
Oct 5, 2017
What are you supposed to do to increase their % for the last break? I kinda end up doing orgy, but that doesn't increase it.
Do I like have to surround 1 and let the others do their stuff?
I really don't understand how to use the special commanders tbh, when I send them they basically do nothing. I kinda figured out they're very specialized and I'm supposed to use them after I already increased the values and then ambushing them, but still dunno what I should do with them...

Also is there a way to autosave each day? it's annoying to do it by hand.
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Sep 2, 2020
What are you supposed to do to increase their % for the last break? I kinda end up doing orgy, but that doesn't increase it.
Do I like have to surround 1 and let the others do their stuff?
I really don't understand how to use the special commanders tbh, when I send them they basically do nothing. I kinda figured out they're very specialized and I'm supposed to use them after I already increased the values and then ambushing them, but still dunno what I should do with them...

Also is there a way to autosave each day? it's annoying to do it by hand.
Last break requires them to use their "adaptation" actions: slaughter, fantisize, etc. It increases their % times their related circumstance. It means the more Hate circ. they have the more % in slaughter they get. Check guide step 9 to see why they use it, but basically you need to leave them alone and surround(not capture, surround) others. Except for detonate, you need to capture them with commander that does dmg by itself. First - deal dmg, then watch them do stuff. Hint: these actions can be very annoying and disruptive, thats why it's not the best strategy to go for full breaks on everyone.

What do you mean by "speacial commanders"? Forsaken? Or punisher? All punishers are rather ineffective at doin the job, as they increase 1 circumstance, that means dmg multipliers quickly stack up to 0.01(exception INJU punisher). Punisher + defiler + suppresor is the best late game commander and Defiler + suppresor is best mid-late game. Be careful with choice of which combination you use, it must have INJU or HATE, better both. You can use solo punisher for cheap circ. increase(3-4 turn enough), so they can use their adaptation actions with bigger related circ.

No, it is kinda is annoying, but when you understand the game not every day is important, only some. Also, personal gripe, saves lag the game.


Oct 5, 2017
I meant Defiler + suppresor + punishers. I basically never use them and only use the basic version. makes sense you want to use INJU+HATE...
I do use punishers because well, they're needed.
which guide? I learned from this:

When would you use Defiler + suppresor or other combinations instead of the basic one?

SO I'm not supposed to break all T4s?

Sep 2, 2020
I meant Defiler + suppresor + punishers. I basically never use them and only use the basic version. makes sense you want to use INJU+HATE...
I do use punishers because well, they're needed.
which guide? I learned from this:

When would you use Defiler + suppresor or other combinations instead of the basic one?

SO I'm not supposed to break all T4s?

Well late game commander get Big numbers(if built properly). It has 2 ultimate uses - 1)get final break by getting big circ. numbers and see them use adaption action; 2)On the last day your resolve dmg related to trauma and circ. (based on what you use, read upgrade descreption of Taunt+, Attack+, etc.) in Info-View All Upgrades if you bought them. That is the whole point of T4 breaks. Keep final goal in mind. You only need 1 good way to corrupt each of them, that does include distortions(which is the best way, ofcourse)

I refer to a .txt files that came with the game file. It doesn't have all basic info, no overexplaining, but later it essential. In terms of usefulness: Guide, Species refrence, Training Guide. But for basic loop, just guide is more than enough, distortions are right in the bottom. When you learn how to finish simple loops, I recommend campaign, cause it gives visible goals and progression.

Basically Def+Supp doesn't require extra actions to deal dmg to 3 circ., its best to get when you have around 15/30 EE earning rate and you need to push through some more. It can get you easy orgy if it has 3 captures. Of course, it's not required, especially when you get networked conciousness. It THE best upgrade that you can rush to. It makes many things easier and makes you basic commanders so much better.

Yes, as mentioned previously. Your goal is to corrupt chosen, not break them. It's balancing act, yes, but it's nice to see, when you have them "in the palm of your hand" so to say. The more breaks they have, the more irritating it will be to deal with them in the final fight, and because you can only use one + action at a time it won't really make your job any simpler. The recompense for high trauma and breaks is EE, but it's neither here nor there, act at your disgression.


Dec 5, 2022
Has anyone experimented with Aversion distorted Undead, and their Shape Memories ability that allows them to switch distortions (while keeping whatever defiler they have)?
I mostly got one to deal with the expertise drain from Devil forsaken later, but there are probably some useful things for them to do besides that.

Things that look interesting to me:
- Keeping the Orgy defiler, and switching to Rampage distortion. Should make it extremly easy and cheap to start short orgies.
- Getting the Tempt defiler, and switching back to Aversion distortion. Set her up to deal HATE+INJU damage. Then, once the damage reaches 10k in both, hit Tempt to switch to PLEA damage, getting 3 circumstances damaged in one capture.
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Jun 16, 2017
- Getting the Tempt defiler, and switching back to Aversion distortion. Set her up to deal HATE+INJU damage. Then, once the damage reaches 10k in both, hit Tempt to switch to PLEA damage, getting 3 circumstances damaged in one capture.
you can already train tempting forsaken to do inju+ whatever easily if you train them correctly so I dont know what you are seeing


May 10, 2018
Bug report: the game stops working after I recruit Victory as second-in-command after switching to Splendor as forsaken with Hot Tag. Save files the 1535 (latest), and to reproduce the bug:
  1. Next battle
  2. Dirge, confirm
  3. Barrier 4 times until Victory appears
  4. Swap commanders
  5. Recruit Victory
  6. the Continue button doesn't work anymore
Any other variation of the fight should reproduce the same bug; I have also found that if Victory is the last one standing, the continue button works once and I get the text that the Chosens are captured, and then it stops working, if that is in any ways relevant.


Dec 5, 2022
you can already train tempting forsaken to do inju+ whatever easily if you train them correctly so I dont know what you are seeing
Aversion gets +50% in hate and inju, making it faster to reach 10k circumstance damage (or cheaper EE cost and same speed at higher disgrace).
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New Member
Sep 5, 2021
Has anyone experimented with Aversion distorted Undead, and their Shape Memories ability that allows them to switch distortions (while keeping whatever defiler they have)?
I mostly got one to deal with the expertise drain from Devil forsaken later, but there are probably some useful things for them to do besides that.

Things that look interesting to me:
- Keeping the Orgy defiler, and switching to Rampage distortion. Should make it extremly easy and cheap to start short orgies.
- Getting the Tempt defiler, and switching back to Aversion distortion. Set her up to deal HATE+INJU damage. Then, once the damage reaches 10k in both, hit Tempt to switch to PLEA damage, getting 3 circumstances damaged in one capture.
I did try demon knight while still having orgy defiler while focused on hate. quite good if you want demon knight undead while still can do orgy stuff.


Dec 5, 2022
Huh, using Shape Memories changes the name of the Chosen. Even if you manually renamed them before. Is that intended?
Sep 2, 2020
Okay here I am again, with my AI portrait pack, with even more chosen species - Spectacular Species. Style consistent with Chekhov's Suntorn Dawn and Conversion packs.
This is replacement+extra portraits pack. Victory and Crown are replaced, others - added. That's 9 Chosen, 18 packs(that includes forsaken and civilian versions), 9 images per pack + a lot of extra bonus stuff. Some extra information in the txt guide in the pack.
This pack aims to breathe life into the chosen, through visual action. Some poses include full body shots, most - focus on the face expressions. This pack of course focuses on chosen species, the unique chosen that now display their unique features in pictures. I also added some visual corn, so as to complement the text corn we all enjoy so much.
Once again beware: nudity, tentacles, explicit actions, magic, fluids, wings and spicy crispy goodness
P.S. Do tell me of any mistakes in the pack, and write your fave chosen species you want to added more of, for this pack is W.I.P.
So the pack is up to 24 chosen! Yep, also that's 10 images per pack, not 9. What kind of chosen species included found in txt. file included in zip and here, cause its getting hectic really fast. Muscle momies, zombies, succubus finally, demons and much more. Do have fun on this merry christmas.
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Dec 5, 2022
Bug report: Setting the distortion plan to Despair for all 3 choosen during loop 7 (Reign fight) breaks the requirement description.
Aug 27, 2018
No idea what's causing it, but I can no longer start battles as of loop 9. When picking the next city from the "9" save I have to click confirm twice to pick a city. After choosing either option and trying to start day 1 confirming the battle does not work at all. I got offered a different set of cities exactly once after cleaning saves and restarting but now it's offering me the gps sat and crystal ball loops again and softlocking me on day 1. The "bug" save was made after picking a loop 9 city.
Sep 2, 2020
Bug report? Exploit report:I don't think it's a feature, it shouldn't be anyway. You can "refund" energy spent on forsaken twice over. Once for ghost pepper, another for energy raider from Undead Forsaken. So for 11 EE you get back 19 EE(with 10 coming from pepper) just for deploying Forsaken. It does say refund, so it shouldn't go above 100%. Here's a save, deploy Quinie and end the day, profit.


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
Jeez, this game would really like some qol improvements. I mean, I understand engine limitations and all that, but it would be great:
If ALL your options were being saved and not only a couple of them. i set the composition as 1 girl 1 guy 1 futa and it resets on game restart and on save load. same with cheats i think;
If you could choose which saves you want to delete instead of having that vague 'clear saves' option which clears only some saves and not the others. i was trying to figure out imports and exports and now i have clutter in saves and some saves I don't need can't be deleted;
If save exports were actually save exports and not game preset exports (what do you think I expect the export and import options to do in the 'save game' section?).
Or at least make this stuff more obvious. Like I'm assuming the options menu works like that because you set these options once before starting a new game/campaign. If it does work like that - it doesn't look like that. It looks like I can set whatever options I want whenever I want and then I get surprised why my new composition options don't work when I load a campaign save (I mean, 2 girls arrived, i want a guy. I go and set the composition as 3 guys in the options and the third one is still a girl).

Just some mild annoyances I had. Other than that everything is cool obviously, even if you do need to make an effort to understand the gameplay at first.


Nov 14, 2017
I found a display bug (or perhaps it isn't technically a bug but a feature not yet added), if you inspect Reign after you have captured her with a distortion it doesn't display the distortion effects, for example this Reign was captured with Aversion

edit for clarity the ability IS working it is just not n her profile


New Member
Oct 25, 2017
Minor bug report, if you click on an attack and instantly hit space (the keybind for continue in battle) you will attack twice.
So I encountered this old bug for the first time in my current playthrough, but to a greater extent than just "attacking twice". I'm playing on 60e.

Basically, when I quickly press space to continue after an choosing a surround attack, it skips one turn (6 turns surrounded turn to 4, all Chosen are surrounded in my test attempts so it can't be slaughter or striptease). At first I thought I just miscalculated something and it was a skill issue on my part but when it kept happening I wanted to experiment a bit with it to understand what's happening. And I encountered something weirder than just a turn being skipped.

When I spam the spacebar while I'm trying to surround a Chosen, sometimes the turn doesn't register. I get the progression text where every Chosen gets their turn text but my next turn is the same turn number, surrounds didn't go down and the attempted surround doesn't happen (turn 17 turned to turn 17 in my test attempt). When I then attempt to retry the battle to retrace my steps, I got stuck in the retry menu. Pressing Confirm removes the two later joining Chosen from the side bar and reloads the portrait of the starting Chosen along with resetting the displayed stats but I stay in the Confirm/Cancel menu. I only get out of it by pressing Cancel, in which case the battle proceeds as if nothing happened except for the two chosen missing on the sidebar until i take another action. For the rest of this battle the retry button doesn't work. (edit: I was about to post this, tried to take another look but my save got completely corrupted when I tried to load it, I would get stuck when attempting to attack a chosen. Don't know how that happened and/or if it's related though so ignore this bit)

It's incredibly inconsistent though. Sometimes I spam space and the turn progresses normally, other times it "skips" a turn and then the ghost turn causing a retry softlock I've only caused while testing once. I've been playing the game since version 44b and I never had problems with the space keybind breaking things, so I'm not sure what causes this inconsistency. View attachment saves.sav

Sep 2, 2020
Oh gosh darnit, if you send ambassador to negotiate with all the chosen game bugs when you push negotiate button. Damn I didn't save before it.
Edit: save Hallelujah, day 20. Info-approach all-send ambassador-negotiate- bugged, happens with any forsaken
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Mar 12, 2022
This game really wears on you after a while, at first it's intriguing trying to find how to break certain stuff or maximize numbers, but over time it just becomes a frustrating, repetetive slog. It's the exact kind of game that forces me to keep playing to try and get SOMETHING, and I'm sure after two or three more playthroughs and three or four more times reading the guide it'll become obvious how to win easily, but nothing I do aside from dumping evil energy into commanders ever seems to do anything, and even that never gets any actual returns. The guide promises a lot of stuff that simply doesn't happen, like a +2 evil energy reward for "dealing 1000 damage in a circumstance to the one strongest against that circumstance", or the girls doing increasingly corrupt stuff at higher damage levels. After every single battle it's just the same +3 evil energy "the girls all get together for a boring party when I guess they could be helping the city or something" event. Oh well, here we go I guess, another playthrough.
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes