Ren'Py - Completed - Corruption [Final] [Mr.C]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had the potential to be great, but the broken English and cringeworthy dialogue ruins it. The graphics are just generic Honey Select with no personal touch to them, so the game isn't even visually appealing enough for you to ignore the text.

    It's almost as if the game was purposely written with the most basic caveman English possible in order to keep the text between sex scenes to a minimum. That's both a good and a bad thing, the bad thing being that the text is the most unsexy thing I've ever read. Sentences like "It was very good sex" and "we are the SLUT" are very prominent here. It's almost English, but not quite. Everything is perfectly understandable, but very unsexy and sometimes unbearable to read. And it's not like the broken English is just an occasional mistake/typo. These weird, uncanny sentences are written consistently wrong, meaning that the writer genuinely thinks people say "It was very pleasant sex" after having sex.

    Another thing that bothers me is the lack of self-awareness in the writing. The MC is unironically portrayed as the SupremeGentleman™, unironically throwing the "my lady" around as the girls unironically call him a nice guy. It's the ultimate wish fulfillment of a redditor, and it's painful to read.

    The dude also seems to have an irrational hatred towards underwear for some reason. I mean, it's kinda difficult to explain this if you haven't played the game, but every single time the MC sees a girl wearing underwear, he basically just tells her to take the thing off and burn it. He doesn't make a suggestion like, "It would be pretty hot if you stopped wearing panties" or something like that. He just straight up goes "EWWW EWWWW GET THAT UGLY UNDERWEAR OFF MY SIGHT!!" as if his parents were murdered by a pair of panties or something. It's weird as hell. It's not even like he wants them to wear sexier underwear or anything. He just considers the very concept of underwear a capital sin.

    The gameplay loop is extremely repetitive. Basically you corrupt Girl 1 until a relative, friend or coworker of hers starts interfering with Girl 1's corruption, then you corrupt her too. There's also an overabundance of netori in this game. Netori is good and all, but even your favorite food can make you sick if you eat it too much. Almost every single girl in this game is in a relationship with an abusive guy who either calls her an old hag, has a small dick or both; usually both. It's the same thing copied and pasted over and over again ad nauseam. When the guy sees his wife wearing a mask or something, he calls the unknown woman hot as if he didn't sleep next to that exact same body every single night. It's so fucking moronic.

    The girls also look very ugly after being corrupted. The girls all get bimbofied with the worst makeup the dev could find in the Honey Select character creator. This completely kills any sense of uniqueness to any of the girls, as all of them end up looking basically the same. Not even their underwear is unique, since the MC pukes in his mouth whenever he sees underwear. Many cute girls are completely ruined by the goofy makeup and/or colored hair.

    The game overall also feels very unfinished. You'll come across countless messages of "That's all for this version" because the dev forgot to remove them after adding new content, so you never know for sure when you've reached the end of a storyline. The repetitive gameplay loop and unfinished nature of this game are both traits of porn games that stay in development hell for years. It always amazes me how someone can develop a porn game for years and still leave things unfinished.

    The only reason why this game gets 2 stars instead of 1 is because of the creativity with some of the poses during sex scenes. There's also quite a lot of content, although we can chalk that up to the game being bloated with the same repetitive sequence of events you've already seen three times only in the last hour.

    And last but not least, I'd like to immortalize here a scene that made me laugh my fucking colon off.

    The MC steals the girlfriends of two guys who then call a thug to beat him up.
    The thug gets ready to beat up the MC and says "sorry bro."
    The MC, silent and calculated like a master assassin, delivers a single karate kick to the thug's face, knocking him out in a single blow.
    "You didn't have to say sorry to me... bro."
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll rate it 5/5 for the sheer amount of scenes/content. It's very repetitive, however... I certainly recommend enabling console commands and maxing out potions, manipulating time of the day etc for a better experience!!!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had a great promise, but it ended as a disgrace.
    At first there were multiple scenes for each character at each corruption level, dialogues, outfits.
    But later on instead of adding new stuff for existing girls - author was just dropping new set of girls, with 5 scenes transforming them into something depraved.
    And yes, depraved. Final state of all girls in this game is mind-broken depraved nympho with excessive makeup and slutwear.
    It's a long game with a lot of content. if models look good enough for you - try it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Air Space Frame

    DesignEssentially a trainer-style game focused heavily on the theme of corruption. Various fetishes are explored under the umbrella of the corruption theme, such as pregnancy, pet-play, bondage, piercing, nose hook, degradation, NTR (MC is the carries out netori). Mild sharing of the harem with other males, mostly softcore (exhibitionism, bukkake, groping) with rarer instances of penetration.2
    ProgrammingBugs are littered throughout the game, and mostly fixed by mods. Game is incomplete with many paths still “under development” and the gallery doesn’t fully work; game version “final” really just means that ending scenes have been implemented for the various storylines.1
    Level creationWhile there is no time limit in game, gaining resources is painfully slow in the beginning without the use of cheats or mods. The biggest sin is that progressing past a stage locks any previous actions & scenes and limits the player heavily in the endgame; the meat of the game is in the corruption process, and currently the only way to experience any of this again is to replay from scratch. Mods allow a certain level of replayability without a fresh start but it is otherwise still very limiting.0
    Art ProductionHoney Select does its job decently and some scenes have animations. Lighting in the dark was always an odd point for HS studio and must be handled with delicacy, which means night scenes here are not well shot. Other than that, the developer has done a good job using the assets to portray numerous different locations, poses, and costumes.2
    Audio ProductionNo sounds.0
    Final StatementSome bugs and seemingly rushed / burn-out towards the end resulting in little content for the endgame. However, the developer knows its target of corruption and moral degradation and has done a brilliant job at the theme. While playable and enjoyable, the game really needs to undergo more polishing before being tagged as complete.5

    This review is for the version:

    Corruption [Final] [Mr.C]

    with Mod: Corruption: Better Experience [v1.34] [anne O'nymous]
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I have played this game every now and then, initially I was really pumped for it, but it went from 0 to a 100 way too quickly, with no option other than corruption (kind of a stupid complaint for a game named as such but will try to get into it.)
    - The models are pretty decent with characters for every taste.
    - The general gameplay isn't horrible (there's a map, there's places where you can find the characters, and it's perfectly serviceable.
    - There are scenes for different stages of corruption (the reaction for a "kiss" will be different for every stage)
    - For people who really get a hard on for corruption and completely bimbofying women - this game is for you.
    - There is a huge amount of content for your corruption needs.

    - There's no story, there's a setting for each character, and slight events for their corruption, but that's all.
    - The grind is real if you decide NOT to use cheats - you have to use cheats to be able to get through this game at a good speed.
    - The game isn't really "complete" due to numerous "please wait for future updates" screens that you will run into.
    - The last stage of bimbofication for women tends to look far less attractive than the middle stage (for me) - so I'd prefer not to complete their corruption, but I'd miss out on content and progress then. Being able to select the state that she's in or how she looks/acts would've been really important for me, but that's not possible.
    - The ingame walkthrough is pretty much non-existent as far as I've seen - to get to grandma you need to enslave both your mom and sis, which wasn't positive for me.
    - The models look pretty decent, but the age of some characters isn't quite as well depicted and could've used a bit more "age marks" in the models (grandma pretty much looks like a 42 year old in terms of wrinkles, etc. The principal looked more "age appropriate").
    - Tons of characters have lacking content - you got all the different kiss, BJ, HJ, etc options for each stage of corruption, but at the same time that's pretty much the entire progression for the scenes you get, and the higher the corruption the less options you have available. It's intended for you to finish 1 character and move on to the next, which doesn't feel good if you got "preferences".
    - The build-up that's present for the corruption (the different scenes for each stage of corruption) is still way too sudden, no relation to any sort of story, no attachment to any of the characters. "Sweet Affection" did things far better, with a slow build up for corruption, and even at the final stage of corruption the characters don't go completely bimbo and are just more infatuated with the MC.
    - There's NTR with no warning (or at least there's a scene where a dude fucks one of the women you've corrupted, with your character's consent, but still, would've liked an option to say no to that). It's like 1 single scene so this is far from a major con.
    - The main theme of "corruption" becomes more of an issue than a pro for this game. The theme becomes the "story" and initially it might seem pretty hot, especially with the few characters that fit your fetish/taste, but the more you progress with those characters the worse the content and interactions with those characters get. Initially you had some characters depict slight worries/concerns regarding the "taboo" aspects, but afterwards they became bimbos with excessive make-up, who just start screaming "give me dick", and that just stops being hot after 10 scenes (you don't want to watch their scenes anymore)..

    Summary: tons of content, tons of major issues, unfinished, but present content is about avg or slightly above average in terms of the sheer variety of "different character types" and tons of sex. Also, I do like hairy milfs/women and this game had a ton of em. Just the corruption aspect became more of a curse than a blessing, as it ruined "good character concepts" and interactions by making them braindead bimbos.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A Not half Bad game.

    Its a porn VN game with good artwork and a good amount of content (not much to say there).

    Regarding stuff... There is easily a few hours of content here (there is Some unavoidable grinding... but that can be mitigated by focusing on a character set, Using the Utopia Hall (which gives easy money when you unlock it) and using the Computer Code (see Changelog for 30K start money).

    The main gripes there are is the slow development cycle (Compared to other games the Game Updates SLOOOOOW...), the grinding (not that bad if you know how to sidestep it) and the lack of plot (It has one but its generic... instead being carried on the art/CG's)

    If your looking for a story and a lack of grinding... this isn't for you (I recommend Corrupted Kingdoms for that particular itch)... If you can live with its flaws its a nice game to try.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I am writing this assuming that this is indeed the final version.

    The reason for that disclaimer is that there are still places in the game where you will run into "Under development" or are clearly unfinished scenes like the playground. (That said given it involved loli age characters I figure the threat of Patreon pretty much killed that event chain by my guess)

    I have been playing this game for over 4 years at least and watched it develop. The art once was above average but time has brought down to average as the march of progress does its thing.

    Just as a word of warning one of the main fetishes that isn't tagged is Hairy. Holy hell there is a lot of Wookiee Pussy in this game.

    Story is forgettable and doesn't have much if any bearing on your actions. The gameplay is a grind fest to the point that having a cheat mod or using the console is all but required if you want to make progress without over investing in this game.

    The sex scenes are what you would expect in a corruption based game with a lot of debasing and sex but it quickly becomes routine across all of the characters to the point that it doesn't matter who is in the scene.

    If you just want the equivalent of 99 cent unflavored ramen for adult entertainment this is game is serviceable but its not something that will ever really be remembered more than "ok".
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A great project that I have followed for some years, and motivating to create my own novel. If you like the theme of corruption, you have come to the right place where you will be able to exploit that perverse side that we all would like to experience.
    Likes: ranka
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    very enjoyable game, i love good corruptions based games and this one is quite good. the graphics are nice, the story well written and the gameplay is simple and cool. thank you. and please keep up the good work.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of content as been in development for 5 years. Very nice corruption sex games. Not much story and very average art compared to other games. Game mechanics are also not functional. But if you enjoy depraved corruption sex game, you can try it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    There's lots of sex and depravity but the gameplay loop is too repetitive. A game that pretty much incentivizes you to apply the cheat code. Lots of mouse clicking and skipping. I'm not a fan of the LI design but that's more due to my personal distate for HS but even for a HS game, the lighting feels weird.
    You'll play it once and forget about it the next day. 3 stars because it doesn't lack in sexual content.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a lot of content. I keep coming back to this game as it's hard to find a better corruption game, all the scenes and events are just very well done. One thing that could be improved is adding more animations. I like how the outfits change the more corrupted characters get, all in all great game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has some issues and bugs. But its very unique in my ways.
    Other games dont even try to attempt some of the things that this game does.
    My personal favourite part is how the more we corrupt the female character, the more slutty they act and dress. The slutty makeup makes it 100x better and makes the girls look hotter. I love it

    - The Story is not rly important here
    Its just there to push things forward. The more girls you pursue, the more you forget about the story at all and just enjoy the ride and sexy times.

    - The female characters are fantastic
    A lot of them are hot from the start, but become even better the more we corrupt them. Like I said the makeup, lipstick, slutty clothes etc... maek them better looking imo.
    The main girls have more of a personality to them. You will see what I mean when you corrupt some side characters lol

    - The sex scenes are for the most part amazing
    Very clear camera angles and poses for the most part. But there are a lot of scenes that are just ... not very good , where we do not clearly see anything and it just leaves us hanging for the next scene xd
    But there is some top tier material here.

    - There is unavoidable NTR in the form of sharing
    This is later in the game , for some of the side characters.
    Also there is "sharing" that you will not "See" sex scene for, but it will be mentioned or implied.
    For example, when you corrupt the teacher from the school, she will later send you a text which will imply that she was fucked by her students.
    Another example of this is "My Club". The girls serving the bar do not just serve drinks. You will hear the girls offering handjob or blowjobs to the clients too. No actual scenes for this.
    ANd there are a few other places that imply such "sharing"....
    But, the girls like and prefer the MC over others

    A fair warning tho. A very long game that will take many hours if you want to do everything in one playthrough.
    I also advice not to "Enslave" the girls when the game gives you the option. This can lock you out of some content later on, i the girl you enslaved has content with other female characters.

    But the game is incredible and I hope we see mroe of it. The updates need to return to the OG female characters and give them more content, instead of making new females all the time.
    Still I highly recommend this game
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game was a good game.
    But now... Mr. C. only think prolongin his game.
    New characters, boring people and hundred of names and places that I don't remember.
    Sometimes in the past, I loved this game, but now, I don't even download it.

    Ahh! I forgot it. New version, new tons of bugs.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Curious game. Much grind, but much lewd. Kinky girls and fetishes. With mods, it becomes much tastier and more interesting. It's a pity that it's not finished yet. Due to the large number of girls, it is sometimes difficult to remember who is in note in changelog.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It is definitely one of the best corruption games on the site. It has loads of content with some obscure fetishes. Many people complained that it was difficult for new players but if you just follow the order on the phone until you get a grasp on the mechanics of the game and map you will get most of the content.
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    If you like to dominate women and make them your slave then this game is for you.


    1) Story (2/5)

    This is non existent. This is one of those games where story isn't the main emphasis. You just play to corrupt every women in your city and build a grand harem. Don't play this game for the story. But if you want to fap then do play.

    2) Graphics/Art (3/5)

    Well the graphics are not great. They are average at best. The screen shots will give you a good example about what to expect. Also there are no animations ( very scares).

    3) Gameplay (3/5)

    Do not play the game without mod. Its a hard grind to play without mods. There is no story at all so grinding becomes very hard. But with the mods, its very good and enjoyable. I would recommend Better Experience mod. Its in the game download links.

    Final Verdict

    I enjoyed the game very much. I didn't play the vanilla version but i played it with mods. In my opinion, playing it without mods makes no sense. Also, playing the game without the guide is also quite difficult. The game gives you no clue at all about how to proceed most of the time. But i don't mind any of this. I enjoyed the game very much.

    I thank the dev / dev team for there hardwork for this project. I wish them all the success with there project. Hope they keep on providing us with the great content.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 2,55

    If you don't have some of these fetishes: bimbofication, slutification, moral degeneration, then you will definitely not like this game, since this is all it has.

    Graphic is at least outdated for 2 years, the game using Honey Select, but compared with others games doing it not as great. Also there are no animations, if I remember correctly in only few situations you can see few renders changing themselves.

    Fetishes and sex scenes
    Like I said before the game focuses only on hardcore fetishes (slutification, moral degeneration, watersport, maledom and slave), beside them there is common trope where in last stage of corruption girls have whore makeup, piercings and no crotch clothes. Author good in only one thing - implementing fetishes in sex scenes, since fetishes are extreme, situations in which they are used often fucked up and if you want to see transformation from shy girl to mistress to her mother and sister or how 2 police woman locked up their fathers only to have them see how you fuck their daughters, then this game for you.

    Characters development
    All characters in this game are almost like a dolls. They only have appearance (nun, mom, teacher), but all their transformations ends in like 5 levels and from level 3 they all behave the same.

    Pretty much non existant.

    Absolutely worst part of the game, if you planning to try this out then play with: mod This gem is save you ton of time and will definitely make your play more enjoyable. Also very big problem in game, that there is no good gallery and after each level of corruption all previous interraction become unavaliable.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    warning. if you corrupt your boss you get more money, but if you take the last step and turn her into a slave you will be out of job.
    if you corrupt your mom and sister and boss you can have all 3 work on the weekend for 4k$ per weekend. (work twice a day for 1k each). if boss becomes a slave this is still doable, if mom and sis become slaves they can no longer work.
    this is critical because the only way to corrupt people is to pay money
    Also slavery eliminates all sexual interaction other than oral and anal. no more pussy, blowjobs, titjobs, handjobs, facials, or kissing

    overall I am somewhat meh on the game. corruption goes too far, all the options disappear when you enslave, enslaving is mandatory for some routes but blocks other routes (turning the game into a guide damn it case where you must carefully consult the guide to avoid lockouts, or cheat. which really defeats the whole purpose of a sandbox game). game is grindy without cheats. with cheats there is not much to do since you just use money to buy mind control potions. There is no sense of accomplishment that you get in games where you seduce someone. its just grind, feed potions, now they are disgusting whores.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    this game has a good story and graphics but its no masterpiece

    it`s great for people that just want to turn their brain off and see some hot slaves but after a while, it gets a little tiring that all the jobs that you do are just one button press until its night wake up again press to buttons go to sleep again again again again and again. but the game is still worth it for the story