I said it once and i think this is obvious: creating another huge location gives another amount of time to develop. Diversing from main thread in the game by adding more npc's. Seems like the love for NTR Cait made another one called Rune, and i hope i am wrong here, but it seems also that Hawkerthorne gonna change soon into Hookertown. Surely there must be a greater wisdom behind this.
Just don't build the temple, man. I saw the writing on the wall immediately when the temple patch first came. It's essentially just tobs-land.
At least we get to choose not to build it.
On a side note, I like how utterly manipulative Cait was when she first mentioned her wish to build a temple.
Cait first mentions to her friend that she wants to build a temple and make their own sect, and then immediately points at you while saying "And maybe someone could help us??? *winkwink*". And if you refuse her, she just guilt trips you about how sad it is that she has to go back to her lands and take over her dad's fortune since there won't be a temple here.
I don't think Savin ever took a step back and read what he wrote, because to me Cait looks like she likes using people, whether she or her writer is aware of it or not.