With all the mods on the spreadsheet it's almost impossible to locate the culprint..
By mods, do you mean girl/mother mods only, or did you get some game enhancing mods as well?
If it's too hard to find the one causing that error, my advice would be to make a fresh install, make a back-up folder for all mods unpacked (I actually do this for all mods before copying them into the game, they get unzipped into that seperate folder for safekeeping so I don't have to download them again.. got plenty HD space though.. )
Then copy over a few at a time, start the game, test, close game, copy more over, start game, test... until you find what's causing that error.
I always close my game before adding new into it, just to be safe, might just be me being paranoid?
If it only happens from Sunday to Monday, make your backup savegame on a Sunday game day ofc, or it's gonna take long to skip to a new week
I really hope you won't need to do it this way as that can take a long time, but just wanted to mention it in case that culprint eludes ya