I went through my old writing bookmarks tab and found this site that has a bunch of articles on different topics related to writing that might be good:
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Writing prompt websites (there's a writing prompt subreddit as well) are good if you need to work on putting "pen to paper" and getting over writer's block or getting ideas flowing.
Possibly get someone you trust who doesn't mind reading over your work and giving you advice. It's nerve-wracking (if you're like me and shy about it) but it's good to get other people looking at your writing because you'll miss things if it's just you looking over your own work all the time.
A good tip that I received before that sounds simple, is to read. Not to steal other people's ideas but to get a feel for other writing styles, topics, prose, story structure, etc. So if you want to write erotica/smut, read some erotica/smut and keep in mind what makes that story work for you if you like it or what makes it fail if you don't.
For corrections on technical aspects of your writing, I know a lot of people use
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and the like. Though don't rely 100% on these because they aren't perfect. And I recommend Google Docs as a good place to store your writing electronically if you aren't writing by hand in a notebook. It's free and you can access it anywhere you can log in to the website or download the app, so you can have it on the go which is how I do most of my writing.
I wish I had more good links and advice but that's about it. If you want to find in-person/zoom writer's groups possibly look at your local library, they usually have free writing courses or a community college.
Thanks a lot, really appreciate it.
Ayyy did you get into smut writing?
In short, ayy.
Long answer-
Since I started reading more, my creative side has been rejunuvated like never before. Along with me once again getting into drawing and painting regulary (now on my PC) I wanted to transform my abundance of free time into something more productive. So I started writing. For fun and mostly for myself. But it did cascade into need, well, to show off so to speak. So I needed an outlet. I though about just making account on Ao3 or something, writing futa on female smut for fun.
But then, around early July, with frustration reaching its boiling point with the lack of good male NPCs (before Liulfr) coming to CoC2 and lack of good husbandos that pander to my taste... It just made go "yeah, that does it". So I just started planning out what content I wanted to write. Not that I made much progress mind you. I was traveling a lot and did have to do the job as an intern. But once I finished all of that, around early august, I decided to finally start planning out and working on writing additional victory scenes for hobgoblins and on my pretty boy spider NPC.
The progress was going well. Until, what, a weak ago I read the thread on /cocg/ in which I found out that Elf Boy in the forest had option added to be removed as an encounter. Which made me go "Ahhhhhh shit, was he so annoying that people wanted him gone? Shame I liked him. But understandable since Hugs can not write for CoC2 anymore and no one else seems to be interested. If only...!"
And just like that, all my inspiration just transferred into a drive to do something about him. Not only because, as I said , I like his design and content. But because I hate concept of wasted space. Which, in this game case, is content that makes me go "what is the point" which this game can be said to have in spades. And writing a femboy that has actually meat to him, besides Berwyn , is something that this game sorely needs.
So yeah, big horse dick femboy charmed me.
Also, I see things have not changed much. Feels good.
HugsAlright just never intended for Berwyn to have any transformations including smaller dick/de dicking, more feminine, or to grow breasts and become a full woman. He was pretty adamant about that early on in CoC2 development, however he was very late with his projects and just disappeared for over a year and came back only to quit the project.
When he left the team Savin hired a writer known as B to finish work on Berwyn since the character has not gotten an update in over 2 years due to HugsAlright taking long break and then suddenly leaving the team. There were no plans to have female Berwyn expansion but then HugsAlright returned and wanted to get back into the team but instead of doing it for free like last time he wanted to get paid like B however at that point Savin did not want him. Later on HugsAlright went on a tantrum on fenoxo forum and twitter, pissed off Savin to the point he paid extra to B and have a Berwyn female path added to his story thats where HugsAlright's recent rant comes in.
This still does not tell me why Hugs did not want to get paid for his work. I can guess to some extent that since he was not technically under constant employment, like Tobs used to be, he only get payed for project that Savin himself hired him for. And I guess Berwyn was not one of them. Or he simply did not want to get payed, which I find strange from his end, since he was a pretty well known writer inside of community. Not like Fleep or Birds, who as of now write stuff out of passion for the game.
Now, if female Berwyn was born out of spite, I can see why that can be seen as petty. But since this is something that community at large wanted, I can not really say that it only accomplishes being spiteful. Especially since it seems that B is having fun with it. Helps that he, along with William, is my favorite writer, so more stuff from him is always good.
And personally, since we will be able to go cuntboy route, I am all for it. And considering what I am planing to do with Elfboy, throwing stone at the glass house does not seem wise.