
Aug 3, 2018
So I haven't played the game in a while(but have been lurking), and I was wondering, has anyone tested and made a list of the exact values needed to get each of the 16(?) different personalities for Chosen? I know I asked something similar ages ago but while I believe they directed me to how they work or I could test them(don't remember which), I never got around to it.

I'd appreciate if someone has done it and could share their findings, or if otherwise someone is willing to test it out, cause it would be great to have for when your trying to make whole teams of custom chosen, as then there's be no chance or repeating personalities, and in general I'd say its better to know what personality they'll end up with so as to better customize them.
(Of course CSDev could technically add it in as either a guide, list, or actual option in the creation, but I don't know how hard it'd be or how long it would take him, and I'd rather not give him work that isn't strictly necessary or prudent)
I realized you might prefer me posting a list so here you go:

Highest Morality, Lowest Innocence
Highest Morality, Lowest Confidence
Highest Morality, Lowest Dignity
Highest Innocence, Lowest Morality
Highest Innocence, Lowest Confidence
Highest Innocence, Lowest Dignity
Highest Confidence, Lowest Morality
Highest Confidence, Lowest Innocence
Highest Confidence, Lowest Dignity
Highest Dignity, Lowest Morality
Highest Dignity, Lowest Innocence
Highest Dignity, Lowest Confidence


Oct 25, 2017
Day 23 in 3rd loop campaign and I'm getting my ass absolutely handed to me by the superior Chosen (Spice). I just can't break anymore of her things it feels like, she has such high resistance to stuff. Any suggestions?

View attachment 3232367
They have a combination of solid friendships and uncertain friendships with eachother.
So, when it comes to things to do first:
1) Are they all producing 5EE in their downtimes?
2) Do you have Networked Consciousness?
3) Do you have Passion Release?
4) Do you have Genius and Determination, or Tomorrow's Newspaper so you can make a 6-turn 3-capture Commander?

Once you have those things:

You need to focus on getting that Aversion distortion with Freedom. Doing so will give you the freedom to raise her EXPO without worrying about an INN T1 break.

Another potential way to progress is getting Mirage and Freedom in a long Inseminate+ action. It shouldn't take much to get Freedom to 100M FEAR, but it might take two combat days depending on what you're able to accomplish and Freedom's resistance to HATE. The major benefit of doing this is 45EE for the break, but the major problem is it may make the lager Orgy more difficult as you'll have to consider her ability to Slaughter.


Aug 3, 2018
So, when it comes to things to do first:
1) Are they all producing 5EE in their downtimes?
2) Do you have Networked Consciousness?
3) Do you have Passion Release?
4) Do you have Genius and Determination, or Tomorrow's Newspaper so you can make a 6-turn 3-capture Commander?

Once you have those things:

You need to focus on getting that Aversion distortion with Freedom. Doing so will give you the freedom to raise her EXPO without worrying about an INN T1 break.

Another potential way to progress is getting Mirage and Freedom in a long Inseminate+ action. It shouldn't take much to get Freedom to 100M FEAR, but it might take two combat days depending on what you're able to accomplish and Freedom's resistance to HATE. The major benefit of doing this is 45EE for the break, but the major problem is it may make the lager Orgy more difficult as you'll have to consider her ability to Slaughter.
what about in regards to dealing with the superior chosen?


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
It might be more clicks, but it's also less reading.
This is a good point. I wasn't able to implement Forsaken filters in R49, but it's on my list of things to think about.
Regarding the Demon Lord body:
One of the thing I like in this game is the interaction between chacracters with relationship
And and find that with the "Child of demon" thematic, it is really fun to see how it goes
However, the fact that the Demon Lord "mother" and "father" cannot interact at all with their offspring other than approach and receive generic dialogue is quite unfortunate

Because the "Sacrifice" button does not have a use other than get rid of your demon knights and a maxium of 5 EE at the start of a loop. I thinking of some can be fun:
By sacking 2 forsaken in a loop, you generate a Forsaken version of the Demon Lord that has the expertise stat of all sacrificed Forsaken up to now. The EE cost to deploy this forsaken is Equal to (100- Breaks Achived on all 3 Chosen) )/2. They have access to all Defilers/Distortion/Punisher option during combat.
Personaly,putting two Forsaken into the grinder is a steep cost and not worth exploiting when you can have a better, permanent Forsaken, but I think it nice to incentivise the use of inventory control rather than have my Forsaken stacks up because there is no point to get rid of them. Also, I can re-enact the Vader "I have a daughter?!" thing.
Other ways to use your excess Forsaken are coming soon. Separately, I think there's a lot of potential flavor to add for Chosen with Demon parents.
Custom chosen feed back:
It seem that if you inport a Roster, and then change the species of a chosen, most of the customise part will be reset. I don't think it suppose to be like so. May be the issue lies in the Ros files was made from older versions
This is tricky to fix because of early code structure decisions, but it should be a bit smarter about saving customization now in R49.
You're correct, it's showing as combined with others. Maybe include a line about it along with the other Forsaken, seems like she's doing more than this:

My thinking is that we should have an informational overview accessible from one click "Forsaken Info" in the Forsaken menu, with the following info, maybe arranged this way:

                Stamina              Motivation          Deploy (EE,Sta,Mot)  Damage Type  Downtime Activity
Impurity        60.0/100.0 (+31.6)   25.8/100.0 (-6.7)   15,20,37.1           PLEA         Training PLEA/EXPO (63.9K/21.1K)
Whisper         100.0/100.0 (+0)     3.7/100.0 (+39.1)   196,20,12            PLEA/EXPO    Trainer (TANTRUM)
Shield          100.0/100.0 (+0)     65.7/100.0 (-7.8)   218,20,47.6          EXPO         Training Disgrace (22%)
Chaos           76.0/100 (-20.0)     76.3/100.0 (-38.2)  4,20,31.5            CON          N/A (Deploying)

I'd color the following ways:: Color the Forsaken's name with orange if tantruming. Color the Forsaken's name with gray if undeployable and not tantruming. If they're undeployable, color the stat that makes them undeployable in red, and include EE in that scheme. Color the word TANTRUM under downtime activity orange. The goal is making a screen that people can answer a lot of questions at once without cross-referencing information and allow them to collect information about who they can deploy, what it costs, and what damage they get.

I think most players will understand or learn, for example, that if you change the Chosen's activity by deploying them or training them, then that will change their downtime and Motivation/Stamina changes may apply to others.. Including that info in this table is another hint in this direction that also gives players useful info.

There might be room for one or two more columns, but I'm not sure what they should be. Regardless this would be a powerful tool for players to read the current gamestate and how it applies to their Forsaken.
I didn't follow this scheme exactly, but the suggestions were helpful. I'm trying to stick with the color scheme of gray = undeployable, orange = tantruming, green = bonus.
At a minimum, being able to navigate to it from a Forsaken's page (or subpage) instead of having to back out to the assign menu would be a big improvement. The menu showing every Forsaken's affects is good when you are trying to pick who to put in a slot, but when you're training a forsaken and need to remember what this specific one does that's a real pain.

It could be under Stats, or Herself, or anywhere really.
I've added this as well. There was already a spot to show bonuses Forsaken were getting for their own Punisher, so in R49 that will show the effects of other Punishers as well.
The alternate routes are interesting, but lack enough benefit to be a rational choice. ten extra days of training is not a fair trade for potential achievement progress. Giving you a small permanent bonus (perhaps an achievement in itself) would go a long way to increase it's usefulness
As one of few people who consistently plays past loop 15, I agree, but with reservations. The goal is that long-term, a player that skips loops should end up about as strong as a player that doesn't. The intended way to balance this is with item strength, and I'd agree with you that currently the items don't give enough to make the playing field level by loop 20 or so (I'd estimate the crossover point somewhere around Loop 25, which is out past the current end of content). But the gap is actually quite narrow, because items over the long term do matter a lot more than Forsaken. Over the long term, achievements will hit their maximum level in time, and over the long term, players will get much more Forsaken than are useful or even convenient to keep. If items are priced correctly both players will have teams of highly specialized Forsaken that have earned all relevant achievements at some point in the twenties. I think a buff would really throw it out of whack in favor of players that skip loops.

What I'd previously suggested was gating the three "pick another item from this list of three" items behind alternate routes, as well as a fourth item that lets players pick between another choice of starting items. I still say that giving alternate routes a choice between items would balance it out a bit more. Players who want to skip past Loop 4 do not get an actual item choice in Loop 3--they must take the Loop with a Superior Chosen whatever the item there is. Players who skip past Loop 4 do not have much time to train their Superior Forsaken to be strong enough to achieve a Distortion against the Animalistic in Loop 5, limiting their choice there to the Undead. So the first time this player may have a real choice in items is Loop 7. Currently to take the Loop 11 alternate route, players also give up their boss choice in Loop 10 (I assume another skip will be implemented once Angels are in). This combined with an early dearth in Forsaken means that these playthroughs don't have as many interesting, consequential decisions as a player who fights in every loop--some item variety would change this.
It's tricky, because the difficulties that come with skipping a loop are more significant for early loops, but the early loops are also the ones which give the smallest warp bonus. I don't want to just inflate the number of influence points the early loops grant, because that will mess up the loop-to-loop difficulty curve for the campaign.

I think that allowing the other item choices while warping is probably enough to make the later warps viable, but of course that does nothing for the Loop 2 and Loop 4 warps, which are the ones that need improvement most. Maybe I should make it so that Superior Chosen appear in both cities in Loop 3, so that going for the warp doesn't stick you with an item you don't want. The Loop 2 warp could also just give you a higher number of training days than the others.
On top of that, I noticed they tend to wear the exact same outfit as all the other chosen during downtown it seems like (mesh top and microskirt), Can you change that as well manually?
This, at least, should be a bit better in R49 with the extra clothing items.

Is this intended behavior? When using the new "skip a loop and pick up one of the items" choice, Influence is calculated as if you fought/recruited the Chosen in that Loop. Example:

View attachment 3224788

My understanding is that Influence is supposed to be awarded based on what's missing/not there. Since the two choices at the bottom don't give you any Chosen, they should have the Influence value from the Undead/2 superior (Barrier Jammer choice) or Undead/Animalistic/Normal (for the Inevitability choice) added back, right? Or were these choices intended to leave you with fewer resources as compensation for them being extra choices?

Also, after loading and sacrificing Forsaken that I didn't want before starting the loop, a lot of things disappeared:

View attachment 3224832

Save file attached. Load slot "chooseloop9"
These are both bugs, so thanks for catching them. They're fixed in R49d.
OK, so--I'm completely stumped on how this might be possible to do without cheating, but maybe someone else out there understands better than me.

I'm in Loop 11, after beating Splendor, and I want to get through to the "alternative route" so I can hurry on to Victory. Last time I fought a Devil, it was with an Undead + Superior I think, which was very doable. But this time, she's with an Animalistic + Superior and I'm... just not seeing a path.

The save at the beginning of the loop is "deviltime". i think it'll be in slot 1 but it may be a few pages back.

The save that represents what I've been able to accomplish so far is "longerfights". It's over halfway through the loop and I haven't been able to break the INN core on the Animalistic Chosen at all yet.

If anyone's got ideas for how to do this legitimately, I'm all ears--but I'm not seeing it myself.
I took a stab at this one yesterday, so I figure I can write my own playthrough report here. The short version: I was able to get into a probable winning state as of Day 28 before hitting a bug (which is now fixed in R49d). However, I do think that it ended up being more difficult than Loop 11 should be. If fighting Splendor first can lead to combos like this, then tackling her before Victory would never be a smart move. The extra planned Splendor options should make this more reasonable.

I'm attaching my save file to this post if anybody wants to follow along. Here's the day-by-day.

Day 1
Buy Focus, Fast Breeders, Eager Breeders. Sometimes I like to use a Forsaken right on Day 1, but that's generally not a good idea against Devil Chosen. Instead, I just use regular attacks and surround Fortune at the end of the battle to extend it as long as possible.

Day 2
Buy Wide Deployment. Fang shows up. Now that it's clear how the Vulnerabilities will shake out, it's time to make a plan. I decide that since Gibberghast is so strong (4EE cost, 1000% HATE style, Orgy Defiler), I should be aiming for a big HATE Orgy as my main goal for the midgame. This means that I'll be wanting to look at HATE-enabling Distortions. Aversion has the advantage that you hold the associated item. Getting a 7-turn surround with 10k damage on everybody is probably easier than getting a 15-turn surround on anybody, so I'm leaning toward Aversion.

Days 3 & 4
Not much interesting here - just using regular attacks to make sure they keep generating 1 EE and then surrounding at the end of the battle to pass the turns until the third Chosen shows up. One thing of note: I stack all the excess trauma on Fang, leaving Fortune with just enough trauma to generate energy for me. This is because the Devil Chosen bonus is based on how much ANGST the other Chosen have. Keeping them both at 0 ANGST is impractical (because you'll need to stack EXPO on one of them to make any progress on the Devil), but the lower you can keep them until making your move against the Devil, the easier it'll be.

I've decided that Fang is going to be the one I plan to use to set up combos against the Devil (since she's weak to EXPO, and the Animalistic weakness rotation will let me set up whichever Defiler+ action I need). Fortune is just going to get enough damage each battle to keep generating +1 EE per day. And even against Fang, I'm not using Commander captures or anything that stacks up too much damage.

I grab Enhanced Polymorphism on Day 3, then Psychic Reading and Coordinated Deployment on Day 4, all to help extend the battles as long as possible.

Day 5
Tomorrow's Newspaper lets me buy a bunch of upgrades here: Perception, Patience, Hunger, Lust, Anger, Mania.

Adversary, the Devil, shows up. I do some experimenting with this day and find that even using Gibberghast, I can only stack about 6k of each trauma except DISG against Adversary, which isn't nearly enough to enable +2EE generation per day. So, I reload and just keep fighting without a Commander, spreading around enough trauma to keep everybody generating +1EE per day.

Day 6
Grab Weakness Sense, Persistence, and Cunning. Weakness Sense is important for making a serious attempt at breaking Adversary.

Day 7
Gibberghast is already able to get a T1 Morality Break against Adversary! The strategy which I'll be repeatedly using is to start with Fang, capture her, release the turn before Adversary shows up, capture Adversary, then surround Fang and hit her with EXPO (which she's weak to today).

Day 8
Fang's weak to HATE today, and Adversary's also taking more damage due to her Morality Break and her ANGST. I start with Fang, release to capture Adversary, start dealing EXPO to Fang, then Release Adversary on Round 10 right before extermination completes and capture her again in order to get her up to 10k HATE. The 10k HATE lets me get T1 Dignity Break on Adversary, and then I use Inseminate+. This gets Adversary to generate +2 EE per day, which allows Fang to do the same. Fortune continues to get pampered for +1 EE per day.

Day 9
Fang cycles to PLEA today (she still hasn't actually suffered any breaks at my hands). Gibberghast tantrums, but I suppose she's earned the right to act out. I just tread water here and collect my EE.

Day 10
My saves and my notes get messy here because I was trying a few different things in search of the big Orgy breakthrough. I was also busy with work soon after, so I start playing pretty sloppy. I definitely could've used Causal Projection to speed up my EE generation a little and probably hit that breakthrough an Animalistic-cycle earlier.

I was surprised to see Misery, a regular-ass human Forsaken in your lineup, but Fang was weak to INJU, so I went ahead and grabbed T1 and T2 Confidence break against her here.

Day 11
Fang's still weak to INJU, so I might as well see if I can set up an INJU combo against Adversary. Though, I'll be really surprised if-

Wait, really, Adversary? Are you seriously letting a basic human Forsaken sodomize you?

How embarrassing!

Day 12
Fang is weak to EXPO today, so I deploy Temptress (another really well-set-up Forsaken, with initial 1000% EXPO with Temptation to swap to 1000% PLEA mid-battle). Fang's Dignity is pre-broken, but hitting 10k EXPO makes it easy to get T1 Innocence Break too. Moving on.

Day 13
I start trying for Orgies. Fang is still weak to EXPO, so I start with that. But as a Superior Forsaken with Core Dignity, Fortune is really, really strong against EXPO. It's pretty clear that this won't work.

Day 14
What about a HATE Orgy? Well, Fortune also happens to be a Superior Forsaken with Core Morality. This is where I realize my strategic error in trying to set up Aversion using Adversary and Fang. With your Forsaken roster, you're strongest with HATE and EXPO, but those are precisely what Fortune is strong against. It still might be possible to swing it, but only by softening up Fortune with ANGST and breaks ahead of time. It almost certainly would've been smarter to designate Fang as my low-trauma Chosen and combo Adversary with Fortune instead. And then, it would've been easy to just wait until Fang's cycle was wherever it needed to be for the Orgy.

Day 15
I use Temptress to get a T2 Innocence Break against Fang here. Because Adversary isn't getting as much damage reduction as in your run, this is pretty straightforward - I can get Adversary to Lv2 EXPO and then just use Temptress to hit Fang's PLEA.

Days 16-18
Just gathering energy, buying upgrades and waiting for Fang to cycle around.

Day 19
With help from Reality Sealing, Gibberghast can actually throw Fortune into a HATE Orgy here! But Forsaken Defiler Orgies are weaker depending on Forsaken strength, Gibberghast is cheap, and the Orgy is only 6 turns anyway. Fang and Fortune take plenty of damage, but that just pumps up Adversary's damage reduction, and she becomes untouchable. This isn't a winning state. I load my save from the start of the day and just keep gathering energy instead.

Days 20-22
Waiting for Fang to cycle around again.

Day 23
And now, with help from Networked Consciousness, an 8-turn Orgy is possible! This would normally be the win condition for the loop. However, even though Adversary falls to Aversion, I'm still far short of 100M on everybody because they all have so much damage resistance (particularly against EXPO, which means that the Orgy doesn't compound very quickly). After the initial burst from Adversary generating +10 EE during the Aversion downtime, I go back down to +5 EE per day. At least I was able to get Fortune's T2 Morality Break in the process. Because of her pre-broken Confidence, this means that she's now a valid target for Aversion too.

Days 24-26
Just waiting for Fang to cycle around again for a proper Orgy. I do some Forsaken training here in order to give Gibberghast some Motivation.

Day 27
Adversary's Devil damage resistance is much higher due to Fortune having loads of ANGST now, but Adversary's own ANGST modifier is high enough to be workable. With the extra upgrades and Fortune being weaker to HATE, I can finally set up a proper 7-turn Orgy without relying on Gibberghast's Forsaken Defiler, and this puts Fortune into Aversion as well. Fang ends up with enough trauma for two T3 breaks, while Fortune ends up with enough for one.

Adversary still hasn't hit her T3 break thresholds, but the damage she takes is now entirely determined by her ANGST bonus, which is higher than ever. And now I've gone from +5 EE per day to +15 per day, with more big bonuses incoming from Fang's and Fortune's T3 breaks. With 16 days left in the loop, there's plenty of time for bigger orgies and T3 move activations. Really, even a Day 28 final battle would be a win since Adversary and Fortune are now valid targets to be killed off by Fang.

I stopped here because I ran into a bug (Devils doing a two-person Aversion downtime would prevent the third Chosen from performing any EE-generating actions). But I think it's fair to say that this run is on the path to winning. I'm uploading it here in case anybody wants to take a look.
I can't post a save because I'm trying to start one but here's what I've been doing:

>I set the composition to all males.
>Click customize.
>Change the names and go through the personality tests. No advanced species because as much as I'd love to make canonical furries the fact they are more difficult to deal with kinda fucks with that.
>Don't change difficulty. (Probably less relevant but whatever.)
>Change hero-name. No title.
>Customize the outfit. Delete all clothes.
>Create new article.
>Click through the regional options.
>Either click groin, or click all of the options until you get to groin and it should crash by then.

I also tried it again by editing a premade bodysuit, and removing the hips was fine, but when i removed the legs on the article it crashed. It's similar enough that it seems related.
I replicated this sequence of actions on a fresh save file, but it didn't crash. My best guess is that the crash comes from trying to print the flavor text for a particular body type, but after trying a few times with random bodies, I still wasn't able to trigger a crash.
If you open the game folder and go to portraits then open portrait pack guide.txt it will tell you the associated attributes for 12 of the personalities, although it may be outdated since it only lists 12, not sure.
I realized you might prefer me posting a list so here you go:

Highest Morality, Lowest Innocence
Highest Morality, Lowest Confidence
Highest Morality, Lowest Dignity
Highest Innocence, Lowest Morality
Highest Innocence, Lowest Confidence
Highest Innocence, Lowest Dignity
Highest Confidence, Lowest Morality
Highest Confidence, Lowest Innocence
Highest Confidence, Lowest Dignity
Highest Dignity, Lowest Morality
Highest Dignity, Lowest Innocence
Highest Dignity, Lowest Confidence
To add to this, each of those 12 categories is further subdivided based on which stat is closest to 50, and whether the remaining 4th stat is above 50 or below 50. I plan to eventually have 48 different generic Chosen faces in the portrait pack (multiplied by the number of species).
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Feb 9, 2020
I really wish detailed customization was easier and didn´t require so much region/material cycling, would it maybe be feasible to make pre-defined clothing items which could just be imported (And possibly customized further afterwards)?

Also I´m curious: Are there any plans for the last 2 possible distortion combinations? Or is that still far off in the future / not intended to be made?


Jan 31, 2022
If you open the game folder and go to portraits then open portrait pack guide.txt it will tell you the associated attributes for 12 of the personalities, although it may be outdated since it only lists 12, not sure.
I realized you might prefer me posting a list so here you go:

Highest Morality, Lowest Innocence
Highest Morality, Lowest Confidence
Highest Morality, Lowest Dignity
Highest Innocence, Lowest Morality
Highest Innocence, Lowest Confidence
Highest Innocence, Lowest Dignity
Highest Confidence, Lowest Morality
Highest Confidence, Lowest Innocence
Highest Confidence, Lowest Dignity
Highest Dignity, Lowest Morality
Highest Dignity, Lowest Innocence
Highest Dignity, Lowest Confidence
To add to this, each of those 12 categories is further subdivided based on which stat is closest to 50, and whether the remaining 4th stat is above 50 or below 50. I plan to eventually have 48 different generic Chosen faces in the portrait pack (multiplied by the number of species).
So first of thanks for the responses and help, I always appreciate when someone takes the time to respond to another's question, and it would be rude of me to not offer a thank you

Second, and I hope I don't come across as rude or demanding(especially since I likely coulda clarified what I meant/wanted more(curse my ineptitude with words/talking)),what I was asking for was more along the lines of both the number range(which I know can be roughly guessed/tested with the list you gave, and what's in the game downloads) and a snippet or description of the personalities, so something like "C-M, C-I, M-C, S-D = is a chosen with core morality, core innocence and significant dignity. And her personality type is basically the main girl of most kind of romantic anime, so very pure and innocent with low belief in herself" which I believe I got from a prior CSDev comment or one of the txts/guides around the time I originally asked this.

Forgive me(I hope) for not really being more clear about what I meant, but it would be nice to have a list more or less like that, so that you don't end up going through the whole process with only a vague idea of how your chosen will act until you see them in action. I don't intend to ask more than this(about this) one way or another, but appreciate whatever time or help I'm given either way.


Aug 3, 2018
I can't figure out how to get my forsaken to actually use their punisher abilities. I'm trying to get one forsaken to use their parasitism punisher and the option to use it never shows up in combat.


Nov 8, 2019
Also I´m curious: Are there any plans for the last 2 possible distortion combinations? Or is that still far off in the future / not intended to be made?
Yes, there are currently plans to create more distortions for the remaining vulnerability combinations, however last I heard CSdev is still brainstorming ideas for the distortions so they're a long way off from actually being added.


Nov 8, 2019
I can't figure out how to get my forsaken to actually use their punisher abilities. I'm trying to get one forsaken to use their parasitism punisher and the option to use it never shows up in combat.
Go into your Forsaken menu and open the Position option, if you want a Forsaken to use their Punisher you have to assign them to the Breeder, Hypnotist, Harvester, or Publicist Position. So if you don't have that Forsaken assigned as a Publicist they cant use the Parasitism Punisher. As a note you can only have one Forsaken assigned to a Punisher Position at a time and removing them from that Position will set their Motivation to 0 (resulting in them tantruming at the end of the day), so make sure you're only setting a Forsaken to a Punisher if you intend to keep them in that Position for a long time, as constantly changing the Positions around and dealing with tantrums is not good.


Oct 25, 2017
For the mods:

I didn't follow this scheme exactly, but the suggestions were helpful. I'm trying to stick with the color scheme of gray = undeployable, orange = tantruming, green = bonus.

I've added this as well. There was already a spot to show bonuses Forsaken were getting for their own Punisher, so in R49 that will show the effects of other Punishers as well.
What you've gone with is is great! What I gave you was just my first thoughts on what people might want to see and compare.

It's tricky, because the difficulties that come with skipping a loop are more significant for early loops, but the early loops are also the ones which give the smallest warp bonus. I don't want to just inflate the number of influence points the early loops grant, because that will mess up the loop-to-loop difficulty curve for the campaign.

I think that allowing the other item choices while warping is probably enough to make the later warps viable, but of course that does nothing for the Loop 2 and Loop 4 warps, which are the ones that need improvement most. Maybe I should make it so that Superior Chosen appear in both cities in Loop 3, so that going for the warp doesn't stick you with an item you don't want. The Loop 2 warp could also just give you a higher number of training days than the others.
I would absolutely support making both choices in Loop 3 have a Superior forsaken. It made sense that players may have wanted to delay that when Superior was top-of-the-line, but now players really need a Superior in 3 that can be trained through loop 4 to fight Animalistic or Undead in Loop 5, even if they're not warping.

The loop 2 warp does not need extra training days. You get those anyway because the warp condition in Loop 1 is already "end this loop really early." It's only loop 5 in the early loops that I feel in any way behind the curve, and not really even then because I usually take the Undead on.

These are both bugs, so thanks for catching them. They're fixed in R49d.
Glad I didn't just try to continue with my last save then.

I took a stab at this one yesterday, so I figure I can write my own playthrough report here. The short version: I was able to get into a probable winning state as of Day 28 before hitting a bug (which is now fixed in R49d). However, I do think that it ended up being more difficult than Loop 11 should be. If fighting Splendor first can lead to combos like this, then tackling her before Victory would never be a smart move. The extra planned Splendor options should make this more reasonable.
It's good to hear you say that. Last time I fought a Devil, it was with an Undead chosen. I quit that run sometime in the middle of the next loop after the warp I achieved, which I believe had Animalistic, Undead, Devil, and I was having a tough time making progress then and posted as such in the thread. I mostly blamed Splendor for the tough time I was having. I think any combination of Animalistic + Devil is going to be quite difficult under the current rules.
I'm attaching my save file to this post if anybody wants to follow along. Here's the day-by-day.

Day 1
Buy Focus, Fast Breeders, Eager Breeders. Sometimes I like to use a Forsaken right on Day 1, but that's generally not a good idea against Devil Chosen. Instead, I just use regular attacks and surround Fortune at the end of the battle to extend it as long as possible.

Day 2
Buy Wide Deployment. Fang shows up. Now that it's clear how the Vulnerabilities will shake out, it's time to make a plan. I decide that since Gibberghast is so strong (4EE cost, 1000% HATE style, Orgy Defiler), I should be aiming for a big HATE Orgy as my main goal for the midgame. This means that I'll be wanting to look at HATE-enabling Distortions. Aversion has the advantage that you hold the associated item. Getting a 7-turn surround with 10k damage on everybody is probably easier than getting a 15-turn surround on anybody, so I'm leaning toward Aversion.
I'll admit that I may have aimed too high here with a Negotiation distortion-based plan. Last time I did this I had the item for it, and I wasn't also up against an Animalistic Forsaken as well. I rejected Aversion because I knew it would be difficult to get into the G trauma on the Animalistic chosen while staying below 100M on the Devil for the warp (because I want Splendor's motivation penalty gone as quickly as possible). An Orgy would make that difficult, while my thinking was that getting Impregnation would allow me to just raise the Angst on all of them.
Days 3 & 4
Not much interesting here - just using regular attacks to make sure they keep generating 1 EE and then surrounding at the end of the battle to pass the turns until the third Chosen shows up. One thing of note: I stack all the excess trauma on Fang, leaving Fortune with just enough trauma to generate energy for me. This is because the Devil Chosen bonus is based on how much ANGST the other Chosen have. Keeping them both at 0 ANGST is impractical (because you'll need to stack EXPO on one of them to make any progress on the Devil), but the lower you can keep them until making your move against the Devil, the easier it'll be.

I've decided that Fang is going to be the one I plan to use to set up combos against the Devil (since she's weak to EXPO, and the Animalistic weakness rotation will let me set up whichever Defiler+ action I need). Fortune is just going to get enough damage each battle to keep generating +1 EE per day. And even against Fang, I'm not using Commander captures or anything that stacks up too much damage.

I grab Enhanced Polymorphism on Day 3, then Psychic Reading and Coordinated Deployment on Day 4, all to help extend the battles as long as possible.

Day 5
Tomorrow's Newspaper lets me buy a bunch of upgrades here: Perception, Patience, Hunger, Lust, Anger, Mania.

Adversary, the Devil, shows up. I do some experimenting with this day and find that even using Gibberghast, I can only stack about 6k of each trauma except DISG against Adversary, which isn't nearly enough to enable +2EE generation per day. So, I reload and just keep fighting without a Commander, spreading around enough trauma to keep everybody generating +1EE per day.

Day 6
Grab Weakness Sense, Persistence, and Cunning. Weakness Sense is important for making a serious attempt at breaking Adversary.

Day 7
Gibberghast is already able to get a T1 Morality Break against Adversary! The strategy which I'll be repeatedly using is to start with Fang, capture her, release the turn before Adversary shows up, capture Adversary, then surround Fang and hit her with EXPO (which she's weak to today).
This is generally a strategy I use quite a bit, especially with Temptress, who can build up quite a lot of Trauma during long surrounds. Gibberghast can do it here, as you noted, but she doesn't have the massive Trauma multiplier Temptress does. Release is powerful.
Day 8
Fang's weak to HATE today, and Adversary's also taking more damage due to her Morality Break and her ANGST. I start with Fang, release to capture Adversary, start dealing EXPO to Fang, then Release Adversary on Round 10 right before extermination completes and capture her again in order to get her up to 10k HATE. The 10k HATE lets me get T1 Dignity Break on Adversary, and then I use Inseminate+. This gets Adversary to generate +2 EE per day, which allows Fang to do the same. Fortune continues to get pampered for +1 EE per day.

Day 9
Fang cycles to PLEA today (she still hasn't actually suffered any breaks at my hands). Gibberghast tantrums, but I suppose she's earned the right to act out. I just tread water here and collect my EE.

Day 10
My saves and my notes get messy here because I was trying a few different things in search of the big Orgy breakthrough. I was also busy with work soon after, so I start playing pretty sloppy. I definitely could've used Causal Projection to speed up my EE generation a little and probably hit that breakthrough an Animalistic-cycle earlier.

I was surprised to see Misery, a regular-ass human Forsaken in your lineup, but Fang was weak to INJU, so I went ahead and grabbed T1 and T2 Confidence break against her here.
Misery is pretty stronk. INJU is its own best buff. Therefore the advanced commander for INJU is one of the last things I'm looking for in my lineup. Also there's not nearly enough need to Release to build up Punisher Effectiveness in INJU--for regular/superior chosen, they build Punisher status by Self-Destruct. Undead Chosen build it with the Seal sequence, which they can use multiple times in a fight and rises quickly when they use it. The only real need for Release comes
from Animalistic using Frenzy, and that needs a high-cost Commander anyway, so why not build that at the same time you're using a Punisher Forsaken?
Day 11
Fang's still weak to INJU, so I might as well see if I can set up an INJU combo against Adversary. Though, I'll be really surprised if-

Wait, really, Adversary? Are you seriously letting a basic human Forsaken sodomize you?
View attachment 3233865

How embarrassing!
Like I said, she stronk. If I continue this playthrough as I expect, I'll eventually get a better one for this job, but her job is exactly this: crack that tough INJU nut, and she does that well enough for now.
Day 12
Fang is weak to EXPO today, so I deploy Temptress (another really well-set-up Forsaken, with initial 1000% EXPO with Temptation to swap to 1000% PLEA mid-battle). Fang's Dignity is pre-broken, but hitting 10k EXPO makes it easy to get T1 Innocence Break too. Moving on.

Day 13
I start trying for Orgies. Fang is still weak to EXPO, so I start with that. But as a Superior Forsaken with Core Dignity, Fortune is really, really strong against EXPO. It's pretty clear that this won't work.

Day 14
What about a HATE Orgy? Well, Fortune also happens to be a Superior Forsaken with Core Morality. This is where I realize my strategic error in trying to set up Aversion using Adversary and Fang. With your Forsaken roster, you're strongest with HATE and EXPO, but those are precisely what Fortune is strong against. It still might be possible to swing it, but only by softening up Fortune with ANGST and breaks ahead of time. It almost certainly would've been smarter to designate Fang as my low-trauma Chosen and combo Adversary with Fortune instead. And then, it would've been easy to just wait until Fang's cycle was wherever it needed to be for the Orgy.

Day 15
I use Temptress to get a T2 Innocence Break against Fang here. Because Adversary isn't getting as much damage reduction as in your run, this is pretty straightforward - I can get Adversary to Lv2 EXPO and then just use Temptress to hit Fang's PLEA.

Days 16-18
Just gathering energy, buying upgrades and waiting for Fang to cycle around.

Day 19
With help from Reality Sealing, Gibberghast can actually throw Fortune into a HATE Orgy here! But Forsaken Defiler Orgies are weaker depending on Forsaken strength, Gibberghast is cheap, and the Orgy is only 6 turns anyway. Fang and Fortune take plenty of damage, but that just pumps up Adversary's damage reduction, and she becomes untouchable. This isn't a winning state. I load my save from the start of the day and just keep gathering energy instead.

Days 20-22
Waiting for Fang to cycle around again.

Day 23
And now, with help from Networked Consciousness, an 8-turn Orgy is possible! This would normally be the win condition for the loop. However, even though Adversary falls to Aversion, I'm still far short of 100M on everybody because they all have so much damage resistance (particularly against EXPO, which means that the Orgy doesn't compound very quickly). After the initial burst from Adversary generating +10 EE during the Aversion downtime, I go back down to +5 EE per day. At least I was able to get Fortune's T2 Morality Break in the process. Because of her pre-broken Confidence, this means that she's now a valid target for Aversion too.

Days 24-26
Just waiting for Fang to cycle around again for a proper Orgy. I do some Forsaken training here in order to give Gibberghast some Motivation.

Day 27
Adversary's Devil damage resistance is much higher due to Fortune having loads of ANGST now, but Adversary's own ANGST modifier is high enough to be workable. With the extra upgrades and Fortune being weaker to HATE, I can finally set up a proper 7-turn Orgy without relying on Gibberghast's Forsaken Defiler, and this puts Fortune into Aversion as well. Fang ends up with enough trauma for two T3 breaks, while Fortune ends up with enough for one.

Adversary still hasn't hit her T3 break thresholds, but the damage she takes is now entirely determined by her ANGST bonus, which is higher than ever. And now I've gone from +5 EE per day to +15 per day, with more big bonuses incoming from Fang's and Fortune's T3 breaks. With 16 days left in the loop, there's plenty of time for bigger orgies and T3 move activations. Really, even a Day 28 final battle would be a win since Adversary and Fortune are now valid targets to be killed off by Fang.

I stopped here because I ran into a bug (Devils doing a two-person Aversion downtime would prevent the third Chosen from performing any EE-generating actions). But I think it's fair to say that this run is on the path to winning. I'm uploading it here in case anybody wants to take a look.
This is what I was looking for, thanks. There are definitely ideas in here I can use. Although you didn't mention the warp, which was my goal here, it seems like all one has to do for that from this point is research Impregnation and get 2-3G ANGST from Assist Raid, which there is plenty of time to do.

If you found this situation difficult, and I couldn't find a way, it's likely very few people will manage to complete a scenario like this. I understand, reading between the lines, that you are planning to make some adjustments to Splendor. I'd also suggest a more robust implementation of loop difficulty, when you feel like you can overhaul that, that takes into account that some combinations of species are more difficult than others--sometimes difficulties are multiplicative rather than additive. I gave a vibes-based overview of how difficult I thought the teams were a while ago in this thread. I don't think this particular team needs a 233% Trauma resolution and 27% Damage Mitigation to be a reasonable challenge (and yes, some of that comes from Splendor, but even 210% Trauma and 24% Damage Mitigation would be quite tough). That is of course just my opinion here. Thank you very much for the advice in getting through the loop.
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Aug 3, 2018
Go into your Forsaken menu and open the Position option, if you want a Forsaken to use their Punisher you have to assign them to the Breeder, Hypnotist, Harvester, or Publicist Position. So if you don't have that Forsaken assigned as a Publicist they cant use the Parasitism Punisher. As a note you can only have one Forsaken assigned to a Punisher Position at a time and removing them from that Position will set their Motivation to 0 (resulting in them tantruming at the end of the day), so make sure you're only setting a Forsaken to a Punisher if you intend to keep them in that Position for a long time, as constantly changing the Positions around and dealing with tantrums is not good.
I assigned them to the position but the option still never shows up, what are the conditions to use it?


Apr 10, 2019
I've been playing this quite a lot lately, this game is really amazing. I also highly appreciate @Contemplative Yearning's portraits and it inspired me to do something. So I followed the advice to have your own novelAI setup and did a portrait.

Its my first time doing anything related to AI gen, so it took me quite a bit of time for the last couple of days, although it was pretty fun. Any advice is welcome, i ran into quite a bit of issues doing these, especially consistency for the superior civilians. I've also included some unused portraits in case people prefer them or would like to do their own.

The portrait is for KDA Kaisa from league of legends. I didnt know what to do for the forsaken variations, so I didn't do anything, suggestions are welcome. So far it only has superior variation, also including civilian outfits.

Some examples of the portrait:
smug.png focus.png
joy.png neutral.png
note: not all the superior chosen civilians look as good as this one... I wish, but I wasn't able to get good prompts for those, tried to replicate it with a couple of hacks, but no luck.

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Nov 8, 2019
I assigned them to the position but the option still never shows up, what are the conditions to use it?
Using Punishers from a Forsaken has 2 requirements, a corruption requirement and the usual Punisher % requirement. The corruption requirement should already be met since you cant even put the Forsaken in a Punisher Position if you don't meet the corruption requirement. As for the % requirement, what percent is Parasitism at, cause by default you cant use Punishers unless they're at 1000% for that Punisher (requirement is decreased with Punisher achievements and traits). Alternatively if you look at the T4 column when looking at the Chosen's vulnerability, if there is a "[/]" for the T4 Break that means any Commander or Forsaken with that Punisher equipped (without having any trait that lowers the requirement) can break the vulnerability, or if there is a "[?]" for the break that means there is a Forsaken with a Punisher trait the lowers the break requirement that is able to do the break.


Aug 3, 2018
Using Punishers from a Forsaken has 2 requirements, a corruption requirement and the usual Punisher % requirement. The corruption requirement should already be met since you cant even put the Forsaken in a Punisher Position if you don't meet the corruption requirement. As for the % requirement, what percent is Parasitism at, cause by default you cant use Punishers unless they're at 1000% for that Punisher (requirement is decreased with Punisher achievements and traits). Alternatively if you look at the T4 column when looking at the Chosen's vulnerability, if there is a "[/]" for the T4 Break that means any Commander or Forsaken with that Punisher equipped (without having any trait that lowers the requirement) can break the vulnerability, or if there is a "[?]" for the break that means there is a Forsaken with a Punisher trait the lowers the break requirement that is able to do the break.
Ohh! that must be it, I thought the question mark meant my currently selected publicist could do it but it looks like it was a different Forsaken. Thanks!


Apr 10, 2019
joy.png joy.png
I've done superior and superior civilian portraits for Silence from the patience pack. I'm not especially happy with the way the superior armor turned out. But I really liked the idea of suit/business attire for her civilian clothes. Just place the .zip into the Superior folder for Silent.

Also included a neutral expression for her forsaken superior civilian outfit, but its mostly because I liked the picture and wanted to save it as a possible future option.



Jun 15, 2018
This is probably a dumb question but how do you defeat a chosen? I can dominate the combat but then I lose the round regardless.

I am trying to capture the chosen to add them to my forsaken but I have no luck.


Oct 27, 2021
This is probably a dumb question but how do you defeat a chosen? I can dominate the combat but then I lose the round regardless.

I am trying to capture the chosen to add them to my forsaken but I have no luck.
You need to make chosen surrender to you during the final showdown (by bringing their resolve down).
To make particular chosen's resolve vulnerable, one needs at least one "total" (Tier 4) vulnerability break or active distortion. Then chosen's resolve can be damaged by corresponding basic attacks (with their endgame upgrades purchased) or by fulfilling the distortion's special condition during final battle.


Jun 15, 2018
You need to make chosen surrender to you during the final showdown (by bringing their resolve down).
To make particular chosen's resolve vulnerable, one needs at least one "total" (Tier 4) vulnerability break or active distortion. Then chosen's resolve can be damaged by corresponding basic attacks (with their endgame upgrades purchased) or by fulfilling the distortion's special condition during final battle.
What is distortion? I do not even know the basics. :(



I do not see the direct connection between MOR INN CON and DIG and the specific actions (Hate / Plea / Inju / Expo). Nor do I quite understand what I need to do to advance the / to an X.

Also, I have a hard time keeping them alive on the final round. They kill each other. Is there a way to influence that?

Is there a walkthrough that explain the mechanics?
Jan 3, 2018
Don't worry too much about Distortions yet. They're an alternative method of corrupting Chosen which involves breaking only certain vulnerabilities that must be started early on in a loop, they're not relevant to your current situation.

For T4 breaks, you have to bring their susceptibility% to at least 1000 (this puts the slash in the box), then capture that Chosen with a Punisher Commander of the appropriate type - MOR goes with HATE, INN goes with PLEA, CON goes with INJU, and DIG goes with EXPO.

Chosen's willingness to kill each other depends on their corruption levels and relationships, but the most reliable way to avoid it is to make sure that they don't get a free turn after Extermination ends in the Final Battle.

The file guide.txt included with the game explains in somewhat more detail (and also describes Distortions, if you want to try them in a future loop/playthrough).

(I'll also add that I've never tried going for a T4/Total Break *during* the Final Battle. Not sure if that works to let you damage Resolve with the appropriate action).
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