Am I the only person who finds all of "interact with your child" stuff super out of place? Who is it even for? Are people playing CoC2 for the "uwu wholesome" interactions with your kids? First with Kinu (we all know how that ended up going) and now with the kid you have with Aileh, do people really care? Who is pushing for this shit in a PORN GAME? Maybe this is just my cold, unfeeling heart, but the writing in this game isn't anywhere near good enough to get me to care about the fictional child my character made with a giant demon/dragon girl.
Glad to know the writers are spending time making really out of place wholesome family-sim content inside their degenerate furry power fantasy horsecock futa filled porn game, definitely not super weird (and kind of creepy)! My corrupt, nearly a demon dark knight character would definitely stick around and care about all of the children they make, for sure! Corruption content isn't nearly non existent in corruption of champions 2 or anything, surely!