And I don't move many girls into the alumni.
Yeah, I don't move many girls to the alumni status either. Though that's due to a few factors:
1) The girls each have so many shoots, that I never really reach a "done" point with them.
2) You wind up with a very large class size, due to the PTA upgrades (14 from there?) plus the school upgrades. This means you never really get enough girls to a "finished" state stat-wise that you want to clear up room for a new one. Honestly, I think with the addition of the alumni system, the class size doesn't need to be able to be raised as high as it can, and that max size should probably be reduced. Like the PTA upgrades could just add 2 to the size each, rather than +2, +4, +8, especially since there is also the school upgrades adding more slots.
3) I haven't snagged the "brought over from WTM academy" girls, so that large class size is enough to hold all the girls there are. Therefore, I don't really unlock new content by graduating girls.
Do definitely want the teaching assistant though, for that bonus to successful do actions when she's assisting you.
As for higher difficulty votes, I think reputation plays a big part in it. Which is where the school upgrades come in, as they provide a nice boost to reputation. And if you are having trouble with tolerance on girls due to the push toward nudism, that would also negatively impact reputation gains, since if a girl leaves early, you don't get the +1 to rep at the end of the exam.
I think I might be more conscious of the pressure and tolerance dynamics because I'm pushing hard for early naturalism gains, where missing garments will cause increased drain on tolerance and faster build up of pressure, so I am usually playing quite close to the edge on both by the end of the exam.
Yup, that's definitely a factor. Like with sponsors, I think it is due to a difference in how we play. I generally push the naturalism after raising corruption and affection to a certain level, then lower int, and only then focus on naturalism. But part of why I do that, like why I pick the sponsor/photoshoot route I do, is because that's what experience has taught me is an effective/efficient way to play.
Maybe some sort of exam action like leering or something could be added? Something equivalent to the low impact gropings but that works to push the naturalism side of things.