I dunno if some of u have readed the previous answer of the dev.I think he said games that will be 3 ends or route (one of them are happy end). He also say Alan action will impact Clara action and how much them will love each.He also said Alan decision can more or less let Clara be corrupted. Yes he said clara will be sleep with other character whatever u choose,but it will be for the seek of the mission. To be frank i don't try to make scenario,saw a lot of NTR was illogic.The dev said it,he don't find realist game fun.I think it far of the true,if he check comments on the others sites.

you guy are bad and evil lol I was thinking about Alan fucking leo sister and mom,to get his revenge. Guys clara and alan was talking about have a baby,i don't imaging her leaving alan.Don't forget she is skilled agent,so she will not be easly corrupted.