VN - Ren'Py - Corporate Culture [v0.7] [sqwl]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This has been out for 4 years, but there are still spelling mistakes in the opening scenes. The MC is a psycho who immediately fawns/obsesses over meeting a character in a brief acquittance situation, the MC is practically the guy in the show You.

    There is a couple hours of content total, which is a small amount of content relative to how long its been in development and especially given that there are no animated scenes. Story feels like it just left the intro at the end of the last chapter.

    Would give 2.5 stars, but factoring in development speed and this one isn't getting finished.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been considering giving this 4 stars, but ultimately I felt that it would not be fair to do so. It is objectively speaking an excellent game. Why the indecision, might you ask? It's because it lacks any eroticism or even romance in the main story.

    That is not to say that there is no lewd content, there is, albeit with a peripheral character that (so far) does not influence the main story.

    As you probably guessed, this is not a game you load up for a quick wank. Its main strength is the writing, perhaps the best I've seen in any game.

    The MC starts cringe as fuck, but he does change over time. This is the main theme of the game, the MC's... development and his climb on the corporate ladder. Whether that will be an improvement or not, that's for everyone to decide, I guess.

    The undeniable star of this game is not the MC, though, but the character called Elsa. Some will like her, some may not, but she easily carries this game through the more boring phases.

    I guess all I can say is that everyone should give it a try, and see if they like it or not. There is a lot of content out that will keep you busy for a few hours if you do decide this game is your cup of tea.

    Keep up the good work, dev!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Picture your favorite food. Then, imagine what it would be like if it kept getting better the more you ate.

    That's my experience with Corporate Culture.

    Some say it's boring, I think it's exhilarating. Most of the time there isn't much happening, but every scene is important and full of meaning.

    If you know what you like, you'll probably figure out if this is for you after 30 minutes. If you don't know what you like, this is the perfect game to figure that out.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A lot of people have said that this is an intelligently written game, and it is. The dialogue is good, the story makes sense and isn't infantile, the characters each have distinct and identifiable personalities, which is great. The artwork is ok, not great but decent.

    There are issues, however. The main characters are all unlikeable except for Alice. The MC, Elsa, the coworkers, MC's friend etc are all people you would avoid at a party given the opportunity. The story summaray indicates that the MC is just an ordinary guy at an ordinary job but he's not. He is both mentally and emotionally unbalanced to a certain degree and while this is an integral part of the story it makes him deeply unlikeable. What can be said is that he is going through a process of self discovery and change, much of which is being thrust upon him despite himself.

    Another issue is the pacing of the story. It's glacially slow, and mostly lacking in humor. This makes it a bit of a slog going through, although there's no grinding. You can see where it's going and you can see the progress being made to get there, but you just want to kick everyone to make it go faster. As I mentioned before, the writing is very good and there's lots of character development, so that's where we got all the story depth from, but it's still a bit much. At the current pace it will be a long time getting where t needs to go.

    So, overall the game is interesting. It's not fun or funny, but its a neat character study. If you have the patience to go through the initial part then you can see that there will be a reward for you as you go along, but you're going to have to invest yourself to get there. The game is very cynical, and a bit clinical, but also nuanced and rich. Definitely not going to be for everyone and it will not be for anyone who is lewd driven. This is 100% for people that are story driven. I don't even want to say slow burn, because that's not right. Despite the premise of the story it's less sex driven than it is about the MC's personal evolution. Blue ball alert for the lewd seekers.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting story and dialogue that for once I don't just skip to get to the sex scene.
    Same goes for the characters, I love Alice and Elsa, Vicky, even Emma I hope there are different path for all of them.

    I was disappointed because after spending a few hours right now there is no sex scene except for the neighbor.
    There should be at least something for Elsa or Alice path either in a dream or a little handjob because it's a lot of reading for nothing at the moment.
    The issue is for the dev that you are setting up us to have high expectation after all those hours spend the sex scene that will come up eventually are better be perfect or else it's going to be a huge disappointment, that's why I think you should add little something here and there to manage that expectation from the player.

    So that's a really promising game, one thing that you also should add is allowing us to rename the MC, I don't get why we can't.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game.(y)(y)(y)
    Intelligent, meaningful dialogue. Well-defined characters with believable behaviors. Credible goals.
    I really like this title, finally a game for those over 18s.
    I look forward to the update, sincere congratulations to the creator!:)(y)
  7. 3.00 star(s)



    As already mentioned, the art is fairly good and the characters/dialogue is well written. all round this is well constructed.

    Unfortunately it is like one of those Novels you would return to the shop and demand your money back for. it is dull.
    there is no real plot so it is just wallpaper. it really is just the humdrum of an office put into VN form. a couple of the females caught my eye and one has decent dialogue but is just not enough to break the mediocrity for me.
    i found myself yawning a bit too much.
    i guess the developer was aiming for subtle but overshot and landed in boring instead.

    i gave this a middling rating as honestly, the developer has got some great qualities. just a shame they chose to showcase them in a bland way.
    easily forgettable
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the smartest, most intelligently written game here. It's also about people and interactions, it's not about porn. This alone makes this really rare.

    Take your time if you try it. Read it, don't skip. It's so great to have characters that feel like actual people for once.

    What a lovely story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply unique .For one mc is just a simple guy not some horny/creepy guy lusting after every women that moves .Dude has his goal straight his dream girl alice and is ready to go beyond his comfort zone to be worthy of her.His alter ego and monologue plus the presence of elsa makes the game fun and interesting The story is simple and might not seem special but is immersive .It doesn't have much sex scene but you would not get bored instead will keep yearning for more of the story because you will find it ending tooo soon.Go for it if you want an adult game where sex is driven by plot not vice versa.If you are just for FAP,better avoid it now.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The game itself is really a lackluster story. The MC to me is very unlikable, he is also PINING after a girl who he seen once. ONCE. The only saving grace for me on this game is the the MC befriends a new friend to help pursue Alice (I honestly forgot her name except ALICE due to how hard he is simping over her). There was a few times at which I was thinking, "wow, maybe now he can now get over her." Nope. I was a little saddened by the red head not being a part of the story so far, even when it definitely seemed like she wanted to know the MC.

    Final thoughts: The game is quite boring, reading heavy, somewhat cringy, and really lacking on sexual content as of v.06.

    PS: The MC literally stalks Alice's social media at ALL TIMES.
    PSS: Really wanted that redhead to be involved from what the scenes shown that she was really trying to reach out to MC.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1942510

    Quality writing. Doesn't fall for the common writing pitfall involving instant gratification. Instead is spends alot of time building up the characters and making sure their interactions are believable. Also office environments are always a plus.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    - I guess the renders are decent. My expectations are, if they are not grainy, then its fine. And this passes my (very low) standards.
    - Its somewhat non-linear.

    - Quite Boring. There is nothing to hook you or engage you into the story. Nothing that makes you go "Oh wow! I wonder whats gonna happen next episode". It revels in mediocrity.
    - Very low on sexual content. I usually don't talk about this if its a story-based or plot heavy game but the story here is just poor. Especially when there are so many more sex-heavy games with a much much better story.
    - A lot of filler dialogue. You'll need to resist the urge to ctrl skip all the text cause so much text is just not noteworthy or doesn't really lead to anything.
    - There is the stoic Elsa who likes mindgames and playing hard to get. This was interesting in the beginning but she kinda has nothing else going for her, particular in terms of character development. Then you have the classic good girl Alice which the MC is apparently obsessed with for absolutely no reason, Emma the asshole antagonist character, and then the big-titted fanservice girl Lucy with (almost) all the sex scenes so the porn people don't complain about no sex. That pretty much sums up the main LI cast for this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Take time and play through it, excellent virtual novel game. This is the only game i care about the story ,and the female characters are attractive yet have different characteristics & uniqueness . Well deserved of 5 stars
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly the most boring AVN I have ever read. And the worst part it is, it has nothing to do with a lack of grammatical or literacy skills. It's literally just because the story is intensely uninteresting. There is nothing to hook you in. There is no real sexual content. There is NOTHING! It is like watching a two hour movie and it's just watching a dude do his taxes!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Have to say i like the overveiw: "It's a story about an ordinary guy and his ordinary life. He works at an ordinary office, and his future does not offer any hope. Sad."

    It's a true description but behind those words there is av very good, funny and promising story.
    Have a good night!
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    so much mumbo jumbo, not many scenes. is that a adult game or what? bro i can safely send this game to my 12 old brother, this is how bad it is.

    i ll rate 4/5 if we getting start to stretch some asses in next update, if not i ll edit my overrated 2/5 to 1/5 :D

    btw this is extra light copy version of "The Roommate" if you dont know.

    edit 0.6: expected update, almost 1 year update this is without ANY scene. i wont follow this anymore, not only the scenes but its boring man. Dev locking 1 render and writing at least 500 word is cheap and boring. If you like this goodluck bc im out :BootyTime:
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Luis Cipher

    I admit to really struggling to like this after playing for around 40 minutes or so. The MC just came across as a pathetic loser who has serious obsessing over a girl he spoke barely a few words too.

    Elsa, his co-worker and mentor in rebuilding his persona and life, was not my favorite either. she looks plain and her personality was just too cold and bitchy for me.

    I have gone back to the game after a break and it seems to be picking up a bit more now. Derek thankfully stopped looking like a retarded Emo...although he still is annoying as fuck and moronic. His simping over Alice and brown nosing to Emma makes me want to choke the idiot.

    I will stick with this and see where it's going. Initially it was a bit depressing and not much fun. I revised my score to 3 stars for average based on the story improvement (from god awful to intriguing). If it gets better yet, I will revise the score again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say, there are already dozens of positive reviews about the writing in this AVN.

    But I want to be more specific about why this is great writing because I find some of the reviews here very superficial.

    I'll try to be as vague as possible on the specifics of the plot so as not to spoil.

    The main character is loosely inspired by Edward Norton from Fight Club: he is a wounded person who takes refuge in a safe but insignificant everyday life.

    One day, an equally insignificant event becomes his obsession. This obsession leads him to embark on a path of nihilistic change.

    His progressively more aggressive and less empathetic attitude is not only the path to recovery but is, above all, a tool to become one of the top managers of his company.

    During this attempt to rise to the top, he is not alone, Edward will in fact find an ambiguous, unusual guide.

    The greatness of this story lies precisely in the ambivalence of his attitude ,which some would define as alpha. His alpha attitude paradoxically serves him both to heal and because it is the only attitude that allows him to survive in the toxic environment of a large corporation.

    The question is, will Edward recover or will he be lost? Who will he be at the end of this journey?
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes, you can't change the MC's name. No, that's not an issue. If you want some fap material, this game is not for you.

    However, you want an engaging story, with fleshed out charachters, believable and witty dialogue, then this game is for you. It's true that the MC's infatuation with one of the charachters happens out of the blue, but that is addressed and expanded on later in the game. There are also a few sequances of the game where the story is told only through renders, which I think is unique and really well done.

  20. 3.00 star(s)


    ok everything is so cool etc just like ppl saying but,

    if the 1 or 2 more update(means a year) goes building+sexual tension, this rate stars going down rlly quick just like the amnesia or many high rated games. tell me one blueballz game being successful in avn world? i dont think so.

    only sex scene we have with fat ugly undeveloped neighbour which is if we delete her in the entire game, NOTHING will change in the story. So this is just one stupid attempt for not getting "NO SEX SCENE" tag from f95.

    now we have half of the game(0.5) and i ll rate the game 5/5 if the other half goes non stop "action" after that looooooong character buildings. hate me or take some advice here i dont care. i am just supporter of adult gaming