I agree with you there, I mean she is married, loves her husband so much and yet, just from a simple lip kiss Anna did, while MC push her away, she goes home and end up fucking his rival Leon. I mean sorry but if you really love someone ya don't do that. Not even my cheating exes where that bad, okay, eventualy they cheated on me, but it was not like saw or think something they saw, they right away slept another, mostly it took them going on date or hanging out with another guy and after some time ended having sex. Which is actualy more normal, but here Clara acts like she just wants to cheat and have sex with every men, although in beginning she was complete opposite. I like this game in the beginning but the more it goes deeper in the Viper's nest, the more she just becomes a slut and not a reluctant loving wife. She even snap more at her husband even though all he does is being kind and respectful to her.