
New Member
Aug 8, 2016
I have come back after a time away. I was wondering if there is now or going to be a perk system like in campaign but w/o getting more difficult. I like the aspect of sacrificing your forsaken for minor perks continually but I suck at the start of the game so I feel like I fall behind in the end game. It would be sweet to get an extra few Perk Points at the start to help me get a little bit of an edge, but I hate the whole cheat aspect because its a little overboard with the perk points and I am going after a high score w/o an asterisk lol.

I have not messed with using the forsaken in the game yet. are they powerful enough to feel like you are becoming more powerful through multiple playthroughs or are they just a flavor added for defilers and whatnot?
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Mar 20, 2019
I have come back after a time away. I was wondering if there is now or going to be a perk system like in campaign but w/o getting more difficult. I like the aspect of sacrificing your forsaken for minor perks continually but I suck at the start of the game so I feel like I fall behind in the end game. It would be sweet to get an extra few Perk Points at the start to help me get a little bit of an edge, but I hate the whole cheat aspect because its a little overboard with the perk points and I am going after a high score w/o an asterisk lol.

I have not messed with using the forsaken in the game yet. are they powerful enough to feel like you are becoming more powerful through multiple playthroughs or are they just a flavor added for defilers and whatnot?
I would say forsaken definitely aid in multiple loops/playthroughs, at least in my experiences.

basically think of the end game of a loop where you can make a commander that can last 4+ turns that can deal good circumstance damage from the beginning but instead of the endgame, you can make it within the first 20 days. that’s one of the main utilities of forsaken imo, especially as the loops continue and you potentially have less days to work with.

Forsaken defilers are better to work with if you’re used to using defiler commanders and the distortion defilers help distort chosen easier as well.

And distortions as well as superior forsaken give a decent % bonus if you Pull them off with a chosen

there are few of guides on here about what are good for some forsaken but for the first loop Of a campaign run I personally try to corrupt the chosen on the team with the minor in dignity and break them with a t4 dignity break to make them a low cost forsaken so I have an early game forsaken for my subsequent loops.

if you can do an imago quickening for the first loop that would help with fine tuning your forsaken’s corruption

or corrupt them with a distortion that would be even better!

i hope some of this helps and you have fun time! :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I was going to try to make a visual aid that connects all the skills to their prereqs to try to keep track of what is needed for what since the text only in game makes it hard to remember, but man is it a spiderweb eventually. I can't really think up a good way to show all the connections in a nice neat format. I might just list all the prereqs under each skill like Perception there instead of trying to connect shit with arrows. I doubt there's really a way to improve the readability of skills/unlocks in game, but who knows.

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Hmm, might go with: yes preqs, no lines, yes grid (P.S: I already fixed Patience/Perception.)

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Jun 8, 2017
Man, I want to like this game, I really, really do. It seems to be right up my alley, but I can't keep track of all these variables. I'm almost halfway through the 50 days and I'm only just now making it to lvl 2 circumstances and trauma. I feel like I'm getting nowhere.

It took me using 2 4-turn captures and a 4-turn surround just to get a single girl up to the 1,000 hate needed for level 2, which it had said would break her core vulnerability, but nothing happened. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

This game thinks explaining the stats and how they affect each other is enough of an explanation, but it feels like someone explaining basic addition and multiplication and expecting me to jump right into calculus with it.


Jun 8, 2017
Wait, the tutorial doesn't even break a core vulnerability! It breaks a minor vulnerability, which would ruin the benefits of breaking the other girls' core vulnerability of the same type! So it's not even showing me how to properly play the game? I don't want to settle for just breaking the girls, I want to do it properly. Is it even possible to play through the tutorial scenario in a way that correctly breaks a girl's core vulnerability first? I want to actually see a series of events that leads to achieving the best case scenario.


Jul 30, 2020
I would advice against focusing too much on breaking core vulnerabilities first until you've learned the game. Even then breaking significant vulnerabilities first is probably easier, and also remember that there are two damage types you can use to break a single vulnerability to T1, so it might be better to target a different stat than the one you're trying to break.

I can try to write a walkthrough for the tutorial scenario though.
Edit: I tried, but didn't find a way to do it. It might take more upgrades.
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Jun 8, 2017
Ugh... I hate it when a game says "doing xyz yields the best results!" then makes it so hard to do that it's not even recommended that I do it. Nothing turns me off of a game more than having to settle right from the start.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Ugh... I hate it when a game says "doing xyz yields the best results!" then makes it so hard to do that it's not even recommended that I do it. Nothing turns me off of a game more than having to settle right from the start.
One of the biggest recommendations I can make for new players is to reroll characters until you get ones that don't suck, lol. Just because the girls will always cover for eachothers minor/core vulnerabilities, doesn't mean they're all that viable to play as. If you're going to spend hours playing, might as well make sure it's a team that can clear the game. Also don't be shy to beat on a girl's minor vulns a bit, especially at the start. Trying to avoid them completely will slow you down too much.

I used to run whatever and always had trouble, now I restart the campaign until I get a girl that already has her minor tier 2 vulns broken and that takes enough circumstance damage from good multipliers (Anything but Exo, really. Exo can come from a secondary character.). Already having her minors broken means you can use anything to build up her circumstance damage quickly. Even though her minors are already broken to tier 2, she won't be immediately friendly with the girl who would normally be friendly with her for breaking them, makes shit so much easier because breaking her minors any further on accident is extremely difficult. Though it does guarantee that she'll at least temporarily have an initial friendship with whoever shares a core vuln with that prebroken minor once you try to break their core. Short version is you can put off worrying about relationships with whatever minor is prebroken to T2, but you have to start caring about that rivalry eventually or those two might end up best friends.

You can easily get a Chosen like that to break all her other tier 2 vulns and up to +5 EE at end turn from unresolved traumas. At that point, it's safe to start working on the other girls because she'll already be rivals with at least one of the girls (Possibly 2 if she had 2 core vulns) and you'll have good EE income to upgrade a shit ton. With a girl like that, it's pretty easy to get the special event bonuses at turn 15/30/45, which is even more EE. That's a huge reason why you can't afford to use any team or focus on any girl, you really want to hit those special landmarks in time for the bonus EE. Basically there are time constraints beyond just the end of the game if you want to be able to upgrade shit in time.

You can already get a good idea of what the third girl will be like from comparing the initial two, which may save time:

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Shit gets messy eventually once all the girls have tier 3s broken because they start using OP moves in battle that can reduce surround turns, greatly limit damage allies take, break out of surround, etc. Unlocking the final vulns all at once is a nightmare and a lot of grinding near the end. Can't help much there, it's mostly a waiting game. To break the final vulns you have to let the girls use their special moves a shit ton unti lthey reach 1000%. Can't say I enjoy the tier 4 vulns.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Uhh, what? I had a rivalry form from breaking a minor tier 1 vuln on Shadow. Prophet came with tier 2 Innocence and Moppet had 2 tier Confidence already broken. Prophet is Morality core. Actually, I had issues in this run with significant core breaks causing friendships too and I couldn't figure out why that was happening. I started with Moppet and anything I broke on her caused a friendship with Prophet so I restarted the run. Tried her T2 core and both T2 significant breaks and it still happened. Not sure wtf is going on but they aren't following the guide info or my previous run's logic.

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Mar 20, 2019
Uhh, what? I had a rivalry form from breaking a minor tier 1 vuln on Shadow. Prophet came with tier 2 Innocence and Moppet had 2 tier Confidence already broken. Prophet is Morality core. Actually, I had issues in this run with significant core breaks causing friendships too and I couldn't figure out why that was happening. I started with Moppet and anything I broke on her caused a friendship with Prophet so I restarted the run. Tried her core and both significant breaks and it still happened. Not sure wtf is going on but they aren't following the guide info or my previous run's logic.

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What is Prophet’s minor vulnerability if you don’t mind me asking?
And significant vulnerabilities shouldn’t ever cause a relationship event so if that happened to you it may be a bug, if you still have that save it could you upload it? CSDev could take a look at it when they can


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
What is Prophet’s minor vulnerability if you don’t mind me asking?
And significant vulnerabilities shouldn’t ever cause a relationship event so if that happened to you it may be a bug, if you still have that save it could you upload it? CSDev could take a look at it when they can
Mentioned it there, Innocence minor. She started with 2 tier already broken.

I override the save, I mean, I have the scenes all saved and could probably do the same shit again since it was just me hammering Prophet for about 13 turns until I could choose which tier 2 to break on her. At least I saved the day 51 save before I chose a city so I can keep rerunning this easily. Shouldn't take too long.

Fuck I'm confused, bug testing this shit is obnoxious. Hopefully there's something I'm missing, but this seems fucky lol. Maybe somebody can notice something before I post the save?

Muppet and Prophet's Vulns before the scenes happen:
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Moppet's Morality Break:
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Moppet's Innocence Break:
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Moppet's Dignity Break:
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Steps taken in save:
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This is "Slot 1 (most recent), Bug Hunting - Day 14 versus Prophet, Shadow, and Moppet [Loop 2: Toyonaka]"
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Mar 20, 2019
Mentioned it there, Innocence minor. She started with 2 tier already broken.

I override the save, I mean, I have the scenes all saved and could probably do the same shit again since it was just me hammering Prophet for about 13 turns until I could choose which tier 2 to break on her. At least I saved the day 51 save before I chose a city so I can keep rerunning this easily. Shouldn't take too long.
Oh okay, I was just wondering if prophet was the one with two minor vulnerabilities, if that were the case and Dignity was her minor that would explain the relationship event.

If that wasn’t the case then it would be good to upload the save for CSDev to take a look since you’ve came across a bug, same with the potential significant break bug.


Mar 20, 2019
Mentioned it there, Innocence minor. She started with 2 tier already broken.

I override the save, I mean, I have the scenes all saved and could probably do the same shit again since it was just me hammering Prophet for about 13 turns until I could choose which tier 2 to break on her. At least I saved the day 51 save before I chose a city so I can keep rerunning this easily. Shouldn't take too long.

Fuck I'm confused, bug testing this shit is obnoxious. Hopefully there's something I'm missing, but this seems fucky lol. Maybe somebody can notice something before I post the save?

Muppet and Prophet's Vulns before the scenes happen:
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Moppet's Morality Break:
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Moppet's Innocence Break:
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Moppet's Dignity Break:
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Steps taken in save:
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This is "Slot 1 (most recent), Bug Hunting - Day 14 versus Prophet, Shadow, and Moppet [Loop 2: Toyonaka]"
Thank you for the save!

To answer your part about shadow and prophet, Shadow's core dignity was broken which dignity is one of Prophet's minor. Since Prophet didn't have any of dignity breaks, that's why the rivalry formed.

when a chosen has two core vulnerabilities that means they have double the amount of relationship events.
In this case shadow will have morality and dignity relationship events with prophet

To your other part about the significant vulnerabilities causing relationship breaks I followed through your save and the subsequent battle verbatim and it went like it was supposed to with an innocence relationship event that ended in friendship since Moppet's core is in innocence and prophet's minor is innocence, since prophet's innocence was prebroken like you said that's why it ended in such a way, not because any significant vulnerabilities were broken


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
To your other part about the significant vulnerabilities causing relationship breaks I followed through your save and the subsequent battle verbatim and it went like it was supposed to with an innocence relationship event that ended in friendship since Moppet's core is in innocence and prophet's minor is innocence, since prophet's innocence was prebroken like you said that's why it ended in such a way, not because any significant vulnerabilities were broken
Oh with the Shadow thing I don't remember breaking tier 1 Dignity. I'm usually careful about that now.

I thought it just meant that they couldn't get scenes for the stuff that they already had prebroken before they met. In the guide:

"The Chosen will consider using these tactics when they believe themselves to be at risk of reaching level 3 (10000 damage) in a circumstance. This is because the next level of vulnerability breakage becomes possible at that point. Note that Chosen will sometimes start the game with some of their vulnerabilities already broken. This means that the player doesn't have an opportunity to get bonus Evil Energy for breaking those vulnerabilities, but these Chosen do take more of the associated damage types."

So that was a lie : p Rivalry/friend scenes give bonus energy. When reading the guide fucks you over. Simple misunderstanding causing all these fucking issues. I'm realizing I'm also running the game so much that I'm getting runs mixed up. I thought I had already broken Moppet's T1 Innocence but I just double checked and that was last game. I was confused why the T1 Innocence scene didn't appear until a T2 was broken. Welp, maybe I need a break from this game. How the fuck did I skip right over T1 and get T2 immediately like that anyways.
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Mar 20, 2019
I hope it's a bug, or at least something not mentioned/explained well.
I was asking for Prophet's minor vulnerability in relation to how the rivalry was formed, which isn't a bug and is self explanatory from reading the guide that comes with the game:

"__To encourage rivalry between the Chosen, break core vulnerabilities before minor ones!__"

Significant" vulnerabilities (which rank below "core" and above "minor") don't factor into this system, and can be broken in any order.

Core<-->Minor = Relationship Event
If a Core break happens and the correlating Minor isn't = Bad Relationship Event
If a Core break happens and the correlating Minor has already been broken= Good Relationship Event

The guide that comes with the game explains that so if a chosen has two core vulnerabilities then you can assume this would true for both core vulnerabilities on a chosen since theyre both called "core vulnerabilities".

So you're saying that Prophet would instantly be friends with her no matter what basically as long as I'm working on Prophet? That's the part I'm confused about because it was never explained that that was an auto friendship. I thought it just meant that they couldn't get scenes for the stuff that they already had prebroken before they met. In the guide:

"The Chosen will consider using these tactics when they believe themselves to be at risk of reaching level 3 (10000 damage) in a circumstance. This is because the next level of vulnerability breakage becomes possible at that point. Note that Chosen will sometimes start the game with some of their vulnerabilities already broken. This means that the player doesn't have an opportunity to get bonus Evil Energy for breaking those vulnerabilities, but these Chosen do take more of the associated damage types."

So that was a lie.
To answer your first question, yea! But she would be destined to be friends to certain extent,

each time a relationship event happens if it was good or bad, the game remembers it and how many good/bad chosen have
relationships determines their overall relationship

so the first two innocence relationship events between prophet and moppet will be positive, meaning freindship

But afterwards if you break continue break moppet's innocence and you haven't broken prophet's innocence more

the next two relationship events will be negative, eventually turning their frienship to a rivalry.

And the intial change from friendship-->rivalry actually ends up giving more chunks of EE than simply doing acquaintances-->rivals

and similar to the two core's on a chosen, a prebroken minor resulting in destined early friendship is self explanatory after the guide explains the relationship between core and minor vulnerabilities but honestly having this extra tidbit included would be helpful for people since guide does mentions the pros/cons of prebroken vulnerablities.

Note that Chosen will sometimes start the game with some of their vulnerabilities already broken. This means that the player doesn't have an opportunity to get bonus Evil Energy for breaking those vulnerabilities, but these Chosen do take more of the associated damage types."

So that was a lie.
If you're talking about the part you put in bold, all of it is true I don't know what you mean specifically?

You get EE for breaking a T1 so if it's prebroken then you wouldn't be able to break it yourself as well as the potential negative relationship event if you're aiming for that run
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
To answer your first question, yea! But she would be destined to be friends to certain extent,each time a relationship event happens if it was good or bad, the game remembers it and how many good/bad chosen have
relationships determines their overall relationship

so the first two innocence relationship events between prophet and moppet will be positive, meaning freindship

But afterwards if you break continue break moppet's innocence and you haven't broken prophet's innocence more

the next two relationship events will be negative, eventually turning their frienship to a rivalry.

And the intial change from friendship-->rivalry actually ends up giving more chunks of EE than simply doing acquaintances-->rivals

and similar to the two core's on a chosen, a prebroken minor resulting in destined early friendship is self explanatory after the guide explains the relationship between core and minor vulnerabilities but honestly having this extra tidbit included would be helpful for people since guide does mentions the pros/cons of prebroken vulnerablities.

If you're talking about the part you put in bold, all of it is true I don't know what you mean specifically?

You get EE for breaking a T1 so if it's prebroken then you wouldn't be able to break it yourself as well as the potential negative relationship event if you're aiming for that run
I was updating my post quite a bit as I was testing/checking stuff. I have some weird issue where this site is duping part of posts sometimes, might be because I edit shit so much to fix errors. You seem to have caught my post at a weird moment lol.

The part in bold was a misunderstanding/miscommunication. It says "You can not receive EE for breaking those vulnerabilities", which is partially true, the break itself doesn't give EE, but the friend/rivalry scene afterwards from the break does. That line made me believe that those rivalry/friend scenes would no longer occur at all because they give EE.

That's good to know that later breaks can fuck up a friendship, I didn't know they were weighted in that way, I think that should be explained for sure. They make it sound like initial relationship fuck ups are pretty bad. There's a lot of shit explained oddly or not at all in this game that can really make it difficult to understand all of the systems. Like I thought friendly relationships were a bigger deal, which pretty drastically changes strategy viability. I thought the only downside to a Chosen starting with her T2 minor broken was that she couldn't benefit from that relationship at that point. I didn't know she could still end up with friendships and the EE from the scene from it. A bunch of shit like that in game adds up and skews things to make things unnecessarily difficult.

Tldr: The game needs a better tutorial. I've proven the guide is too vague on some issues and can be misunderstood, lmao.
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Jun 8, 2017
One of the biggest recommendations I can make for new players is to reroll characters until you get ones that don't suck, lol. Just because the girls will always cover for eachothers minor/core vulnerabilities, doesn't mean they're all that viable to play as. If you're going to spend hours playing, might as well make sure it's a team that can clear the game. Also don't be shy to beat on a girl's minor vulns a bit, especially at the start. Trying to avoid them completely will slow you down too much.

I used to run whatever and always had trouble, now I restart the campaign until I get a girl that already has her minor tier 2 vulns broken and that takes enough circumstance damage from good multipliers (Anything but Exo, really. Exo can come from a secondary character.). Already having her minors broken means you can use anything to build up her circumstance damage quickly. Even though her minors are already broken to tier 2, she won't be friendly with the girl who would normally be friendly with her for breaking them, makes shit so much easier because breaking her minors any further on accident is extremely difficult. You can easily get her to break all her other tier 2 vulns and up to +5 EE at end turn from unresolved traumas. At that point, it's safe to start working on the other girls because she'll already be rivals with at least one of the girls (Possibly 2 if she had 2 core vulns) and you'll have good EE income to upgrade a shit ton.

With a girl like that, it's pretty easy to get the special event bonuses at turn 15/30/45, which is even more EE. That's a huge reason why you can't afford to use any team or focus on any girl, you really want to hit those special landmarks in time for the bonus EE. Basically there are time constraints beyond just the end of the game if you want to be able to upgrade shit in time.

You can already get a good idea of what the third girl will be like from comparing the initial two, which may save time:

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Shit gets messy eventually once all the girls have tier 3s broken because they start using OP moves in battle that can reduce surround turns, greatly limit damage allies take, break out of surround, etc. Unlocking the final vulns all at once is a nightmare and a lot of grinding near the end. Can't help much there, it's mostly a waiting game. To break the final vulns you have to let the girls use their special moves a shit ton unti lthey reach 1000%. Can't say I enjoy the tier 4 vulns.
Dude, thanks so much for this! There were so many changes to my tactics that I had to make based on this - it finally gave me insight into how someone actually beats the game. It's probably still gonna take me a lot of tries, but at least I feel like I have an idea of what I'm doing now.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Dude, thanks so much for this! There were so many changes to my tactics that I had to make based on this - it finally gave me insight into how someone actually beats the game. It's probably still gonna take me a lot of tries, but at least I feel like I have an idea of what I'm doing now.
Yeah, goodluck. I may have cleared all 3 girls but I'm still fucking shit up and misunderstanding how some of the systems in game work myself. : p

The girls starting with broken tier 2 vulns can still end up friendly with their teammate that has that core damage type, but apparently it's also not as big of a deal as I thought it was since you can break up friendships with future events. I got some parts wrong, but it's still helpful and speeds up early game. You just might have to tweak some mid/late game tactics to account for that if you want more rivalries. So I guess, close enough on that advice, lol.

Guess I should go edit my post though and try to clarify that.


New Member
Oct 2, 2019
What are the raw numbers on Tempt, several hundred million per trauma and several thousand million angst? And once I've tempted 10 times or so, can I finally break Morality/Confidence to set up this Orgy, or are multiple different Aversions not possible and I should reroll.
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