
Jun 12, 2020
The devs deserve praise when good content is added, and criticism when they fuck up.
Maybe for a game pulling in a few grand a month, but their budget is insane. If anything players have more of a reason to be critical especially when they are paying multiple AAA games worth in money over the year. Look at other porn / smut games that are successful off of significantly less money regardless if they are complete or still Patreon funded.

Kallisto said just about everything else I'd have pointed out. However, I will add to Malcowitz response that not only are the writers mediocre, but I'd go as far to even say they were the lowest bidders money wise.
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Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Reading your post made me realize something, our hubworld sucks. Savin got inspired by DnD which is why stuff like initiative and skills scaling off of non offensive stats exist. Heck the game even starts with you in a tavern. And usually in longer campaigns you want a hubworld.

The problem is none of the NPC's that aren't in the tavern are 3-dimensional. Ogrish is useless and barely memorable, Kohaku does his job better because of her rotating stock, TF's suck so Ivris gets useless very quickly. Nelia stuff is neat in the early game but falls of real quick once you get unique items. And Leorah was a step in the right direction with her being sexable and giving you a quest but they forgot about her kitty butt real fast (archery didn't even get an ultimate skill). Even with additions like Clementine and Sugo Hawkethorne is still as wide as an ocean but as shallow as a pool.

It's real bad when the village that calls you a barbarian and tried to kill you is more enjoyable just because I at least have a reason to interact with their denizens and learn more about them.
The hub world being lacklustre is simply an indicator of the biggest issue with the game which is that it lacks a coherent central vision that would usually come from a single creator, where Savin seems to simply not be up to snuff as he focuses on the wrong things and the fact it is driven by whim and free content created by others.

If there is a central design document for each part of the game I'd be surprised indeed if it was in-depth or detailed, if it even exists. In the old COC, the Oasis city had shitloads of content but it certainly wasn't very coherent because each character existed independent of each other except where they shared a creator and even then it was mostly just shallow.

I thought Mayternity for instance would be about doing a checklist to add pregnancy to every single NPC there that already had that content or to write it and they literally didn't do any of them, not even the sheep or the goddamn GOBLIN. Or the Merc who even mentions it, jesus. That's one of the big reasons that dumb fucking temple pisses me off; it's optional content I'll never play because I fundamentally hate Cait as a bad NPC (It's because the point of games is we have fun, not that fake NPCs have fun to be brief but there's more to it)

I would like to point out especially how useless transformations are because of how central they were to pretty much every NPC that mattered in OG COC: you could give or remove dicks, make them have bigger tits or change them into less furry types, you could have them lactate and so on. A lot of it also connected with the corrupt paths, giving you an actual reason to do it, like on the farm.

Now, despite the alchemy system initially being fairly deep and good it leads to nothing interesting. I can't give my elf-sissy an asspussy/nipplepussies and breed them royal heirs that way; I can't de-dick another character or whatever. TBH, I feel like a real area for actual improvement would be a better alchemy thing, adding scenes, characters and dare I even say, story, around it. (Like for instance someone trying to catch imps and trying to transform them or even force souls into them sounds interesting)
You realize that some people like story and gameplay more than the porn? :)
When I entered the White City I was there to get my big-titty/booty sissy slut a big chair, follow my tsundere waifu demoness that I wanna redeem and possibly breed a bunch of hot fucking elves while quite possibly fucking

What each of those ideas had in common is that they connected to the core fucking conceit of a fucking porn game which is delivering sexual content to the player. I am not playing a fucking RPG. I am not playing a fucking a fucking story driven game. I am playing a mother fucking porn game and anything that does not lead to lust is worthless fucking shit distracting from the whole point of the enterprise. If the story isn't about leading to porn it should be the porn. The gameplay should be finding more ways to get you porn or test what kind of porn you like.

It should not be some of the most meaningless drivel I have ever wasted my seconds skimming before rapidly skipping. I can tell you that I don't know the smallest shit about whatever god garbage the game featured because I DO NOT CARE. Unless I am fucking said god IT LITERALLY DOESNT MATTER. What I got was a bunch of boring garbage happening AROUND ME, that I did nothing about or for and then I get cucked by the villain out of an incest threesome

Good game design is about understanding what lies at the center of a game and then tying everything else to that center. You can tell the people making this aren't pros because they constantly deviate from this. The game does not need a detailed story except as a device to deliver the porn. The game does not need a complex RPG system because I'm not here to make sick combos or think of clever strategies: I'm there to play the game one handed. (A UI element they actually do implement fairly well and is the only thing I think they have improved over OG COC, which is commendable.)

Bad game design is constantly adding shit that literally drags you away from and off of the core conceit. If we use the aforementioned roleplaying games as an example, it would be extremely pathetic to be playing one where the GM keeps going on about their detailed backstory and their incredibly cool GM-Character that's in the game because the people are there to engage in a collaborative storytelling experience, not wargame or listen to long fucking monologues from a nerd opposite them.

I just want to transform people, get them pregnant and have a harem. And read interesting erotic content that has other interesting fetishes. Not waste my mental space on some bottom tier fantasy theology or reading about some dumb fox people or bull people

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Was writing for free, he has been an official member of the dev team staff for a couple of months now.
Oh? That's good news then. I hate his writing but if Savin values it enough to put so much of it in the game then he deserves to be compensated for his work.


May 14, 2017
They way I hear it, he still requested not to get paid. The dude wants to work for free.
So he's either in it for the art and believes he shouldn't have to be paid to be a writer. Which I believe was a reason one of the writers didn't take commissions, they didn't want commissioners dictating what they can and can't write.
Or pessimistically, he just doesn't want anyone telling him no when he writes. Remember the Kinu-sire situation, I believe Tobs was willing to die on that hill regarding never changing it, but that was coincidentally around the time he became a paid writer.


May 14, 2017
So are the glaciers going to be in purgatory for a while because of Khor’minos or are they going to multi-task and work on both the main story and New New Texas. Gweyr quest implies the latter but Tobs is the hardest worker (or most of his stuff just seems to get coded in) on the team, so I don't hold him for the bar of how things are going to operate.
I don't entirely trust them with the latter option, but the former would show incompetence because they could have moved the glaciers under Khor'minos. The latest patch doesn't speak too highly if they are trying to multi-task though.


Jun 12, 2020
Considering Tobs writes for free, you may be onto something here.
Oh god.... he's an unpaid writer... please tell me you're joking. The game is pulling in 10s of thousands a month.

I've met guys like tobs in college where they bugger out of as much critique under the guise of creative freedom. [insert tobs complaint]. Well at least Savin is getting his money's worth out of him ha ha.


Jun 12, 2020
The hub world being lacklustre is simply an indicator of the biggest issue with the game which is that it lacks a coherent central vision that would usually come from a single creator, where Savin seems to simply not be up to snuff as he focuses on the wrong things and the fact it is driven by whim and free content created by others.

If there is a central design document for each part of the game I'd be surprised indeed if it was in-depth or detailed, if it even exists. In the old COC, the Oasis city had shitloads of content but it certainly wasn't very coherent because each character existed independent of each other except where they shared a creator and even then it was mostly just shallow.
This. Anyone who has the smallest background in project management, teams or a general understanding of how to get a project rolling would see this. When I first booted the game during the sub 0.3.2x nearly a year ago I thought the hub would be fleshed out a lot more than it is.

I legitimately thought the space would become a lot more lively given the space, but it's pretty disappointing that everything is crammed into the tavern. Like if stardew valley had 3x the NPCS and the tavern was half the size.
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Oct 12, 2018
as much as there is to criticize in a coherent narrative kinda sense, i feel like from story string to story string, it plays fairly well and the storys arent bad at all.

And then theres the observer, who legit writes the best content for this game bar none, i wouldnt be surprised if he turns out to be an alter ego of an proffesional author


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Considering Tobs writes for free, you may be onto something here.
Oh god.... he's an unpaid writer... please tell me you're joking. The game is pulling in 10s of thousands a month.

I've met guys like tobs in college where they bugger out of as much critique under the guise of creative freedom. [insert tobs complaint]. Well at least Savin is getting his money's worth out of him ha ha.
He's not working for free anymore, he hasn't in a while. He got officially hired a few months back.


Jan 13, 2019
Good game design is about understanding what lies at the center of a game and then tying everything else to that center. You can tell the people making this aren't pros because they constantly deviate from this. The game does not need a detailed story except as a device to deliver the porn. The game does not need a complex RPG system because I'm not here to make sick combos or think of clever strategies: I'm there to play the game one handed. (A UI element they actually do implement fairly well and is the only thing I think they have improved over OG COC, which is commendable.)

Bad game design is constantly adding shit that literally drags you away from and off of the core conceit. If we use the aforementioned roleplaying games as an example, it would be extremely pathetic to be playing one where the GM keeps going on about their detailed backstory and their incredibly cool GM-Character that's in the game because the people are there to engage in a collaborative storytelling experience, not wargame or listen to long fucking monologues from a nerd opposite them.

I just want to transform people, get them pregnant and have a harem. And read interesting erotic content that has other interesting fetishes. Not waste my mental space on some bottom tier fantasy theology or reading about some dumb fox people or bull people
The last 3 paragraphs I really relate to. CoC got the balance just right which is why there are so many loyal fans to Fenoxo and Savin's work. I love how they are more concerned especially in CoC 2 of keeping combat challenging than adding content. When it turned out Azzy's bimbo form was busted and destroyed anything vulnerable to lust I was thinking fantastic I don't play this game to have a challenge. Some idiots cried about how broken she was on the forum and she was 'fixed' in the next patch. I was thinking out of all the games problems and you chose to fix something that made the game easier? :unsure: Talk about screwed up priorites. Also some of the toughest fights have enemies completely immune to lust damage so it was just stupid to complain about it.

Don't even get me started on the convoluted BS to keep my favorite elf's dick trapped in a cage, ending their quest line and unlocking it was one of the things I was most looking forward to as well as punishing their sister but no they flew away instead:mad:

Ultimately I think both Savin and Fenoxo are slaves to patreon both their rules and the people who pay them to have their crappy ideas written into the game making both of them a mess. CoC was so good because it was something he did out of passion at first not financial obligation to patreons. Patreon doesn't allow either incest or darker sexual themes which is why I am sure corruption is taking a back seat.

"We are never going to be able to fuck her she's going to go back to her husband after her quest is over. "

Suddenly all motivation I had to do her quest is gone. :cautious: So what do we actually get other than a happy family reunion? So her husband can have a kid with another woman and we can't even fuck his poor lonely wife its just crazy the priorities the devs have. :mad: If the logic is that it might break her character are they forgetting this is a game with corruption in the title? It appears that once again the corruption takes a back seat to lore building. We only have a couple of opportunities to be corrupt in this game and they are not worth it at all in fact this game with both writing and mechanics encourages you not to be corrupt.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Just play on story difficulty. You could not lose on that level of challenge lacking even if all your ingame actions were controled by the PC or by you using your keybord as masterbation tool.
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