VN - Ren'Py - Corporate Culture [v0.7] [sqwl]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I was looking for a really interesting office/corporate story and damn, this delivered it. I was surprised with a genuine, realistic plot. I appreciate a good premise of a story and an interesting MC in a game. His situation was realistic and different from the usual average games.

    Onto the game itself. Quality is supreme, attention to the detail for each render is noticeable. It is obvious that the amount of work for each render was much more than the average games. Everything looked amazing. Characters are the same case. Every female model was attractive in their own regard, nice collection.

    Next to the dialogues, I really liked them. The writing of both the story and each dialogue felt natural. Each dialogue felt unique because of main characters have certain characteristics and dialogue shows them nicely. Conversations with the Elsa and MC's Ego especially were on a whole new level. I loved the interactions between them. And the comedy, oh it was gold. Certain jokes and situations made me laugh a lot constantly whole playthrough. How MC and his Ego interacted was really fun.

    Overall I loved this game, plot was interesting and most of the characters are fantastic. I don't mind a slow burn game if the story itself is worth to listen. There are too many glorified porn-slider VN's in here as it is, I'm glad this one in particular, wasn't the case.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont want to spoil anything but the game is shaping up to be extremely interesting and fun. Dialogue between MC and Elsa is brilliant love chemistry there. There are grammar issues but its fine, this isnt English class and im sure will be fixed so ignore it. Characters look great, writing and plot is great and engrossing.

    Cant wait for more.

    Elsa best girl so far.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The characters are good. You almost feel bad for the MC which is expected with the on point naration. The woman are good looking too. Especially Elsa (don't know if she will be a love interest but hell she caught my eye better than Alice)
    Excellent! Dev needs more supporters and it's worth it!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing: ver .0.3

    Very promising start! Good character models, graphics, writing is believable, plot is good that I felt invested in, with a likable mc.

    The story: You are an office worker with a negative outlook on yourself and your surroundings that then falls in love with the company ceo's daughter. You then proceed to improve yourself in order to boost your self confidence and hopefully win her over. Along the way female love interests appear. Sadly, however you get stood up on a date and used by your boss at work to get a promotion... so now you're transforming for another purpose and gives a good reason for your descent into madness as you begin to talk to yourself and act douchey if you decide to do so.

    The music is not distracting and fits the scenarios they are in. mc is relatable and not a super perv. character relationships are believable and natural. The MC was made to look unattractive with the weird hairstyle in order to emphasize how different or unappealing he was at the start of the narrative and does change his look in v.0.2. Worth your time! Looking forward to more!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Superb game! Graphics are good, characters believable and the writing is very good, I got totally hooked. It's still low on the kinky stuff, there are only two sex scenes (which might be ok since it's 0.2) but there are literally no other moments where you're involved in something even vaguely erotic.. hope that will change with the developement of the protagonist.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect! I really, really like this game. The only thing that tops the nearly-perfect rendering is the story, the buildup and the choices itself.

    I started playing with 0.2 and looking forward to further updates! It also has a high replay value because there is no scoreboard or whatsoever, but you see the results in your choices by small differences in the scenes later. I really love it!
    Likes: Degro
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very, very nice game. Awesome writing and really good renders too.
    But the thing that got me the most was the writing...the story, it even made me think about some things.

    Besides the awesome story, i have to compliment the sex scenes too, few scenes until this point, but they're worth it. The sex scenes combined with the story gives you this satisfaction feeling that makes the whole thing awesome.

    Also, if i'm not mistaken, the game seems to be recent, but it already has enough content do "hook" you.

    Forgive me for my bad english.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Copy-paste of what I wrote in the thread:

    I don't get all the criticism. This game can be ab-so-lute-ly brilliant.
    Unlike other players, I found the premise fantastic. This guy has some serious issues, and with Elsa's help we'll be able to shape his future personality. I agree with what ZagorTeNay wrote above me, there's much more to this game than meets the eye. Those inner monologues were amazing. There's nothing left for us but to hope the dev will continue the story as superbly as he introduced it; I'm already hooked and can't wait to see what happens next.

    Apart from this, on the artistic front this might not be the best game ever but it's indeed very, very good. All girls are gorgeous (of course they look similar to other games, they're from Daz!) and the variety of angles, environments and situations is more than satisfying.

    The game lacks animations but, as I always say, if the dev doesn't have the skills or gear to create them it's better to stick to lots of sexy still renders. The first sexual encounter was a bit rushed, the scene didn't last long and wasn't very hot. However, the second one was hot as hell despite its not having animations. Lots of angles, good build-up, nice sexy descriptions in the text, etc.

    Oh, I almost forgot to say there's a lot of content already for just v.0.2 of the game. If you enjoy reading and take your time, probably 2'5-3 hours gameplay.

    Suggestion for improvement: as always, a scene replay gallery; and some tweaking to the UI and main menu to make them even more unique and visually attractive.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating for (V0.2) is:

    + Graphics Great
    + Story Great
    + Characters Great

    - Nothing at all

    Fantastic Story being told here, I loved it so much that I didn't even mind about not seeing any screwing going on after so many minutes,damn I would have loved this game even if it ended without anybody getting screwed.
    The Characters are great, the MC could have been better looking, but still ok for me.

    A Hot Story, Great Characters.
    Story brilliantly told here.
    Definitely worth the Download.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great characters, nice renders and an overall interesting start with enough content for a 0.2. Can't wait for future releases.

    Storyline is kinda mixed between corruption, love story and domination. A bit more sexual content would be nice, there are especially a lot of missed opportunities for upskirt peeks ;)
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +Renders looks decent enough.
    +Story seems interesting and well writed.

    Bad Points
    -DEV use characters from other games. I cant give game names due to respect rewiew rules but: I know Alice, Emma, Elsa from other games. And even some other characters could be from other games i dont know either. So characters are stolen from other games...
    -I was wanting write ''Girls looks beautiful.'' for good points but that girls are not came from his pencil... So i cant...
    -We dont have animations so sex scenes are short and only pictured. If you want fap someting its not your game.
    -Renders are not good enough for only pictured game. Without animations he sould focuse render quality more.
    -Sex scenes lack of images. Without animations he sould made sex scenes with more pictures and positions.

    For The End
    If characters wasnt stolen and if we have animations for sex scene i would like to give this game 4 start like other people but... With that details its not right give this game 4-5 star rate. I dont even know other people who give this game that much high rating with that details. I gues they dont know? Anyway its not cool... DEV should make his own characters and add animations. Its still not that late. He can draw them again and add animations. Its lots of work yes but with good story this game could be worth this.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    just amazing. This game isn't for jerk off and i love it like this. This game is try to tell its story and it is realy good. Story fells like alive. Just give a change this game of course play alone but dont expect jerking off.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute basher of a story. The renders are amazing as well. Few grammatical errors and minor typos, nothing that the brain can't auto correct when reading :p
    Keep the updates rolling, ty. Also, just shut up and take my money.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this VN at v0.2, and I am totally blown away. It is a fantastic offering. Well written, with deeply interesting characters, a great story, beautiful women, and great artwork.
    I do not know if I would have liked this offering at v0.1, because I was amazed at how pathetic the MC is....tepid, timid, lifeless, boring. I was glad that I could not rename the MC honestly. But before long I found myself rooting the MC, and as the story unfolds much of what seems pathetic and worthy of derision becomes somewhat plausible, if not understandable.
    The writing is not completely error free, but the errors are minor and inconsequential. Apart from the occasional typos, the writing is borderline brilliant. The line "Gravity. Thou art a heartless bitch." had me rolling. The story is very well done.
    The artwork and renders are lovely. The facial expressions are excellent, which is very nice with all the beautiful female characters in this VN.
    No animations, but I found myself not caring. There are some nice sound effects, which are well done and quite sexy.
    This VN is excellent to outstanding, and I am eagerly looking forward to the next update. In the meantime, I've joined the dev's patreon page.
    It really is that good, and I heartily recommend it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game with diligent depth; different characters and a somewhat complex story in the background. Characters you can relate to from possible personal experiences - and nice looking too! Just became a patreon of this game and looking forward to a long and prosperous "relationship" !
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Purple Lagoon

    (v0.2 review)

    I'm really, really impressed with this game. Everything is wonderfully done.
    - Renders are good quality
    - The setting and tone is creative and different
    - Facial expressions are done very well (for instance that subtle smile on Elsa's face when she overhears the phone call between the MC and his mom)
    - The dialogues are among the best I've encountered, and also very witty
    - The chemistry between MC and Elsa is delightful

    Congratulations and lots of good luck to the dev.
    And now, back to work.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really impressed by the quirky, but in depth writing, excellent character design and well done art (environments, models and posing). I usually end up muting music in most VNs, but it works really well in this one.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm honestly impressed by this game.I saw previews and downloaded it for pretty office ladies but it's a lot more than that.%90 of the male mc games in this site has so called "alpha male" protagonists but this one has a "loser guy" who tries to change his life.It's a nice change of pace.Game has a immersive story going on too, not "gotta fuck'em all" type of game.Also renders looks great for my taste, not too fancy but beautiful, and backgrounds have variety too.My favorite is Elsa, can't wait to see more of her! Good luck to dev. :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    good quality renders, bug free, high polish, the world seems like its lived in..
    each character feels real and not following the typical porno cookie cutter format, character development on the background actors is deep to a point where they seem like real people in the real world, the character development on the main actors feel like they're fully developed to a point where its believable to where they would have a family tree, official documents, in other words a full background....

    the MC development seems to be an arc and well developed reminds me of the Joker (from Batman) or Dexter (TV show about a killer)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to the game. Hot models and lays out the confidence issues the MC has. Elsa being a very sexy and intelligent character.

    In my view it is an excellent office based game. I hope the creators gets the support he deserves!!!