I wish I hadn't read that lmao. Whatever inkling of respect I had for The Observer (as a writer) went straight down the toilet. He just sounds so damn pretentious in his responses.
Just read through that whole thread, and MAN am I disappointed in Savin and The Observer. Not only locking a purely discussion-based thread about the role and intent of a character and their development, but also shutting it down and locking it after trying to do a shitty mic drop saying,
Savin: "No, but he is writing for a game under
my complete creative control and I've said it's fine. So deal with it."
What the fuck is that?
Do they not realize people are paying for this shit? Like, if your paying fanbase is expressing distaste for a chunk of content that populated the past like 5 major updates, maybe you should listen to some of that feedback, instead of just letting the one author be a primadonna about it.
I don't know, I get that it's their project and writing, but there's an inherent goal with these games to create an inclusive and sexual world for people to play out a character in. It feels incredibly wrong for any character to force a gender role on your PC, and I say this as someone who likes to play masculine and male characters at times. It's probably just really jarring for a lot of people who are comfortable with the way the CoC world operates, to suddenly have that turned on its head.
And it's not like this is content that can't be ignored, but people were paying for the game during this development, and for awhile it was the only section getting consistent substantial updates, and that's not cool.
I just don't like that they shut the discussion down the way Savin and The Observer did. Feels immature.