Unity - Completed - Corporate Pussy [Final] [Untold Love Stories Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Ethan from the Land of Pleasure..

    Remember when you had that dream about working at a office where they sell sex toys? Nope, me neither - but this game does make you want to consider having those dreams.The name suggests you will be making good business out of female reproduction parts. And by the heavens, those female parts are in working order.

    Imagine starting a new job and your boss being a good looking man. His assistant is hot, the marketing intern is hot, the clearence officer is hot.. You get the idea. It's pretty hard to focus on the job and pretty soon they'll be focused on getting you pretty hard. There is a lot I like about this game. Although the MC seems generic and coworkers fill specific archetypes within the genre, it works for this story. The developer has carefully planned events to happen in turn so that the story develops accordingly.

    A little Anime-inspired, but certainly not bad to look at. If anything I would say the characters look a little doll-like, which works for this setting. You're working with plastic anyway. You'll mostly see an office building to work, a computer screen and some loose renders in front of a different static render, but it works. The sexual scenes are actually worth it, with multiple angles and repercussions. And there are actual kinks in there too.

    Overall a good experience, but there are some things that need to be fixed ASAP. The mouse cursor disappearing at selections is unforgivable - this game is on sale for $7. Has to be fixed. Also, the fact the work minigames sometimes won’t register well makes the whole minigame a somewhat frustrating experience while it should be a fun puzzle. Lastly, reloading a save is a bitch. Just quit, restart, sit through the prologue and load the game. It’s better that way.

    This is a sandbox game, meaning you'll have to look around to get to the event you want. That definitely helps the story as you're actually out here trying to help co-workers get their jobs done. There is an element of choice, although it’s mostly about whether or not you’ll unlock stuff. This game requires you to actually play and that helps the story greatly. Go find coworkers in offices, handle escalations carefully and socialize in order to gain benefit. And package a lot of stuff.

    The computer usage was a nice bonus and definitely shows the dev created a larger backstory. Some elements are shoehorned in, but everything fits in the larger story. It’s by no means a large game and I wish it would have lasted longer, but it’s an enjoyable experience that will properly introduce you to the cast and their.. features.

    Because of the sandbox-setup, this game was a fun balance between story and gameplay. While I wanted to pack some more sex toys, I found myself often running errand for colleagues which means the balance is something to be looked at for future games. That said, I can definitely recommend playing this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Do you like terrible sound design? Check.
    Do you like a complete lack of menu and/or useful UI? Check.
    Do. You. Like. Slow. Ass... Text. Printing. Slower... than. You. Can. Read? Also check.
    Do you like clicking half a million time to get to the point where you can load your last save? Check.

    Render are okay. Characters feel like carton cut outs with a post-it note personnality. Couldn't bring myself to finish the grind.

    Also, the mini game is bugged and frustrating so there you go.

    Wouldn't have bothered with it if I had known.