
Nov 8, 2019
Wait we already have male to female shifting? How does that work?
In the info page for the Chosen you can select shift preference, for Males they shift to Female with a T2 Morality break (first insemination), as a Female you can go into their info page and select their shift preference again, this time to have them shift from Female to Futa with a T3 Innocence Break (first fantasize). Just like normal Females who shift to Futa, they cant shift back to Female.


Nov 8, 2019
Huh, I had no idea since I always play with dudes turned off.
Same, genuinely the only reason I even know is because this conversation made me wonder about how shifting worked with males, so I loaded up a single play game with cheats on and all males to mess around with it. On a related note, don't play with male Chosen without violence set to mild unless you're comfortable with CBT as even at moderate violence males get that instead of normal anal like other Chosen get (as for males anal is tied to Morality).


Nov 8, 2019
To bump into this topic...
Chosen can break each other's morality, right?
Chosen can break any of another Chosen's vulnerabilities, not just Morality. It requires doing the T3 Break of a Chosen's Core Vulnerability while the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability does not have the T3 break, at which point a scene between the two will play where the Core Vulnerability Chosen will attack the Minor Vulnerability Chosen, which results in the Minor Vulnerability having both the T1 and T2 Break in that Vulnerability if it hasn't been broken yet. However this cannot happen to a Distorted Chosen if breaking that Vulnerability is incompatible with their Distortion, in which case they will fight off the Core Vulnerability in a Distortion appropriate way (for example, for Negotiation Chosen the Demon Lord leaves thralls nearby for easy communication, which ambush the Core Vulnerability Chosen when they attack the Negotiation Chosen).

Regardless of which path the scene goes though this will always result in the highest stage of hatred between the two Chosen (bitter enemies), even if they were on friendly terms before then, which also means only T3 and T4 breaks really matter for relationships.


Feb 18, 2021
Chosen can break any of another Chosen's vulnerabilities, not just Morality. It requires doing the T3 Break of a Chosen's Core Vulnerability while the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability does not have the T3 break, at which point a scene between the two will play where the Core Vulnerability Chosen will attack the Minor Vulnerability Chosen, which results in the Minor Vulnerability having both the T1 and T2 Break in that Vulnerability if it hasn't been broken yet. However this cannot happen to a Distorted Chosen if breaking that Vulnerability is incompatible with their Distortion, in which case they will fight off the Core Vulnerability in a Distortion appropriate way (for example, for Negotiation Chosen the Demon Lord leaves thralls nearby for easy communication, which ambush the Core Vulnerability Chosen when they attack the Negotiation Chosen).

Regardless of which path the scene goes though this will always result in the highest stage of hatred between the two Chosen (bitter enemies), even if they were on friendly terms before then, which also means only T3 and T4 breaks really matter for relationships.
Right, and since both the T2 Dignity and Morality break have the effects of shifting Futa and Male chosen....
Would that work even?


Nov 8, 2019
Right, and since both the T2 Dignity and Morality break have the effects of shifting Futa and Male chosen....
Would that work even?
I believe it's more specifically tied to the first use of Insemination and Broadcast rather than the T2 Morality and Dignity break, so while the T3 break scene wont trigger the shift, that shouldn't lock you out of shifting them later. Though that would definitely need some testing, I would test it now but it's super late so I cant be bothered to do it tonight.


Feb 5, 2020
I forget, how do you get a chosen to offer up her virginity to you?

I'm kinda annoyed they will deflower themselves in the most of BS of ways In the events, which on a side note, why does the game even allow several events to play at once after a battle? Should only be one >_>


Nov 8, 2019
I forget, how do you get a chosen to offer up her virginity to you?

I'm kinda annoyed they will deflower themselves in the most of BS of ways In the events, which on a side note, why does the game even allow several events to play at once after a battle? Should only be one >_>
Negotiation Distortion is the only way too my knowledge for you to take a Chosen's virginity independently of the T2 Morality Break.

What events even cause the Chosen to lose their virginity in normal play outside of the T2 Morality Break? As for why several events play out after battle, if you perform multiple Vulnerability Breaks for paired Core-Minor Vulnerabilities an event will play between the associated Chosen for each break, and those scenes don't count for the between-battle scenes. I also think if a Chosen rolls a multi-person vignette then the other Chosen involved still get to roll their own vignette, which can result in a Chosen appearing in multiple events. But as far as I'm aware there can only be three after battle scenes plus scenes associated with Vulnerability Breaks if you did a Break during the battle.


Feb 5, 2020
What's Negotiation Distortion under again? I haven't played since like V26 so my memory rusty as hell lol


Mar 20, 2019
What's Negotiation Distortion under again? I haven't played since like V26 so my memory rusty as hell lol
Negotiation is the Innocence and Confidence distortion

so break T2 innocence and confidence and don’t break T2 Morality or T1 and T2 Dignity

and get each chosen on the team to 1Billion angst each


Feb 5, 2020
Negotiation is the Innocence and Confidence distortion

so break T2 innocence and confidence and don’t break T2 Morality or T1 and T2 Dignity

and get each chosen on the team to 1Billion angst each
Very useful advice as per usual. Your like goto expert on here lol
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Feb 5, 2020
Dam, even when I only do Innocence and confidence breaks, the chosen STILL gets dignity breaks in events >_>


Nov 8, 2019
Dam, even when I only do Innocence and confidence breaks, the chosen STILL gets dignity breaks in events >_>
You're going to need to describe what events you're talking about, because unless there was a major change in the recent update, I cant recall any vignette aside from the aforementioned T3 break scenes that can result in a vulnerability break outside of combat.


New Member
Mar 31, 2021
Hello, does anyone know if there is a list of requirements for certain Vignettes? I've been trying for awhile to get Descent of Guilt on some of the Chosen I've put into the Negotiation Distortion, but I've not been able to deliberately get it to happen, even with the Negotiated Chosen already counting as 'in love' with the Demon Lord.

Does it require leaving T1 Dignity up until late game? Its the only thing I can think of.


Nov 8, 2019
Hello, does anyone know if there is a list of requirements for certain Vignettes? I've been trying for awhile to get Descent of Guilt on some of the Chosen I've put into the Negotiation Distortion, but I've not been able to deliberately get it to happen, even with the Negotiated Chosen already counting as 'in love' with the Demon Lord.

Does it require leaving T1 Dignity up until late game? Its the only thing I can think of.
In the game folder there is a text file called "vignette checklist" which has all the vignettes and associated requirements. For "From the Descent of Guilt" the requirements are:
[ ] From the Descent of Guilt
One subject who has already experienced Remote Training, Day Off, or Satisfied Curiosity in the current loop
The subject also must have experienced the Inviting Punishment vignette
The subject must be on the Negotiation Distortion path with at least six truces made
The subject must have experienced both Total Innocence Break and Total Confidence Break

Now, this Vignette is pretty vague to get, as while the first, third, and fourth requirements are pretty straight forward, the second requirement has a pretty big problem. The second requirement, Inviting Punishment, adds a secret requirement of needing the Negotiation Chosen to have Morality as a Core Vulnerability, as Inviting Punishment requires the Guilty Desire Vignette, and that Vignette requires the Guilty Service Vignette which can only happen for Chosen with Morality as a Core Vulnerability.

For reference:

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Feb 5, 2020
You're going to need to describe what events you're talking about, because unless there was a major change in the recent update, I cant recall any vignette aside from the aforementioned T3 break scenes that can result in a vulnerability break outside of combat.
One of the Chosen becomes a rival after sexually assaulting the other since they believe the one there sexually assaulting was going to do it to them first. There's also another one where one decides to make them their pet dog.
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Nov 8, 2019
One of the Chosen becomes a rival after sexually assaulting the other since they believe the one there sexually assaulting was going to do it to them first. There's also another one where one decides to make them their pet dog.
Yeah, that's the T3 Break relationship scenes I mentioned. If you do a T3 break for a Core Vulnerability without doing the T3 Break for the Chosen with that Minor Vulnerability first, the Core Vulnerability Chosen will attack the Minor Vulnerability Chosen and forcibly perform a T1 and T2 Break. So the reason your attempt at a Negotiation Distortion failed is cause the Chosen you were trying to distort had a Dignity Minor Vulnerability and you did a T3 Break on the Chosen with a Dignity Core Vulnerability.

Just a note, if you go into the info page for a Chosen and use the Distortion Path option to set the Chosen to Negotiation, the game will tell you when you've created a situation that will cause a Break that interferes with the Distortion, so you can reload an earlier save to fix it.
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