The last 3 paragraphs I really relate to. CoC got the balance just write which is why there are so many loyal fans to Fenoxo and Savin's work. I love how they are more concerned especially in CoC 2 of keeping combat challenging than adding content. When it turned out Azzy's bimbo form was busted and destroyed anything vulnerable to lust I was thinking fantastic I don't play this game to have a challenge. Some idiots cried about how broken she was on the forum and she was 'fixed' in the next patch. I was thinking out of all the games problems and you chose to fix something that made the game easier?

Talk about screwed up priorites. Also some of the toughest fights have enemies completely immune to lust damage so it was just stupid to complain about it.
Don't even get me started on the convoluted BS to keep my favorite elf's dick trapped in a cage, ending their quest line and unlocking it was one of the things I was most looking forward to as well as punishing their sister but no they flew away instead
Ultimately I think both Savin and Fenoxo are slaves to patreon both their rules and the people who pay them to have their crappy ideas written into the game making both of them a mess. CoC was so good because it was something he did out of passion at first not financial obligation to patreons. Patreon doesn't allow either incest or darker sexual themes which is why I am sure corruption is taking a back seat.
"We are never going to be able to fuck her she's going to go back to her husband after her quest is over. "
Suddenly all motivation I had to do her quest is gone.

So what do we actually get other than a happy family reunion? So her husband can have a kid with another woman and we can't even fuck his poor lonely wife its just crazy the priorities the devs have.

If the logic is that it might break her character are they forgetting this is a game with corruption in the title? It appears that once again the corruption takes a back seat to lore building. We only have a couple of opportunities to be corrupt in this game and they are not worth it at all in fact this game with both writing and mechanics encourages you not to be corrupt.