
Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
Alan draining all financial accounts now that would be his speed of revenge.
Alan can get into secret accounts to get revenge! There are questions. First, how many accounts and to whom do they belong? The second one! The trick is that you first need to enter a spyware program into the enemy's computer network or get a digital key! And only Clara can do it... at the risk of complete corruption! Grace appeared to help Alan, but Jeff Dickley was released from prison ahead of schedule! It's Clara's father! He finds out that Clara works for Mr. Brown and starts extorting money under threat of exposure! Clara won't say anything to Alan and will ask Mr. Brown for money. Mr. Brown will be happy, of course, because now Clara owes him and she can be trusted! This is purely my fantasy! I do not know how events will develop in the game... screenshot0044.png screenshot0045.png screenshot0046.png screenshot0047.png


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
Alan can get into secret accounts to get revenge! There are questions. First, how many accounts and to whom do they belong? The second one! The trick is that you first need to enter a spyware program into the enemy's computer network or get a digital key! And only Clara can do it... at the risk of complete corruption! Grace appeared to help Alan, but Jeff Dickley was released from prison ahead of schedule! It's Clara's father! He finds out that Clara works for Mr. Brown and starts extorting money under threat of exposure! Clara won't say anything to Alan and will ask Mr. Brown for money. Mr. Brown will be happy, of course, because now Clara owes him and she can be trusted! This is purely my fantasy! I do not know how events will develop in the game... View attachment 4471654 View attachment 4471655 View attachment 4471656 View attachment 4471657
that last pic could have so many implications or interpretations. He was diddling his daughter, she killed someone and he knows where the body is.


Dec 15, 2023
bro alan expertise in hacking and programming,not really secret agent
Problem is he hasn't successfully hacked anything, but he's supposed to be a prodigal hacker. As tech support for his team he's failed since he's done no SOP for an undercover team also he put Leon in charge of her electronic safety and security which is supposed to be HIS specialty. What loving husband puts their worst enemy and someone they do not trust in charge of their wife's safety and security especially when they are supposed to love them so much and with her life on the line? Eventually the dev will make him a super hacker who hacks into everything with ease all of a sudden, but so far Leon has out performed both the "elite" field agent wife and the prodigal hacker in both of their supposed areas of expertise. Obviously neither is as advertised since one man has outdone both of them in what they are supposed to be best at.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
The big problem with NTR games when they have "specialists" is you need to suspend disbelief further than you have ever suspended disbelief before.

No "elite" field agent would let themselves be put in the position Clara is in and no prodigal techy would ever let his team get compromised like this guy has. Especially by someone he already doesn't trust.

It's like those shitty RPGM games where they have a super awesome badass warrior woman that slaughtered entire demon armies suddenly get dommed by fat villagers that can barely lift a spoon nevermind a sword.

It's all nonsense and makes no sense and the more you try and make sense of it the less sense it makes. Like Amy Schumers career.

Menace o Santana

The world☯Shall Know Me...
Oct 6, 2024
The big problem with NTR games when they have "specialists" is you need to suspend disbelief further than you have ever suspended disbelief before.

No "elite" field agent would let themselves be put in the position Clara is in and no prodigal techy would ever let his team get compromised like this guy has. Especially by someone he already doesn't trust.

It's like those shitty RPGM games where they have a super awesome badass warrior woman that slaughtered entire demon armies suddenly get dommed by fat villagers that can barely lift a spoon nevermind a sword.

It's all nonsense and makes no sense and the more you try and make sense of it the less sense it makes. Like Amy Schumers career.
True, had been noticed this in most of NTR games..... No matter what the wife or the husband is when it come to NTR you know their IQ will somehow bug. The worst is the introduction. Clara a so called prodige agent but when you look at what she had achieve so far you can not help but askin' is that a bug? Or wonderin' what was dev smokin' while whrittin' the introduction? I'll not even talkin' about Alan this dude is actually a mess a shame for the hacker comunity and also for the masculins. I know he would be a cuck but dude actually past the stage of loser.

But Anyways it is very common and that could explain by the little time they have to developpe their games and if they were goin' to developpe the main protags with some minimum logic the story would of been very complicated.
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Aug 23, 2024
Trying to apply logic to porn games is like applying logic to memes. Some logic is fine but going too deep into it to make things believable might just make the story complicated like the other guy said and might not be fun for ntr games where the girl needs to have vulnerabilities for the ntr to happen. It's no surprise even the famous bunch of ntr doujins and manhwas got things happening that makes us shake our heads but with hard fap material. Just look at how things happen in queen bee :LOL:Imo, as long as the porn scenarios are fun and fappable enough, I don't mind how we get there.
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Dec 15, 2023
The big problem with NTR games when they have "specialists" is you need to suspend disbelief further than you have ever suspended disbelief before.

No "elite" field agent would let themselves be put in the position Clara is in and no prodigal techy would ever let his team get compromised like this guy has. Especially by someone he already doesn't trust.

It's like those shitty RPGM games where they have a super awesome badass warrior woman that slaughtered entire demon armies suddenly get dommed by fat villagers that can barely lift a spoon nevermind a sword.

It's all nonsense and makes no sense and the more you try and make sense of it the less sense it makes. Like Amy Schumers career.
Unfortunately that is the norm because people want it to be, although more and more lately I am seeing people wanting a more believable story without having moron characters. If your going to make a story like this don't advertise mission impossible and then deliver dumb and dumber. From the comments I have seen early on up to the more recent more and more people are tired of the tropes and moronic characters and want a decent believable story. I personally look for the better stories but am often disappointed, the original premise of this story with corruption gets alot of people intrigued until they see it's just another typical NTR trope fest. I said before this could have been one of the better ones but well as I said it's rather disappointing the way the dev had it unfold. I mean you know it's bad when Mommy has to show up and solve all the problems for the "adults".

I pointed out before this could have been much better by using the corruption to alter her behavior and how she handled accomplishing different tasks/objectives. Letting the corruption turn her to using sex over simpler means of acquiring information or access to restricted areas. For example instead of flirting to distract while she steals an access card, instead her corruption makes her decide to seduce and fuck for it. NTR is still there and once she hits a certain amount of corruption she would always choose getting fucked over the more faithful way. Instead these devs use no imagination and have the little limp dicked cuck who has this serious god stud with their super dick as a rival from the past come to steal the wife/girlfriend. Then they make this stupid scenario that nobody except a serious up cuck/simp would ever forgive or even fight for the cheater and try to make a disney they lived happily ever after even though the wife is now a size queen and the hubby doesn't meet the minimum requirements to gag her much less satisfy her sexually ending. It's almost as bad as those harem games where the Mc is the only man alive but still needs mind control or some other super seduction pheromones/power to get laid with his super sized horse cock that every virgin wants shoved inside them for their first time. Yes I understand they are "porn games" but some devs are actually trying to create something more and tell a decent/compelling story mixing the sex into the story instead of a story just about the sex. Unfortunately those are few and far between.


Mar 6, 2024
Mindenki lenézi Alant! Alan már az első alkalommal feltörhette volna a rendszert, csak Leon és Mr.X állított csapdát Alan és Clara számára. Leon elhitette Clarával, hogy Alan veszélyben van azáltal, hogy feltörte a rendszert, ezért olyan programot kellett szerezniük, aminek nem az a célja, hogy megmentse Alant. Azért, hogy Mr. X és Leon feltörhessék a belső rendszert, hogy megzsarolják és mindent felügyeljenek. Amikor Alan megtudta Paulától, hogy kompromittálta a műtétet, és Clara meghátrált, mert tényleg azt hitte, hogy nem tudja végigcsinálni, Alan lelkileg egy kicsit összetört. Ezért Alan bénának és értéktelennek tűnik. De most, hogy Grace megérkezett, Alan visszatér régi önmagához, egészen addig a pillanatig, amíg Clara le nem esik előtte. Leon ügyesen játszik Clarával azáltal, hogy bizalmat épít, megmenti Alant, és elhiteti Clarával, hogy Alan soha nem fogja megérteni őt. Leon mindenkit manipulál, kivéve Alant. Szóval Alan nem vesztes, hanem nagyon jó hacker.

Lefordítva: (ingyenes verzió)

Menace o Santana

The world☯Shall Know Me...
Oct 6, 2024
Mindenki lenézi Alant! Alan már az első alkalommal feltörhette volna a rendszert, csak Leon és Mr.X állított csapdát Alan és Clara számára. Leon elhitette Clarával, hogy Alan veszélyben van azáltal, hogy feltörte a rendszert, ezért olyan programot kellett szerezniük, aminek nem az a célja, hogy megmentse Alant. Azért, hogy Mr. X és Leon feltörhessék a belső rendszert, hogy megzsarolják és mindent felügyeljenek. Amikor Alan megtudta Paulától, hogy kompromittálta a műtétet, és Clara meghátrált, mert tényleg azt hitte, hogy nem tudja végigcsinálni, Alan lelkileg egy kicsit összetört. Ezért Alan bénának és értéktelennek tűnik. De most, hogy Grace megérkezett, Alan visszatér régi önmagához, egészen addig a pillanatig, amíg Clara le nem esik előtte. Leon ügyesen játszik Clarával azáltal, hogy bizalmat épít, megmenti Alant, és elhiteti Clarával, hogy Alan soha nem fogja megérteni őt. Leon mindenkit manipulál, kivéve Alant. Szóval Alan nem vesztes, hanem nagyon jó hacker.

Lefordítva: (ingyenes verzió)
If Leon didn't manipulate Alan if because he didn't have to, not because Alan is a good hacker or anythin' like that and all the way in the story Alan had show weakness at the point of givin' his wife safety to someone he doesn't even trust (actually his enemy).......


Mar 6, 2024
Megértek mindenkit, aki korrupt módon játszik, mert csak azért mennek szexre, hogy lássák, Clara bedől egy csalásnak. Egyvalamit azonban mindenki elfelejt. Anna nem más Anna egy őrült. Alan beteg, aki akarja őt, de nem szerelemből, és igen, lesz szerencséje szexelni vele, ha együtt játszol. Ez a VN a szívpróbáról szól, mert ha segítesz Clarának a Vanillia úton, nem fog több csalás történni. A megcsalás megtörtént, de Clara hűséges Alanhez, mert szereti őt. És ezt 100%-ig hűségesen mondom, mert Clara elutasítja Leont, mert nem érdekli a kép készítése, mert bízik Alanben, és ő meg fogja tenni. Ha nem segítesz Klárának, akkor a kapcsolat megromlik, és Clara úgy fogja érezni, hogy nem törődik veled. Tehát meg kell tudni bocsátani, ha a szerelem elég erős. Van egy nagy kedvenc játékom, amit a PS TLOU 2 teljesen platinalemez, ahol sokan kiakadtak, mint én, de meg kell tudni bocsátani. Vannak perverzek és lesznek perverzek, de én játszom a történettel, sajnálom, hogy ilyen ember vagyok, mert minden 2 embertől függ. Igen, tudom, hogy ez egy pornójáték és egy pornóoldal, ahol a lényeg a szex, de nem ez az első alkalom. Ha élőben akarok szexelni, akkor élőben szexelek, nem itt ezen az oldalon.

Lefordítva: (ingyenes verzió)


Sep 14, 2023
The big problem with NTR games when they have "specialists" is you need to suspend disbelief further than you have ever suspended disbelief before.

No "elite" field agent would let themselves be put in the position Clara is in and no prodigal techy would ever let his team get compromised like this guy has. Especially by someone he already doesn't trust.

It's like those shitty RPGM games where they have a super awesome badass warrior woman that slaughtered entire demon armies suddenly get dommed by fat villagers that can barely lift a spoon nevermind a sword.

It's all nonsense and makes no sense and the more you try and make sense of it the less sense it makes. Like Amy Schumers career.
I can put all the logic aside if the game asks me to it. Like there are lots of game, many of them involves NTR, cheating etc., has logic out of window long ago and I don't care a bit. They are good their own way, so it's absolutely alright. The problem when the game claims to have good story, logic, build up for scenes and it's worse than daily soap operas. I agree on everything you say. Strong when story needs to, weak otherwise is so terrible, I don't even follow what's going on it the story. It's been a few updates last time I was even bothered to download.
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
In my opinion, Clara is a super porn actress who pretends to be a secret agent, hahahha
You've rediscovered America! Every woman has a program in her genes: procreation! That's why all these things: fashionable clothes, bright makeup, a beautiful walk with swaying hips... She's acting like a super porn actress! In general, a woman wants to lure a male, fuck and get pregnant! A child has appeared, and most often a woman no longer wants sex, but only wants money for maintenance... As soon as Clara gets pregnant, she will become an ordinary demanding dangerous woman! Someone will have to provide Clara with a beautiful life...:unsure:
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