than the vast majority of what I've sampled here. For those who like a good story to sink their lewd teeth into, this is one of them.

    There's nothing flashy here, but it doesn't need flash. The characters are interesting and relatable. The MC evolves and is.... rewarded.... or is he? Well, if the Dev decides to finish this tale, we'll find out. This is one story that deserves an ending.

    There's some corporate intrigue, a life-changing encounter, enigmatic allies, and it doesn't drop into too much soap opera, for my tastes. There's even a flashback that I can tolerate... I hate flashbacks and this one was so well done and framed I actually thought it added to the story without dragging the pacing down (as flashbacks usually do, for my tastes).

    The cast is beautiful and it doesn't resort to over-exaggerated sexuality, the women look more "real" making the story feel more grounded.

    Highly recommended and high hopes this project is continued.
    Likes: M4P2
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a very intriguing set-up and it is not exactly clear which direction it will go. Will this be a story of someone breaking the mold and exercising some agency over their life or will it, ultimately, be the story of someone wanting to break out but failing?

    One can look at the story so far (v0.3) as exploring a mid-life crisis, a life that has been abandoned and fallen into nihilism, that is jolted awake one day by the desire for something seemingly unattainable. Now, that is not a unique plot point, but nothing really is. However, the way the story is unfolding is promising.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the game is filled with unlikeable characters. I guess I could give it some credit for sticking to the story it wants to tell, but there is no real agency here.

    The game wants to tell a nihilistic story of how there is no real choice in this world, how everything is an illusion, how you don't really make any choices, you just go with the flow. How the worst type of people make it the furthest, so on so on.

    It's fine if you are into that I guess. However, if you were hoping for a choice for the character to say "No, I want more from life than all these pretentious assholes trying to climb the corporate ladder", you wont find that here.

    The game generally just made me feel miserable. Every character in the game is using eachother. Elsa might not be, but the MC doesn't ever get an option to just open up to Elsa and find out if she actually cares and ditch Alice, so why bother.

    If you are really into nihilism, corporate politics and generally a complete lack of humanity and actually caring about the people around you, this is the game for you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say, this is an AMAZING game.

    I went into this without any expectation coming from games like Being A DIK.

    Trust me guys, THIS GAME IS GREAT, it has the potential to become one of the best games.

    Really great writing, great plot, great MC's arc, great humor (Elsa personality is really fun).

    Please don't abandon this game and I hope more people will support you, you deserve it, dev!

    Just a feedback, it would be great to have few animations during the lewd scenes.

    Anyhow, great renders, great plot, great story, great characters. Give this a try and you won't be disappointed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3006697

    This is one of the games where you're way more interested in the story/plot than the lewd scenes.

    The story is superb.
    It's very well written, the dialogues are great, the characters have actual personalities and depth.

    The bgm fits perfectly and doesn't feels out of place.
    The renders are excellent.
    The lewd scenes were pretty decent too.

    Loved the sofa flashback scene, one of my fav scenes in the game.
    (Tommy's a true bro!)

    Everything about this is 5/5.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1674187

    An excellent story! I haven't ever been so compelled by a story in a lewd game before! Dialogue feels real, and the characters feel human and interesting. We say three-dimensional a lot, but the character Elsa really delivers. She's really quite a dreamboat. I like that there's some real authorial intent. It feels like the author is really interested in the characters, and has given them all unique flaws and motivations, with Elsa being enough of a warm enigma to keep you hooked. Despite the relative lack of lewd scenes, the game is well-worth playing. For me, the face is the main point of attraction in a lady, and these girls have really lovely faces, so I don't really mind their clothed state.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Scarlett's nightmare

    Wow. In a sea of never-ending, samey, incest-ridden, copycat VNs, you stumble on a hidden gem like this.

    It's well written, smart and with a story that is more than a vehicle for porn animations. The characters are distinct and believable with their own agenda. I am really incredibly impressed by this.

    Support this if you can. It's one of the good ones.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The premises hits a bit too close to home. But the thought process, the self-dialogue, it's realistic and brillant. There's something about the storytelling that pulls me in and refuses to let go.

    At this point of time there's 2 main girls, both of which are stunning. It's been a while since I've seen models that beautiful.

    Now that I've given you 2 good reasons to check this out. Go. You need to try this.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I would say this is enjoyable, but for me it wasn't. Just not the type of game I enjoy playing. However, there are positives to it. The story (of what I played) is decent, it's definitely different to a lot of other VNs out there. The renders are not bad, though the MC is a bit... drab at times, but I think that's the point.

    Negatives for me: Too much self-loathing from the MC. I prefer to see something of myself in the MC to get into the games, but from what I have played (which I will admit isn't all that's available and things could change) the MC turns into a real scumbag.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I must say, this game grew on me. When I first started it and got into it, I stopped and came to look at the reviews and was surprised to see so many 5 stars. I was preparing my usual "I want some of whatever kind of drugs these people must be on" rants for a review, but I continued to play and got through it. I even enjoyed myself at some points.

    Firstly let me say this. Elsa saves this game. She alone adds flavor and flair to the game. Her character is quite enjoyable. Also there is good writing in the aspect that there aren't that many grammar and spelling mistakes. The game makes a lot of UK references and terms of speech so be prepared for that as well.

    I think the last thing I have to give the game credit for is its courage. The dev here tells the story he wants to tell. There's no pointless sex scenes in here yet. It remains to be seen if the dev will cave under that pressure, though if the game continues to head in its current direction that may be about to change. Also the MC is not the best looking guy from the start of the game. He also doesn't have the longest schlong out of all his friends nor is he a mister charm that makes every woman that looks in his direction drop their pants instantly. Me being a story guy, I give kudos for that.

    Now onto the critical part. There is a lot of monologue in this game and I mean a LOT. About half of this current game is the MC talking to himself. I think it's supposed to be some kinda take on split personality or dual personality? As someone who also likes to think things over and talks to myself from time to time, if I ever had the kind of self conversations this guy has, I'd check myself into the mental ward. So be prepared on that. It was something that got on my nerves a lot in the beginning.

    Also the MC really likes to kick himself. There's reasons for it, in the beginning it made me want to walk away from the game. Not because I need everything to be sunshine and rainbows but because it didn't make a lot of sense. Which will lead me to my next point.

    The story. I came into this game on version 0.3. Idk where 0.1 or 0.2 ended, but I must say if I had quit where I was originally going to, or if I had played an earlier version, this game probably would've gotten 1 star and I'd be writting that rant I prepared earlier. The story really depends on you to stick around for awhile in order for you understand it. Even then it has its weaknesses.

    The MC is a bit of a drone who's pretty much on auto pilot. Go to work, work long hours, be abused by upper management, go home, try to relax a bit, sleep, then rinse and repeat. Then all of a sudden the CEO's daughter comes to the office looking for her father and asks you for help finding him. MC is awestruck by her beauty and instantly falls head over heels for her, while convincing himself he's not worthy of her. This is literally like the main plot to the game. He then decides to turn his life around to make himself worthy to be the kind of man to court this girl who he had only seen one time and spoke less than a handful of words to.

    He gets some help along the way with this quest and the other steps he has to make to make himself a man worthy of her attention and affection. There's other things along the way that I won't spoil but the premise behind this is kind of weak. I mean can it happen? Sure, but it's a bit farfetched if you ask me. Falling in love at first sight, or being interested in a woman at first sight? sure. But going full on rebuild mode over seeing a woman ONE time in your life and her asking you for something? Ehhhh I would've liked better development there but whatever. It's the dev's story.

    The game's other flaw is lack of choice actually meaning anything, so meaningful choices right now aren't really a thing. Most changing a line or two of dialogue so far as I can see or making you beat around the bush to get to the same end result. There's choices there, but the ones that would have some IMPACT that you would LIKE to be able to make, the game will make for you, while giving you the option to make smaller choices or say different lines of dialogue that the characters seem to either laugh or shrug off anyway.

    As of right now it doesn't seem like the game has a point scoring system with characters and that's refreshing.

    All in all, while I was ready to wonder wth was going on with all the high reviews on this game, I have leveled out once I finished it. It's not a bad game. It's not anything to really write home about either. It's okay if not a bit different. There's potential here for this game to go either way. It's creative and with some more creativity and some tweaks it could get much better and become good or great, honestly the sky is the limit. It also has the potential to become stagnant and turn the MC into a "fuck every girl in the game" kind of asshole or something else and become much worse. The dev seems to know where they want to take this game, so that doesn't seem like it's going to happen.

    Right now the game is okay where it is. It's nothing groundbreaking but it's not your average run of the mill sex romp with the usual tropes. I'd say if you're looking for a story and character development orientated game, give it a shot and stick with it. You may enjoy yourself, but it does take a bit for the story to actually pick up and go somewhere. There is a chance you just can't get through it and don't enjoy yourself as well.

    My personal advice, don't go in with sky high expectations like these reviews will have you believe. Temper them, and just see how you yourself like the game and story. It's not a waste of time in my opinion. Elsa will personally make that the case on her own.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall on the surface this game might just look like another of those office games where your crowning glory will be to fuck every employee. But no, this game has so much depth; when you truly unlock your mind and and read word to word, only then can you understand the true potential of this game. Kudos to the Dev ( or devs ) for this magnum opus of a game. Man, this game really hit me on an emotional level for I could relate myself to the MC's life. Especially the couch scene, which was very well done. The writing is superb and not exaggerated. Even though Alice is super nice, Elsa is by far the most interesting character for me, everything she does and everything she says is a mystery in itself. At this point ,I don't even care if there's porn in it.

    So now, onto the actual game ratings
    --The renders are good.
    --Animations, I don't believe iv'e seen even one.
    --Characters are super likable,.......except for the MC who looks like a poor version of Russel Brand, well at least until he gets a makeover.
    -- The music can be considered as a plus point, some tracks really set the mood.
    -- As of Version 0.3, I believe there are only 2 sex scenes and probably 1-2 tease scenes here & there.

    So, overall a great game that really touch your inner side..I really look forward to the day this game gets the [Completed} tag.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best game in this forum, I have to rate this for other people to see it.

    story, renders are perfect. very few games to really talk about how to be successful in the reality world. The author really has some thoughts about the society.

    people in this game feel real to me, although Elsa is a little bit too perfect to be a friend, but the story needs something to make forward, so I accept that or maybe there's also something behind her for helping MC.

    anyway, the character, story are in the top league, even it's a 0.3 version, it's still playable and Ican't wait to see the next update.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    People often say: 'Always trust your first impression'. And my first impression when I saw this game was that it looked boring as fuck. Depressing overview, barely any tags and a few decent previews without any nudity.

    So why would I play it, right? Well, the many positive reviews made me curious, and man...... was my first impression wrong!

    Corporate Culture perfectly shows what a good story can do to a game. And this story is outstanding! I know those kind of words are used too often on this website, but this is really something else! It can even make a game about a sad guy in an office feel intense and compelling.

    The story starts off slow, but every little detail is thought out and everything makes sense. There is not a single line of dialogue just to fill up the story. It all comes back in one way or another, either to explain certain events or to contribute to the versatile character personalities.

    The keyword here is: 'character development'.

    Each character feels real! Everything they do and say actually makes sense. You sympathize with them, fall in love with them, and understand why they make certain decisions. In that sense this game sometimes feels more like a good book or a movie. The character of Elsa felt so realistic that I started to doubt whether she wouldn't be based on a real person.

    Honestly, I could probably keep praising this game for hours but I doubt anyone would be interested in reading that. The last thing I want to say about it is that the sex scenes are insanely hot! It's not those standard 'undress, BJ, fuck, cum' scenes that you see in most games. They feel real, the story continues throughout the scene and you can actually feel the tension between two people! The only minor downside I encountered was that the sex scenes aren't animated. But the renders look gorgeous and that's still a thousand times better than bad animations.

    So overall, I can't really find the right words to describe this game, but this is simply next level! Many people (including myself) give 5 stars to relatively average games, but this is one of those few games that really deserves it!

    If you're just looking for some easy bimbos and lots of fucking you may want to skip this one. But otherwise it's definitely a must play!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not usually a fan of games that take a slice of life kind of approach to things. I like my stakes to be higher than not liking your boss and wanted to fuck them over. But this really works. I think the writing is on point and the renders are really good. I like the transformation of the main character and I like the woman who helps him. I'm not a huge fan of the hook of getting the rich girl, but I'm willing to overlook the sillyness of it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First time writing review.

    This game is something amazing - it's funny, interesting and sexy but the most important thing that this game actually really touched my soul. The most bad moment that this is only version 0.3, and I need more of this game. Great characters, almost no blind spots. I just wish there will be more sex scenes in future versions.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm impressed with this VN. I notice the care that goes into every scene and line of dialog. Lots of little details help to create a world that feels more like real life than a barren game environment. Facial expressions, eye direction and hand posing all look really great. Locations look natural with decent amounts of small items and elements. These details extend to the characters as well, they become much more believable with their own motivations and stories. The main character starts out in a pretty repulsive state, which drags things down at the beginning, but it leads to a payoff as he starts making changes and those changes become visible. Elsa is my favorite character, she's not only beautiful, but whip smart, driven and something of a mystery.

    This review is based on my v0.3 playthrough and I'm hoping that this story will continue. I missed the sex scenes in my initial playthrough but they were pretty good, even though that character is somewhat of a door prize when placed alongside Alice or Elsa. The game isn't very long currently but it makes up for that in its quality.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this realistic, engaging and true erotic game which in my opinion is really underrated. It is easy to play, the plot is interesting and there is a lot of content without any grinding. Very beautiful and different models without any under aged looking characters placed in a real world. Nice renders full of sexuality. First or maybe second time I was really laughing playing an adult game.
    And most important, it was easy to follow the story and read all the lines.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really glad I checked this out, well written dialogue and characters, plus an interesting premise that's fairly unique (personal development enabled by an enigmatic woman). Nice subtly to the decisions too, they fit the character and don't have an obviously right or wrong choice. Very Good renders as well.

    It can be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack to get a game that has realistic characters, a plausible plot and decisions that matter and this game nails it.
    Likes: McZoy
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a pleasant surprise.
    Very nice visually, but you stay for the story and the protagonists.
    Alice is the prototype of a kind and beautiful girl, unreachable.
    Elsa has a lot of character, she is the ice princess.
    The male protagonist is not stupid. With a story of overcoming and we can go modeling with choices his character.

    The writing and dialogues are quite good.
    Likes: McZoy