While I understand your worry, you could probably just impregnate Elf consort yourself and be done with it. Especially if you are their Baron. Since, as Hethia alluded to if you are romancing Ryn, one of the reasons she made you one is to butter you up so that you would end up marrying the half sexed royalty. And even confident Ryn is still submissive to champion, so I do not think she would force go against your wishes.
As for Azzy, I am suprised that they got away with it. I could understand if the guys got a gf/bf and why that would not have gotten so much hate. Since most people are not interested in them (even if people would ask to be able to sex their female love interests). But not only did they make azy have a GF, not only does the game unsubtly nudge you in supporting them. But you can not fuck said GF or even join them in threesomes as of now if ever.
Not something I really care about since game already has many waifus, but still. Congrats on SKoW for doing it. She has guts. But it could be also be that this community is not as obsessive as others are when it comes to whole "only for you thing". I mean, a lot of them still get pissed do not get me wrong, but not really to extent as others from what I observed.