VN - Ren'Py - Corporate Culture [v0.6] [sqwl]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I like that the story is set in the UK, first time encountering that in a lewd game. Anyway, the plot is about a depressed middle-class white guy seeing the light when he simultaneously meets two rich white girls.

    I guess if you're a young white dude currently suffering from depression (and a lot of em are these days), you might be interested. But it deals with that subject very poorly. The setting up of the protag's depression is unrealistic for one thing. "The PC had a great life, but his gf cheating on him with his best friend fucked it all up."

    Which brings me to the other big fault of the depression narrative here. PC gets out of depression through this Manichaean shift from the shitty gf & best friend to a pair of new mommies girlfriends who are just kinda awesome on every conceivable level and unaccountably give two shits about him. And PC himself transforms into a completely different person.

    People recover from depression when they reach out to people they already know, break bad habits and find meaningful stuff to do while learning to live with the same constraints and losses which were causing the depression.

    Don't improve yourself for a fairy tale, it won't work. Do it for the people who care about you right now, or the ones who might care if you weren't taking life advice from social media influencers and "alpha motivation" youtube vids. In other words do it for the kind of people who'd be right beside you on the road to recovery, and not the pristine goddess you imagine awaits you at the end of it.

    This is a porno so it's not like any of this matters, but the story is 95% of the content so it probably needed to be said. Unless you're only here for the h-scenes (like me!), in which case I'd say the 3 I saw were decent and if (unlike me) you're not a sucker for animations then wth, go for it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down in the top three of all games here in terms of quality of the writing / storytelling. I enjoyed myself extremely, though the game right now is more than a "slow burn", I couldn´t care less. If you´re looking for a quick fap and sexy renders stay clear of this game right now (0.4). I love this game for the story and it´s writing. And though it sounds as "I´m reading the playboy only because of goood interviews" in this case it´s true. A truly great game.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Another tasteless game, where the dev spends more time in creating assets for boring and predictable dialogs and very few assets for the sex scenes.

    I do not know if really some get excited by this such vanilla boring adult game.

    Too much focus on creating beautiful assets forgetting to putting some kind of soul in it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Corporate Culture is an excellent look into the mind of a nauseating incel, and (hopefully) his slow, painful transformation into a decent human being.

    This little VN has some of the best games writing I've seen in many years, and an exceptional female character in Elsa.

    Updates are few and far between, but it's soo worth the wait!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The premise of the game is really interesting and something I've been looking for for a long time. The story itself is also quiet capturing *No Spoilers* I do would like to see a bit more juicyer renders, the current are a bit to generic and not quiet as immersive. Overall it's a great game nevertheless!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really interesting game so far! The story is compelling and the scenes well done! Can't wait to see how the story progresses! Elsa is an intriguing character, I wonder who she really is. Good luck to the Dev!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    You know, the protagonist has practically become an INCEL, even though he is surrounded by beautiful girls, he doesn't do anything, the story shows why he became someone... someone... so boring... don't get me wrong, the protagonist it's boring, but the girls in the work are interesting, including the protagonist's boss at the corporation where he works, I don't see how to "save" this guy from "eternal virginity" (no, he's not a virgin, it was figuratively), on the one hand this is spoiler, but you have to know what you're getting into, not even a practically naked girl calling the protagonist to have sex with her could do anything +18 with her, he basically ignored it... Anyway, his look bothers a little, but it makes sense for the proposal of the novel, but still, military service would do wonders for the main character.

    My grade for each category (where 10 is the maximum grade):

    History: 8;
    Character Development: 9;
    Plot: 8.5;

    Verdict: It's worth giving it a try.

    Note: If I could I would give a 4.5 for the work because despite the protagonist being boring, other things make up for it, but as it doesn't, for rounding reasons, then the rating will be 5 stars.

    Note (2): I don't speak English fluently, so the text may contain connotation errors.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute match for me, but definitely not for everyone.

    I felt almost like reading a book and that's the key difference from other games I played. It's not just "good story", because usually it means that story isn't super banal, author have no obvious problems writing in English (both syntax and semantic) and he understands basic principles of telling a story. Here it's s bit more advanced: more substantial story (especially for genre), distinct author style and maybe I'm biased (story quite relatable for me sometimes), but for the first time I'm feeling something personal in it. I think that's main dividing point for this game, because reading a book not quite the same as playing average sex VN, even a decent one. I agree that due to author style without proper immersion in story some points are gonna be difficult (e. g. flashback scene).

    I loved visuals, they supplement text really good, especially MC and Elsa models: his changes in appearance with development of his personality simply awesome. Can't say much about graphics quality overall, it's ok for me, but my expectations aren't high. Also can't say anything about sound, I tried to remember anything about it and nothing happens.

    Main cons is obviously speed of development: two times a year is hard for any game, but for story based especially. And since as now it's quite a niche game I have some concerns about possible future. All other cons I believe about someones personal dislike of MC character or some strange thoughts about game ethics.

    So, 5/5, subscribed to sqwl on Patreon and suggest we all do it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best story lines I have seen so far and not just a game where the MC just jumps in and shags everything in sight. Instead, your relationship built and interactions with each character is different, with the lead ups to each scene not rushed, but well thought out and make sense. It's kept me wanting to find out what happens next.
    Well done to the developer, keep the story going, please.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking yeah!!

    Finally something really worth playing when one is not out for the fast fap only.

    Good concept and so much teasing. No silly concatenation of meaningless sex scenes. A lovely partner in crime who reminds me a bit of Dana from Dreaming of Dana ... and hard to decide if she should be the one for mc or his intended target.

    I admit, I was skimming some lines with the neighbor but besides this, I enjoyed the story so far and hope for a soon continuation.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3327777

    What an outstanding game.

    The story hits close to home (a little too close, some might feel) and MC's internal struggles are effectively presented through monologues, flashbacks, etc. The characters are interesting and all have their own motivations. The relationship development with each one is fascinating in its own way.

    Technologically, the renders are outstanding. Use of light and shadow are masterful, and image are well-composed. Truly some of the best art I've seen.

    All in all, an amazing game that makes me wish we could award more than five stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1399596

    Fantastic game with one of the most well written and believable stories on this site. The renders are good as well, but the highlight is for sure the quality of the writing. I look forward to future updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking perfect. Physical appereances 10/10. Storyline 10/10. Dialogues 10/10. Alice 11/10. Elsa 12/10. I've been playing VN games for a while now and I don't recall another game that had a better first impression. I can't think of another game's first impression being even remotely close to this one's. Just FUCKING PERFECT.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is as of version 0.3. It took me roughly 2 hours and I'm a fast reader. The game description is a bit tongue in cheek and none too helpful, so I'll describe it as a game about a guy being brought out of a depressive spiral by a girl. Legit she walks into the office and MC instantly falls in love with her and decides "I need to start working 18 hours at work every day to get a promotion and order 100 books. That way I can become worthy of her!". By working 18 hours a day, he gets close with another girl, Elsa, which is seeming like a fairly well written platonic relationship between a man and a woman in an AVN so far, crazy! There's something not quite right about Elsa, she's quite standoffish when it comes to actually talking about herself. I think that's great, it adds a layer of mystery to the story and her character is quite strong. The visuals are solidly above average, with strong lighting and posing. There are definitely models you will recognise in here, I'm not sure much customisation went into them. Another point in the game's favour is the music, it features quite a lot of different tracks, only about 2 of which I had heard before in other AVNs which really shows that the developer has put some effort into the game. So far it seems quite linear, you make choices but for the most part they only change dialogue and don't matter (perhaps there's some kind of hidden score system, I haven't checked the code). The only places where choices seem to matter so far is when interacting with the neighbour character, currently the only character you can have sex with.

    I think where a lot of people might be turned away from this game is with the main character, who's first name you can't pick but surname you can? Strange choice to do it that way but I digress. The main character is shown to be a bit of a wimp, his bitchy boss walks all over him, and Elsa is definitely the dominant one in their friendship. The MC essentially begs her to help him with his quest for self improvement so he can get close to this main love interest and she bosses him around like nobody's business. He has this weird dynamic going on in his head, sort of a split personality where one side is constantly pushing him to be more dominant and aggressive, and the other is pushing him to be meek and submissive.

    There also seems to have a certain philosophy about women presented here? Like, there's this one random scene that comes out of nowhere, where you go to a bar with your male best friend (whom we haven't met before this scene) and he lectures you about how all women just want a big strong man to come and dick them, then the dev rubs it in with some bodybuilder jock coming and stealing the attention of the girl you were talking to. Then there's also the dynamic with the neighbour chick, where essentially you cuck her away from her boyfriend? Someone she's interested in? It's not clear just yet, but you do so by borrowing Elsa's fancy car and being rude and aggressive to this neighbour. When you get back to her apartment you're given a choice to kiss her or grab her by the pussy. If you kiss her you get friendzoned, and the other lets you fuck her.

    Overall what kept me interested was the friendship between the MC and Elsa. To me that was by far the most interesting part of this game, reminds me of classic rom coms somewhat. I hope to see more of her background explored in future updates, I'm honestly much more interested in her than the main LI.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Excellent! Good and funny writing (many typos and mixed up words, though), good arts, music is OK. But the strongest point is the story. Most characters are really interesting, and it makes you actually wonder about their motivations and how things will turn out. Actually I do not even remember whether there was any porn content, if there was it was not off-putting and if there wasn't then did not miss it.

    The story is of course very far from finished, and I was constantly a bit queasy whether the whole thing might pivot into a horrible pickup artist / incel quagmire (MC learns the techniques to make all LIs his sex slaves while secretly despising them or whatever). But I hope the developer would not do such a thing (or at least not as the main path). Keeping the audience queasy is not a bad thing...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Astonishing. This is one of those games that slipped undeservedly under my radar. There are three things that stand out to me:

    • The story. I don't have a clue where the Dev is going with this, but my curiosity is certainly piqued. There's a bit of a deus ex machina quality to Elsa, as she becomes the facilitator of the MCs rise/change. But her ambiguous motivations make her _very_ compelling. The MC himself is hard to pin down... is he really changing, or is it just superficial? Is he changing for the better, or for the worse? Fascinating.
    • The characters. I love the characters, in part because they have huge hidden depth, a degree of mystery and highly suspect motivations. I am one of those guys who loves strong women -- not in a dom/sub sense, but because they are worth pursuing. And the two principal women in this game strike me as potential alphas. The question for the MC is whether he can take them on/win them over, or whether they will tear him to pieces... great stuff!
    • The porn. While limited to this point, the fap material is outstanding. It's really erotic... not just 'insert dick here.' It involves emotional manipulation as well as physical sex. Brilliant.
    Choices don't matter a great deal, yet... although they already define certain relationships. But my sense is that they will matter a great deal.

    The only problem is that the Dev's pace of updates is essentially semi-annual, which means that it's going to take a long time to reach the conclusion of this tale.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Stop what you are doing and play this now, seriously!

    This game is freaking amazing. One of the few games with a true development arc for the MC. The self reflection and change he undergoes through and how Alice impacts that development is delivered as an amazing composure of well written English, perfect renders, queued with amazing music matching the mood and mixed with really hot sex scenes.

    I can’t wait for future updates. Review written as of version 0.3.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the fap, stayed for the story.

    For sure one of the best games in here.

    Excellent writing, excellent plot, excellent characters, excellent renders.

    Although it's in the early development stages, the game already delivers high quality content.

    Definitely a must-play!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    May be Unknown

    Renders look good. And all the girls are super hot..... Not many sex scenes with the girls but I don't mind it. It has a very interesting story. Only very few games have interesting stories. I like it really really like it. Hope the dev will not abandon the game. Nice game man keep it up!!!!!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Corporate Culture [v0.3] [sqwl]

    I recently had the opportunity to dive into a game called "Corporate Culture," and I have to say, it's been quite the rollercoaster of a narrative experience. What struck me immediately was the game's well-crafted story that manages to strike a balance between depth and simplicity.

    The setting of the story is refreshingly straightforward. It's based in a workplace, but it doesn't drown you in the intricacies of the job or the convoluted politics of corporate life. Instead, it keeps the focus right where it should be – on the characters and their interactions.

    Speaking of characters, they are a real highlight of the game. The protagonist, the MC, starts as what I'd call an "arrested development loser." His internal monologues, although amusing at first, quickly take on an edge-lord quality. This is where the story takes an interesting twist when he crosses paths with Alice, the daughter of one of the bosses. Alice becomes a motivating force for the MC to get his act together, but it's here that things get intriguing.

    The MC's internal monologues transform into something resembling a split personality, which left me wondering if the developer had taken the story in a completely unexpected direction. My suspicions were almost confirmed when the MC's erratic behavior escalates to a head-spinning tirade in an office closet, leaving me convinced he had completely lost it. However, a pleasant surprise awaited.

    Elsa, another character in the story, steps in and slaps some sense into the MC, pulling him back from the brink of insanity. Elsa is a captivating character, and her motivations intrigued me. She comes across as more than meets the eye, possibly the top boss's daughter masquerading as a naive intern. Why she helps the MC and what's in it for her are tantalizing questions that add depth to the story.

    One aspect I appreciated about "Corporate Culture" is its judicious use of plot exposition. It never delves too deep into the nitty-gritty details, but it provides just enough to keep you engaged and informed. The story keeps the spotlight on the MC and his transformation, which is precisely what I enjoy in a narrative.

    The one flashback in the story was particularly intense and somewhat challenging to digest, but it added a layer of complexity to the MC's character and past.

    As I progress through the game, I'm left curious about its direction. The evolving relationship with the neighbor, coupled with the MC's internal struggle to preserve his identity amid corporate intrigue and social manipulation, keeps me hooked. How much is he willing to sacrifice for change, especially for Alice?

    In conclusion, "Corporate Culture" delivers a compelling and unique narrative experience. Its well-crafted characters, balanced storytelling, and intriguing plot twists make it a game worth exploring. I'm eagerly anticipating the next chapter of this captivating journey.
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