
Mar 20, 2019
Loop 17, where all the choices are bad...

View attachment 2473185

I was a fair bit luckier with my loop 15 than SuperSkippy- the mitigation was only in the 30's, though I had to pass up a much better item to go there. L16 wasn't dreadful either, 20 day time limit but I could've been done by d14 if I'd been less pedantic about setting up and breaking all the vuln's. I imagine L17 would be possible but I need a break and I think I'd have to leave chosen behind which would ruin my record. This demon lord is satisfied with his work for now.

I'd apologise for the terrible puns/naming, but I'm not actually sorry.
Excellent work Zargal! :D Sorry for replying sooner, I've been hyper focused on finishing the portrait pack before the end of March, but I did take a look at your save by the time I reacted to your post and just want to say first and foremost that using the suntorn dawn pack is no problem! However you have been disqualified on grounds on the sheer number of puns in your game have been legally classified as a hate crime against comedy. Take solace with the Evil you've put into the world and know the authorities will come for you soon :)

Jokes aside entry is valid and thank you so much for participating in the competition! :D


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The 10k items were vital to my strategy and I think I picked up the Exp one L5 so I did well there. Other than the Pants though it was a rather meh haul.
Similiar to superskippy's first run, it was a bit disappointing that you couldn't come across the distortion item for the one distortion you were specializing in the most. I wonder how much the Green Fairy Dust item would have helped in your playthrough.

  • Basically I used a bunch of tempted in various damage configurations which could then switch to tempt as needed. These I upgraded to animalistics as I went and had a variety of costs as well, with my 4EE, Inj/Exp being my mainstay.
  • I also had an undistorted undead who did all injury and cost 1EE, she could usually break inj straight away and get me through the early rounds cheaply. With the 2 10k circ items, that left only pleasure as my weak point and with such a temptation heavy team, I could get that easily enough on day 4. Still, would have liked to have found a day 1 solution.
  • I experimented with an undead rampancy, I just never quite realized her potential I think- I always seemed to have a better choice. Still, I liked having her as an option and tantrums aren't nearly the disaster I thought.
  • My rampant animalistic experiment never quite got off the ground, the theory of an orgy specialist was good but again I don't think I used her properly and could never justify the cost vs a 4circ commander.
  • Because I never got the psychomter (L17 notwithstanding), I ended up going with undead punishers, focusing on damage and motivation increases which I was fairly happy with. I could have min-maxed this better but oh well.
  • In that vein, I was very lazy with training once they had the distributions I wanted, but seeing Superskippy's goons, I see I cheated myself out of about 10% damage. Oh well again.

My last loop I used a good chunk of my roster so I'm happy with how it turned out.
Some thoughts upon looking at your save it's once again fascinating to see the differences in playstyles not only from super skippy, nightclaw, and your playstyles, but seeing the differences in my own as well. Temptation might be the second to last distortion I use in my playthroughs with the last being rampancy (although that placement is due to rampancy's traits leading to more unruly forsaken then I'd like than simply preference) So your strategy outline and save having so many temptation forsaken in play is really awesome to witness! Even the usage of undistorted forsaken in your roster caught my eye (Miss Queef sticks out particularly as that undead forsaken you used for day 1 sodomizing)

My personal opinion is I believe expertise training beyond getting the appropriate fighting style does feel worth it, even if at times I just use it as excuse to continue training a certain forsaken or give my trainer something during breaks. A neat trick I've found for getting some more expertise out of a forsaken is once a trainer distributes all of the expertise to the designated damages, I do a training session with that forsaken and raise the neglected damage types, this typically adds expertise even with the mid-tier training actions instead of redistributing expertise. Once that forsaken has gotten an influx of expertise damage I set them back on their previous training plan so the trainer can distribute the new expertise damage to her proper fighting type, works exceptionally well with aversion forsaken as a result of their naturally low deviancy, with one of my forsaken I've gotten close to 900k expertise with a few of her damage types.

General Strategy

Quickly break the cores using items and specialist forsaken to rake in a bunch of EE. from breaks and rivalries.
Target battle elongation researches and rush network consciousness.
Go for a 10 turn orgy to get the T3's started.
Use either general type forsaken to get a whole lot of moves used or target a specific one with a specialist.
Decide whether a "complete" commander was needed to get a 15 turn orgy going. This was the laggiest part of my runs and so I avoided if possible.
Grab one 100EE + move (taunt+ ended up my favourite) and antipathy (I nearly always rivaled them up).
Use punishers, trying to limit the number of times they'd be needed.
Final battle (remember to save!)
I've always skewed towards friendships if possible but seeing how direct and effective this strategy is, I'm interested in trying a campaign run where I intially focus on building out my roster first and then afterwards go for a scorched earth style just to see how far I can go, two of my most noticable things I have against my own playthroughs is 1. I get too invested in the corruption storyline aspect of a chosen team so I tend to draw things out or go out of my way for specific corruption methods like ensuring a demon commander body is the first one to eve sodomize a chosen, etc. 2. I don't want any of my chosen to kill each other or have a T4 escape ending so the moment I see that as an inevitability I become disinterested in my campaign save. I don't really think these aspects need fixing but I do genuinely want to see if I fully let loose one of these days, maybe before boss chosen are introduced. apologies for the minor tangent lol

Stray Thoughts
  • I think SuperSkippy and I have different strategies and they were both viable, so that's the mark of good design. Nice work CSdev! The items are also a big factor in how you'll play, but as seen, even a mediocre acquisition can be worked with.
  • On that note, I'm none the wiser as to what influence actually indicates. Is it how much influence you gain from that city or is it the cost of the item? Could there be a running total on the item page?
  • I found Undead much easier to deal with than animalistics, probably more on par with superiors. The EE drain isn't bad unless you let the loop drag on and while their T3 abilities are nasty, they can be dealt with. I'm really looking forward to the "exhausted" change to stop a broken undead just spamming enervation though!
  • On the flipside, animalistic forsaken seem to have more utility after you fill the low cost slots of the roster.
  • Is it possible to have the Forsaken page as a spreadsheet style thing? It would be great to have cost, damage type, training plan all on the one page. Having "unassign all" and and a button to implement everyone's planned training would also be great.
  • Level 5 sacrifice fired on 42 when it says the threshold is 60.
  • PSA: You don't need to buy the punisher research (eg. hypnosis) to get the associated T4 training after winning the final battle. They unlock automatically in the "offseason". Saved myself so much time from this.
  • I think a grid style page to view all your forsaken's deployment costs, training, and damage would be really helpful as well, especially for rosters with a large amount of forsaken available. I would love for an unassign all button as well. Additionally, for training plans that increase disgrace, I think next to the report of the associated forsaken, showing the EE cost next to it would be fantastic in finetuning deployment costs, would be great for hostility and obedience too but I want it for disgrace more than anything else
  • For some reason re-reading your post now made me realize I should probably replicate this sacrifice bug on my end for confirmation and report it to CSDev, don't know why I didn't think of this until now, maybe the puns broke my brain earlier before lmao, anyways ty for reporting it, I'll let CSDev know with a message
  • Seeing this PSA along with the question about the release ability superior chosen and beyond have reminds me that most of things I believe to be common knowledge about the game is actually really obscure since the average player hasn't been playing every release and reading the changelog like the psycho that I am, I wonder if I should compile these minor things into a document for people to see so they won't have to find these things out through stumbling across this in a forum or after scouring through changelogs
Either way it was fun seeing your invasion trail demon lord, I hope you feel proud of your work! And if you decide to make another full campaign run I hope it goes even better than this one! :D
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Reactions: zargal


Mar 20, 2019
Loop 24---not sure I can beat either damage mitigation here. Godzilla couldn't break a window in this Tokyo:
View attachment 2499395

I'll give Yokohama a shot, but I'm not terribly optimistic. The last time I went up against a damage mitigation close to that (55% in Loop 22), I could just barely limp through after an Orgy broke only a single T3 core. I don't have many tools that are much stronger than loop 22, I've got only one new Forsaken of note and she's a bit weaker than I'd like. We'll see.

Edit: Nope, not doable from my position. Can't even break all T2 Cores with what I have.

Kalloi, here's the udpated Saves.sav.
Congratulations on your second run! You went even farther beyond your last, it was really exciting to see the back and forth between you and nightclaw, it almost feels like you two spurred each other on even farther than you both may have normally would've gone from your posts but I could always be wrong, either way reaching the 20s of a loop is something I've never done myself or seen anyone else besides you and night claw, its really impressive!
Some additonal thoughts is it feels like the item pool was far more kind to you than your last run. Was interesting to see the change! :D

And one last thing about the bugs you mentioned, aside the achievement one, the negotiation bugs were checked by CSDev and in the current build of the game, it seems like the bug won't occur anymore so you don't need to worry about that, I meant to reply to you saying this earlier but I've been really busy, sorry about that.
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Mar 20, 2019
I was in the middle of writing my thoughts on Nightclaw’s campaign run when I sort of crashed after work and fell asleep hahaha

I will make that post after work, but right now I need to say that , meaning the Competition is over!!!

There will be an better post announcing everything when I’m back from work today but for now here’s the winners of the competition and their Placements!

1st Place- Nightclaw

2nd Place- SuperSkippy

3rd Place- zargal

Congratulations!!! And thank you so much for participating in the competition, I didn’t know how many people would take part and am surprised that even one person would be interested in it. It was so awesome to see your saves as well as your respective thoughts and progress in your runs.
I’m still half asleep if I’m being quite honest so the rest of my praise will be reserved for my next post later haha

One other thing I’ll say now though is there actually an additional prize for each of the winners, something that will be explained in the latpost also :D

Next post will also be showcase the new release of my portrait pack, for now though here’s the link to the folder, I still need to make the full version that has the file split up into smaller chunks for people, but the normal full version and lite version are up for people to try!

There was quite a bit of things added to the pack, even the expansion of other aspects which I’ll tell you all later ;)

Now! . . . I will sleep a bit more before getting up to work haha


Jul 18, 2021

(uh... anyone else get a warning from their anti-virus from dl'ing the new version from the blog? lemme know if it's just me, cause that's real odd.)
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Aug 5, 2018
Hmmm... Pregnancy is nice, more families are nice, but what I'm interested in is the T3 changes - Taking a peak behind the covers for a second - It's a stepping modifier that drops the effective circumstancial LV. by 1 if the chosen is ready to break (based on acheivements), and by 2 if they've been broken. So quite the nice debuff that should make breaking other chosen easier.


Jan 12, 2018
I saw no warnings when I downloaded.

I think with the changes in this version it's the perfect time to focus on a story aspect for my run/s, building up more forsaken and testing out the relationship system more.

The fact that the body-shift feature is now a per-chosen toggle is very much appreciated. I'm looking forward to when MOR T2 doesn't automatically mean loss of virginity, since that is something that steers me away from going Rampancy and Aversion more.

Some more thoughts on the competition/my run:
- I can confirm that I definitely only got as far as I did because of SuperSkippy. The later loops felt more like a math puzzle to solve than anything else, which is totally understandable as it's not expected to get that far but I remember constantly thinking of things to mix up the difficulty as I was going through loops.
- A part of me was actually thinking of restarting at Loop 11 when my item choices were Unicorn Lard and Orgasm in a Can. The latter of which seemed very limited at the time, as using it would add a lot of extra mitigation on the other circumstances and I had no issues getting PLEA to 10k anyway, whilst also setting the fight up for better things. When I got the item that ignored levels of PLEA for other damage, it become a useful item for triggering an initial Rampage. But I mostly just wasted it without much thought.
- The Trainer position stops a forsaken from throwing a tantrum, because they're busy planning.

Oh, something I only just remembered now: Relatively early on in my run, I found out that a Forsaken using the 'Penetrate' defiler action wouldn't change the chosen's virginity on the stat page: It would still say they were a virgin who had never been vaginally penetrated despite having a broken T2 MOR and everything. I only ever tested with 1 forsaken, so it might have just been an issue with them, but I could presumably go and replicate it easy enough when I have a spare moment.
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Jul 18, 2021
I saw no warnings when I downloaded.
the rar did set off windows when i went to the drive that i had it on (as little as that means, but i didn't wanna get side-swiped for not double-checking over here at least, but it's probably way too soon to ask other people about this)
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Aug 27, 2018
Not sure what's causing it, but trying to train Mayhem in any way in the attached savefile causes the menu to freeze, meaning a restart. Other 2 forsaken don't have this issue when training and I have been able to train Mayhem previously.
(latest save, loop 2)
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Apr 23, 2018
New update is up at

Anyone know if new updates tend to be compatible with existing campaigns, or do you need to start over if you update?
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Mar 20, 2019
Not sure what's causing it, but trying to train Mayhem in any way in the attached savefile causes the menu to freeze, meaning a restart. Other 2 forsaken don't have this issue when training and I have been able to train Mayhem previously.
(latest save, loop 2)
Ty for the bug report! I'll send a message to CSDev over on subscribe about this now :D


Mar 20, 2019
New update is up at

Anyone know if new updates tend to be compatible with existing campaigns, or do you need to start over if you update?
I don't recall any updates bricking existing campaigns besides the result of some bugs, but depending on how many forsaken you have in your save it may take a bit to load the save initially, afterwards it should be good to go!

Boss chosen are planned to be implemented in the near future, I don't know if that will produce incompatibilities but good to keep it in mind


Mar 20, 2019
I remember passing up the Astrolabe early on in my run, since it didn't seem too useful to me. I buy those upgrades when things have been stabilized and I have a lot of EE from breaks/distortions. Dominance is handy to get Network a little quicker, but the others I've found are 'win-more' upgrades. Maybe I'd think differently if I was using Commanders.

I also passed up the 3 EE tier version, although I'm beginning to regret that decision as it would really help out the early game with cheaper evac/ext increases when EE is tight. Can't remember what the alt item was though, so it may have been unavoidable.

I presume it's intended, but returning chosen seem like a much bigger hindrance in these quick loops. Yes, they're pre-broken which means easier damage but you lose out on a lot of early EE from breaks/rivalries (if you broke cores). I haven't tested with a returning Tempted/Rampaging chosen, so I'm curious if you lose access to the initial 100 EE hit for starting the distortion path.
Can confirm that you don't gain the initial EE hit for returning temptation/rampaging chosen but personally rampaging chosen and negotiation returning chosen have their use since the EE from early rampages allows one to get most the upgrades you need to do major damage early on and negotiation chosen can give the angst bomb to their newly made teammates as soon as you can meet them in person again. It would be interesting if aversion/temptation had as similar buff that could be utilized as soon as they show up though

Just seeing the modfiers active for you and super skippy's save made me run for the hills, I suppose its to be expected but still haha. It was fascinating to see how small and utlilitarian your forsaken roster was, as well as the specialization in Negotiation!

I think with the changes in this version it's the perfect time to focus on a story aspect for my run/s, building up more forsaken and testing out the relationship system more.

The fact that the body-shift feature is now a per-chosen toggle is very much appreciated. I'm looking forward to when MOR T2 doesn't automatically mean loss of virginity, since that is something that steers me away from going Rampancy and Aversion more.
After your display in the competition I can see wanting the change in pace, personally it's one of the reasons I'm still able to enjoy the game so much outside of mechanics, there's a certain amount of freedom to craft your own corruption storyline arcs for each chosen, even going out of my way to extend a loop just to accomplish a narrative beat in my head, I highly reccomend it, recently I saw an old post that reminded me that at some point I wanted to defeat a "pure chosen" convert them into a forsaken with almost no breaks. I believe I did it a long time ago either just before or after temptation was introduced but it seems like it would be fun to revisit the idea :D. I also really like the per chosen toggle since it was a bit of pain to quit a save and go to the main menu just to flick it on/off.

Some more thoughts on the competition/my run:
- I can confirm that I definitely only got as far as I did because of SuperSkippy. The later loops felt more like a math puzzle to solve than anything else, which is totally understandable as it's not expected to get that far but I remember constantly thinking of things to mix up the difficulty as I was going through loops.
- A part of me was actually thinking of restarting at Loop 11 when my item choices were Unicorn Lard and Orgasm in a Can. The latter of which seemed very limited at the time, as using it would add a lot of extra mitigation on the other circumstances and I had no issues getting PLEA to 10k anyway, whilst also setting the fight up for better things. When I got the item that ignored levels of PLEA for other damage, it become a useful item for triggering an initial Rampage. But I mostly just wasted it without much thought.
- The Trainer position stops a forsaken from throwing a tantrum, because they're busy planning.

Oh, something I only just remembered now: Relatively early on in my run, I found out that a Forsaken using the 'Penetrate' defiler action wouldn't change the chosen's virginity on the stat page: It would still say they were a virgin who had never been vaginally penetrated despite having a broken T2 MOR and everything. I only ever tested with 1 forsaken, so it might have just been an issue with them, but I could presumably go and replicate it easy enough when I have a spare moment.
It's really great to hear that friendly back-and-forth like this was able to push things as far as they did, as I said previously, I don't think I ever seen saves reach into the 20s and it was frankly inspiring for me to get my game up as it were haha

Its really cool how well the items seem to synergize with each other and make some items more viable than previous thought, it honestly makes interested in more short-term campaigns to just experiment and try out different combinations

And if you do go back and replicate that virgin bug, definitely upload the save over here for CSDev to take a look at it!

I just want to say thank you so much for participating in the contest, going back to your post with the first entry, I'm happy this little thing inspired you to take your campaign to the limits because it's truly awesome seeing everyone go so far and accomplish so much. Especially from a fellow player whose also been playing almost 20+ releases ago, it's fantastic that you're still able to enjoy the game even now :D
Congratulations on your campaign run and hope you have just as much fun with your next one!


Mar 20, 2019
Okie! Time for the newest release of my portrait pack!! Technically this came out two days ago but writing this post sometimes feels like the hardest part of the process. . . wait nevermind this couldn't come close to the hardest part because I remember the hell I went through last release :BootyTime:

Anyways time to show off the contents of the portrait pack, and I hope I don't get cucked by the images being deleted in the post. :)
I should say which version my portait pack is on currently but I think Axiom would do a better job than me so I will just let her do it.
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That's right! This artwork was done by a talented artist I've commissioned, I felt like I never had time to continue the CG previews I did a while ago and I was looking for an artist to work on a game I planned on making in the future so I looked around and found an artist! Not only is their work fantastic but they even were fine with the art I commissioned them for being included in my portrait pack! I commissioned them for a few pieces of art, all of which is now found in the newly reformed "CG" folder. The artist is named "artistnagi" and I've also included them in the credits section along with a link to their fiverr page so if you're also interested in commissioning this artist you can do so with ease, I highly recommend them, not only for the quality of their work, but the accommodating nature she has for revisions and such. I plan on commissioning them more and in the future along with writing small snippets for some flavor of these sort of snapshots of chosen and forsaken. The commissions will almost all deal with chosen seen in my portrait pack in situations you would encounter in the game (possibly even vignettes! :D)
And since this game is all about corrupting chosen, I might as well show you Axiom as a forsaken correct?
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Look forward to seeing more from this artist! I also want to commission other artist to make corrupted savior related art for people to enjoy, until then I hope you like it!

Moving on, I'll reveal the changelog for this 1.2 since a lot of minor things were changed as well as some big things
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The focus of this release was the introduction of animalistic chosen/forsaken to my portrait pack, I say introduction because not every character currently has an animalistic form in my portrait pack, this is because the main objective for this portrait pack was for me to draw and create assets to use for animalistic chosen and possible other chosen species where applicable and also for me to figure out the general formula for designing animalistic chosen. Which I believe I came up with a fun method, since I've released a few preview builds over here already, instead of showing the same designs over again I will instead show the last ones included that people haven't seen yet as well as the design process for the animalistic chosen/differences than the rest of the portrait packs.

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Some of these characters didn't have their outfits/hairstyles expanded in 1.1 so their chosen/forsaken forms don't have forsaken maid/pluguits variants but their animalistic versions do. This is because my drawing streamlined drawing process made it easier to add new outfits and hairstyles to characters and this is a benefit of this, regardless I'm saying all this because these maid/petsuit variants are only in the database because they base forms still don't have the aforementioned maid outfits/plugsuits. The rest of chosen designs with 1.1 expansions and animalistic forms will automatically use these portraits once you switch to them though :D

Now for a few screenshots of these new animalistic chosen in action!
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So in total I designed 12 animalistic chosen, one for each subspecies found in the game with the exception of the canine chosen which got two separate one's because more doggo variety is good no matter what. :D Now why I chose to do only 12 is there are other areas of the portrait pack I need to work on with just as much priority as this so spending 5+ months on 24 animalistic chosen/forsaken designs isn't a good idea in my opinion. This leads me into the next topic which is the future of my portrait pack, I meant to go over this properly last release but basically I settled on 3 main priorities I have for my portrait pack that I want to handle immediately

1. Finish desigining the rest of the roster and have all 48 chosen names assigned to one chosen design only.

2. Create Assets and designs for new chosen species for all current chosen in my pack.

3. Expand the amount of outfits/hairstyles for each chosen

Since these things I feel need to be addressed as soon as possible, I feel like the best way to handle everything properly is to cycle through each of these objectives, focusing on one each release with the intent to slowly do them all over time. This also has the added benefit to prevent burnout like I experienced in working on release 1.1 since I'll be working different enough aspects of the portrait pack each time. The cycle will be like so:

New outfits/hairstyles for current chosen release. -- > New chosen species release --> New chosen release
This will change as I start finishing up these objectives but the next few release will be on this sort of cycle. That being said, I plan on releasing two chosen designs each release no matter what, this is to take care of the chosen names who switch between being significant morality and core/minor morality in game (thus changing their color text.) I call them splits, and since they can have green text in one loop and blue/red in another I chose to not make their designs red/blue/green like most of my chosen are currently. That's why Fortune and Phantom were introduced this release even though they don't even have animalistic forms now. These splits will be a variety of colors from purple and orange - black and white, etc. I think this is a nice way to maintain the color design for my portrait pack without doing something drastic.

Axiom's Temptation distortion variant was made this release and she looks rather sultry and seductive, just like a temptress is meant to be! I bring her up since she doesn't have a animalistic variant of this distortion, Moppet and Faith also do not have animalistic versions for their distortion variants and that's purely because of priorities, they will get them in the future though!

Moving on is the introduction of the "Demon Lord" portion of the portrait pack database! this will contain portraits intended for players to use as their demon lord bodies once the portrait system is in place. As of now only one is decently introduced since I wanted at least one viable demon lord portrait available for people if this was the corrupted saviors release to implement this.
Based on discussions I've had with CSDev about how the demon lord portrait will be implemented, instead of a set of expressions, demon lord portraits will have a single expression, with that expression obscured so people can imagine the expression themselves rather than make a bunch of expressions that might fit some versions of people's personal demon lord and not others. I will also include an unobscured version if players would rather have darkness clouding their portrait.
Without further ado Here is Apathy! A demon lord with a male/female variant, unleashed variant, and demonic variant.

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Coming up with lore was a good way to think of demon lord designs and so this demon lord has a short snippet about their nature and how they function if you're interested
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I want to say a bit more but I'm getting a bit exhausted currently and I still need to announce the additonal prize for the contest winners so the last two things I will say is that I have written a short guide on training forsaken, most of it are things I've said to help people on this forum train their forsaken, I plan on expanding on it over time as well as enlisting the help of people in the community if they want add their own methods :D The other thing is the next release is focused on new chosen designs so 5 new chosen are planned to be added along with 3 distortion variants of existing chosen designs! I will also begin work on the chosen/demon lords designed for the contest winners at the same time. Before these designs become available in the portrait pack contest winners will be able to use them as I finish each form.

Speaking of contest winners, I will now begin DM'ing each of you about the specifics and to begin the concepts of what you want your chosen designs/demon lord portraits to look like :D
In addition! The secret reward I announced in an earlier post is in addition of these portraits. I will also commission the artist I've been working with to draw your chosen/demon lords as well! antitragi does NSFW work so any play you have in mind she will most likely be able to do for you as long as its within the boundaries of her commission restrictions, I'll talk with you more about this in the DM's as well including if you want the commission to be a specific form of your chosen/demon lord

Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoy my pack! :D
Oh! And heres's one more commissioned work by artistnagi that she finished up just today that wasn't in the release, I've added it just today
Ready to Serve III.png
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Oct 25, 2017
I saw no warnings when I downloaded.

I think with the changes in this version it's the perfect time to focus on a story aspect for my run/s, building up more forsaken and testing out the relationship system more.

The fact that the body-shift feature is now a per-chosen toggle is very much appreciated. I'm looking forward to when MOR T2 doesn't automatically mean loss of virginity, since that is something that steers me away from going Rampancy and Aversion more.

Some more thoughts on the competition/my run:
- I can confirm that I definitely only got as far as I did because of SuperSkippy. The later loops felt more like a math puzzle to solve than anything else, which is totally understandable as it's not expected to get that far but I remember constantly thinking of things to mix up the difficulty as I was going through loops.
- A part of me was actually thinking of restarting at Loop 11 when my item choices were Unicorn Lard and Orgasm in a Can. The latter of which seemed very limited at the time, as using it would add a lot of extra mitigation on the other circumstances and I had no issues getting PLEA to 10k anyway, whilst also setting the fight up for better things. When I got the item that ignored levels of PLEA for other damage, it become a useful item for triggering an initial Rampage. But I mostly just wasted it without much thought.
- The Trainer position stops a forsaken from throwing a tantrum, because they're busy planning.

Oh, something I only just remembered now: Relatively early on in my run, I found out that a Forsaken using the 'Penetrate' defiler action wouldn't change the chosen's virginity on the stat page: It would still say they were a virgin who had never been vaginally penetrated despite having a broken T2 MOR and everything. I only ever tested with 1 forsaken, so it might have just been an issue with them, but I could presumably go and replicate it easy enough when I have a spare moment.
Can confirm on my end as well. I was going to post a second, slightly further save and be done, but I pushed harder when I saw that otherwise I'd be tied with someone else. So, I pushed on past a few things instead of just quitting when my first impulse didn't work.

I'll be travelling most of this week--back on here when I get back home.
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Jul 18, 2021
Can confirm on my end as well. I was going to post a second, slightly further save and be done, but I pushed harder when I saw that otherwise I'd be tied with someone else. So, I pushed on past a few things instead of just quitting when my first impulse didn't work.

I'll be travelling most of this week--back on here when I get back home.
ok, good, 40b isn't getting windows to try and give me a heart attack anymore. Apparently before the hotfix, update 40 (allegedly) had a trojan called sabsik in it, but nobody else had this happen to them soooo... my paranoia derped out (albeit because of windows derping out even harder than it did).
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Jul 25, 2018
coming back after a long time to the game, there is any new guide or i just need to stick to ol' goblin guide
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