
Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
I have come back after a time away. I was wondering if there is now or going to be a perk system like in campaign but w/o getting more difficult. I like the aspect of sacrificing your forsaken for minor perks continually but I suck at the start of the game so I feel like I fall behind in the end game. It would be sweet to get an extra few Perk Points at the start to help me get a little bit of an edge, but I hate the whole cheat aspect because its a little overboard with the perk points and I am going after a high score w/o an asterisk lol.

I have not messed with using the forsaken in the game yet. are they powerful enough to feel like you are becoming more powerful through multiple playthroughs or are they just a flavor added for defilers and whatnot?
I'm planning on adding a cheat which gives you all the achievement bonuses from campaign mode (even in a single play game), so the bonuses there might not feel quite as overpowered as having infinite EE. Regarding Forsaken, they're meant to be the main way that you get stronger in later loops in campaign mode. It can be hard to make a regular Forsaken that's better than an equivalent Demon Commander, but once you start getting Superior Forsaken (and the later Forsaken types that aren't implemented yet), they'll be much stronger.
I used to run whatever and always had trouble, now I restart the campaign until I get a girl that already has her minor tier 2 vulns broken and that takes enough circumstance damage from good multipliers (Anything but Exo, really. Exo can come from a secondary character.). Already having her minors broken means you can use anything to build up her circumstance damage quickly. Even though her minors are already broken to tier 2, she won't be immediately friendly with the girl who would normally be friendly with her for breaking them, makes shit so much easier because breaking her minors any further on accident is extremely difficult. Though it does guarantee that she'll at least temporarily have an initial friendship with whoever shares a core vuln with that prebroken minor once you try to break their core. Short version is you can put off worrying about relationships with whatever minor is prebroken to T2, but you have to start caring about that rivalry eventually or those two might end up best friends.
The relationship system actually doesn't distinguish gameplay-wise between Chosen whose tier 2s you broke and Chosen whose tier 2s came pre-broken.
That's good to know that later breaks can fuck up a friendship, I didn't know they were weighted in that way, I think that should be explained for sure. They make it sound like initial relationship fuck ups are pretty bad. There's a lot of shit explained oddly or not at all in this game that can really make it difficult to understand all of the systems. Like I thought friendly relationships were a bigger deal, which pretty drastically changes strategy viability. I thought the only downside to a Chosen starting with her T2 minor broken was that she couldn't benefit from that relationship at that point. I didn't know she could still end up with friendships and the EE from the scene from it. A bunch of shit like that in game adds up and skews things to make things unnecessarily difficult.
The guide probably over-emphasizes how important relationships are because of how, in the original Release 1, trying to create rivalries was pretty much the only interesting goal the players could set for themselves. In the current version, friendships and rivalries each have their own benefits and drawbacks, so you can pick based on what your goals are (and based on your personal taste). Rivalries give you more EE, but it's only about a day's worth. In other words, if you're having to delay your plans by more than a day, or if you want to use both Chosen as leverage against each other to make them more obedient as Forsaken, or if you think that the extra hesitation turns might benefit you more than the decreased Resolve in the final battle, then it's a completely legitimate choice to deliberately make them friends.
What are the raw numbers on Tempt, several hundred million per trauma and several thousand million angst? And once I've tempted 10 times or so, can I finally break Morality/Confidence to set up this Orgy, or are multiple different Aversions not possible and I should reroll.
Kalloi is correct about what you need to do to set up an Orgy between a Tempt Chosen and a soon-to-be-Aversion Chosen. As for the raw numbers on the Tempt downtime, it's 1 billion of each trauma and 10 billion ANGST. It can be up to double that if two Chosen who like each other do the downtime together, and it can be doubled again if all three Chosen like each other and do it together. It's also subject to the Luxuries multiplier in campaign mode.
I have a pretty hard time wasting a turn training Forsaken with how much unresolved trauma girls can recover at certain points in the game. It's not just losing a turn, it's potentially losing EE income, that bugs me. Makes for an even smaller window where training Forsaken is a viable alternative to building trauma. Anybody know the exact math for all the EE income from unresolved trauma btw? If I knew what numbers I don't want the girl to fall under, it would be easier to decide if I can get away with training Forsaken instead. I'm always too scared the EE income is going to drop (Especially starting at the +15 landmark).
The exact formula for downtime decisions is complicated and involves factors like "how much do I like my partner and how much do I want to do the action she's doing, and is her ANGST bigger enough than mine that I should be helping her out?" However, as a rule of thumb, every point of ANGST is worth 1/10 of a point of trauma for the calculation. This means that if the added ANGST yesterday is more than 10 times the trauma they resolved with their last action, then they're actually more likely to do sinful actions today, even if you don't damage them at all.
Did I break the game or is there some limit to how many T3's can unlock per day to be broken? All the girls should have unlocked the ability to break their T3 from that, but they're still showing "Reach 10.0G", even though they have 10.0P+, lol. Is this what happens when you completely skip over G's and go to P's in unresolved trauma in one day? Shit, now I don't want to continue in case this is a bug. Well at least now I know turn end EE is tied into the highest level of vuln broken because all these girls still only get +15 EE each instead of +30 EE even with all that unresolved trauma (Unless it's tied to the remaining days or something, who knows).
Only one can unlock per day, but the others will keep getting unlocked on subsequent days. This is meant to give the player a little more control over the order of the breaks. So, for example, if you've got a Chosen with Minor Morality and Core Innocence, and they're sitting at 15T FEAR and 12T DISG after a big Orgy, you might be able to use the last few turns of combat to Slime them and get their DISG higher so that Innocence breaks first.
P.S: Not sure if it's a bug, but the back button can disappear in some cases. Might have something to do with the other two girls being captured and not having moves, but I'd like to examine the captured girls sometimes. Gotta check if I need to retreat/cancel the gangbang before they break stuff sometimes.

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This, on the other hand, is a bug I forgot to fix. It'll be fixed in the next version.
I don't really understand Approach at all. To be sure, I haven't played around with Forsaken training much but my experience with Approach has been: Chosen on Mor/Dig Distortion path = Let's me do pretty much anything. Chosen on Mor/Con path (T3 on both) = Can't arouse, can't strip, can tie up but she immediately gets angry and kills me. Chosen on Inn/Dig path (T3 on both) = Can't strip, can't arouse, can tie up and the next turn she gets mad and kills me.

What I would expect to happen is that pleasure actions would have an effect on someone with T3 Mor, that I could push down / lay down / tie up someone with T3 Con, and that I could strip someone with T3 Dig but it seems like Approach only really works on people on Mor/Dig distortion path or maybe generalists with T3 or T4 broken on all stats?
I think the main issue here is that the system is suffering from a lack of actions to use. Ideally, T3 Mor Chosen should be fine with having dominant, sadistic sex with you, T3 Con Chosen should be submissive even if they aren't sexual, and T3 Dig Chosen should be huge teases even if they don't like you enough to go further. But the actions to get those ideas across aren't implemented yet. It'll get better as more gets added.
I have a bug with the negotiation distortion, my team is not at 1.0G angst yet but I can still use the negotiation distortion. Anyone know if it's something else? Save is the one called "negotiation".
I'm late with this, but thanks for the bug report. Kalloi brought it to my attention so I could fix it in 29b.
Also I thought I remember hearing somewhere the game has an auto update feature now? I could be mistaken, but if so how do you use it?
Unfortunately, I don't even know how I'd go about programming an auto update feature.
A forsaken with around 70% disgrace costs 9-10 EE to deploy, but will be much weaker than a forsaken with lower disgrace. Forsaken can require planning ahead to create but can be extremely powerful. I have found that generally it is easier to use forsaken if you plan them out during the campaign, and then use training to make small changes to corruption and to give them more experience. Making large corruption changes to forsaken without mindbreaking them is something I have had a lot of difficulty with. For example, if you use the tempt aversion on a chosen with dignity/innocence cores, you might only end up with a forsaken with around 50% corruption in each of those stats, and it can be hard to train them higher without runing the forsaken. If you tempt a forsaken with dignity/innocence minors, however, they can start out with 65-70% corruption. Tempting a chosen with dignity minor and confidence core is something I really like to do, because you end up with a really cheap cost forsaken that regens stamina very quickly and is useful to inflict pleasure/exposure in the early game. Aversion forsaken are the opposite, they usually hit like trucks but their stamina regens very slowly and they cost a lot to use.
Very nice little writeup. To add to this, Forsaken at 0% Disgrace start out at a 1000 EE cost (which is obviously absurd). It gets cut in half for every +10% Disgrace. Forsaken damage also decreases linearly with Disgrace down to zero damage at 100% Disgrace. So, going from 80% Disgrace to 90% Disgrace cuts both the EE cost and the damage in half. Going from 70% Disgrace to 80% Disgrace cuts the EE cost by half but the damage only by a third. The ideal tradeoff between cost and damage will vary depending on where you are in the loop, which is why it's good to keep Forsaken with various Disgrace levels around.
  • Day 3 ends. Oracle had 225 Tickle and ends up with 105 unresolved but that's enough for an EE proving, again, that there is a lot about this game that I don't fully understand (EEs: 2).
I can answer this as well. It's the downtime action that determines how much EE you get, and the downtime action is picked before the damage is resolved (because the choice of downtime action is what determines how much damage is resolved).
Is Tempting bugged in the latest release? I have a Chosen who supposedly I should be able to Tempt, but I can't get it to trigger. Look at Paladin in this save. Also, I haven't tickled/sodomized her, but if I use a Suppressor/Defiler she detonates. Is confidence secretly broken on her or something?
It looks like you dealt enough TICK damage to break her T3 Confidence, but it isn't actually broken until she uses Detonate. If you Tempt her before she Detonates, then she'll be set on the Temptation path and she'll stop wanting to use Detonate. But managing to Tempt her without using a Commander capture might be tricky. Basic Commanders (meaning non-Forsaken ones without Suppressors, Defilers, or Punishers) don't trigger Detonate, so that might be your best bet.
Jun 24, 2017
It looks like you dealt enough TICK damage to break her T3 Confidence, but it isn't actually broken until she uses Detonate. If you Tempt her before she Detonates, then she'll be set on the Temptation path and she'll stop wanting to use Detonate. But managing to Tempt her without using a Commander capture might be tricky. Basic Commanders (meaning non-Forsaken ones without Suppressors, Defilers, or Punishers) don't trigger Detonate, so that might be your best bet.
So, I used a basic commander, using the same tactic that I've used in previous games to get Tempt going (unlock fantasize, wait until they fantasize themselves to 100k pleasure). In this screenshot, you can see the examine feature shows that Tempt is still available (she hasn't detonated). In the second screenshot, I try to surround her with 100k pleasure and Tempt isn't available.


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
So, I used a basic commander, using the same tactic that I've used in previous games to get Tempt going (unlock fantasize, wait until they fantasize themselves to 100k pleasure). In this screenshot, you can see the examine feature shows that Tempt is still available (she hasn't detonated). In the second screenshot, I try to surround her with 100k pleasure and Tempt isn't available.
You're right, that's a bug. I believe I've found what's happening here. The option menu for having the Thralls take an action immediately after a surround doesn't share the same code as the normal one, and the bug is in that menu specifically. If you do a different action this turn, then the Tempt option should show up next turn. Sorry for the trouble, it'll be fixed in the next version.
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Jan 27, 2021
How exactly does personality effect a Forsaken’s Fighting Style? I kinda wanted to make one with a PLEA Fighting Style so I created and Tempted a Superior Chosen.

He started with PLEA/EXPO style so I unlocked him for Single Play and I did a lot of training to increase his PLEA and decrease his EXPO but even at 81K PLEA and 30K EXPO his style still won’t change.

Would I have to Hypnotize a Chosen to get the Fighting Style I want?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
There are a couple of custom image packs out over here on the forum, the most recent being the one by
activspam that I recommend watching over as they are working magic using generators

I made a post linking to the posts of the other users that have made custom image packs including myself, so I will just post my quote under here, I hope you try them out and enjoy their work! :D
Maybe you should link to the post containing their downloads, not their member info link. You can do that by clicking on the post number on the top right of the post, like so. I tried searching "portraits" in the search bar and there are already 3 pages to look through and guess at if they actually contain download packs. Searching through the thread and people's posts to find download links will get worse and worse with time.

Too bad people couldn't just agree on a searchable phrase that only people offering image packs use, like writing "GamePortraits" in their post so people can easily filter out non downloads when using search. If everybody followed that, then we could just post the search for "GamePortraits" in the OP like so: Portrait Downloads

Always an issue here with any game that people can create custom content for.
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Mar 20, 2019
Maybe you should link to the post containing their downloads, not their member info link. You can do that by clicking on the post number on the top right of the post, like so. I tried searching "portraits" in the search bar and there are already 3 pages to look through and guess at if they actually contain download packs. Searching through the thread and people's posts to find download links will get worse and worse with time.

Too bad people couldn't just agree on a searchable phrase that only people offering image packs use, like writing "GamePortraits" in their post so people can easily filter out non downloads when using search. If everybody followed that, then we could just post the search for "GamePortraits" in the OP like so: Portrait Downloads

Always an issue here with any game that people can create custom content for.
The issue is mostly with the moderator for this thread seemingly not listening to people’s request to sticky the many portrait packs on here, I’m not too familiar with how to do everything on this site but I think that would have been way better and I would not mind maintaining and compiling a list of the packs people have made so far either


New Member
Aug 16, 2016
Trying out the new Distortion and I'm confused. Is it supposed to be this weak or am I missing something? 1% per day is already slow, but it also consumes the day so I can't progress any other Chosen's Distortions or Breaks. Granted, I'm usually ready to hit the final battle around day 30 so I can make it work, but it burns a ton of days especially on a first Loop where I don't have Forsaken to train.
I guess what I'm saying is, it doesn't feel like the other Distortions. The first two offers big payoff for fulfilling their restrictions but this new one adds more difficulty after spending all game working around not being allowed to break half of the Vulnerabilities.
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Apr 27, 2017
did T1 breaks change since R24 ? Tooltip says , for example, "grind AND humiliate", but it takes only one of those and sum of circumstances close to 10k for the girls to start using defensive tactics and break their T1. If it's intentional, you should adjust the wording and use OR in tooltips.
Same with defensive tactics - once they are past T1 breaks, girls start using them immediately on 1 circumstance level, and can activate two tactics even if you do one surround action.

It's kind of a slippery slope right now with T1 breaking all at once when you start to go for any decent surrounds and trauma levels, and after that your surround damage reduces drastically in consequent fights, especially with 27% Distract and core vulnerabilities having inherent resistance. Basically, normal commander doesn't cut it anymore in mid-game, so you need to save for defilers or versatile suppressors to start going for T2(or do the perfect fight, and break the T2 at the same fight as T1).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
did T1 breaks changed since R24 ? Tooltip says , for example, "grind AND humiliate", but it takes only one of those and sum of circumstances close to 10k for the girls to start using defensive tactics and break their T1. If it's intentional, you should adjust the wording and use OR in tooltips.
Same with defensive tactics - once they are past T1 breaks, girls start using them immediately on 1 circumstance level, and can activate two tactics even if you do one surround action.

It's kind of a slippery slope right now with T1 breaking all at once when you start to go for any decent surrounds and trauma levels, and after that your surround damage reduces drastically in consequent fights, especially with 27% Distract and core vulnerabilities having inherent resistance. Basically, normal commander doesn't cut it anymore in mid-game, so you need to save for defilers or versatile suppressors to start going for T2(or do the perfect fight, and break the T2 at the same fight as T1).
Yeah I tried mentioning this as well. That wording on T1 breaks fucked me up for quite a while too. Right now the mid game seems heavily focused on creating orgies as soon as possible with normal commanders in my experience actually. Defiliers and Suppressors seem pretty shit to me in comparison to normal captures (Except in the final fight) because they can't capture multiple girls at the same time, you can't attack them any further while captured, and you can't change their damage type mid fight to be able to hit up more/different multipliers. Seems like they're a bit overloaded on weaknesses vs normal commanders just to save a turn or two at certain parts of a fight.

I've tried some playthroughs focusing on dual type suppressors immediately and they didn't seem to ever perform as well as normal commanders for me. It has been a while so maybe I wasn't doing as well with them as I could now, but I doubt it's that big of a difference. Maybe I'll try again. I know the single defilers blow.

Edit: Yep, double Suppressor still seems to suck. Costs more, takes longer to unlock, and does less than normal commanders throughout the entire battle. Can't chain surrounds as long on your main girl and she takes a massive hit to how soon you can T2 break her. I can pretty reliably T2 break a girl usually before day 15, I'm on day 20 with this strat and so far behind my usual marks. You lose a shit ton of damage on your main girl to get a bit more on your secondary girl for like a turn. It falls off super fast and slows down your run a shit ton to spread your focus like that though. The +5 EE income on your first girl, T2 EE breaks, and bonus EE on day 15 are too useful early on and snowball you to better shit faster, you miss that trying to use double suppressors. It'll drop off even harder with Networked Consciousness.

Seems Suppressors and/or skills might need some balancing. I don't get the not allowing players to attack any additional circumstance damage on a captured girl. It's already penalized by being limited to 1 allowed active on the field at the time and an increased cost. Might need even more help beyond that.
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New Member
Aug 16, 2016
Seems Suppressors and/or skills might need some balancing. I don't get the not allowing players to attack any additional circumstance damage on a captured girl. It's already penalized by being limited to 1 allowed active on the field at the time and an increased cost.
My main strat is to rush double Suppressors (INJU/EXPO), +1 Duration, and +1 Capture, use that to break T2, and snowball. This happens around day 10. I don't think Suppressors are underpowered.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
My main strat is to rush double Suppressors (INJU/EXPO), +1 Duration, and +1 Capture, use that to break T2, and snowball. This happens around day 10. I don't think Suppressors are underpowered.
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Uhh, I think you might be remembering wrong? Maybe you played an older version with different balance? You can't even unlock all that shit by day 10 let alone break a T2 right now. Or are you using some cheats or achievements or something? I don't think it's even possible to break a T2 before Day 15 like that without something strange going on. Not sure exactly when you can get up to +4 EE income like that, but I know it's pretty rng based and would be a waste to test it. Rushing to day 15 without spending any EE on commanders is pretty painful though for improving income quickly. I think the earliest you can even use that 9 cost commander with double suppressor is turn 14 in the best case scenario, and that's at the expense of a shit ton of trauma you could have been building during that time.

Then you won't even be recouping the cost of using that 9 cost commander...so what do you do afterwards? I'm genuinely curious because I couldn't make it even come close to comparing to normal commanders. The early snowball is way too useful and it's much cheaper. I run out of EE and can't use the double suppressors most the time even after the unlocks, so it's shit early on and shit later on, lol.
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New Member
Aug 16, 2016
I was approximating. Here's my current file playing suboptimally in order to hit Distortions. Looks like I hit +1/+1 on day 10, double suppressor on day 12. There's a save on day 11 and day 13 showing the aftermath of those breakpoints.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I was approximating. Here's my current file playing suboptimally in order to hit Distortions. Looks like I hit +1/+1 on day 10, double suppressor on day 12. There's a save on day 11 and day 13 showing the aftermath of those breakpoints.
Yeah... game is a bit easier with a girl that starts like this, lol.

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You also got Freedom to 2m Angst from 26k and almost 90k Sham from 200 sham in 2 turns without breaking their minor Dignity. I have a hard time just imaging what you did to accomplish that or how difficult it is, seems a bit weird to me though how fast things changed without breaking shit that shouldn't be broken. Maybe I've done similar shit and just not noticed the change being so rapid, I have had T2 Core/Sig breaks that early, just weird seeing the number changes. I'm surprised by how little Angst you've built up on them too by day 11.

The important thing here is it seems more accurate to say you rushed the +3 duration and +1 extra capture before double suppressors, that's what set things up to even make that possible. So it is shit early game, but has a breakpoint midgame after a T2 is broken while ignoring some prereqs for double suppressors. That makes more sense, I thought you were saying double suppressors was good to rush to immediately before spending anything on commanders. That's mostly what I was testing since you said you rushed doubles.

Glad you saved a file at day 2 with that comp, going to see how my usual strategy fares in comparison. Finally get to compare strats with somebody else.

Edit: Alright, I was a day behind at one point because I didn't break a 1k early for the +2 EE, but I caught up immediately after that. I did break Freedom's minor Dignity though, could probably avoid it if I reran it enough. So yeah, not too much different. That is just a really fucking good team to be able to break pretty much anything you want on Freedom by the end of day 12. Oracle coming in clutch for both girls with her trauma weakness to attack for easy surrounds early, freedom having two +2 bonuses, Silence with her double prebroken T2 on Morality and Confidence. Nuts rng. I think this is the fastest/best start I've ever had. I did the same focusing on Silence instead with an 12 end day T2 break, less EE though obviously.

I did learn to put off grabbing Coordinated Deployment early thanks to this, at least with this team, maybe there are exceptions but that little extra EE changes a lot at just the right moment to save a day or two. Now I'm wondering how this will continue. I mean just seeing how double suppressor is unlocked doesn't say anything about how it compares long term, I managed to unlock the same shit up to that point with my usual strat. Nice 22 EE to spend at turn 13 makes things a lot easier.
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Apr 27, 2017
Seems Suppressors and/or skills might need some balancing. I don't get the not allowing players to attack any additional circumstance damage on a captured girl. It's already penalized by being limited to 1 allowed active on the field at the time and an increased cost. Might need even more help beyond that.
Yeah, it might be just my team composition. I only have one girl easy to snowball, but she is shit at expo. So I use her to stack trauma and stall fight, use 2nd girl to up some expo levels, and final one is the one giving me headache - she is core at dignity and confidence, but minor pleasure, so I had to hit her with 12 turns of Spite during a fight to get confidence T2 break, while juggling other 2 girls.
This combination of vulnerabilities is pain in the butt to do normal surrounds with, especially after she starts using defensive tactics. But once you break T2, the damage resistance becomes more manageable, so it's just this mid-game that I had to use defilers/suppressors heavily. It's around day 25-29ish for me.
Other than that, Networked Consciousness - best perk in the game :D


Sep 3, 2017
Is there any good guide or tutorial for the game?

I really want to get into the game but I simply can', because the game is so f****** opaque. It barely tells you anything and going through this thread is more confusing than useful. for example it says that the RNG is important but then doesn't explain what good girls are. I straight up doesn't understand what you are supposed to do. I don't have any metric how I am doing, I am just going to the motion not knowing anything. Not having any comparison to anything or even basic knowledge makes it nearly impossible to do learning by playing.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Is there any good guide or tutorial for the game?

I really want to get into the game but I simply can', because the game is so f****** opaque. It barely tells you anything and going through this thread is more confusing than useful. for example it says that the RNG is important but then doesn't explain what good girls are. I straight up doesn't understand what you are supposed to do. I don't have any metric how I am doing, I am just going to the motion not knowing anything. Not having any comparison to anything or even basic knowledge makes it nearly impossible to do learning by playing.
Yeah, sorry, that's kind of a major issue with the game imo. I remember coming into this game, trying the tutorial, skimming the thread, reading the game guide and still being like "Wtf". It's an information overload, it's like reading a book in a language you don't understand yet. There's really no way to retain the information until you slowly start to understand the terms the game and people here use, then you have to recheck all that shit again once you start to understand what all the words mean. Next you have to ask a dozen questions here because the game will never properly explain why some shit does or doesn't happen, the formulas, etc.

Basically this game is a nightmare for new players to get into, lol. I usually write guides I play for games but I don't like guessing at shit, especially in a game like this and accidentally giving bad info. Right now I'd probably still get a lot of shit wrong because of how much unexplained shit there is in this game. Probably why most people here just try to give a quick guide for stuff. It's like a lot of us can mostly just say "This kind of works in this scenario", but the game has a bunch of variety that can fuck with that, it's difficult to touch on every possibility.


Apr 27, 2017
Is there any good guide or tutorial for the game?

I really want to get into the game but I simply can', because the game is so f****** opaque. It barely tells you anything and going through this thread is more confusing than useful. for example it says that the RNG is important but then doesn't explain what good girls are. I straight up doesn't understand what you are supposed to do. I don't have any metric how I am doing, I am just going to the motion not knowing anything. Not having any comparison to anything or even basic knowledge makes it nearly impossible to do learning by playing.
Well, the main thing newbie me didn't understand was how to control trauma levels properly after reading the included text guide(still don't with some girl stat combination, heh). Issue is, trauma levels mitigate circumstance damage, but you still need them to trigger surrounds. That's why ambush with commander is so important early on - it allows you to start off with some circumstance levels on the girl before you start to make trauma attacks, because ideally you want circumstance levels higher than trauma levels.
Other thing is Evil Energy usage. I skimped on commanders early on to save for some upgrades, but it turned out to my detriment, as properly broken T2 (i think she must be 20M+ angst as well ) girl can give you +5EE per turn. You might wanna save for commanders instead, and then reload the day until you get a good break. That should recoup your EE investment and give higher passive income from the girl. If you reload and reload and still can't break the girl, you refund the costly commander and try again with some more upgrades(on commander or base) next day.

So good metric on how you are doing would be the progress on days, having +15EE per turn is very good result around turn 20-25. Allows you to use commanders every fight, and still get upgrades. As there are only 50 days per campaign, having full break (t4 on at least) on at least one of heroines around day 40 is a must, so you have time to work a bit on other girls and save for final-tier upgrades. That means T3 break around day 30, so you can grind the percentage required for T4 break(explained in the guide).

At any rate, you have to sink some serious hours to get a feel for the game and its combat system, it will not make sense just reading guides.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Early/Mid Game Guide for version R29:

Starting out in Campaign:

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First Battle Phase:
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First Base Phase:
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Day 2-3: The Second Heroine Appears:
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After Battle 3: Rivalry/Friendship Talks:
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Day 4-8: The Third Heroine Appears:
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Strategy Time:
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Day 9-12: +2 Vuln Breaks and Using Commanders:
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Day 13: First T2 Break:
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Day 14-15: Interview Event:
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Day 16-20: Networked Consciousness:
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Orgies and You:
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T3-T4 Breaks, Final Notes:
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Skill Tree:
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Apr 27, 2017
that's a great first battle breakdown. I think you don't have to do full campaign, just up to a point on how to handle 3 heroines at once and set up orgies, and turn-by-turn would be less needed as you go further into the game, so hopefully you have it in you (y)
For the rest of campaign, some upgrade highlights should be enough for new players, they can figure out the rest and explore their strategies, adapting to RNG teams is the main part of fun in this game, after all.


Mar 20, 2019
Trying out the new Distortion and I'm confused. Is it supposed to be this weak or am I missing something? 1% per day is already slow, but it also consumes the day so I can't progress any other Chosen's Distortions or Breaks. Granted, I'm usually ready to hit the final battle around day 30 so I can make it work, but it burns a ton of days especially on a first Loop where I don't have Forsaken to train.
I guess what I'm saying is, it doesn't feel like the other Distortions. The first two offers big payoff for fulfilling their restrictions but this new one adds more difficulty after spending all game working around not being allowed to break half of the Vulnerabilities.
I definitely feel similarly about it, I’ve started a fresh campaign run to try it out and for some insane reason I wanted to have a tempted chosen as well for this loop and trying to pull these off simultaneously are way harder than pulling off an aversion/temptation distortion on a team, I think its viability is good on loops where you want to train forsaken and you’re willing to burn a day anyway but it does not benefit the loop in some ways like the other two distortions, it’s recommended to break the t4 innocence on that chosen and use slime + to whittle her down and you can negotiate a truce with several chosen in one day so it’s similar to aversion where it might be good to do to a whole team , but yeah I wish there was added benefit to the plea action in the final battle to offset the small resolve damage like the distorted chosen would hesitate and either do reduced extermination damage or potentially an turn of inaction but only if you used that turn to plea her, and this damage reduction/hesitation increases the higher resolve damage you do to her

on the other hand I really do enjoy the fact that each additional truces/please before the final Battle actually increase the obedience of that chosen when she becomes a forsaken and So it actually has a benefit to further the distortion besides the usual of only making the final battle easier and some flavor text

overall I think some minor tweaks would be nice but I enjoy the change of pace
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