Others - Corruption of Champions II [v0.7.26] [Savin/Salamander Studios]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Devs have actively removed/blocked off old content in newer updates. Did this after years of sitting on their thumbs with incredibly small piecemeal updates, all the while milking patreon. Further the player character is treated more and more as a passive spectator to the authors' precious characters.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing, you feel like you can really change something in that world... at the beginning, the further you go, the more you feel like MC is just spectator in kinetic novel without art.
    Nothing really matters at some point, decisions, transformation.
    Same with writing.
    Same with charaters.
    Combat mechanics is not balanced.
    I will not say any rude words to authors but I think they deserve them now.
    I Just wish... I never started playing this game, it brings only frustration and disappointment now.
    New updates seems not intended to make this game better but totally reverse.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Goldy Spearton

    Its great i love it well I don't minds they problem this game i just love to read some of love interest like brint she a sweet romantic one and hmm kyoko kyoka nah the fox girl she a little bit lusting and playfull if I'm lupine character when we play tag so i give this 5 star
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    As someone who really enjoys text based CYOAs I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy this considering this game seemed more like a text based dungeon crawler when it was recommended to me. What I got was a game that not only scratched my CYOA itch but scratched my JRPG itch while satisfying various kinks I didn't know I had, those kinks are easily avoidable if it's not your thing, hell you could in theory play most of this and abstain from all sex if it suited you ( dunno why tho) Fun, engaging and replayable as all hell 4 outta 5 and only cos it's incomplete
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is definitely the best of the Fenoxo games crop (I know he doesn't work on it). If you like text games with decent combat and strong scene writing (for a smut game, that is) then this should be top of the list. I really appreciate that they toned down the transformation stuff, which I do not like. There are a fair number of quest areas, a bunch of sidequests and small dungeons, and a shit-ton of sex scenes. The overall plot of the game is serviceable, which is all it needs to be. It's better than CoC 1, without question, and I'd consider myself invested in seeing the story through to its conclusion.
    Some of the sex scenes are great, some of them aren't, it is what it is. I personally gravitate to a handful of them and kinda ignore / skim through the ones that don't appeal to me. It's pretty easy to avoid the stuff that doesn't interest you, which is a good thing.
    Only real problem I have is with the artwork - I'm not a fan of the hyper-sized body parts like the creators of this game seem to be. It's pretty ignorable since the artwork isn't a big focus but I do think it's a shame that the official art of so many characters makes them have disgustingly huge tits and grotesque thighs and stuff. It's really unappealing. Normally proportioned people are hot, not these weird balloon creatures.

    Anyway, the game itself is good. The people giving it one star seem to all have weird forum grudges, so factor that in when considering what they write down. Be normal, stay above the fray, and enjoy the game for what it is. Or don't, I guess. I don't really care.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Grey Ribbon

    Has an impressive amount of content and actual non-smut combat unlike 95% of the other drivel on the site, where most of it is just padding to drag out the word count. Combat difficulty is rather easy, as mentioned in several other reviews, but the Difficulty choice in options does make it more flexible on how much focus you're willing to put on it.

    Plenty of complaints about a major companion (Cait, the catgirl) being in far too many scenes, so if you're the kind of player who absolutely hates not having full control over everything, this is probably not the game for you. Also several scenes with NPCs having sex with other NPCs without you having a choice in it, so if that's NTR to you also avoid.

    Have to agree that the focus on the main plot has been lost for quite a while, developers are spending far too much time on side characters instead of expanding the main plotline.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Let's see... My second biggest gripe in the game is that there's clearly a lack of agency between writers in the game. In coc1, your character clearly felt like a power fantasy that dictated the outcome of choices in the world around them. However in coc2, my character feels like a side character in the game that's used to push whatever narrative the writer has at the time, and those narratives often conflict based on who's the one writing.

    The major example of this is one of coc2's worst writers in my opinion, Tobs (The Observer). His writing started off simple and genuine when he first began the kitsune content, his main contribution to the game, where you had kiyoko trapped in the astral plane and provided a simple and romantic story, but as progress continued into the kitsune den, people often questioned the morality choices and how sidelined their main character was with this "very culturally enriched and defined society that looks down on outsiders".

    When the time came that he finally finished writing kiyoko's escape into the real world, his narrative of her did a near 180, and everyone who was once interested in her supportive wife behavior now found kiyoko basically spouting the same distant responses as all the other kitsune. she basically tells the main character to stay out of everybodies business, including your daughter kinu's marriage and their entire life at the home kiyoko makes, and we the character in Tobs's writing are forced to go along with it with no complaints.

    Many people on the forums had complaints about this, and took to the forums to voice them, often with valid criticisms, but they only got immediately shot down by Tobs at best or outright banned by him, and you could tell his mood sour about it over the years through his writing and actions.

    There were degenerates on the forums asking why they couldn't have a sexual relationship with their daughter kinu in adult form once she leaves the astral plane instead of forcing her off into an arranged marriage you have no say in. I personally am not a fan of incest, but it was a major part of coc1 so i could see how people could want it. At first Tobs told everybody to get bent, and that it wasn't his artistic vision for his work and nobody, not even patreon supporters had any say in it. But once that started to blow up, Savin did some quick damage control and swept everything under the rug under the guise of patreon guidelines forbidding that type of content (and ignoring the same criticisms for the mallach temple grooming). Tobs commissioned a bunch of porn of kinu getting railed by the arranged marriage guy nakano just to spite everyone, and still has it as his profile pic on the forums to this day.

    He also wrote all of Gweyr quest, a story about some crazy lady that sees a bunch of children being indoctrinated into a cult, and she decides her best course of action over it all is to kill them all. in the writing, we the character are forced to believe that what she did was right, and agree with her to convince to town people so.

    He's still one of the lead writers now, but all of his current work feels extremely verbose and condescending. I honestly find it hard to read.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    In a sandbox game that promises a wide array of content and fetishes, it seems to focus entirely on the few and specific fetishes of the creator. This itself isn't a problem, creators should make what they like, but this game promises a scope far wider than what is ever being worked on.

    In COC, there were mods to alleviate this, but the developer has gone out of their way to make that impossible this time around, after (reportedly, I didn't see it myself, but on their old forums it was mentioned) throwing a hissy fit at people expanding their earlier game. So not only does the game under deliver on the scope of intended/promised content, the developer actively works against the widening of that scope, which is a problem.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    - This is a successor to TiTs not to CoC. The only thing it inherits from CoC is the lore. From TiTs it gets Mechanics, gameplay, and everything else. This is TiTs 2 but now we use magic instead of nanomachines.
    - Honestly wish we still had CoC's navigation where you just clicked to explore an area and then got a random encounter. Instead you navigate a boring set of square "rooms" with a boring pointless and irrelevant written description for each and every one that is not worth reading.
    - Too many soulless side fucks lacking in any character development. It needs fewer characters with actual content for each character.
    - Too many things you can customize which result in most of them only being used once. Oh you have a X cock transformation? well only 1% of the scenes support it. Give me less options but have them actually dosomething
    - Claims to have a "more engaging" combat system where "companions add depth". Yet combat is still just a heap of steaming garbage
    - So apparently you either bad ended or went evil in CoC1 as now it is the future and demons are invading a new world. where you play a brand new character
    - Mandatory NTR. None of the LIs will be loyal to you. Sorry but I am not a cuck
    - The official art is amazing... most of which is not actually in the game to save space and also because the artist is more productive than the writers. Better to just get the art directly and skip the game.
    - The dialog is so bad it is not even funny.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    They just want to milk this game from commissions, no advancement regarding main story line. The fighting is pretty good but the story is mediocre at best. All my quest right now say "This is as far as this quest advances." because the devs are busy adding new characters each update.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    For someone that has played at least 80 hours so far I have to say there's plenty room of improvement and definitely needs some changes (which unfortunately might/will not happen).

    RP wise, theres some of it but not much that would make this a "role playing game". The choices are quite limited and depend on what direction each writer wants its character (remember youre interacting with someone's OC, not what most people want/like, if the writer wants X he will make X) there fore if the writer wants his character to have this direction and inevitable conclusion to his missions/story, you will be forced to follow that which reduces the dialogues to a yes/no and only in the sex options you may have actual options. Nothing wrong with this especially with key story characters but can't we have a few with meanighful and plenty options? Meaningful character development pretty much which isn't just "heres your token blue haired furry with 10 foot knot that you can have sex after a 5 min conversation". Remember Helia? You could had sex with her right away but she did state that she was promiscuous and later gets some character expansion. Cait? Same premise but no interaction other than her missions which for now are few. It could be said that shes not finished yet but thats the point. Most characters are started where they are bare bones of content but are almost never finished and require plot development for that but that takes a lot of time. Patreon cash comes to mind for the reason being for this but oh well. Just have to wait a year or two.
    The RP issue coincides with how most characters don't have special interactions with you depending on your race/profession (mage or whatever). Few exceptions are present like gwyn or gytha (for lupine characters only). And the fact your children are the race of the mother only (plot point but common we need some immersion).
    Last issue I have is that some (but quite a lot) of the characters aren't even promiscuous or seem to be but after meeting them right away you can just sex them. This is supposed to be a world where corruption isn't present yet everyone is acting like its friday night at soddom. Don't know whats the point of kass if everyone is already like this.

    Other than those its pretty solid. A high number of characters are well written and cover quite a lot of kinks but all in all good line up there. The story aside from some issues is fine too and a strong pro is that updates are consistently released each week (or 2 weeks).
    A cool feature for those that play for fun would be cheats for those that don't or can't edit save files (mobile users).
    Theres a long road ahead but I think the game will definitely be improved.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I had been around this project since they put up the patreon. It's one of the few projects I've ever backed, which would normally be a shining endorsement. Except it's also one of the few patreon projects I've ever dropped before completion.

    The Game Itself
    The project started out pretty alright. You initially begin what is an adequate, occasionally competent, jaunt through a fantasy world. The flow of the starting events more or less felt like a band of adventures teaming up to go on an adventure with the MC as the face of the party.

    Having watched this project unfold since it's inception it, at it's current trajectory, is increasingly stretching away from where we started. MC has no agency, there continues to be an entire barrage of content that takes place between character unimportant to the story with no meaningful payoff to the player. There are grammar and simple spelling mistakes that have still exist to this day despite submitting reports.

    The adventure went from many choices the MC has access to, to no choice at all. At the beginning, you had multiple options in most characters fates. Now you have no choice, alternative options to the "correct" path are both extremely limited in content or still not worked on. The Centaur village has been resolved for years now and corrupt centaur village and the quest related to an NPC you'd otherwise have access to is still unfulfilled two years later.

    The project is also clearly written by many writers with many different visions for even the same characters. Party members who join you on your adventure have large gaps in the amount they contribute. Kiyoko for example, a fox girl who you can free from a magic imprisonment says next to nothing for tens of thousands of lines of dialogue in reaction to situations in which every other party member weighs in.

    Sex Scenes
    The quality of scenes themselves and the content available takes a sharp decline as additional content gets added. Many scenes have repeating phrases or words that hurt the eroticism. A certain amount of scenes, large enough in quantity to become irksome, are one time only with no way to replay them. Many scenes or implications happen regardless if you, the player do no want them to happen or happen off screen.

    Other scenes completely don't matchup with the description of what you're getting into. Characters sexual/relationship orientation is incredibly hard to decipher, which makes deciding on which scenes or characters to invest in, hard for the player to do. One moment you're bedding a seemingly monogamous bee lady whose codex (in game encyclopedia) entry states that you may occasionally find her sowing her queens eggs if she remains in service, the next she's in a fully fledged relationship with a static other person. An elf you can rescue vows adoration and openly displays her affection and yet a player may find her engage with another character through no interaction or prevention on your part, other than knowing the content already exists.

    Many of the companions, (such as the mentioned above Kiyoko) have little to no input or contribution to the story as it unfolds. Other companions, such as Quintillus or Atugia have even less input than Kiyoko and very little content. The distribution of content for companions is extremely lopsided. Some characters have had multiple companion quests and others haven't seen a single individual one.

    The overall lack of input or reactions by your questing companions, dependent on party composition, leads to an overall lonely adventure.

    Combat is adequate for a text adventure game. It is overall too easy even on dark. The major downside is that awhile back the encounter rate for zones was massively increased. This leads to a lot of boring mindless tedium in transit from one location to the next via a never ending barrage with trivial combat encounters.

    Characters have differ classes they can be and companions have different loadouts. On paper this seems like a good system that would allow flexibility. However, the distribution of strengths to companions is incredibly uneven. There are four characters with healing capabilities and only two of which are actually reliable without the player character taking on the roll of team healer. In an ideal system, the player character would be able to mix and match companions based on their preference and play through like that. And while they certainly can, the tedious combat becomes even more tedious when either you have to make a conscious effort as the team healer or you stop in the sea of random combat encounters to set up camp to restore stats.

    Player Choice
    At the start of the games life, many options had two outcomes to which later one day the player would experience alternative content. The Centaur village has a route for letting it remain corrupt. The hive also has a corruption route. An orc warcamp has an outcome in which you "solve" the problem with infighting.

    These choices almost universally reward the player with less overall content. This in itself isn't a problem. However, nothing reflects the decisions you do and there are no alternatives to these choices in regards to what the player then encounters.. Essentially you either do it the right way or get less game to experience.

    Final Notes
    In Conclusion. Corruption of Champions 2 began as an ambitious project with a seemingly set goal of how they wanted the user to experience the content (a traditional CYOA format) and shifted into a game in which any meaningful choice is made automatically, the main character and companions have constantly changing personalities, and the main draw (the porn) can't be meaningfully sorted through to stick to only experiencing the things you personally enjoy.

    The kind of game it wants the player to experience has shifted, in my opinion, for the worse.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I would like to give more than 3 stars, but i just can't

    Mostly because the quality of the writing is all over the place. It ranges from really good to downright embarassing to read.
    There are a lot of different writers, and this shows.
    One in particular, who seemingly got into the habit of following the same pattern while writing, wich results in a lot of repetition in structure and wording. And this gets stale real quick. Sadly he wrote, Savin aside, probably the most scenes.

    Transformation are also big part of the game, but they are mostly for your own fantasy. During scenes, expect genitals and breasts, they are barely mentioned. There may be a tail grab here and there but that's basically it

    But there are also good things. Characters are fine and diverse. Although in some cases not fleshed out.. yet, hopefully.
    The story so far is also decent.
    Combat also got more complexe, compared to the previous games.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1838467

    You know at first I thought this was one of the greats. For the longest time I would come back to this game for each update and be like, "Man this game is pretty good with some interesting characters and gameplay." Then I started reading some of the discourse in the thread and decided to really read what was being written in the game instead of skimming it. This has shown me that this game's writing is actually hot garbage and its characters, after really thinking about it, aren't that good.

    It only took one event to really show me how bad the writing is. That event was an event with Kiyoko where you take her and your daughter to some sort of celebration where your daughter will be doing some sort of ritual if I remember correctly. The scene played out alright until the actual porn content happened and oh my god I can't even begin to tell you how bad it is. The same "kitsune slut wife" line was repeated about 14 times which at that point just becomes laughable. I understand now why they said the person writing Kiyoko's content is really bad.

    The game's combat is really mind numbing and boring. It's a simple turn-based rpg where you and two other party members fight against x amount of enemies. There's not much in terms of depth to the combat besides the basic rpg skills. Really the combat brings nothing new to the table and feels like a let down for a supposed hentai "game". Honestly they should have just made this a visual novel.

    Overall this game is pretty bad and I don't think I will be tuning in to anymore updates until the game is finished. You can try it if you want since everybody has different tastes and opinions, but I would say enter the game with low expectations.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.4.36

    This is the only game on this website that i have payed for, that by itself should be enough of a recommendation i could ever give you.

    But if you want a bit more details, listen up. I have always been a fan of Fenoxo, my man writes amazing scenes of erotica. of every variety and kinks under the sun. And unlike his other game, TITS, this game has experience a feature creep, its not bogged down by a massive amounts of content that hold no meaning in the game, its just the right amount of dopamine and story to truly enjoy everything that this game has to offer.

    If you enjoy text based games even a little, i would highly recommend you to try this game out.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It can be corrected, but it has no head and legs in development department and writting is lackluster. Can't live up to it's predecessor's shade and is manned by 2 power hungry, prideful and moronic staff. I'm surprised that Fenoxo gave his consent for this dumpsterfire.

    I really would love a make over with better lore and including the PC as the center of the plot and actual game mechanics. until then that is my rating of this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, this is a game where I see incredible potential, but also, issues.

    -Fantastic worldbuilding.
    -The writing is really good for the most part (See cons)
    -Amazing characters, and interactions for most of them
    -One of the best Antagonists from any game I've played in my opinion. And hopefully my Future Wife.
    -Interesting RPG elements
    -Really nice Art, at least the ones made by the Artist Moira.
    -Companions are also great.

    -Although the writing is great for the most part, the fact it has so many different authors make it weird and have some huge gaps in quality.

    -Too. Much. Unnecessary Scenes. Ok, this may sound weird, but let me explain. It's nice to have sex scenes, it's nice to be able to bang almost everything you meet (Commander Shepard would be proud). But, it's annoying and gets boring way too fast when every single thing you meet can end in sex, without any effort. Like, in every side quest or when you basically ask an NPC. How are you, then, let's fuck. Instead of all these useless scenes, it should focus more on scenes with the actual interest. the companions, the main characters. There are companions that basically have no scenes if compared to others. Give attention to them and PC instead of random NPC you met on the street.

    -Unfinished Main story. This is a huge issue. For a game so long in the making, it's quite annoying that they keep focusing on random quests, npcs instead of progressing what should be their priority.

    - Combat needs balance.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall this has been a great game and one of the best of it's types. It is only loosely based on CoC1 and seems more focused on fantasy elements rather than monster characters in general. Unfortunately the writing staff has become jaded, disorganized and at times spiteful towards their own player base which is evident in later content.

    In a way, being a text based game enhances some experiences where imagination is involved. Toward this end I found myself turning off the avatars at times where they were not as high quality as others. This is hit and miss as some of the existing art is great and others mediocre.

    Some of the writing in scenes is masterfully done at parts and sets a standard for text based scenes. Many of the characters are very enjoyable and the game covers many kinks. The only shame is the limitations which the developers put on themselves regarding some content due to payment platform limitations... Still, the extent and sheer depth of plot is worth praise.

    The RPG battle mechanics can be fun but get repetitive and old quite fast. For some reason it seemed less intuitive than CoC1, especially the lust system for fighting which even after hundreds of hours playing I still haven't figured out how it works.
    There are some parts which are better and worse than CoC 1
    My biggest criticism is that random encounters get old fast and very repetitive. There needs to be a better mechanic for engaging NPCs and creating challenge rather than just randomly running into the same walls of text, time and time again, while travelling around the world. You eventually end up skipping a lot of repeated content simply because you have already fought the same NPC 100 times before.

    In general, this is one of the best games out there for the genre and the developers have kept working on it for a long time. In the beginning this was great and led to earlier content in the game being some of the best. Over time though some of the developers have started to treat it as a cash cow and show signs of burnout. Writers like The Observer in particular have posted spiteful posts on the official forums showing his disdain towards players and how that has shaped his later writing. As one of the most prolific writers for this game's content, it has poisoned a lot of the later plot and characters.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A solid 4.5 stars. Overall, I recommend playing it.
    Still, the game has.. issues. Especially if you are looking for something similar to CoC. It improves upon CoC in various ways (sometimes by using elements from TiTs, sometimes new), but also does some aspects worse.

    - Interesting companions. Several of them have alternate behaviors based on actions, though they aren't too extreme. (It is more sub/dom, than CoC's pure/corrupted)
    - Good writing.
    - Good art. I like text based but I also like having art to guide thoughts about appearance.
    - Not awful encounter rate.
    - Interesting combat mechanics. I like the powers system, though it does have some balance issues.

    - Art. I like art in these games, but it can be at times notably inconsistent in style (such as those within the passage; but I think the most obvious is the title picture on this thread of Cait which has different proportions and 'feel' than in-game Cait pictures), and inconsistent in appearance (there is no pictures of the player, but for Cait there is a witch face picture but no body picture). This isn't major.
    - Balance. The game can be weirdly balanced at times, though I'm unsure if this is due to planning on adding more content. You can reach a point where you're defeating all the enemies in the area trivially, but then you can't beat that story-character who is guarding the way. The amount of XP you get is odd, and so leveling up can take a while.
    - Writing. Overall the writing is pretty good, but there some issues in noticeably different style.
    - None of the companions really have romance. Mostly fuckbuddies, Cait is just the most on the nose about it. The most you'll really get is some tender moments and kissing, amazing.
    - Some of the characters you find feel like they're missing something and are incomplete. I felt this most notably with the spider-woman from the right side of the town (then down), where she can give you a fortune and a little chat but not much else. She mentioned the spider-queen you see in the north, but nothing ever came of that.
    - A lot of the talk content is of the style where you unlock the majority at once (or after one event) and go through them and they never change again. Some way to have 'you have already seen this' would be nice. This does make the companions feel somewhat empty whenever you're not doing their quests specifically.

    Random Complaints/Comments:
    - Silly Mode. Don't turn this on. It isn't Silly Mode (Wacky Wasteland or whatever) from Fallout games, where there's slight references in places and fourth-wall jokes. It is more referring to a character as your waifu or 'ELVES LOL', (Lusamine scene) at least that I noticed.
    - Pregnancy content feels kinda meh compared to CoC, as in when the player gets pregnant. Though, there are more inbuilt story elements of it. I notice it a lot less. Another thing is that when you're pregnant it feels like 80% of the time it is eggs, since those are essentially surefire way to do it. I'd suggest making a chance that eggs from normal encounters have a chance of not staying, or something.
    - Corruption is weird. You only get corruption from a few sources and it is usually huge jumps. Compared to CoC where it is a slow but persistent source that you may actually have to think about, this feels lacking.
    - Transformations are large jumps compared to CoC. You eat a fox berry thrice and now you're a full fox-morph. This damages roleplaying the slow transformation, especially if you roleplay having to eat food.
    - No 'need to eat' option. I liked this option in CoC since it meant I could start out as a pure hero that slowly gets transformed because they *have* to eat. Though, I do admit that in this scenario where you already have access to a normal town (compared to having to eventually find Tel'adre), noncorrupted food would be far less of a problem. Though easy explanations exist (ex: Kassyra messing with the player, but no one else).
    - Kinu aging up is weird, and then getting immediately married was odd. I wasn't really against it, but it happening immediately from when you free her and her mother (skipping over name to avoid spoilers) just felt forced.
    - There's a girl you find after the whole kingdom quest with Etheryn who is a dom much in the style of Evelyn (futa) if a bit rougher. I think the only real problem I have with her is the lack of content (I imagine it is put after that big quest because then you're jumping into the notably uncompleted content area?) but also that she could just be merged with Evelyn.
    - I think the above does somewhat point out one problem. Some of the characters could just be merged with others to give them more characterization & content. I imagine this occurs in part due to different writers.
    - The only femdom companion is Arona, who is more of the 'you are mine bitch' femdom than the Evelyn sort. Cait is switch, but is most often sub/equal. Etheryn is pure-sub.
    - Far less forced or consensual transformation from other characters. Storywise, this makes sense in some areas since they aren't the same kind of crazy that original CoC had, but even from characters where it felt like it would make sense it wasn't coming.

    There's certainly stuff I missed, but I think that encapsulates a lot of my opinion on the game. Certainly a great addition, but it does fail to capture certain elements of the gameplay that one comes to want from CoC/TiTs.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 - Bad game; Did get me off

    This game is more of a sequel to TiTS than to CoC. Let me explain what I mean by that: there are 3 main differences I see between the two games. First, CoC focuses on having a more customizable MC at the cost of shorter, less verbose porn, while TiTS sacrifices customization for writing detail. Second, CoC focuses on having less characters/porn that are more unique, while TiTS has more characters/porn where they are all similar. Third, CoC focuses on a balance of porn fetishes, while TiTS focuses on more submissive MC as well as futa content. In all of these aspects, CoC 2 is more like TiTS than the original.

    So how does this game improve on TiTS? Why does this game exist when TiTS isn't finished yet? The answer Savin would give you are companions. He claims these both add depth to combat and add romance to the porn. While it's true that the combat has more depth, it's still so easy for the most part that you can just auto everything and still win. And the romance fails because of Savin's reluctance to allow you to collect a harem in the game. All the characters you can "romance" still fuck around with others. So they're more like fuckbuddies than romances. But you could say that about all of the characters in the game. So every single npc is really a romance. Or rather, none of them are. Just like your companions in TiTS. Is there really a difference between Anno and Cait? I can't tell.

    So why play this game? CoC 2 is strictly equal to or worse than TiTS in all aspects, besides development speed (for now at least). And it offers nothing new. So really the only reason to play this game is because its just more of the same. But does anyone really want more? TiTS has well over 1,000 porn scenes in game, and I'd bet most people reading this review haven't even read a quarter of them. So why play this game? There's no reason.