
Jul 11, 2021
Got a pretty interesting freeze in 45e. The game just stopped responding and all the buttons and the bottom toolbar disappeared after the freeze and me minimizing the window. It happened at the exact same point when I retried again.

1st time with missing bar after freeze + minimizing the window:
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2nd time with the bar still there, freeze on pummel attempt:
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Here's the save.

1: Load Slot 1 b12 save versus Rebel, Fury, and Vassal [Loop 1: Nagano]
2: Buy Extra Duration (3) and Extra Capture (1) Commander.
3: Attack Rebel. Grind, Caress, Pummel, Humiliate, Do nothing, Taunt her.
4: Capture Fury. Grind, Caress, Pummel, Humiliate her.
5: Surround Rebel. Grind, Caress, Pummel, Humiliate her.
6: Surround Fury. Caress, Pummel, Grind, Humiliate her.
7: Surround Rebel. Grind, Caress, Pummel - FREEZE HAPPENS.

That's 3 4 times now. Glad I wasn't doing anything too complex and it's easy to reproduce I suppose, lol. Hope the save is salvageable.
Not part of the project, but does fury happen to be a chosen with customized clothing? Because I happened to get a similar freeze but only with a chosen with customized clothing. Unfortunately didn't keep my save.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
Finally am back and now ready to start playing again.Ima use fruits guide and the tips i received from way back in april to have a smoother experience.After i get used to the first loop and how the game works in general ill start thinking about future loops and other such mechanics.Anyways lets see how well my smooth brain can cope with all this info.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2017
Is it just me or have chastity belts not been working since R45? (from what i know)
they used to just crash the game when you put them on mid scene, now they work mid scene but you can't apply them outside of the "meet" events.
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It just seems to ignore the command to put them on or take them off.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Not part of the project, but does fury happen to be a chosen with customized clothing? Because I happened to get a similar freeze but only with a chosen with customized clothing. Unfortunately didn't keep my save.
Nah, I didn't customize anything. Thanks for letting me know that similar issues happen though, probably means it isn't just an issue on my side.
Finally am back and now ready to start playing again.Ima use fruits guide and the tips i received from way back in april to have a smoother experience.After i get used to the first loop and how the game works in general ill start thinking about future loops and other such mechanics.Anyways lets see how well my smooth brain can cope with all this info.
Goodluck lol, it's a lot to take in but this game has a shit ton of replayability.
how many hrs of gameplay is in this game?
Hundreds, if you can get into the game. I've played this game an absurd amount of time and I rarely go past the first loop. A lot of content is locked to later loops too.
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New Member
May 1, 2019
So... Sorry for being dumb but, i downloaded the game and the "Suntorn Dawn", and i can't begin the game, with it; if i do it without the "Suntorn Dawn" i can begin in "Campaign" and then "Begin" and i just starts like normal; but with "Suntorn Dawn" i click and nothing happens it don't freeze, don't appear anything, nothing changes...

What i am doing step by step.
Extract all of the files in the "Suntorn Dawn", except for "Suntorn Dawn.ros".

Put the "Suntorn Dawn.ros" next to the "Corrupted Saviors.exe"
Click 2 times on the "Corrupted Saviors.exe"
Click on "Campaign".
Click on "Import Roster".
Click on "1". (It is the only one Expansion i have...)
Then i finaly click on "Begin". (In case i did not be specific this is the part where nothing happens...)

What i have tried:
Puting an auto clicker for 10 minutes.
Waiting 10 minutes.
Deleting everything and re-extracting everything.
Importing more than one time.
Copy and paste the "Suntorn Dawn.ros" to (Portraits, the game folder, the portraits folder, the "RecycleBin"(This one i had to Copy it somethere and then put it on the "RecycleBin". :)))
Fake ignored it so it could feel sad and start to work.
Yelled "Fuck you!".
Said "IF YOU WONT WORK I WILL DELETE YOU!". (This one i did around 8 times...)

Also sorry for the bad english...
Jul 14, 2018
So... Sorry for being dumb but, i downloaded the game and the "Suntorn Dawn", and i can't begin the game, with it; if i do it without the "Suntorn Dawn" i can begin in "Campaign" and then "Begin" and i just starts like normal; but with "Suntorn Dawn" i click and nothing happens it don't freeze, don't appear anything, nothing changes...

What i am doing step by step.
Extract all of the files in the "Suntorn Dawn", except for "Suntorn Dawn.ros".

Put the "Suntorn Dawn.ros" next to the "Corrupted Saviors.exe"
Click 2 times on the "Corrupted Saviors.exe"
Click on "Campaign".
Click on "Import Roster".
Click on "1". (It is the only one Expansion i have...)
Then i finaly click on "Begin". (In case i did not be specific this is the part where nothing happens...)

What i have tried:
Puting an auto clicker for 10 minutes.
Waiting 10 minutes.
Deleting everything and re-extracting everything.
Importing more than one time.
Copy and paste the "Suntorn Dawn.ros" to (Portraits, the game folder, the portraits folder, the "RecycleBin"(This one i had to Copy it somethere and then put it on the "RecycleBin". :)))
Fake ignored it so it could feel sad and start to work.
Yelled "Fuck you!".
Said "IF YOU WONT WORK I WILL DELETE YOU!". (This one i did around 8 times...)

Also sorry for the bad english...
Thank you for reporting this.

Quick fix

I've just tried this with the latest version of the game, and my result is the same. I also can't start a new campaign. You are correct. If anyone bricks their game this way, know that the easiest solution is to close the game, start a new one, go to campaign and click "delete chosen" and then one by one delete each of the 27 suntorn dawn chosen. After that the game does not seem to have any ways that it locks up.

Bug reproduction

I think with the new changes, there's something that changed with rosters // characters that it can't start with the file as it was created back then. I've also tried exporting it to a new file, and then importing it, but it still wouldn't start.

I think it's because a new update added more information to characters, physical traits, their entry transformation and relationship restrictions.

Solving it by my hand

It means I'll have to recreate the roster from scratch, which took me about 8 hours or so last time. I also don't know if CSdev has left any guide on transformation ID#'s or if I'll have backward engineer to learn that new system. I've noticed that the game also locks up if you try to edit any of the old character files with the latest build.

Solving it with CSdev help

Ideally CSdev would add some lines of code that when chosen are edited, that if they miss any of the new types of data (physical traits/entry transform/relationship restriction), that instead of locking up, it would create a default values of that data for those characters, so that I could use the program to recreate the chosen with the new types of data so that it would work again. But that might be asking a lot of him and I'm sure he's quite busy already.


It's by pure chance that I saw this thread and post, I don't frequent here often anymore. I'll try and check up within a week and see if there's help from CSdev or not. If he does, I'll fix it asap. If he doesn't, I might or might not fix it because it will eat up quite some of my time starting over again.
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Nov 8, 2019
It means I'll have to recreate the roster from scratch, which took me about 8 hours or so last time. I also don't know if @CSdev has left any guide on transformation ID#'s or if I'll have backward engineer to learn that new system. I've noticed that the game also locks up if you try to edit any of the old character files with the latest build.
The IDs are just all the default possible outfits. If you want to make custom outfits you have to manually do it and there is no way to save it as an ID, you just have to make sure to never go back into the cosmetic editor as entering the outfit section will automatically reset the outfit back to one of the defaults (unless that was changed in one of the mini-updates, hasn't messed with it since 45b).
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Jul 14, 2018
The IDs are just all the default possible outfits. If you want to make custom outfits you have to manually do it and there is no way to save it as an ID, you just have to make sure to never go back into the cosmetic editor as entering the outfit section will automatically reset the outfit back to one of the defaults (unless that was changed in one of the mini-updates, hasn't messed with it since 45b).
This is a good start, thanks.

1. Does the new system have more outfit names than what it was previously? (3 strings, namely for upper body/lower body/legs and a binary toggle for underwear or no underwear)
2. I was under the impression that the ID # system related specifically to the text used for the transformation as the chosen shows up to a battle. Is this incorrect?


Nov 8, 2019
This is a good start, thanks.

1. Does the new system have more outfit names than what it was previously? (3 strings, namely for upper body/lower body/legs and a binary toggle for underwear or no underwear)
2. I was under the impression that the ID # system related specifically to the text used for the transformation as the chosen shows up to a battle. Is this incorrect?
1. The new clothing system is just, you input the name of the article of clothing and then you can go through a bunch of menus to tick what parts of the body they cover. So presumably for the sake of listing upper/lower/underwear it just auto-registers what to list as upper based on what's covering torso areas, what's lower based on what's covering hip/leg areas, and what's underwear based on what's only covering groin/chest areas. Though that list isn't really relevant and you're (relatively) free to make accessories and stuff that doesn't fall in line with the original 3 piece outfit system.
2. Changing the ID also changes the outfit, so it probably just changes both the outfit and transformation text. I'm not exactly clear on the specific details of the IDs though since I haven't messed around with them.
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Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
Heya, no idea if it is fixed yet, in Version 45B, I surrounded my custom chosen for the loop with a commander body, and it failed to write the clothing damage paragraph and decided to loop instead, giving me 3 expo ups in a turn. Savegame should be properly set up to just attack chaos and capture her for a double turn.

Actually... this is slightly more fucked up than I realized I think? You know what, I'll upload the save as well as the full day as a text file. Because I somehow got multi turns on fortune as well during the orgy, I think, despite her being a non custom chosen, and I have no fucking clue why. Search for triple !!! with ctr-f in the document to go to the start of the fight. Rather long fight, I am sorry, but I am pretty sure it has to do with expo ups. Chaos and Fortune are affected as far as I noticed.

Also, there is an error in the EE Regeneration action of the two chosen at the start of the turn. They miss an "have".

Still getting double turns on 45c. With the save, attack Justice -> surround justice when commander ends -> attack Fortune with a basic attack -> Capture chaos. The second capture turn on chaos is a double turn.

EDIT2: Still getting the reproducible double turn on 45d, unless it is a problem with how the chosen are stored and they are therefore borked.
Bug report of a softlock. Attached is the save. Load "weird", next day, target stigma, and first turn it'll softlock.

I also seem to get multiple turns occasionally (I choose action, and before that round fully resolves, I get another prompt for another action).
View attachment 2902521

Void's intro lacked the usual banter, and her name tag's bugged or something, ie "null has made her arrival!"
Thanks for the bug reports. I believe that these are all fixed in R45e.
Confirmed the softlock issue I had is resolved in version c. Thank you CSdev!
You're welcome!
The menu disappeared after clicking on continue once or twice when I went to observe a chosen interacting with another chosen

View attachment 2913874
I believe this is fixed in R45e, but if someone else runs into it, let me know.
Thanks for your dedication and hard work as always CSdev
Thrilled to see the upcoming update detach virginity with morality breaking and new clothing system affecting more than just the battles.
I've been looking forward to this one for awhile too!
Got a pretty interesting freeze in 45e. The game just stopped responding and all the buttons and the bottom toolbar disappeared after the freeze and me minimizing the window. It happened at the exact same point when I retried again.

1st time with missing bar after freeze + minimizing the window:
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2nd time with the bar still there, freeze on pummel attempt:
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Here's the save.

1: Load Slot 1 b12 save versus Rebel, Fury, and Vassal [Loop 1: Nagano]
2: Buy Extra Duration (3) and Extra Capture (1) Commander.
3: Attack Rebel. Grind, Caress, Pummel, Humiliate, Do nothing, Taunt her.
4: Capture Fury. Grind, Caress, Pummel, Humiliate her.
5: Surround Rebel. Grind, Caress, Pummel, Humiliate her.
6: Surround Fury. Caress, Pummel, Grind, Humiliate her.
7: Surround Rebel. Grind, Caress, Pummel - FREEZE HAPPENS.

That's 3 4 times now. Glad I wasn't doing anything too complex and it's easy to reproduce I suppose, lol. Hope the save is salvageable.
Thanks for uploading the save. This is a lingering bug with the Regenerate action. It's caused by some misuse of HashMaps on my end (which I'm fortunately getting some advice on now).
Is it just me or have chastity belts not been working since R45? (from what i know)
they used to just crash the game when you put them on mid scene, now they work mid scene but you can't apply them outside of the "meet" events.
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It just seems to ignore the command to put them on or take them off.
Looks like this was just an error in the code which was supposed to update the Forsaken's wardrobe. It'll be fixed in R46 along with the more detailed handling of clothing in custom sex scenes.
So... Sorry for being dumb but, i downloaded the game and the "Suntorn Dawn", and i can't begin the game, with it; if i do it without the "Suntorn Dawn" i can begin in "Campaign" and then "Begin" and i just starts like normal; but with "Suntorn Dawn" i click and nothing happens it don't freeze, don't appear anything, nothing changes...

What i am doing step by step.
Extract all of the files in the "Suntorn Dawn", except for "Suntorn Dawn.ros".

Put the "Suntorn Dawn.ros" next to the "Corrupted Saviors.exe"
Click 2 times on the "Corrupted Saviors.exe"
Click on "Campaign".
Click on "Import Roster".
Click on "1". (It is the only one Expansion i have...)
Then i finaly click on "Begin". (In case i did not be specific this is the part where nothing happens...)

What i have tried:
Puting an auto clicker for 10 minutes.
Waiting 10 minutes.
Deleting everything and re-extracting everything.
Importing more than one time.
Copy and paste the "Suntorn Dawn.ros" to (Portraits, the game folder, the portraits folder, the "RecycleBin"(This one i had to Copy it somethere and then put it on the "RecycleBin". :)))
Fake ignored it so it could feel sad and start to work.
Yelled "Fuck you!".
Said "IF YOU WONT WORK I WILL DELETE YOU!". (This one i did around 8 times...)

Also sorry for the bad english...
Thank you for reporting this.

Quick fix

I've just tried this with the latest version of the game, and my result is the same. I also can't start a new campaign. You are correct. If anyone bricks their game this way, know that the easiest solution is to close the game, start a new one, go to campaign and click "delete chosen" and then one by one delete each of the 27 suntorn dawn chosen. After that the game does not seem to have any ways that it locks up.

Bug reproduction

I think with the new changes, there's something that changed with rosters // characters that it can't start with the file as it was created back then. I've also tried exporting it to a new file, and then importing it, but it still wouldn't start.

I think it's because a new update added more information to characters, physical traits, their entry transformation and relationship restrictions.

Solving it by my hand

It means I'll have to recreate the roster from scratch, which took me about 8 hours or so last time. I also don't know if CSdev has left any guide on transformation ID#'s or if I'll have backward engineer to learn that new system. I've noticed that the game also locks up if you try to edit any of the old character files with the latest build.

Solving it with CSdev help

Ideally CSdev would add some lines of code that when chosen are edited, that if they miss any of the new types of data (physical traits/entry transform/relationship restriction), that instead of locking up, it would create a default values of that data for those characters, so that I could use the program to recreate the chosen with the new types of data so that it would work again. But that might be asking a lot of him and I'm sure he's quite busy already.


It's by pure chance that I saw this thread and post, I don't frequent here often anymore. I'll try and check up within a week and see if there's help from CSdev or not. If he does, I'll fix it asap. If he doesn't, I might or might not fix it because it will eat up quite some of my time starting over again.
The good news is that I'll be able to fix this in R46 so that the roster pack plays normally and doesn't crash. The bad news is that the old custom clothing will be out of date, so it won't show up properly. So, you might or might not want to remake the pack anyway so that it matches up to the portraits' shown clothing.
This is a good start, thanks.

1. Does the new system have more outfit names than what it was previously? (3 strings, namely for upper body/lower body/legs and a binary toggle for underwear or no underwear)
2. I was under the impression that the ID # system related specifically to the text used for the transformation as the chosen shows up to a battle. Is this incorrect?
1. The new clothing system is just, you input the name of the article of clothing and then you can go through a bunch of menus to tick what parts of the body they cover. So presumably for the sake of listing upper/lower/underwear it just auto-registers what to list as upper based on what's covering torso areas, what's lower based on what's covering hip/leg areas, and what's underwear based on what's only covering groin/chest areas. Though that list isn't really relevant and you're (relatively) free to make accessories and stuff that doesn't fall in line with the original 3 piece outfit system.
2. Changing the ID also changes the outfit, so it probably just changes both the outfit and transformation text. I'm not exactly clear on the specific details of the IDs though since I haven't messed around with them.
To clarify, a Chosen's outfit ID isn't "stored" anywhere on the Chosen. The outfit ID system only exists to help you select outfits for your custom Chosen more eaisly. Once they're generated, a Chosen created with an outfit ID is identical to a Chosen who had that same outfit and transformation description added manually.
Jul 14, 2018
The good news is that I'll be able to fix this in R46 so that the roster pack plays normally and doesn't crash. The bad news is that the old custom clothing will be out of date, so it won't show up properly. So, you might or might not want to remake the pack anyway so that it matches up to the portraits' shown clothing
Oh this is just pure good news then.

I'll wait for the new version so I'll be able to load them in and redo the clothing and add accurate info for the other details.


Dec 26, 2017
I've tried this game a lot but never really had a lot of successes. Any tips or guides on how to really do things? I can get to the point where the goal is get 1k of sometihing on someone (Inury, expo, etc.) but I always seem to fall just shy of hitting that point and i can't get the chosen to ever generate more than 1 EE each. NOt sure what I'm doing wrong.


Apr 23, 2018
I've tried this game a lot but never really had a lot of successes. Any tips or guides on how to really do things? I can get to the point where the goal is get 1k of sometihing on someone (Inury, expo, etc.) but I always seem to fall just shy of hitting that point and i can't get the chosen to ever generate more than 1 EE each. NOt sure what I'm doing wrong.
There's dozens of guides in this thread already. That said, a lot of the info you need can be found in the text files the game is shipped with.
Jun 21, 2020
The implicit assumptions within this game still enrage me on a profound level. To summarize the apparent beliefs of the authors, sex is so inherently evil and women so inherently weak that women who have sex, even consequentially, are irreversibly damaged, badly enough to nearly drop their value as people to zero.


Nov 8, 2019
I've tried this game a lot but never really had a lot of successes. Any tips or guides on how to really do things? I can get to the point where the goal is get 1k of sometihing on someone (Inury, expo, etc.) but I always seem to fall just shy of hitting that point and i can't get the chosen to ever generate more than 1 EE each. NOt sure what I'm doing wrong.
I'm not going to rewrite it all, but literally one page back I wrote up a short guide of what you should do in the early parts of the game.

The implicit assumptions within this game still enrage me on a profound level. To summarize the apparent beliefs of the authors, sex is so inherently evil and women so inherently weak that women who have sex, even consequentially, are irreversibly damaged, badly enough to nearly drop their value as people to zero.
One should not associate the themes of a story to that of the author. This is a corruption focused game, obviously it goes the route of raping and abusing women until they get corrupted into enjoying it and doing bad things because of it, but that doesn't mean the author personally holds views like that towards women and sex. Besides, the sex that is presented as evil in this game... is rape, molestation, all the parts of sex that are evil. If you drive the Chosen closer together and use the option to spy on the chosen between days, you can actually find them having consensual sex with each other that isn't presented in an evil way (sure it's in part to cope with their trauma, but it's not presented as inherently evil).


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
The implicit assumptions within this game still enrage me on a profound level. To summarize the apparent beliefs of the authors, sex is so inherently evil and women so inherently weak that women who have sex, even consequentially, are irreversibly damaged, badly enough to nearly drop their value as people to zero.
I guess you believe any racism/sexism/homophobia in movies, games, whatever automatically means the creator also shares those views? For starters, you're viewing the events in this game from an EXTREMELY shallow lens even ignoring the obvious issue with you know, this is a work of exaggerated porn fiction. The girls aren't just any ol girls having sex, they're fighting for the survival of mankind against demons capable of corrupting humans in abnormal ways. Have you even noticed how much the girls need to be raped for it to noticeably fuck them up? If anything, I think this game handles rape and the fall out from it a lot better than most H games. The girls don't just suddenly go cock crazy after 5 minutes of groping or being dicked, and the rape and evil shit certainly isn't glorified. The girls are very much still "human" well into their corruption.

Dunno where the fuck you got the "Drops their value as people to zero bit" btw, that seems like you're projecting or something. I never felt anything like that from the dialogue so far. They lose their shield and can be raped because they're supposed to be pure, the opposite of the demons. It makes sense that as they become more demon-like that they'd lose some of their powers to defend against them, no? It's pretty classic corruption shit that's been used in all forms of story telling since forever.

Let's break things down:

Girls are under tremendous stress that most people would never experience because of the the whole you know, fighting demons to protect mankind. Also being majorly popular/in the spotlight on top of that. They are abused/raped to oblivion, and apparently rarely have much in the way of support/counseling to handle that. Even with that, it still takes an absurd amount of abuse for them to actually noticeably change their personality. I mean, a normal person going through what they go through in a single day would probably be seriously fucked up, they have it for weeks/months/years (Some of the girls were abused by demons and others before you even meet them). Surprise surprise, the girls can end up pretty twisted after like a straight month of hardcore corrupting demon rape, lol.
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Jun 21, 2020
One should not associate the themes of a story to that of the author. This is a corruption focused game, obviously it goes the route of raping and abusing women until they get corrupted into enjoying it and doing bad things because of it, but that doesn't mean the author personally holds views like that towards women and sex. Besides, the sex that is presented as evil in this game... is rape, molestation, all the parts of sex that are evil. If you drive the Chosen closer together and use the option to spy on the chosen between days, you can actually find them having consensual sex with each other that isn't presented in an evil way (sure it's in part to cope with their trauma, but it's not presented as inherently evil).
I guess you believe any racism/sexism/homophobia in movies, games, whatever automatically means the creator also shares those views? For starters, you're viewing the events in this game from an EXTREMELY shallow lens even ignoring the obvious issue with you know, this is a work of exaggerated porn fiction. The girls aren't just any ol girls having sex, they're fighting for the survival of mankind against demons capable of corrupting humans in abnormal ways. Have you even noticed how much the girls need to be raped for it to noticeably fuck them up? If anything, I think this game handles rape and the fall out from it a lot better than most H games. The girls don't just suddenly go cock crazy after 5 minutes of groping or being dicked, and the rape and evil shit certainly isn't glorified. The girls are very much still "human" well into their corruption.

Dunno where the fuck you got the "Drops their value as people to zero bit" btw, that seems like you're projecting or something. I never felt anything like that from the dialogue so far. They lose their shield and can be raped because they're supposed to be pure, the opposite of the demons. It makes sense that as they become more demon-like that they'd lose some of their powers to defend against them, no? It's pretty classic corruption shit that's been used in all forms of story telling since forever.

Let's break things down:

Girls are under tremendous stress that most people would never experience because of the the whole you know, fighting demons to protect mankind. Also being majorly popular/in the spotlight on top of that. They are abused/raped to oblivion, and apparently rarely have much in the way of support/counseling to handle that. Even with that, it still takes an absurd amount of abuse for them to actually noticeably change their personality. I mean, a normal person going through what they go through in a single day would probably be seriously fucked up, they have it for weeks/months/years (Some of the girls were abused by demons and others before you even meet them). Surprise surprise, the girls can end up pretty twisted after like a straight month of hardcore corrupting demon rape, lol.
Both of you have made the same mistake. It's the implicit that bothers me so much, not the explicit. It is what the author seems to feel doesn't need to be explained, because they believe it to be obvious. Let's think for a moment: what is a demon? It's essentially defined in the game: the enemy of mankind, all that is wrong, evil, immoral, dangerous. What is it that the demons are known for in this game? Sex. Yes, they rape, if you pay any attention you can see that the author's don't consider rape to be the problem, they consider sex itself to be immoral.

There's another premise: the women get their powers via "purity", a concept the authors do not define because, again, they think it's obvious. I don't. What the hell does that mean? Apparently it means they don't have sex. What happens when they do? They are weakened, looked down upon, and eventually snap and start slaughtering civilians. Do you see my point here? The world presented in this game considers sex itself to be immoral (somehow??), and this is not presented as an aspect of that society that is unusual. It's not explained, it's not even mentioned in itself. It's as if the authors take it for granted.

Why can't the heroines have sex? Why doesn't the game bother to explain this concept? Take a step back and think abstractly: they think they don't need to.
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