
Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
The writes of a game called Corruption of Champions...are not into corruption content. :FacePalm: Why the fuck would Savin hire them?
Because they are good writers that are willing to work. OK, Bubbles is, SKOW is incosistant to much for my liking. And I mean, you can not really force them to write things that they do not want to and expect good content. What they need to do is hire more writers that are willing to do it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
Because they are good writers that are willing to work. OK, Bubbles is, SKOW is incosistant to much for my liking. And I mean, you can not really force them to write things that they do not want and expect good content. What they need to do is hire more writers that are willing to do it.
What does is matter if the content is good if it doesn't fit the project? All this smacks of Savin and co. having no respect for the IP.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
What does is matter if the content is good if it doesn't fit the project? All this smacks of Savin and co. having no respect for the IP.
I mean, pure content does fit. The game is not called "Purely Corrupted Champions". What I think you wanted to say is that Savin should have hired people that are fine with writing for both sides of the coin. For which I agree.
The thing is, he just hired people that already did work for Fenoxo games. Since it is kind of hard to find people that fulfill criteria of being "good at writing somewhat professional smut". So he just hired people he already worked with. Them being able to write corrupted content was secondary to there past portfolio.
And, to be fair, disrespecting CoC as IP is a requirment for you to work on it if you want to follow OGs spirit. Since we all remember how first one ended. With its developer kicking and screaming at people for forcing him to give them some kind of closure. Which was just not fair, guys. All he wanted to do was to work on his perfect hyper inflated baby. Him leaving his OG project unfinished was totally justified by simple reasoning of "screw you, here is my patreon page".
Really, I think this kind of treatment is more then expected at this point. Now is just a question how hard they are gonna screw this one up.
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Jun 25, 2017
What does is matter if the content is good if it doesn't fit the project? All this smacks of Savin and co. having no respect for the IP.
The entire staff, both CoC2's and TiTS' seem to have misgivings about a lot of the content that made it's way into the OG CoC, Fen included. I still remember a thread, years ago, where Savin and Nonesuch essentially equated people liking contents like Kelt's (and wanting to see similar content, even in an entirely fictional capacity), to being actual psychomurderers irl. Like, I get it, peoples tastes change, and it's entirely fair to go in a different direction with your future projects, just...maybe not so much when you're capitalising off of the brand power of an IP that historically roots itself in corruption and other strange degeneracy. Really, anyone looking for the sorts of content that made OG CoC what it is should be looking elsewhere than current (or future) FenCo products.
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Feb 5, 2018
I still remember a thread, years ago, where Savin and Nonesuch essentially equated people liking contents like Kelt's (and wanting to see similar content, even in an entirely fictional capacity), to being actual psychomurderers irl.
That doesn't sound like something they would say? I think theres similar content in TiTs, I might be wrong. Wasn't the whole thing from savin about psychomurderers about the 8chan mod and why they don't allow mods anymore?
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Jul 22, 2019
What was the 8chan mod? Something bad apparently?
was just a content mod, but some of the content involved very extreme fetishes. I think there was two snuff scenes (maybe three?) and some (borderline?) pedo shit, though all of them were fairly obviously locked behind choices that didn't make it unclear at all what you were going to do.
Most of the content was fine from what I recall.


Jun 25, 2017
That doesn't sound like something they would say? I think theres similar content in TiTs, I might be wrong. Wasn't the whole thing from savin about psychomurderers about the 8chan mod and why they don't allow mods anymore?
I'm cooked af, so take it with a grain of salt. There's definitely plenty of instances where this sort of contempt towards the playerbase is shown by them though. I think one of Franks TiTS characters was the last source of such drama on the Fen forums. I don't really care either way, but it seems a weird moral line to draw when a majority of the sexual content across all of the games is dubcon at best, and outright noncon at worst.


Dec 2, 2017
It counts as a Kitsune with only one tail?

I think companions could have been fun in TiTs too. The ship system is a complete mismanagement of priorities. It should have been in sooner. That's my opinion though. I've seen people who think it was a complete waste of time. People have different priorities.

"like why it would be difficult to learn a new language when you have access to bilingual kitsune within a few days while learning a whole new fighting style happens extremely quickly"
Ugh, I mangled that sentence. Should be:
"; like, why would it be difficult to learn a new language within a few days when you have access to bilingual kitsune? Learning a whole new fighting style happens extremely quickly."

Is there any reason not to have it? If you like it, you get extra content. Also, I didn't get a second dick until way further into my save so I probably missed a lot as I haven't played much after I got it. I don't see any reason not to get it unless having two bothers you, but then why would you get it in the first place?

Well, the Steam version gives you the public patch only, so you could try out the before you buy it on Steam. Public patch comes out the middle of the month every month, and includes all previous backer patches.

I don't remember any specific sissification content, but I'm not too versed on what counts.

You can turn into , but she ain't little.

was technically being sissified when you first encounter him, but as the game isn't finished you can't further it any more, and I don't know if the writer would even want to expand his character to include that.

was born "shemale" and is feminine naturally. She is an elf that you can increase hip and breast size for, and has tracking for confidence and libido.

is a cat boy and is submissive and slightly feminine. There is no physical transformation content, but there seems to be "mental tf" planned to make him accept that hes a massive slut.

has some workout confidence building but otherwise I don't think is sissification.

Maybe there is a selection of sissies but there isn't much sissification. I'm assuming you are looking for something like from Trials in Tainted Space (TiTs).
thank you for info, will check this characters out. Yeah, I was hoping to see something similar to from Trials in Tainted Space ) Bought it, but didn't play it much so far)


Jan 8, 2018
Having a corrupted route never felt that important to me personally. I've always thought since the title uses "Champions" rather than the singular, that it simply referred to corruption of people all over the land rather than just the personal corruption of the player. All sorts of important people are fighting and succumbing to corruption so I don't really see it as a big issue that in this one there's a lot less content for being corrupted aside from physical transformations.

I do think having content where you struggle with your own corruption could be interesting since no matter what route you'd want to go, the initial goal you're always given is to fight the taint rather than embrace it. It would be cool to show what the effects being corrupted could have on your psych rather than just choosing to be an asshole. Make it more gradual or something instead of just "am bad"


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Honestly i rarely if ever go the Corrupt Route because i'm a huge softie (most "evil" i've done in this game is Ignore the Manticore girl that makes us a weaboo in her confession scene cuz that was so cringy and forced i NEVER wanted to go through with it again after i did it once...oh and leave Arona and the Warcamp to collapse once just to see what would happen if you don't help her against the Troll) so i haven't suffered the apparent distaste and passive agressiveness the content creators have for Corruption Routes in the main game, but if you're going to give a player choices i feel they should be validated by offering an actual change and not become this whole Creator vs Consumer battle because seriously at no point you should stab the people that gave your IP notoriety with a pointy stick (it's a little thing called being humble).

ALSO you could just admit that kind of fetish aren't really something you're adept at writting (or desire to write for that matter) and either hire someone that CAN write those scenes and you just proof-read it to know how it alters the overworld after every mayor decision OR...just don't make it part of your IP i mean, people STILL PLAY LINEAR GAMES, is not like a Legend of Zelda game is bad cuz we can't choose to kill the princess and become the new rulers or something, even if you weren't corrupt yourself but just fighting corruption people would still play to check out the story, the gameplay and the smut, but hey that's just my 2 cents, i'm really not the best person to make a stand for it since it never bothers me cuz i tend to stick with purity routes, i just feel bad for other players that have different tastes than me and don't get to enjoy the game as much because of the unwillingness of the author to push through with the promise of corruption content.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
Having a corrupted route never felt that important to me personally. I've always thought since the title uses "Champions" rather than the singular, that it simply referred to corruption of people all over the land rather than just the personal corruption of the player. All sorts of important people are fighting and succumbing to corruption so I don't really see it as a big issue that in this one there's a lot less content for being corrupted aside from physical transformations.

I do think having content where you struggle with your own corruption could be interesting since no matter what route you'd want to go, the initial goal you're always given is to fight the taint rather than embrace it. It would be cool to show what the effects being corrupted could have on your psych rather than just choosing to be an asshole. Make it more gradual or something instead of just "am bad"
It's not just corruption content, really, although that's the only thing I got into OG CoC for, but it's just the general railroading of the PC into this sickening cucky do-gooder and the tonal whiplash that occurs when that's not happening. Let me tell you, there is no character I detest more than Lusamine, followed closely by her band of merry morons and their retarded commander, Jen. The cunts who waylaid you in the forest show up at you house and fuck you companions and like the pathetic beta orbiter that you apparently are, instead of, you know, doing something, you sit down and have a nice chat and even get in on the action if they're feeling particularly merciful that day. Your companions sure seem to prefer your enemies to your loser ass. I don't get the point of them at all.

I feel impotent in this game, not like the force of nature that I should be at max level after completing all the quests so far save for the Kitsune stuff because fuck that weeb shit. If there was one thing that CoC1 did, it was make you feel powerful, like you could be the hero that Mareth needed or a typhoon of sorrow and misery visited upon its hapless inhabitants. But in the sequel, the thing that's supposed to equal and even surpass the experience of the first? I feel like nobody takes me seriously, like everyone, friend and foe, is only humoring me in my pretensions of heroism, as if they're trying to spare my feelings or amuse themselves, or both. It feels a lot less like besting your foes and more like they're letting you win when every encounter starts off with, "Ha ha, you can't defeat the great and mighty Sex-Hole-Number-Umptyteen. You may as well give up now, because there's no way that someone like you can beat someone like me!" Thrash them again, rinse and repeat, and once you been through every pose in the Kama Sutra, these annoying, cocksure named encounters just become a nuisance, a series of buttons to mash before you can get on with whatever you were doing. There is really no sense of progression, and more than once I've found myself wondering if they were just losing on purpose out of pity.

One time, after I'd kicked Lt. Jen's ass for the eleventieth time, a scene played where she broke down and (rightly) lamented her weakness. While I wasn't happy that I didn't get to pile on, at the very least, I thought, Jen would finally pack it in and I was gonna get into that sweet, sweet treasure box she's been teasing me with. But of course, what happens? Some punk by the name of Leofric sucker punches me out of nowhere and is all "No dun cwy Jen dat gais just a big meanie face nd u is amaziing!!!1!" and it's back to business as usual. It must have been her hormones acting up because cleasly my combat prowess had absolutely nothing to do with any of that. It's just so fucking lame and exhausting, and as a fan of the original, and the corruption genre in general, I have found very little in this project that appeals to me. But that's what I get for having expectations, I guess.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Because they are good writers that are willing to work. OK, Bubbles is, SKOW is incosistant to much for my liking. And I mean, you can not really force them to write things that they do not want to and expect good content. What they need to do is hire more writers that are willing to do it.
Bubbles and Skow are not just inconsistent, they are straight up bad. Even if they have good character ideas (byvernia was bubbles' right?) their writing is still bad.

I'm guessing nepotism, maybe they were friends of savin or something. Because I can assure you half this forum would be able to write something on bubbles' level lmao.

Also for that corruption stuff, yeah, I think patreon is just an excuse, they just don't want to I guess. And it's also true that corrupt content is played through way less.

But it also kills player choice. It feels like I'm on a fucking railroad when I can't take another choice, like with anything Tobs does. Corruption content is meaningful not because of the sexual aspect but simply because it's more choice in an RPG game that does not have choices.

For example, Tobs' content. You have two choices with Kitsune, engage in the content, or don't. This is not a real choice. This is just abstaining. It's as good as saying fuck off if you don't like it.

If we had another choice like actively fucking over the Kitsune, I'd take it. But it's not there because corruption routes are not a thing.

At the end of the day I guess I don't care, since it really does not make much sense to write content that a minority will enjoy and others will never try because it has lasting consequences/is hard to fix.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Bubbles and Skow are not just inconsistent, they are straight up bad. Even if they have good character ideas (byvernia was bubbles' right?) their writing is still bad.

I'm guessing nepotism, maybe they were friends of savin or something. Because I can assure you half this forum would be able to write something on bubbles' level lmao.
Sure Bubbles has his problems, but every writer in this game does.
Is it that Bubbles is bad or that you just do not like his characters since there stuff does not appeal to you? Since well, you seem to like Byvernia,who is in my opinion, one of his run of the mill creation. I do not think she is better written or has better sex scenes then Quinn, Lusamine , Maria, Spider Oracle or Prince Nyze or even that Fairy twink.

And yeah we need more choices, even if it is just dialogue option that does not change anything. Like, what JRPGs or What a Legend does where they give you yes or no answear and you can pick them just for flavor. It would allow our character to state there opinion on situation at hand. Even this game does it from time to time but only with Wsan and Savins characters mostly.

Mercs are jerks
OK I am going to have to disagree with you there (mostly). I feel like this game does more then good enough job to make you feel important and powerful. My only noteworthy gripe comes is when enemies, ironically , praise me and only me to much. Like Byvernia ,for example, where she praises me on how strong I am while ignoring my entire party in the back. Come to think of it, that is a lot of encounters.
But really when it comes to feeling powerful, I think this game does fine enough job. Stuff like defeating entire bar of Orcs, rescuing harem from there terrible master, domming Arona and a lot of smaller encounters make me feel like I earned it.

Now when it comes to Mercs, the problem there is that they are incomplete, simple as that. It kind of does suck that you got sucker punched by there leader (no matter your level) and that you can not do anything about it. And that you can not just fight him later. But that is all because Bubbles is planing on doing something SOON but when it will be I do not know. I would also like to dom Jen, but it is simple not there yet. Which is a shame since I enjoy her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
OK I am going to have to disagree with you there (mostly). I feel like this game does more then good enough job to make you feel important and powerful. My only noteworthy gripe comes is when enemies, unironically praise me and only me to much. Like Byvernia for example where she praises me on how strong I am while ignoring my entire party in the back. Come to think of it, that is a lot of encounters.
But really when it comes to feeling powerful, I think this game does fine enough job. Stuff like defeating entire bar of Orcs, rescuing harem from there terrible master, domming Arona and a lot of smaller encounters make me feel like I earned it.

Now when it comes to Mercs, the problem there is that they are incomplete, simple as that. It kind of those suck that you got sucker punched by there leader (no matter your level) and that you can not do anything about it. And that you can not just fight him later. But that is all because Bubbles is planing on doing something SOON but when it will be I do not know. I would also like to dom Jen, but it simple not there yet. Which is a shame since I enjoy her.
First off, don't TL;DR my post to "mercs are jerks". It was about more than the mercs.

Sure, quests try to make you feel like the best thing since sex, but all the praise and accolades ring hollow when you can't get Sex Parts x3 to shut her yap. As an aside, some of the random encounters feel like the same, unnamed NPC, which adds to the feeling, but that's probably just me. As I have mentioned before in this thread, your personality spectrum ranges from "good guy" to "somewhat ignoble good guy" with little deviation. The reason I hate the mercs so much is that you can't really do anything about them. These people, who tried to rob you, just show up where you live and start fucking your companions, and your response is to...let them, because you're a gutless milksop apparently, not at all the kind of person who could conquer the Frost Marches. Do you see the issue here? EDIT: Forgot to add "But at least Bubbles is doing something about it, that' nice".

It's a breath of fresh air when Kas shows up at the winter ball and it's noted that we're kind of playacting since my character is so corrupt, but then Kas shows up in my dreams disguised as a demonic Brienne and is all, "Yo, wouldn't that be hot? I could do that, you know," and PC goes, "No, you can't have mah friends." You could charitably interpret this as the PC being territorial, since concern for her companions' wellbeing could not possibly have motivated her to say that, but the writing elsewhere does not support that. I often find my conception of the PC clashing with the text, and while, yes, it's impossible to account for everything, it would be nice if there were a consistent be evil option for those of us who want to be evil. It's really just that simple. All these problems would go away if this were a standalone title, but there's an established property to compare this to where all of this was done just fine.

But with all that being said, am I in the minority on this? I thought that the corruption content was what drew people to CoC in the first place, but I'm seeing a lot of posters say they prefer the pure path. It was even apparently the canonincal ending to CoC1. Personally I don't see the appeal of playing a good character in these games, but maybe I'm just a weirdo.
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New Member
Jan 9, 2020
But with all that being said, am I in the minority on this? I thought that the corruption content was what drew people to CoC in the first place, but I'm seeing a lot of posters say they prefer the pure path. It was even apparently the canonincal ending to CoC1. Personally I don't see the appeal of playing a good character in these games, but maybe I'm just a weirdo.
Not at all, i mostly played the original game on the corrupted routes and expected to do the same on this one, the problem is that corrupted content is entirely unsuported.

For example, if you do the hive quest and choose to keep it corrupt, not only do you not get any of the future content that could probably be added to the hive,(or is related to the hive)but you also lose a companion (Regardless of whether you think it's uninteresting or not, which seems to be the popular opinion) All in exchange for getting a bimbo npc.


New Member
Jan 16, 2020
A bimbo you can get through the Purity Route as well mind you (since the whole gem sidequest for Bimbo Azzy set, which still OP btw!) so really, nothing you get from Corruption Route cannot be gained from Purity Route.
You can't fuck Liaden in pure route.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
First off, don't TL;DR my post to "mercs are jerks". It was about more than the mercs.

Sure, quests try to make you feel like the best thing since sex, but all the praise and accolades ring hollow when you can't get Sex Parts x3 to shut her yap. As an aside, some of the random encounters feel like the same, unnamed NPC, which adds to the feeling, but that's probably just me. As I have mentioned before in this thread, your personality spectrum ranges from "good guy" to "somewhat ignoble good guy" with little deviation. The reason I hate the mercs so much is that you can't really do anything about them. These people, who tried to rob you, just show up where you live and start fucking your companions, and your response is to...let them, because you're a gutless milksop apparently, not at all the kind of person who could conquer the Frost Marches. Do you see the issue here?

It's a breath of fresh air when Kas shows up at the winter ball and it's noted that we're kind of playacting since my character is so corrupt, but then Kas shows up in my dreams disguised as a demonic Brienne and is all, "Yo, wouldn't that be hot? I could do that, you know," and PC goes, "No, you can't have mah friends." You could charitably interpret this as the PC being territorial, since concern for her companions' wellbeing could not possibly have motivated her to say that, but the writing elsewhere does not support that. I often find my conception of the PC clashing with the text, and while, yes, it's impossible to account for everything, it would be nice if there were a consistent be evil option for those of us who want to be evil. It's really just that simple. All these problems would go away if this were a standalone title, but there's an established property to compare this to where all of this was done just fine.

But with all that being said, am I in the minority on this? I thought that the corruption content was what drew people to CoC in the first place, but I'm seeing a lot of posters say they prefer the pure path. It was even apparently the canonincal ending to CoC1. Personally I don't see the appeal of playing a good character in these games, but maybe I'm just a weirdo.
I mean, I can not lie, I did try to be condecending there since that merc talk about Jen made me laugh. But not the way you intended to since well your anger just seemed overblown, and not in comedic effect as you intended. But yeah, sorry for that. Still, true, I would like to be able to comfront my attempted rapist about the part where they attempted to rape me.

But yeah, we do not have many chances to be evil or let our past questionable decisions carry some weight. Kitsune content is worse about it as of now. Like, I enjoy being good there, but I wish there were some ways that we could do some questionable stuff. Not in a showy way, more of "evil behind the curtans" kind of way. Where we do stuff to people like Kohaku and Rindo that are morally dubious. Since they are two of the most socially removed characters in the colony, it could work. While yes, this horse is beaten to death, but there is a reason for it. Especially since Tobs, with his other contents, is one of better people at giving people choice at how they want to accomplish something. Like rescuing Garth and stuff inside of Kiyokos medallion had a lot of simple but satisfying options that made each playthrough more varied.

And I do agree with you on our character being goody two shoes most of the time. As I said, let me be an asshole. Let it close some doors as long as it opens others. It does not need to have as many as good path, just enough to make my play through feel different.

But still, when it comes to stuff that Is written, I do feel that this game does better job at making me feel powerful/important then OG one ever did. Like yeah, we are not doing it alone. Like yeah, we are not making selfish changes to the world as we did in OG one. In that way,It is a less of power fantasy then before, which developers themselve said was intended. Make that of what you will.

But what is written is so much better and it makes your actions feel more meaningful since they are. Stuff like being Champion of Winter city and thus making you the enemy of people of Glacial rift. You being the Champion having some importance at Winter City ball. You helping Etheryn makes her more assertive and freer to show her addoration of you in front of people.

As for gameplay:

Now sure, random encounters are annoying, but the reason they feel even worse here is because game is unfinished. Having so little explorable space and seeing same encounters over and over does get boring. But that is flaw in how this game is developted, not in how it is designed.

Well mostly, I do wish that after some point, some of these encounters would just stop once they realised that you are to much for them (that kitsune group for example). Turn them hospital . It would prevent the tediom of fighting them, it would make you feel more powerful for making them reconsider how they wanted to deal with you. And it would make it harder for you to grind levels on weaker foes. But then again, game is sometimes even good in that regard in a lot of cases since it does that with some of them. Like they did with that ninja kitsune or hornets. This also adds to that sense of progression. It would make them feel more like real characters.

I also do like that the game is challenging enough, especially on darker difficulty, to where your accomplishments feel earned.
Since a porn game, besides Alicesoft developted ones such as Lance series , that makes me think about some stuff when it comes to its gameplay is so god damn rare. It is not as deep as those, but it is not that far off from most JRPGs.

Now, I am not saying this to silence you or anyone else. I hope that I never came off that way. I encorage people to discuss stuff since that is what I like about these specific threads. I just feel that a lot of anger here is not well comunicated or misguided in some cases.

Only things I have left to say is, you are right, mercs are jerks.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
I mean, I can not lie, I did try to be condecending there since that merc talk about Jen made me laugh. But not the way you intended to since well your anger just seemed overblown, and not in comedic effect as you intended.
Well aren't you just a delight? I am critical, not angry. I wrote it like that because I thought it would read better than a stolid rundown of my gripes.
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