i had no internet and no electricity for the past 5 days i was so bored that i redid the all the quest and read every fucking thing.
The observer is boring and overexplain pretty much everything
And the amounts of futa just keep increasing to the point im wondering if they are trying to compete with TITS
The calise quest part 2 aftermath just feel incomplete.
And because of how bored i was i did every event/fight with cait as companion, and DAYUM The game need to be renamed into corruption of cait with just how much the world and npcs turn you into her sidekick once they see her.
Its funny like how not even one person dislike her, even tho she pretty much just a ho who for some reason is apparently a genius
+the fact that every prostitute is the game happy to be one because 'Im having sex and im paid yolo' im mean i don't expect to see a jaded and addicted 55 whore with no teeth or anything but for them to be happy and loving it, is strange at best.
The kiyoko&kinu out of pendant experience is just straight up emotional abuse (between kiyoko saying that she love you but mosly for breeding purpose and also keep reminding you that you don't really mean shit in the family and her culture and if you are unhappy about it well... suck it up nobody care.)
Kinu that just make me want to have a 20 round boxing match with her because apparently im a deadbeat dat even tho im the one who freed them???
i should stop cause im saying random bs a this point.
tl;dr :cait suck,tobs suck,kiyoko&kinu out of the orb is bs,too much futa ,hoping for doomslayer path and Raf-Raf still owe me drinks