Been playing the Modded version of CoC which is nice to have combat that isn't complete dogshit like CoC 2. Only major criticisms are the fact the new areas are very grindy and the perk system paths to certain perks aren't easy to navigate. I tried a pure archer build as an avian which was a lot of fun as certain attacks can't hit you when you fly but your accuracy gets lowered unless you have perks to improve it. Also you can't fly forever either.
Also forgot how many consequences are tied to your level of corruption. Do you think something similar should be added to CoC 2 where certain party members leave if you are too corrupt or you banned from certain settlements? Also how do you feel about the maps in CoC 2? Are they a massive time waste and should have been kept to dungeons only like in CoC or are they a great addition? Final question which companions/lovers are better in CoC than CoC 2?
I personally like Arian, Helia, Ceraph, Amily and bimbo Jojo (mod only character).
Izma, Isabella, Phylla, Marble and Ember I also like but feel they needed more options as Marble was never properly finished.
Kiha is okay in base CoC but gets fleshed out more in the mod as the game continues after beating Lethice.
From CoC 2 I think Brienne/Brint is both best boy and best girl and their development isn't even finished yet.
Kiyoko had the potential to be just as good but TOBs fucked it up. (We already know why

Arona isn't for everyone but I like her. In fact one thing I will credit CoC 2 even though Skandranon doesn't care is the amount of pregnancy reactions you have with characters as either the sire or the bearer. CoC has some interactions but its massively lacking.
If they decided what role Azzy is meant to be and fleshed it out rather than a bunch of half assed roles she would be good. As she is right now she is a mess.
Viv has potential I will wait.
Etheryn I wonder if Savin will allow us to break Ryn end game if we side with Kas? Another idea that would be fun is fucking ryn in front of his locked up sister in the wayfort. Ryn is okay overall just a lot of missed opportunities.I know this thread is extremely divided on this issue but I still feel there should have been a route to make Ryn lose the dick or at the very least get a vagina. Pistols at dawn if you disagree I will take you on John Wick style

I wonder what will happen to a certain cat if we side with Kas would be fun to break her.
Fire bird is just pure disappointment the way they wrote this character ruined any potential she could have. What a waste of coding she turned out to be.

Atugia could have some of wildest sex scenes with a detachable head again wasted potential. Not sure who her writer is but they need to be a lot more creative with her sex scenes.
The only true male party member. Has zero personal growth and written by a hack. I would kill to have a broken fem boi foxy written by M0nte instead.
Currently for me only Brienne and Arona compare to my fav CoC companions/lovers. Ryn could bounce back as I like how Viv hinted they are very reliant on you which could lead to very satisfying break scenes later. Viv was a nice surprise as she is a corrupt character in a good way. I will keep my expectations low so I am not disappointed when they inevitably fuck up her potential as well.